. // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Rendering of files viewer related widgets. * @package core * @subpackage file * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ /** * File browser render * * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class core_files_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { public function files_tree_viewer(file_info $file_info, ?array $options = null) { $tree = new files_tree_viewer($file_info, $options); return $this->render($tree); } public function render_files_tree_viewer(files_tree_viewer $tree) { $html = $this->output->heading_with_help(get_string('coursefiles'), 'courselegacyfiles', 'moodle'); $html .= $this->output->container_start('coursefilesbreadcrumb'); foreach($tree->path as $path) { $html .= $path; $html .= ' / '; } $html .= $this->output->container_end(); $html .= $this->output->box_start(); $table = new html_table(); $table->head = array(get_string('name'), get_string('lastmodified'), get_string('size', 'repository'), get_string('type', 'repository')); $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left'); $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = array(); foreach ($tree->tree as $file) { $filedate = $filesize = $filetype = ''; if ($file['filedate']) { $filedate = userdate($file['filedate'], get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'langconfig')); } if (empty($file['isdir'])) { if ($file['filesize']) { $filesize = display_size($file['filesize']); } $fileicon = file_file_icon($file); $filetype = get_mimetype_description($file); } else { $fileicon = file_folder_icon(); } $table->data[] = array( html_writer::link($file['url'], $this->output->pix_icon($fileicon, get_string('icon')) . ' ' . $file['filename']), $filedate, $filesize, $filetype ); } $html .= html_writer::table($table); $html .= $this->output->single_button(new moodle_url('/files/coursefilesedit.php', array('contextid'=>$tree->context->id)), get_string('coursefilesedit'), 'get'); $html .= $this->output->box_end(); return $html; } /** * Prints the file manager and initializes all necessary libraries * *
* $fm = new form_filemanager($options); * $output = get_renderer('core', 'files'); * echo $output->render($fm); ** * @param form_filemanager $fm File manager to render * @return string HTML fragment */ public function render_form_filemanager($fm) { $html = $this->fm_print_generallayout($fm); $module = array( 'name'=>'form_filemanager', 'fullpath'=>'/lib/form/filemanager.js', 'requires' => array('moodle-core-notification-dialogue', 'core_filepicker', 'base', 'io-base', 'node', 'json', 'core_dndupload', 'panel', 'resize-plugin', 'dd-plugin'), 'strings' => array( array('error', 'moodle'), array('info', 'moodle'), array('confirmdeletefile', 'repository'), array('draftareanofiles', 'repository'), array('entername', 'repository'), array('enternewname', 'repository'), array('invalidjson', 'repository'), array('popupblockeddownload', 'repository'), array('unknownoriginal', 'repository'), array('confirmdeletefolder', 'repository'), array('confirmdeletefilewithhref', 'repository'), array('confirmrenamefolder', 'repository'), array('confirmrenamefile', 'repository'), array('newfolder', 'repository'), array('edit', 'moodle'), array('originalextensionchange', 'repository'), array('originalextensionremove', 'repository'), array('aliaseschange', 'repository'), ['nofilesselected', 'repository'], ['confirmdeleteselectedfile', 'repository'], ['selectall', 'moodle'], ['deselectall', 'moodle'], ['selectallornone', 'form'], ) ); if ($this->page->requires->should_create_one_time_item_now('core_file_managertemplate')) { $this->page->requires->js_init_call('M.form_filemanager.set_templates', array($this->filemanager_js_templates()), true, $module); } $this->page->requires->js_call_amd('core/checkbox-toggleall', 'init'); $this->page->requires->js_init_call('M.form_filemanager.init', array($fm->options), true, $module); // non javascript file manager $html .= ''; return $html; } /** * Returns html for displaying one file manager * * @param form_filemanager $fm * @return string */ protected function fm_print_generallayout($fm) { $context = [ 'client_id' => $fm->options->client_id, 'helpicon' => $this->help_icon('setmainfile', 'repository'), 'restrictions' => $this->fm_print_restrictions($fm) ]; return $this->render_from_template('core/filemanager_page_generallayout', $context); } /** * FileManager JS template for displaying one file in 'icon view' mode. * * Except for elements described in fp_js_template_iconfilename, this template may also * contain element with class 'fp-contextmenu'. If context menu is available for this * file, the top element will receive the additional class 'fp-hascontextmenu' and * the element with class 'fp-contextmenu' will hold onclick event for displaying * the context menu. * * @see fp_js_template_iconfilename() * @return string */ protected function fm_js_template_iconfilename() { $rv = ' '; return $rv; } /** * FileManager JS template for displaying file name in 'table view' and 'tree view' modes. * * Except for elements described in fp_js_template_listfilename, this template may also * contain element with class 'fp-contextmenu'. If context menu is available for this * file, the top element will receive the additional class 'fp-hascontextmenu' and * the element with class 'fp-contextmenu' will hold onclick event for displaying * the context menu. * * @todo MDL-32736 remove onclick="return false;" * @see fp_js_template_listfilename() * @return string */ protected function fm_js_template_listfilename() { $rv = ' '; return $rv; } /** * FileManager JS template for displaying 'Make new folder' dialog. * * Must be wrapped in an element, CSS for this element must define width and height of the window; * * Must have one input element with type="text" (for users to enter the new folder name); * * content of element with class 'fp-dlg-curpath' will be replaced with current path where * new folder is about to be created; * elements with classes 'fp-dlg-butcreate' and 'fp-dlg-butcancel' will hold onclick events; * * @return string */ protected function fm_js_template_mkdir() { $rv = '