hotpotroot = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot"; $CFG->hotpottemplate = "$CFG->hotpotroot/template"; if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $CFG->hotpotismobile = preg_match('/Alcatel|ATTWS|DoCoMo|Doris|Hutc3G|J-PHONE|Java|KDDI|KGT|LGE|MOT|Nokia|portalmmm|ReqwirelessWeb|SAGEM|SHARP|SIE-|SonyEricsson|Teleport|UP\.Browser|UPG1|Wapagsim/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } else { $CFG->hotpotismobile = false; } define("HOTPOT_JS", "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/hotpot-full.js"); define("HOTPOT_NO", "0"); define("HOTPOT_YES", "1"); define ("HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_QUIZ", "0"); define ("HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_FILENAME", "1"); define ("HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_FILEPATH", "2"); define ("HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_SPECIFIC", "3"); define("HOTPOT_LOCATION_COURSEFILES", "0"); define("HOTPOT_LOCATION_SITEFILES", "1"); $HOTPOT_LOCATION = array ( HOTPOT_LOCATION_COURSEFILES => get_string("coursefiles"), HOTPOT_LOCATION_SITEFILES => get_string("sitefiles"), ); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_BEST", "1"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V3", "10"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V4", "11"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5", "12"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5_PLUS", "13"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6", "14"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6_PLUS", "15"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_FLASH", "20"); define("HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_MOBILE", "30"); $HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT = array ( HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_BEST => get_string("outputformat_best", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6_PLUS => get_string("outputformat_v6_plus", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6 => get_string("outputformat_v6", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5_PLUS => get_string("outputformat_v5_plus", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5 => get_string("outputformat_v5", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V4 => get_string("outputformat_v4", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V3 => get_string("outputformat_v3", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_FLASH => get_string("outputformat_flash", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_MOBILE => get_string("outputformat_mobile", "hotpot"), ); $HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_DIR = array ( HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6_PLUS => 'v6', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V6 => 'v6', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5_PLUS => 'v5', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V5 => 'v5', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V4 => 'v4', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_V3 => 'v3', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_FLASH => 'flash', HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_MOBILE => 'mobile', ); foreach ($HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_DIR as $format=>$dir) { if (is_file("$CFG->hotpottemplate/$dir.php") && is_dir("$CFG->hotpottemplate/$dir")) { // do nothing ($format is available) } else { // $format is not available, so remove it unset($HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT[$format]); unset($HOTPOT_OUTPUTFORMAT_DIR[$format]); } } define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_BAR", "1"); define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_FRAME", "2"); define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_IFRAME", "3"); define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_BUTTONS", "4"); define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_GIVEUP", "5"); define("HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_NONE", "6"); $HOTPOT_NAVIGATION = array ( HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_BAR => get_string("navigation_bar", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_FRAME => get_string("navigation_frame", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_IFRAME => get_string("navigation_iframe", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_BUTTONS => get_string("navigation_buttons", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_GIVEUP => get_string("navigation_give_up", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_NAVIGATION_NONE => get_string("navigation_none", "hotpot"), ); define("HOTPOT_JCB", "1"); define("HOTPOT_JCLOZE", "2"); define("HOTPOT_JCROSS", "3"); define("HOTPOT_JMATCH", "4"); define("HOTPOT_JMIX", "5"); define("HOTPOT_JQUIZ", "6"); define("HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_RHUBARB", "7"); define("HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_SEQUITUR", "8"); $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE = array( HOTPOT_JCB => 'JCB', HOTPOT_JCLOZE => 'JCloze', HOTPOT_JCROSS => 'JCross', HOTPOT_JMATCH => 'JMatch', HOTPOT_JMIX => 'JMix', HOTPOT_JQUIZ => 'JQuiz', HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_RHUBARB => 'Rhubarb', HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_SEQUITUR => 'Sequitur' ); define("HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTICHOICE", "1"); define("HOTPOT_JQUIZ_SHORTANSWER", "2"); define("HOTPOT_JQUIZ_HYBRID", "3"); define("HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTISELECT", "4"); define("HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_HIGHEST", "1"); define("HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE", "2"); define("HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST", "3"); define("HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_LAST", "4"); $HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD = array ( HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_HIGHEST => get_string("gradehighest", "quiz"), HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE => get_string("gradeaverage", "quiz"), HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST => get_string("attemptfirst", "quiz"), HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_LAST => get_string("attemptlast", "quiz"), ); define("HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS", "1"); define("HOTPOT_STATUS_TIMEDOUT", "2"); define("HOTPOT_STATUS_ABANDONED", "3"); define("HOTPOT_STATUS_COMPLETED", "4"); $HOTPOT_STATUS = array ( HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS => get_string("inprogress", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_STATUS_TIMEDOUT => get_string("timedout", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_STATUS_ABANDONED => get_string("abandoned", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_STATUS_COMPLETED => get_string("completed", "hotpot"), ); define("HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_NONE", "0"); define("HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_WEBPAGE", "1"); define("HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_FORMMAIL", "2"); define("HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_MOODLEFORUM", "3"); define("HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_MOODLEMESSAGING", "4"); $HOTPOT_FEEDBACK = array ( HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_NONE => get_string("feedbacknone", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_WEBPAGE => get_string("feedbackwebpage", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_FORMMAIL => get_string("feedbackformmail", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_MOODLEFORUM => get_string("feedbackmoodleforum", "hotpot"), HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_MOODLEMESSAGING => get_string("feedbackmoodlemessaging", "hotpot"), ); if (empty($CFG->messaging)) { // Moodle 1.4 (and less) unset($HOTPOT_FEEDBACK[HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_MOODLEMESSAGING]); } define("HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_QUIZ", "0"); define("HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_COURSE", "1"); define("HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_INDEX", "2"); /** * If start and end date for the quiz are more than this many seconds apart * they will be represented by two separate events in the calendar */ define("HOTPOT_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH", "432000"); // 5 days maximum ////////////////////////////////// /// CORE FUNCTIONS // possible return values: // false: // display moderr.html (if exists) OR "Could not update" and return to couse view // string: // display as error message and return to course view // true (or non-zero number): // continue to $hotpot->redirect (if set) OR hotpot/view.php (to displsay quiz) // $hotpot is an object containing the values of the form in mod_form.php // i.e. all the fields in the 'hotpot' table, plus the following: // $hotpot->course : an id in the 'course' table // $hotpot->coursemodule : an id in the 'course_modules' table // $hotpot->section : an id in the 'course_sections' table // $hotpot->module : an id in the 'modules' table // $hotpot->modulename : always 'hotpot' // $hotpot->instance : an id in the 'hotpot' table // $hotpot->mode : 'add' or 'update' // $hotpot->sesskey : unique string required for Moodle's session management function hotpot_add_instance($hotpot) { global $DB; if (hotpot_set_form_values($hotpot)) { if ($result = $DB->insert_record('hotpot', $hotpot)) { $hotpot->id = $result; hotpot_update_events($hotpot); hotpot_grade_item_update($hotpot); } } else { $result= false; } return $result; } function hotpot_update_instance($hotpot) { global $DB; if (hotpot_set_form_values($hotpot)) { $hotpot->id = $hotpot->instance; if ($result = $DB->update_record('hotpot', $hotpot)) { hotpot_update_events($hotpot); hotpot_update_grades($hotpot); } } else { $result= false; } return $result; } function hotpot_update_events($hotpot) { global $DB; // remove any previous calendar events for this hotpot $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename'=>'hotpot', 'instance'=>$hotpot->id)); $event = new stdClass(); $event->description = $hotpot->summary; $event->courseid = $hotpot->course; $event->groupid = 0; $event->userid = 0; $event->modulename = 'hotpot'; $event->instance = $hotpot->id; $event->timestart = $hotpot->timeopen; if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('hotpot', $hotpot->id)) { $event->visible = hotpot_is_visible($cm); } else { $event->visible = 1; } if ($hotpot->timeclose && $hotpot->timeopen) { // we have both a start and an end date $event->eventtype = 'open'; $event->timeduration = ($hotpot->timeclose - $hotpot->timeopen); if ($event->timeduration > HOTPOT_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH) { /// Long durations create two events $event->name = $hotpot->name.' ('.get_string('hotpotopens', 'hotpot').')'; $event->timeduration = 0; add_event($event); $event->timestart = $hotpot->timeclose; $event->eventtype = 'close'; $event->name = $hotpot->name.' ('.get_string('hotpotcloses', 'hotpot').')'; unset($event->id); add_event($event); } else { // single event with duration $event->name = $hotpot->name; add_event($event); } } elseif ($hotpot->timeopen) { // only an open date $event->name = $hotpot->name.' ('.get_string('hotpotopens', 'hotpot').')'; $event->eventtype = 'open'; $event->timeduration = 0; add_event($event); } elseif ($hotpot->timeclose) { // only a closing date $event->name = $hotpot->name.' ('.get_string('hotpotcloses', 'hotpot').')'; $event->timestart = $hotpot->timeclose; $event->eventtype = 'close'; $event->timeduration = 0; add_event($event); } } function hotpot_set_form_values(&$hotpot) { $ok = true; $hotpot->errors = array(); // these will be reported by moderr.html if (empty($hotpot->reference)) { $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['reference']= get_string('error_nofilename', 'hotpot'); } if (empty($hotpot->studentfeedbackurl) || $hotpot->studentfeedbackurl=='http://') { $hotpot->studentfeedbackurl = ''; switch ($hotpot->studentfeedback) { case HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_WEBPAGE: $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['studentfeedbackurl']= get_string('error_nofeedbackurlwebpage', 'hotpot'); break; case HOTPOT_FEEDBACK_FORMMAIL: $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['studentfeedbackurl']= get_string('error_nofeedbackurlformmail', 'hotpot'); break; } } $time = time(); $hotpot->timecreated = $time; $hotpot->timemodified = $time; if (empty($hotpot->mode)) { // moodle 1.9 (from mod_form.lib) if ($hotpot->add) { $hotpot->mode = 'add'; } else if ($hotpot->update) { $hotpot->mode = 'update'; } else { $hotpot->mode = ''; } } if ($hotpot->quizchain==HOTPOT_YES) { switch ($hotpot->mode) { case 'add': $ok = hotpot_add_chain($hotpot); break; case 'update': $ok = hotpot_update_chain($hotpot); break; } } else { // $hotpot->quizchain==HOTPOT_NO hotpot_set_name_summary_reference($hotpot); } if (isset($hotpot->displaynext)) { switch ($hotpot->displaynext) { // N.B. redirection only works for Moodle 1.5+ case HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_COURSE: $hotpot->redirect = true; $hotpot->redirecturl = "view.php?id=$hotpot->course"; break; case HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_INDEX: $hotpot->redirect = true; $hotpot->redirecturl = "../mod/hotpot/index.php?id=$hotpot->course"; break; default: // use Moodle default action (i.e. go on to display the hotpot quiz) } } else { $hotpot->displaynext = HOTPOT_DISPLAYNEXT_QUIZ; } // if ($ok && $hotpot->setdefaults) { if ($ok) { set_user_preference('hotpot_timeopen', $hotpot->timeopen); set_user_preference('hotpot_timeclose', $hotpot->timeclose); set_user_preference('hotpot_navigation', $hotpot->navigation); set_user_preference('hotpot_outputformat', $hotpot->outputformat); set_user_preference('hotpot_studentfeedback', $hotpot->studentfeedback); set_user_preference('hotpot_studentfeedbackurl', $hotpot->studentfeedbackurl); set_user_preference('hotpot_forceplugins', $hotpot->forceplugins); set_user_preference('hotpot_shownextquiz', $hotpot->shownextquiz); set_user_preference('hotpot_review', $hotpot->review); set_user_preference('hotpot_grade', $hotpot->grade); set_user_preference('hotpot_grademethod', $hotpot->grademethod); set_user_preference('hotpot_attempts', $hotpot->attempts); set_user_preference('hotpot_subnet', $hotpot->subnet); set_user_preference('hotpot_displaynext', $hotpot->displaynext); if ($hotpot->mode=='add') { set_user_preference('hotpot_quizchain', $hotpot->quizchain); set_user_preference('hotpot_namesource', $hotpot->namesource); set_user_preference('hotpot_summarysource', $hotpot->summarysource); } } return $ok; } function hotpot_get_chain(&$cm) { global $DB; // get details of course_modules in this section $course_module_ids = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'sequence', array('id'=>$cm->section)); if (empty($course_module_ids)) { $hotpot_modules = array(); } else { $hotpot_modules = $DB->get_records_select('course_modules', "id IN ($course_module_ids) AND module=?", array($cm->module)); if (empty($hotpot_modules)) { $hotpot_modules = array(); } } // get ids of hotpot modules in this section $ids = array(); foreach ($hotpot_modules as $hotpot_module) { $ids[] = $hotpot_module->instance; } // get details of hotpots in this section if (empty($ids)) { $hotpots = array(); } else { $hotpots = $DB->get_records_list('hotpot', 'id', $ids); } $found = false; $chain = array(); // loop through course_modules in this section $ids = explode(',', $course_module_ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { // check this course_module is a hotpot activity if (isset($hotpot_modules[$id])) { // store details of this course module and hotpot activity $hotpot_id = $hotpot_modules[$id]->instance; $chain[$id] = &$hotpot_modules[$id]; $chain[$id]->hotpot = &$hotpots[$hotpot_id]; // set $found, if this is the course module we're looking for if (isset($cm->coursemodule)) { if ($id==$cm->coursemodule) { $found = true; } } else { if ($id==$cm->id) { $found = true; } } // is this the end of a chain if (empty($hotpots[$hotpot_id]->shownextquiz)) { if ($found) { break; // out of loop } else { // restart chain (target cm has not been found yet) $chain = array(); } } } } // end foreach $ids return $found ? $chain : false; } function hotpot_is_visible(&$cm) { global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB; // check grouping $modulecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if (empty($CFG->enablegroupings) || empty($cm->groupmembersonly) || has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modulecontext)) { // groupings not applicable } else if (!isguestuser() && groups_has_membership($cm)) { // user is in one of the groups in the allowed grouping } else { // user is not in the required grouping and does not have sufficiently privileges to view this hotpot activity return false; } // check if user can view hidden activities if (isset($COURSE->context)) { $coursecontext = &$COURSE->context; } else { $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $cm->course); } if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $coursecontext)) { return true; // user can view hidden activities } if (!isset($cm->sectionvisible)) { if (! $section = $DB->get_record('course_sections', array('id'=>$cm->section))) { print_error('invalidsection'); } $cm->sectionvisible = $section->visible; } if (empty($cm->sectionvisible)) { $visible = HOTPOT_NO; } else { $visible = HOTPOT_YES; if (empty($cm->visible)) { if ($chain = hotpot_get_chain($cm)) { $startofchain = array_shift($chain); $visible = $startofchain->visible; } } } return $visible; } function hotpot_add_chain(&$hotpot) { /// add a chain of hotpot actiivities global $CFG, $course, $DB; $ok = true; $hotpot->names = array(); $hotpot->summaries = array(); $hotpot->references = array(); $xml_quiz = new hotpot_xml_quiz($hotpot, false, false, false, false, false); if (isset($xml_quiz->error)) { $hotpot->errors['reference'] = $xml_quiz->error; $ok = false; } else if (is_dir($xml_quiz->filepath)) { // get list of hotpot files in this folder if ($dh = @opendir($xml_quiz->filepath)) { while (false !== ($file = @readdir($dh))) { if (preg_match('/\.(jbc|jcl|jcw|jmt|jmx|jqz|htm|html)$/', $file)) { $hotpot->references[] = "$xml_quiz->reference/$file"; } } closedir($dh); // get titles foreach ($hotpot->references as $i=>$reference) { $filepath = $xml_quiz->fileroot.'/'.$reference; hotpot_get_titles_and_next_ex($hotpot, $filepath); $hotpot->names[$i] = $hotpot->exercisetitle; $hotpot->summaries[$i] = $hotpot->exercisesubtitle; } } else { $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['reference'] = get_string('error_couldnotopenfolder', 'hotpot', $hotpot->reference); } } else if (is_file($xml_quiz->filepath)) { $filerootlength = strlen($xml_quiz->fileroot) + 1; while ($xml_quiz->filepath) { hotpot_get_titles_and_next_ex($hotpot, $xml_quiz->filepath, true); $hotpot->names[] = $hotpot->exercisetitle; $hotpot->summaries[] = $hotpot->exercisesubtitle; $hotpot->references[] = substr($xml_quiz->filepath, $filerootlength); if ($hotpot->nextexercise) { $filepath = $xml_quiz->fileroot.'/'.$xml_quiz->filesubdir.$hotpot->nextexercise; // check file is not already in chain $reference = substr($filepath, $filerootlength); if (in_array($reference, $hotpot->references)) { $filepath = ''; } } else { $filepath = ''; } if ($filepath && file_exists($filepath) && is_file($filepath) && is_readable($filepath)) { $xml_quiz->filepath = $filepath; } else { $xml_quiz->filepath = false; // finish while loop } } // end while } else { $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['reference'] = get_string('error_notfileorfolder', 'hotpot', $hotpot->reference); } if (empty($hotpot->references) && empty($hotpot->errors['reference'])) { $ok = false; $hotpot->errors['reference'] = get_string('error_noquizzesfound', 'hotpot', $hotpot->reference); } if ($ok) { $hotpot->visible = HOTPOT_YES; if (trim($hotpot->name)=='') { $hotpot->name = get_string("modulename", $hotpot->modulename); } $hotpot->specificname = $hotpot->name; $hotpot->specificsummary = $hotpot->summary; // add all except last activity in chain $i_max = count($hotpot->references)-1; for ($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { hotpot_set_name_summary_reference($hotpot, $i); $hotpot->reference = $hotpot->reference; if (!$hotpot->instance = $DB->insert_record("hotpot", $hotpot)) { print_error('cannotaddnewinstance', '', 'view.php?id='.$hotpot->course, $hotpot->modulename); } // store (hotpot table) id of start of chain if ($i==0) { $hotpot->startofchain = $hotpot->instance; } if (isset($course->groupmode)) { $hotpot->groupmode = $course->groupmode; } if (! $hotpot->coursemodule = add_course_module($hotpot)) { print_error('cannotaddcoursemodule'); } if (! $sectionid = add_mod_to_section($hotpot) ) { print_error('cannotaddcoursemoduletosection'); } $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'section', $sectionid, array("id"=>$hotpot->coursemodule)); add_to_log($hotpot->course, "course", "add mod", "../mod/$hotpot->modulename/view.php?id=$hotpot->coursemodule", "$hotpot->modulename $hotpot->instance" ); add_to_log($hotpot->course, $hotpot->modulename, "add", "view.php?id=$hotpot->coursemodule", "$hotpot->instance", $hotpot->coursemodule ); // hide tail of chain if ($hotpot->shownextquiz==HOTPOT_YES) { $hotpot->visible = HOTPOT_NO; } } // end for ($hotpot->references) // settings for final activity in chain hotpot_set_name_summary_reference($hotpot, $i); $hotpot->reference = $hotpot->references[$i]; $hotpot->shownextquiz = HOTPOT_NO; if (isset($hotpot->startofchain)) { // redirection only works for Moodle 1.5+ $hotpot->redirect = true; $hotpot->redirecturl = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/view.php?hp=$hotpot->startofchain"; } } // end if $ok return $ok; } function hotpot_set_name_summary_reference(&$hotpot, $chain_index=NULL) { $xml_quiz = NULL; $textfields = array('name', 'summary'); foreach ($textfields as $textfield) { $textsource = $textfield.'source'; // are we adding a chain? if (isset($chain_index)) { switch ($hotpot->$textsource) { case HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_QUIZ: if ($textfield=='name') { $hotpot->exercisetitle = $hotpot->names[$chain_index]; } else if ($textfield=='summary') { $hotpot->exercisesubtitle = $hotpot->summaries[$chain_index]; } break; case HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_SPECIFIC: $specifictext = 'specific'.$textfield; if (empty($hotpot->$specifictext) && trim($hotpot->$specifictext)=='') { $hotpot->$textfield = ''; } else { $hotpot->$textfield = $hotpot->$specifictext.' ('.($chain_index+1).')'; } break; } $hotpot->reference = $hotpot->references[$chain_index]; } if ($hotpot->$textsource==HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_QUIZ) { if (empty($xml_quiz) && !isset($chain_index)) { $xml_quiz = new hotpot_xml_quiz($hotpot, false, false, false, false, false); hotpot_get_titles_and_next_ex($hotpot, $xml_quiz->filepath); } if ($textfield=='name') { $hotpot->$textfield = $hotpot->exercisetitle; } else if ($textfield=='summary') { $hotpot->$textfield = $hotpot->exercisesubtitle; } } switch ($hotpot->$textsource) { case HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_FILENAME: $hotpot->$textfield = basename($hotpot->reference); break; case HOTPOT_TEXTSOURCE_FILEPATH: $hotpot->$textfield = ''; // continue to next lines default: if (empty($hotpot->$textfield)) { $hotpot->$textfield = str_replace('/', ' ', $hotpot->reference); } } // end switch } // end foreach } function hotpot_get_titles_and_next_ex(&$hotpot, $filepath, $get_next=false) { $hotpot->exercisetitle = ''; $hotpot->exercisesubtitle = ''; $hotpot->nextexercise = ''; // read the quiz file source if ($source = file_get_contents($filepath)) { $next = ''; $title = ''; $subtitle = ''; if (preg_match('|\.html?$|', $filepath)) { // html file if (preg_match('|]*class="ExerciseTitle"[^>]*>(.*?)|is', $source, $matches)) { $title = trim(strip_tags($matches[1])); } if (empty($title)) { if (preg_match('|]*>(.*?)|is', $source, $matches)) { $title = trim(strip_tags($matches[1])); } } if (preg_match('|]*class="ExerciseSubtitle"[^>]*>(.*?)|is', $source, $matches)) { $subtitle = trim(strip_tags($matches[1])); } if ($get_next) { if (preg_match('|]*class="NavButtonBar"[^>]*>(.*?)|is', $source, $matches)) { $navbuttonbar = $matches[1]; if (preg_match_all('|]*class="NavButton"[^>]*onclick="'."location='([^']*)'".'[^"]*"[^>]*>|is', $navbuttonbar, $matches)) { $lastbutton = count($matches[0])-1; $next = $matches[1][$lastbutton]; } } } } else { // xml file (...maybe) $xml_tree = new hotpot_xml_tree($source); $xml_tree->filetype = ''; $keys = array_keys($xml_tree->xml); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (preg_match('/^(hotpot|textoys)-(\w+)-file$/i', $key, $matches)) { $xml_tree->filetype = 'xml'; $xml_tree->xml_root = "['$key']['#']"; $xml_tree->quiztype = strtolower($matches[2]); break; } } if ($xml_tree->filetype=='xml') { $title = strip_tags($xml_tree->xml_value('data,title')); $subtitle = $xml_tree->xml_value('hotpot-config-file,'.$xml_tree->quiztype.',exercise-subtitle'); if ($get_next) { $include = $xml_tree->xml_value('hotpot-config-file,global,include-next-ex'); if (!empty($include)) { $next = $xml_tree->xml_value("hotpot-config-file,$xml_tree->quiztype,next-ex-url"); if (is_array($next)) { $next = $next[0]; // in case "next-ex-url" was repeated in the xml file } } } } } $hotpot->nextexercise = $next; $hotpot->exercisetitle = (empty($title) || is_array($title)) ? basename($filepath) : $title; $hotpot->exercisesubtitle = (empty($subtitle) || is_array($subtitle)) ? $hotpot->exercisetitle : $subtitle; } } function hotpot_get_all_instances_in_course($modulename, $course) { /// called from index.php global $CFG, $DB; $instances = array(); $query = " SELECT AS coursemodule, cm.course AS course, cm.module AS module, cm.instance AS instance, -- cm.section AS section, cm.visible AS visible, cm.groupmode, -- cs.section AS sectionnumber, cs.section AS section, cs.sequence AS sequence, cs.visible AS sectionvisible, thismodule.* FROM {course_modules} cm, {course_sections} cs, {modules} m, {".$modulename."} thismodule WHERE = :modulename AND = cm.module AND cm.course = :courseid AND cm.section = AND cm.instance = "; $params = array('modulename'=>$modulename, 'courseid'=>$course->id); if ($rawmods = $DB->get_records_sql($query, $params)) { // cache $isteacher setting $isteacher = has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)); $explodesection = array(); $order = array(); foreach ($rawmods as $rawmod) { if (empty($explodesection[$rawmod->section])) { $explodesection[$rawmod->section] = true; $coursemodules = explode(',', $rawmod->sequence); foreach ($coursemodules as $i=>$coursemodule) { $order[$coursemodule] = sprintf('%d.%04d', $rawmod->section, $i); } } if ($isteacher) { $visible = true; } else if ($modulename=='hotpot') { $visible = hotpot_is_visible($rawmod); } else { $visible = $rawmod->visible; } if ($visible) { $instances[$order[$rawmod->coursemodule]] = $rawmod; } } // end foreach $modinfo ksort($instances); $instances = array_values($instances); } return $instances; } function hotpot_update_chain(&$hotpot) { /// update a chain of hotpot actiivities global $DB; $ok = true; if ($hotpot_modules = hotpot_get_chain($hotpot)) { // skip updating of these fields $skipfields = array('id', 'course', 'name', 'reference', 'summary', 'shownextquiz'); $fields = array(); foreach ($hotpot_modules as $hotpot_module) { if ($hotpot->instance==$hotpot_module->id) { // don't need to update this hotpot } else { // shortcut to hotpot record $thishotpot = &$hotpot_module->hotpot; // get a list of fields to update (first time only) if (empty($fields)) { $fields = array_keys(get_object_vars($thishotpot)); } // assume update is NOT required $require_update = false; // update field values (except $skipfields) foreach($fields as $field) { if (in_array($field, $skipfields) || $thishotpot->$field==$hotpot->$field) { // update not required for this field } else { $require_update = true; $thishotpot->$field = $hotpot->$field; } } // update $thishotpot, if required if ($require_update && !$DB->update_record("hotpot", $thishotpot)) { print_error('cannotupdatemod', '', 'view.php?id='.$hotpot->course, $hotpot->modulename); } } } // end foreach $ids } return $ok; } function hotpot_delete_instance($id) { global $DB; /// Given an ID of an instance of this module, /// this function will permanently delete the instance /// and any data that depends on it. if (! $hotpot = $DB->get_record("hotpot", array("id"=>$id))) { return false; } if (! $DB->delete_records("hotpot", array("id"=>$id))) { return false; } $DB->delete_records("hotpot_questions", array("hotpot"=>$id)); if ($attempts = $DB->get_records("hotpot_attempts", array("hotpot"=>$id))) { $ids = implode(',', array_keys($attempts)); $DB->delete_records_select("hotpot_attempts", "id IN ($ids)"); $DB->delete_records_select("hotpot_details", "attempt IN ($ids)"); $DB->delete_records_select("hotpot_responses", "attempt IN ($ids)"); } // remove calendar events for this hotpot $DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename'=>'hotpot', 'instance'=>$id)); // remove grade item for this hotpot hotpot_grade_item_delete($hotpot); return true; } function hotpot_delete_and_notify($table, $select, $params, $strtable) { global $DB; $count = max(0, $DB->count_records_select($table, $select, $params)); if ($count) { $DB->delete_records_select($table, $select, $params); $count -= max(0, $DB->count_records_select($table, $select, $params)); if ($count) { notify(get_string('deleted')." $count x $strtable"); } } } function hotpot_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $hotpot) { /// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with /// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. $report = hotpot_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $hotpot); if (empty($report)) { print get_string("noactivity", "hotpot"); } else { $date = userdate($report->time, get_string('strftimerecentfull')); print $report->info.' '.get_string('mostrecently').': '.$date; } return true; } function hotpot_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $hotpot) { /// Return a small object with summary information about what a /// user has done with a given particular instance of this module /// Used for user activity reports. /// $report->time = the time they did it /// $report->info = a short text description global $DB; $report = NULL; if ($records = $DB->get_records("hotpot_attempts", array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id, 'userid'=>$user->id), "timestart ASC", "*")) { $report = new stdClass(); $scores = array(); foreach ($records as $record){ if (empty($report->time)) { $report->time = $record->timestart; } $scores[] = hotpot_format_score($record); } if (empty($scores)) { $report->time = 0; $report->info = get_string('noactivity', 'hotpot'); } else { $report->info = get_string('score', 'quiz').': '.implode(', ', $scores); } } return $report; } function hotpot_format_score($record, $undefined=' ') { if (isset($record->score)) { $score = $record->score; } else { $score = $undefined; } return $score; } function hotpot_format_status($record, $undefined=' ') { global $HOTPOT_STATUS; if (isset($record->status) || isset($HOTPOT_STATUS[$record->status])) { $status = $HOTPOT_STATUS[$record->status]; } else { $status = $undefined; } return $status; } function hotpot_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) { /// Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity /// that has occurred in hotpot activities and print it out. /// Return true if there was output, or false is there was none. global $CFG, $DB; $result = false; $records = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT AS id, AS name, COUNT(*) AS count_attempts FROM {hotpot} h, {hotpot_attempts} a WHERE h.course = ? AND = a.hotpot AND = a.clickreportid AND a.starttime > ? GROUP BY, ", array($course->id, $timestart)); // note that PostGreSQL requires in the GROUP BY clause if($records) { $names = array(); foreach ($records as $id => $record){ if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('hotpot', $record->id, $course->id)) { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport', $context)) { $href = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/view.php?hp=$id"; $name = ' '.$record->name.''; if ($record->count_attempts > 1) { $name .= " ($record->count_attempts)"; } $names[] = $name; } } } if (count($names) > 0) { print_headline(get_string('modulenameplural', 'hotpot').':'); if ($CFG->version >= 2005050500) { // Moodle 1.5+ echo '
', $names).'
'; } else { // Moodle 1.4.x (or less) echo ''.implode('
', $names).'
'; } $result = true; } } return $result; // True if anything was printed, otherwise false } function hotpot_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $sincetime, $courseid, $cmid="", $userid="", $groupid="") { // Returns all quizzes since a given time. global $CFG, $DB; // If $cmid or $userid are specified, then this restricts the results $cm_select = empty($cmid) ? "" : " AND = :cmid"; $user_select = empty($userid) ? "" : " AND = :userid"; $params = array('cmid'=>$cmid, 'userid'=>$userid, 'sincetime'=>$sincetime, 'courseid'=>$courseid); $records = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT a.*,, h.course, cm.instance, cm.section, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture FROM {hotpot_attempts} a, {hotpot} h, {course_modules} cm, {user} u WHERE a.timefinish > :sincetime AND = a.clickreportid AND a.userid = $user_select AND a.hotpot = $cm_select AND cm.instance = AND cm.course = :courseid AND h.course = cm.course ORDER BY a.timefinish ASC ", $params); if (!empty($records)) { foreach ($records as $record) { if (empty($groupid) || groups_is_member($groupid, $record->userid)) { $activity = new object(); $activity->type = "hotpot"; $activity->defaultindex = $index; $activity->instance = $record->hotpot; $activity->name = $record->name; $activity->section = $record->section; $activity->content->attemptid = $record->id; $activity->content->attempt = $record->attempt; $activity->content->score = $record->score; $activity->content->timestart = $record->timestart; $activity->content->timefinish = $record->timefinish; $activity->user->userid = $record->userid; $activity->user->fullname = fullname($record); $activity->user->picture = $record->picture; $activity->timestamp = $record->timefinish; $activities[] = $activity; $index++; } } // end foreach } } function hotpot_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $course, $detail=false) { /// Basically, this function prints the results of "hotpot_get_recent_activity" global $CFG, $THEME, $USER; if (isset($THEME->cellcontent2)) { $bgcolor = ' bgcolor="'.$THEME->cellcontent2.'"'; } else { $bgcolor = ''; } print ''; print ''; print_user_picture($activity->user->userid, $course, $activity->user->picture); print '"; print "
'; if ($detail) { // activity icon $src = "$CFG->modpixpath/$activity->type/icon.gif"; print ''.$activity->type.' '; // link to activity $href = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/view.php?hp=$activity->instance"; print ''.$activity->name.' - '; } if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport',get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course))) { // score (with link to attempt details) $href = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/review.php?hp=$activity->instance&attempt=".$activity->content->attemptid; print '('.hotpot_format_score($activity->content).') '; // attempt number print get_string('attempt', 'quiz').' - '.$activity->content->attempt.'
'; } // link to user $href = "$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$activity->user->userid&course=$course"; print ''.$activity->user->fullname.' '; // time and date print ' - ' . userdate($activity->timestamp); // duration $duration = format_time($activity->content->timestart - $activity->content->timefinish); print "   ($duration)"; print "
"; } function hotpot_cron () { /// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron /// This function searches for things that need to be done, such /// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ... return true; } function hotpot_grades($hotpotid) { /// Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module, /// indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade. global $DB; $hotpot = $DB->get_record('hotpot', array('id'=>$hotpotid)); $return = new object(); $return->grades = hotpot_get_grades($hotpot); $return->maxgrade = $hotpot->grade; return $return; } function hotpot_get_grades($hotpot, $user_ids='') { global $CFG, $DB; $grades = array(); $weighting = $hotpot->grade / 100; $precision = hotpot_get_precision($hotpot); // set the SQL string to determine the $grade $grade = ""; switch ($hotpot->grademethod) { case HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_HIGHEST: $grade = "ROUND(MAX(score) * $weighting, $precision) AS grade"; break; case HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE: // the 'AVG' function skips abandoned quizzes, so use SUM(score)/COUNT(id) $grade = "ROUND(SUM(score)/COUNT(id) * $weighting, $precision) AS grade"; break; case HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST: $grade = "ROUND(score * $weighting, $precision)"; $grade = $DB->sql_concat('timestart', "'_'", $grade); $grade = "MIN($grade) AS grade"; break; case HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_LAST: $grade = "ROUND(score * $weighting, $precision)"; $grade = $DB->sql_concat('timestart', "'_'", $grade); $grade = "MAX($grade) AS grade"; break; } if ($grade) { $userid_condition = empty($user_ids) ? '' : "AND userid IN ($user_ids) "; $grades = $DB->get_records_sql_menu(" SELECT userid, $grade FROM {hotpot_attempts} WHERE timefinish>0 AND hotpot=:hid $userid_condition GROUP BY userid ", array('hid'=>$hotpot->id)); if ($grades) { if ($hotpot->grademethod==HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_FIRST || $hotpot->grademethod==HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_LAST) { // remove left hand characters in $grade (up to and including the underscore) foreach ($grades as $userid=>$grade) { $grades[$userid] = substr($grades[$userid], strpos($grades[$userid], '_')+1); } } } } return $grades; } function hotpot_get_precision(&$hotpot) { return ($hotpot->grademethod==HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD_AVERAGE || $hotpot->grade<100) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Return grade for given user or all users. * * @param object $hotpot * @param int $userid optional user id, 0 means all users * @return array array of grades, false if none */ function hotpot_get_user_grades($hotpot, $userid=0) { $grades = array(); if ($hotpotgrades = hotpot_get_grades($hotpot, $userid)) { foreach ($hotpotgrades as $hotpotuserid => $hotpotgrade) { $grades[$hotpotuserid] = new stdClass(); $grades[$hotpotuserid]->id = $hotpotuserid; $grades[$hotpotuserid]->userid = $hotpotuserid; $grades[$hotpotuserid]->rawgrade = $hotpotgrade; } } if (count($grades)) { return $grades; } else { return false; } } /** * Update grades in central gradebook * @param object $hotpot * @param int $userid specific user only, 0 means all users */ function hotpot_update_grades($hotpot, $userid=0, $nullifnone=true) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); // update (=create) grade for a single hotpot if ($grades = hotpot_get_user_grades($hotpot, $userid)) { hotpot_grade_item_update($hotpot, $grades); } else if ($userid && $nullifnone) { // no grades for this user, but we must force the creation of a "null" grade record $grade = new object(); $grade->userid = $userid; $grade->rawgrade = null; hotpot_grade_item_update($hotpot, $grade); } else { // no grades and no userid hotpot_grade_item_update($hotpot); } } /** * Update all grades in gradebook. * this function is called from db/upgrade.php * it iterates through the hotpots, calling hotpot_update_grades() to create a grade record for each hotpot */ function hotpot_upgrade_grades() { global $DB; // upgrade (=create) grades for all hotpots $sql = " SELECT COUNT('x') FROM {hotpot} h, {course_modules} cm, {modules} m WHERE'hotpot' AND AND"; $count = $DB->count_records_sql($sql); $sql = " SELECT h.*, cm.idnumber AS cmidnumber FROM {hotpot} h, {course_modules} cm, {modules} m WHERE'hotpot' AND AND"; if ($rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql)) { // too much debug output $pbar = new progress_bar('hotpotupgradegrades', 500, true); $i=0; foreach ($rs as $hotpot) { $i++; upgrade_set_timeout(60*5); // set up timeout, may also abort execution hotpot_update_grades($hotpot, 0, false); $pbar->update($i, $count, "Updating Hotpot grades ($i/$count)."); } $rs->close(); } } /** * Update/create grade item for given hotpot * * @param object $hotpot object with extra cmidnumber * @param mixed optional array/object of grade(s); 'reset' means reset grades in gradebook * @return object grade_item */ function hotpot_grade_item_update($hotpot, $grades=null) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); $params = array('itemname' => $hotpot->name); if (array_key_exists('cmidnumber', $hotpot)) { //cmidnumber may not be always present $params['idnumber'] = $hotpot->cmidnumber; } if ($hotpot->grade > 0) { $params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $params['grademax'] = $hotpot->grade; $params['grademin'] = 0; } else { $params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_NONE; } return grade_update('mod/hotpot', $hotpot->course, 'mod', 'hotpot', $hotpot->id, 0, $grades, $params); } /** * Delete grade item for given hotpot * * @param object $hotpot object * @return object grade_item */ function hotpot_grade_item_delete($hotpot) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); return grade_update('mod/hotpot', $hotpot->course, 'mod', 'hotpot', $hotpot->id, 0, null, array('deleted'=>1)); } function hotpot_get_participants($hotpotid) { //Must return an array of user ids who are participants //for a given instance of hotpot. Must include every user involved //in the instance, independient of his role (student, teacher, admin...) //See other modules as example. global $DB; return $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT DISTINCT, FROM {user} u, {hotpot_attempts} a WHERE = a.userid AND a.hotpot = ? ", array($hotpotid)); } function hotpot_scale_used ($hotpotid, $scaleid) { //This function returns if a scale is being used by one hotpot //it it has support for grading and scales. Commented code should be //modified if necessary. See forum, glossary or journal modules //as reference. $report = false; //$rec = $DB->get_record("hotpot", array("id"=>"$hotpotid","scale"=>-$scaleid)); // //if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) { // $report = true; //} return $report; } /** * Checks if scale is being used by any instance of hotpot * * This is used to find out if scale used anywhere * @param $scaleid int * @return boolean True if the scale is used by any hotpot */ function hotpot_scale_used_anywhere($scaleid) { return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Any other hotpot functions go here. /// Each of them must have a name that starts with hotpot function hotpot_add_attempt($hotpotid) { global $DB, $CFG, $USER; // get start time of this attempt $time = time(); // set all previous "in progress" attempts at this quiz to "abandoned" if ($attempts = $DB->get_records('hotpot_attempts', array('hotpot'=>$hotpotid, 'userid'=>$USER->id, 'status'=>HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS))) { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { if ($attempt->timefinish==0) { $attempt->timefinish = $time; } if ($attempt->clickreportid==0) { $attempt->clickreportid = $attempt->id; } $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_ABANDONED; $DB->update_record('hotpot_attempts', $attempt); } } // create and add new attempt record $attempt = new stdClass(); $attempt->hotpot = $hotpotid; $attempt->userid = $USER->id; $attempt->attempt = hotpot_get_next_attempt($hotpotid); $attempt->timestart = $time; return $DB->insert_record("hotpot_attempts", $attempt); } function hotpot_get_next_attempt($hotpotid) { global $USER, $DB; // get max attempt so far $i = $DB->count_records_select('hotpot_attempts', "hotpot=? AND userid=?", array($hotpotid, $USER->id), 'MAX(attempt)'); return empty($i) ? 1 : ($i+1); } function hotpot_get_question_name($question) { $name = ''; if (isset($question->text)) { $name = hotpot_strings($question->text); } if (empty($name)) { $name = $question->name; } return $name; } function hotpot_strings($ids) { global $DB; // array of ids of empty strings static $HOTPOT_EMPTYSTRINGS; if (!isset($HOTPOT_EMPTYSTRINGS)) { // first time only // get ids of empty strings $emptystrings = $DB->get_records_select('hotpot_strings', 'LENGTH(TRIM(string))=0'); $HOTPOT_EMPTYSTRINGS = empty($emptystrings) ? array() : array_keys($emptystrings); } $strings = array(); if (!empty($ids)) { $ids = explode(',', $ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $HOTPOT_EMPTYSTRINGS)) { $strings[] = hotpot_string($id); } } } return implode(',', $strings); } function hotpot_string($id) { global $DB; return $DB->get_field('hotpot_strings', 'string', array('id'=>$id)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// the class definitions to handle XML trees // get the standard XML parser supplied with Moodle require_once("$CFG->libdir/xmlize.php"); // get the default class for hotpot quiz templates require_once("$CFG->hotpottemplate/default.php"); class hotpot_xml_tree { function hotpot_xml_tree($str, $xml_root='') { if (empty($str)) { $this->xml = array(); } else { $this->xml = xmlize($str, 0); } $this->xml_root = $xml_root; } function xml_value($tags, $more_tags="[0]['#']") { $tags = empty($tags) ? '' : "['".str_replace(",", "'][0]['#']['", $tags)."']"; eval('$value = &$this->xml'.$this->xml_root.$tags.$more_tags.';'); if (is_string($value)) { // decode angle brackets $value = strtr($value, array('<'=>'<', '>'=>'>', '&'=>'&')); // remove white space between , and parts // (so it doesn't get converted to
) $htmltags = '(' . 'TABLE|/?CAPTION|/?COL|/?COLGROUP|/?TBODY|/?TFOOT|/?THEAD|/?TD|/?TH|/?TR' . '|OL|UL|/?LI' . '|DL|/?DT|/?DD' . '|EMBED|OBJECT|APPLET|/?PARAM' //. '|SELECT|/?OPTION' //. '|FIELDSET|/?LEGEND' //. '|FRAMESET|/?FRAME' . ')' ; $space = '(\s|(]*>))+'; $search = '#(<'.$htmltags.'[^>]*'.'>)'.$space.'(?='.'<)#is'; $value = preg_replace($search, '\\1', $value); // replace remaining newlines with
$value = str_replace("\n", '
', $value); // encode unicode characters as HTML entities // (in particular, accented charaters that have not been encoded by HP) // unicode characters can be detected by checking the hex value of a character // 00 - 7F : ascii char (roman alphabet + punctuation) // 80 - BF : byte 2, 3 or 4 of a unicode char // C0 - DF : 1st byte of 2-byte char // E0 - EF : 1st byte of 3-byte char // F0 - FF : 1st byte of 4-byte char // if the string doesn't match the above, it might be // 80 - FF : single-byte, non-ascii char $search = '#('.'[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]'.'|'.'[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}'.'|'.'[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}'.'|'.'[\x80-\xff]'.')#se'; $value = preg_replace($search, "hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity('\\1')", $value); } return $value; } function xml_values($tags) { $i = 0; $values = array(); while ($value = $this->xml_value($tags, "[$i]['#']")) { $values[$i++] = $value; } return $values; } function obj_value(&$obj, $name) { return is_object($obj) ? @$obj->$name : (is_array($obj) ? @$obj[$name] : NULL); } function encode_cdata(&$str, $tag) { // conversion tables static $HTML_ENTITIES = array( ''' => "'", '"' => '"', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '&' => '&', ); static $ILLEGAL_STRINGS = array( "\r\n" => '<br />', "\r" => '<br />', "\n" => '<br />', '[' => '[', ']' => ']' ); // extract the $tag from the $str(ing), if possible $pattern = '|(^.*<'.$tag.'[^>]*)(>.*<)(/'.$tag.'>.*$)|is'; if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)) { // encode problematic CDATA chars and strings $matches[2] = strtr($matches[2], $ILLEGAL_STRINGS); // if there are any ampersands in "open text" // surround them by CDATA start and end markers // (and convert HTML entities to plain text) $search = '/>([^<]*&[^<]*)read_file = $read_file; $this->parse_xml = $parse_xml; $this->convert_urls = $convert_urls; $this->report_errors = $report_errors; $this->create_html = $create_html; // extract fields from $obj // course : the course id // reference : the filename within the files folder // location : "site" files folder or "course" files folder // navigation : type of navigation required in quiz // forceplugins : force Moodle compatible media players $this->course = $this->obj_value($obj, 'course'); $this->reference = $this->obj_value($obj, 'reference'); $this->location = $this->obj_value($obj, 'location'); $this->navigation = $this->obj_value($obj, 'navigation'); $this->forceplugins = $this->obj_value($obj, 'forceplugins'); // can't continue if there is no course or reference if (empty($this->course) || empty($this->reference)) { if ($this->report_errors) { print_error('error_nocourseorfilename', 'hotpot'); } return; } $this->course_homeurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$this->course"; // set filedir, filename and filepath switch ($this->location) { case HOTPOT_LOCATION_SITEFILES: $site = get_site(); $this->filedir = $site->id; break; case HOTPOT_LOCATION_COURSEFILES: default: $this->filedir = $this->course; break; } $this->filesubdir = dirname($this->reference); if ($this->filesubdir=='.') { $this->filesubdir = ''; } if ($this->filesubdir) { $this->filesubdir .= '/'; } $this->filename = basename($this->reference); $this->fileroot = "$CFG->dataroot/$this->filedir"; $this->filepath = "$this->fileroot/$this->reference"; // read the file, if required if ($this->read_file) { if (!file_exists($this->filepath) || !is_readable($this->filepath)) { if ($this->report_errors) { print_error('error_couldnotopensourcefile', 'hotpot'); } return; } // read in the XML source $this->source = file_get_contents($this->filepath); // convert relative URLs to absolute URLs if ($this->convert_urls) { $this->hotpot_convert_relative_urls($this->source); } $this->html = ''; $this->quiztype = ''; $this->outputformat = 0; // is this an html file? if (preg_match('|\.html?$|', $this->filename)) { $this->filetype = 'html'; $this->html = &$this->source; // relative URLs in stylesheets $search = '|'.'(]*>)'.'(.*?)'.'()'.'|ise'; $replace = "hotpot_stripslashes('\\1').hotpot_convert_stylesheets_urls('".$this->get_baseurl()."','".$this->reference."','\\2'.'\\3')"; $this->source = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->source); // relative URLs in "PreloadImages(...);" $search = '|'.'(?<='.'PreloadImages'.'\('.')'."([^)]+?)".'(?='.'\);'.')'.'|se'; $replace = "hotpot_convert_preloadimages_urls('".$this->get_baseurl()."','".$this->reference."','\\1')"; $this->source = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->source); // relative URLs in ' ; $this->insert_form($startblock, $endblock, $form_name, $form_fields, $keep_contents, true); } function insert_form($startblock, $endblock, $form_name, $form_fields, $keep_contents, $center=false, $targetframe='') { global $CFG; $search = '#('.preg_quote($startblock).')(.*?)('.preg_quote($endblock).')#s'; $replace = $form_fields; if ($keep_contents) { $replace .= '\\2'; } if ($targetframe) { $frametarget = ' target="'.$targetframe.'"'; } else { $frametarget = $CFG->frametarget; } if ($form_name) { $replace = ''.$replace.''; } if ($center) { $replace = '
'; } $replace = '\\1'.$replace.'\\3'; $this->html = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->html, 1); } function insert_message($start_str, $message, $color='red', $align='center') { $message = '


\n"; $this->html = preg_replace('|'.preg_quote($start_str).'|', $start_str.$message, $this->html, 1); } function adjust_media_urls() { if ($this->forceplugins) { // make sure the Moodle media plugin is available global $CFG; //include_once "$CFG->dirroot/filter/mediaplugin/filter.php"; include_once "$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot/mediaplayers/moodle/filter.php"; $space = '\s(?:.+\s)?'; $quote = '["'."']?"; // single, double, or no quote // patterns to media files types and paths $filetype = "avi|mpeg|mpg|mp3|mov|wmv|swf|flv"; $filepath = ".*?\.($filetype)"; $tagopen = '(?:(<)|(\\\\u003C))'; // left angle-bracket (uses two parenthese) $tagclose = '(?(1)>|(?(2)\\\\u003E))'; // right angle-bracket (to match the left one) $tagreopen = '(?(1)<|(?(2)\\\\u003C))'; // another left angle-bracket (to match the first one) // pattern to match tags which contain the file path // wmp : url // quicktime : src // realplayer : src // flash : movie (doesn't need replacing) $param_url = "/{$tagopen}param{$space}name=$quote(?:movie|src|url)$quote{$space}value=$quote($filepath)$quote.*?$tagclose/is"; // pattern to match tags which link to multimedia files $link_url = "/{$tagopen}a{$space}href=$quote($filepath)$quote.*?$tagclose.*?$tagreopen\/a$tagclose/is"; // extract tags preg_match_all("/{$tagopen}object.*?{$tagclose}(.*?)(?:{$tagreopen}\/object{$tagclose})+/is", $this->html, $objects); $i_max = count($objects[0]); for ($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) { // extract URL from or $url = ''; if (preg_match($param_url, $objects[3][$i], $matches) || preg_match($link_url, $objects[3][$i], $matches)) { $url = $matches[3]; } if ($url) { // strip inner tags (e.g. ) $txt = preg_replace("/$tagopen.*?$tagclose/", '', $objects[3][$i]); // if url is in the query string, remove the leading characters $url = preg_replace('/^[^?]*\?([^=]+=[^&]*&)*[^=]+=([^&]*)$/', '$2', $url, 1); $link = ''.$txt.''; $new_object = hotpot_mediaplayer_moodle($this, $link); $new_object = str_replace($link, '', $new_object); $new_object = str_replace('&', '&', $new_object); $this->html = str_replace($objects[0][$i], $new_object, $this->html); } } } } } // end class function hotpot_stripslashes($str) { // strip slashes from double quotes, single quotes and back slashes // the slashes were added by preg_replace() when using the "e" modifier static $escapedchars = array('\\\\', '\\"', "\\'"); static $unescapedchars = array('\\', '"', "'"); return str_replace($escapedchars, $unescapedchars, $str); } function hotpot_convert_stylesheets_urls($baseurl, $reference, $css, $stripslashes=true) { if ($stripslashes) { $css = hotpot_stripslashes($css); } $search = '|'.'(?<='.'url'.'\('.')'."(.+?)".'(?='.'\)'.')'.'|ise'; $replace = "hotpot_convert_url('".$baseurl."','".$reference."','\\1')"; return preg_replace($search, $replace, $css); } function hotpot_convert_preloadimages_urls($baseurl, $reference, $urls, $stripslashes=true) { if ($stripslashes) { $urls = hotpot_stripslashes($urls); } $search = '|(?<=["'."'])([^,'".'"]*?)(?=["'."'])|ise"; $replace = "hotpot_convert_url('".$baseurl."','".$reference."','\\1')"; return preg_replace($search, $replace, $urls); } function hotpot_convert_navbutton_url($baseurl, $reference, $url, $course, $stripslashes=true) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($stripslashes) { $url = hotpot_stripslashes($url); } $url = hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $reference, $url, false); // is this a $url for another hotpot in this course ? if (preg_match("|^".preg_quote($baseurl)."(.*)$|", $url, $matches)) { if ($records = $DB->get_records('hotpot', array('course'=>$course, 'reference'=>$matches[1]))) { $ids = array_keys($records); $url = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/view.php?hp=".$ids[0]; } } return $url; } function hotpot_convert_relative_url($baseurl, $reference, $opentag, $url, $closetag, $stripslashes=true) { if ($stripslashes) { $opentag = hotpot_stripslashes($opentag); $url = hotpot_stripslashes($url); $closetag = hotpot_stripslashes($closetag); } // catch // ampersands can appear as "&", "&" or "&#x0026;amp;" if (preg_match('|^'.'\w+=[^&]+'.'('.'&((amp;#x0026;)?amp;)?'.'\w+=[^&]+)*'.'$|', $url)) { $query = $url; $url = ''; $fragment = ''; // parse the $url into $matches // [1] path // [2] query string, if any // [3] anchor fragment, if any } else if (preg_match('|^'.'([^?]*)'.'((?:\\?[^#]*)?)'.'((?:#.*)?)'.'$|', $url, $matches)) { $url = $matches[1]; $query = $matches[2]; $fragment = $matches[3]; // these appears to be no query or fragment in this url } else { $query = ''; $fragment = ''; } if ($url) { $url = hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $reference, $url, false); } if ($query) { $search = '#'.'(file|src|thesound|mp3)='."([^&]+)".'#ise'; $replace = "'\\1='.hotpot_convert_url('".$baseurl."','".$reference."','\\2')"; $query = preg_replace($search, $replace, $query); } $url = $opentag.$url.$query.$fragment.$closetag; return $url; } function hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $reference, $url, $stripslashes=true) { // maintain a cache of converted urls static $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS = array(); if ($stripslashes) { $url = hotpot_stripslashes($url); } // is this an absolute url? (or javascript pseudo url) if (preg_match('%^(http://|/|javascript:)%i', $url)) { // do nothing // has this relative url already been converted? } else if (isset($HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$url])) { $url = $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$url]; } else { $relativeurl = $url; // get the subdirectory, $dir, of the quiz $reference $dir = dirname($reference); // allow for leading "./" and "../" while (preg_match('|^(\.{1,2})/(.*)$|', $url, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]=='..') { $dir = dirname($dir); } $url = $matches[2]; } // add subdirectory, $dir, to $baseurl, if necessary if ($dir && $dir<>'.') { $baseurl .= "$dir/"; } // prefix $url with $baseurl $url = "$baseurl$url"; // add url to cache $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$relativeurl] = $url; } return $url; } // =================================================== // function for adding attempt questions and responses // =================================================== function hotpot_add_attempt_details(&$attempt) { // encode ampersands so that HTML entities are preserved in the XML parser // N.B. ampersands inside blocks do NOT need to be encoded $old = &$attempt->details; // shortcut to "old" details $new = ''; $str_start = 0; while (($cdata_start = strpos($old, '', $cdata_start))) { $cdata_end += 3; $new .= str_replace('&', '&', substr($old, $str_start, $cdata_start-$str_start)).substr($old, $cdata_start, $cdata_end-$cdata_start); $str_start = $cdata_end; } $new .= str_replace('&', '&', substr($old, $str_start)); unset($old); // parse the attempt details as xml $details = new hotpot_xml_tree($new, "['hpjsresult']['#']"); $num = -1; $q_num = -1; $question = NULL; $reponse = NULL; $i = 0; $tags = 'fields,field'; while (($field="[$i]['#']") && $details->xml_value($tags, $field)) { $name = $details->xml_value($tags, $field."['fieldname'][0]['#']"); $data = $details->xml_value($tags, $field."['fielddata'][0]['#']"); // parse the field name into $matches // [1] quiz type // [2] attempt detail name if (preg_match('/^(\w+?)_(\w+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $quiztype = strtolower($matches[1]); $name = strtolower($matches[2]); // parse the attempt detail $name into $matches // [1] question number // [2] question detail name if (preg_match('/^q(\d+)_(\w+)$/', $name, $matches)) { $num = $matches[1]; $name = strtolower($matches[2]); $data = addslashes($data); // adjust JCross question numbers if (preg_match('/^(across|down)(.*)$/', $name, $matches)) { $num .= '_'.$matches[1]; // e.g. 01_across, 02_down $name = $matches[2]; if (substr($name, 0, 1)=='_') { $name = substr($name, 1); // remove leading '_' } } // is this a new question (or the first one)? if ($q_num<>$num) { // add previous question and response, if any hotpot_add_response($attempt, $question, $response); // initialize question object $question = NULL; $question->name = ''; $question->text = ''; $question->hotpot = $attempt->hotpot; // initialize response object $response = NULL; $response->attempt = $attempt->id; // update question number $q_num = $num; } // adjust field name and value, and set question type // (may not be necessary one day) hotpot_adjust_response_field($quiztype, $question, $num, $name, $data); // add $data to the question/response details switch ($name) { case 'name': case 'type': $question->$name = $data; break; case 'text': $question->$name = hotpot_string_id($data); break; case 'correct': case 'ignored': case 'wrong': $response->$name = hotpot_string_ids($data); break; case 'score': case 'weighting': case 'hints': case 'clues': case 'checks': $response->$name = intval($data); break; } } else { // attempt details // adjust field name and value hotpot_adjust_response_field($quiztype, $question, $num='', $name, $data); // add $data to the attempt details if ($name=='penalties') { $attempt->$name = intval($data); } } } $i++; } // end while // add the final question and response, if any hotpot_add_response($attempt, $question, $response); } function hotpot_add_response(&$attempt, &$question, &$response) { global $DB, $next_url; $loopcount = 1; $looping = isset($question) && isset($question->name) && isset($response); while ($looping) { if ($loopcount==1) { $questionname = $question->name; } $question->md5key = md5($question->name); if (!$question->id = $DB->get_field('hotpot_questions', 'id', array('hotpot'=>$attempt->hotpot, 'md5key'=>$question->md5key, 'name'=>$question->name))) { // add question record if (!$question->id = $DB->insert_record('hotpot_questions', $question)) { print_error('cannotaddquestionrecord', 'hotpot', $next_url); } } if ($DB->record_exists('hotpot_responses', array('attempt'=>$attempt->id, 'question'=>$question->id))) { // there is already a response to this question for this attempt // probably because this quiz has two questions with the same text // e.g. Which one of these answers is correct? // To workaround this, we create new question names // e.g. Which one of these answers is correct? (2) // until we get a question name for which there is no response yet on this attempt $loopcount++; $question->name = "$questionname ($loopcount)"; // This method fails to correctly identify questions in // quizzes which allow questions to be shuffled or omitted. // As yet, there is no workaround for such cases. } else { $response->question = $question->id; // add response record if(!$response->id = $DB->insert_record('hotpot_responses', $response)) { print_error('cannotaddresprecord', 'hotpot', $next_url); } // we can stop looping now $looping = false; } } // end while } function hotpot_adjust_response_field($quiztype, &$question, &$num, &$name, &$data) { switch ($quiztype) { case 'jbc': $question->type = HOTPOT_JCB; switch ($name) { case 'right': $name = 'correct'; break; } break; case 'jcloze': $question->type = HOTPOT_JCLOZE; if (is_numeric($num)) { $question->name = $num; } switch ($name) { case 'penalties': if (is_numeric($num)) { $name = 'checks'; if (is_numeric($data)) { $data++; } } break; case 'clue_shown': $name = 'clues'; $data = ($data=='YES' ? 1 : 0); break; case 'clue_text': $name = 'text'; break; } break; case 'jcross': $question->type = HOTPOT_JCROSS; $question->name = $num; switch ($name) { case '': // HotPot v2.0.x $name = 'correct'; break; case 'clue': $name = 'text'; break; } break; case 'jmatch': $question->type = HOTPOT_JMATCH; switch ($name) { case 'attempts': $name = 'penalties'; if (is_numeric($data) && $data>0) { $data--; } break; case 'lhs': $name = 'name'; break; case 'rhs': $name = 'correct'; break; } break; case 'jmix': $question->type = HOTPOT_JMIX; $question->name = $num; switch ($name) { // keep these in for "restore" of courses // which were backed up with HotPot v2.0.x case 'wrongguesses': $name = 'checks'; if (is_numeric($data)) { $data++; } break; case 'right': $name = 'correct'; break; } break; break; case 'jquiz': switch ($name) { case 'type': $data = HOTPOT_JQUIZ; switch ($data) { case 'multiple-choice': $data .= '.'.HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTICHOICE; break; case 'short-answer': $data .= '.'.HOTPOT_JQUIZ_SHORTANSWER; break; case 'hybrid': $data .= '.'.HOTPOT_JQUIZ_HYBRID; break; case 'multi-select': $data .= '.'.HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTISELECT; case 'n/a': default: // do nothing more break; } break; case 'question': $name = 'name'; break; } break; case 'rhubarb': $question->type = HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_RHUBARB; if (empty($question->name)) { $question->name = $num; } break; case 'sequitur': $question->type = HOTPOT_TEXTOYS_SEQUITUR; break; } } function hotpot_string_ids($field_value) { $ids = array(); $strings = explode(',', $field_value); foreach($strings as $str) { if ($id = hotpot_string_id($str)) { $ids[] = $id; } } return implode(',', $ids); } function hotpot_string_id($str) { global $DB; $id = ''; if (isset($str) && $str<>'') { // get the id from the table if it is already there $md5key = md5($str); if (!$id = $DB->get_field('hotpot_strings', 'id', array('md5key'=>$md5key, 'string'=>$str))) { // create a string record $record = new stdClass(); $record->string = $str; $record->md5key = $md5key; // try and add the new string record if (!$id = $DB->insert_record('hotpot_strings', $record)) { global $DB; print_error('cannotaddstrrecord', 'hotpot'); } } } return $id; } function hotpot_get_view_actions() { return array('view','view all','report'); } function hotpot_get_post_actions() { return array('attempt','review','submit'); } function hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity($char) { // // array used to figure what number to decrement from character order value // according to number of characters used to map unicode to ascii by utf-8 static $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT = array( 1=>0, 2=>192, 3=>224, 4=>240 ); // the number of bits to shift each character by static $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT = array( 1=>array(0=>0), 2=>array(0=>6, 1=>0), 3=>array(0=>12, 1=>6, 2=>0), 4=>array(0=>18, 1=>12, 2=>6, 3=>0) ); $dec = 0; $len = strlen($char); for ($pos=0; $pos<$len; $pos++) { $ord = ord ($char{$pos}); $ord -= ($pos ? 128 : $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT[$len]); $dec += ($ord << $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT[$len][$pos]); } return '&#x'.sprintf('%04X', $dec).';'; } function hotpot_print_show_links($course, $location, $reference, $actions='', $spacer='   ', $new_window=false, $return=false) { global $CFG; if (is_string($actions)) { if (empty($actions)) { $actions = 'showxmlsource,showxmltree,showhtmlsource'; } $actions = explode(',', $actions); } $strenterafilename = get_string('enterafilename', 'hotpot'); $html = << //=0) { i = s.indexOf(name+'=', i+1); if (i>=0) { i += name.length+1; var ii = s.indexOf('&', i); if (ii<0) { ii = s.length; } lnk.href = s.substring(0, i) + v + s.substring(ii); r = true; } } } } return r; } function getObjValue(obj) { var v = ''; // the value var t = (obj && obj.type) ? obj.type : ""; if (t=="text" || t=="textarea" || t=="hidden") { v = obj.value; } else if (t=="select-one" || t=="select-multiple") { var l = obj.options.length; for (var i=0; i END_OF_SCRIPT; foreach ($actions as $action) { $html .= $spacer . ''.get_string($action, 'hotpot').'' ; } $html = ''.$html.''; if ($return) { return $html; } else { print $html; } } /** * Returns all other caps used in module */ function hotpot_get_extra_capabilities() { return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups'); } /** * This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib. * This function will remove all attempts from hotpot quizzes in the specified course. * @param $data the data submitted from the reset course. * @return array status array */ function hotpot_reset_userdata($data) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); $status = array(); if (!empty($data->reset_hotpot_deleteallattempts)) { $hotpotids = 'SELECT FROM {hotpot} h WHERE h.course='.$data->courseid; $attemptids = 'SELECT FROM {hotpot_attempts} a WHERE a.hotpot in ('.$hotpotids.')'; $DB->delete_records_select('hotpot_responses', "attempt in ($attemptids)"); $DB->delete_records_select('hotpot_details', "attempt in ($attemptids)"); $DB->delete_records_select('hotpot_attempts', "hotpot IN ($hotpotids)"); $status[] = array('component' => get_string('modulenameplural', 'hotpot'), 'item' => get_string('deleteallattempts', 'hotpot'), 'error' => false); } return $status; } /** * Called by course/reset.php * @param $mform form passed by reference */ function hotpot_reset_course_form_definition(&$mform) { $mform->addElement('header', 'hotpotheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'hotpot')); $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'reset_hotpot_deleteallattempts', get_string('deleteallattempts', 'hotpot')); } /** * Course reset form defaults. */ function hotpot_reset_course_form_defaults($course) { return array('reset_hotpot_deleteallattempts' => 1); } ?>