1.8 * @date 2008/03/31 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License * @version Moodle 2.0 **/ define('NO_OUTPUT_BUFFERING', true); require_once('../../config.php'); @set_time_limit(0); /// makes inclusions of the Zend Engine more reliable ini_set('include_path', $CFG->dirroot.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'search'.PATH_SEPARATOR.ini_get('include_path')); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/search/lib.php'); require_login(); if (empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch)) { print_error('globalsearchdisabled', 'search'); } if (!has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { print_error('onlyadmins', 'error', get_login_url()); } mtrace('
Server Time: '.date('r',time())); mtrace("Testing global search capabilities:\n"); //fix paths for testing set_include_path(get_include_path().":../"); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/search/Zend/Search/Lucene.php"); mtrace("Checking activity modules:\n"); //the presence of the required search functions - // * mod_iterator // * mod_get_content_for_index //are the sole basis for including a module in the index at the moment. /// get all installed modules if ($mods = $DB->get_records('modules', null, 'name', 'id, name')){ $searchabletypes = array_values(search_get_document_types()); foreach($mods as $mod){ if (in_array($mod->name, $searchabletypes)){ $mod->location = 'internal'; $searchables[] = $mod; } else { $documentfile = $CFG->dirroot."/mod/{$mod->name}/search_document.php"; $mod->location = 'mod'; if (file_exists($documentfile)){ $searchables[] = $mod; } } } mtrace(count($searchables).' modules to search in / '.count($mods).' modules found.'); } /// collects blocks as indexable information may be found in blocks either if ($blocks = $DB->get_records('block', null, 'name', 'id,name')) { $blocks_searchables = array(); // prepend the "block_" prefix to discriminate document type plugins foreach($blocks as $block){ $block->dirname = $block->name; $block->name = 'block_'.$block->name; if (in_array('SEARCH_TYPE_'.strtoupper($block->name), $searchabletypes)){ $mod->location = 'internal'; $blocks_searchables[] = $block; } else { $documentfile = $CFG->dirroot."/blocks/{$block->dirname}/search_document.php"; if (file_exists($documentfile)){ $mod->location = 'blocks'; $blocks_searchables[] = $block; } } } mtrace(count($blocks_searchables).' blocks to search in / '.count($blocks).' blocks found.'); $searchables = array_merge($searchables, $blocks_searchables); } /// add virtual modules onto the back of the array $additional = search_get_additional_modules(); mtrace(count($additional).' additional to search in.'); $searchables = array_merge($searchables, $additional); foreach ($searchables as $mod) { $key = 'search_in_'.$mod->name; if (isset($CFG->$key) && !$CFG->$key) { mtrace("module $key has been administratively disabled. Skipping...\n"); continue; } if ($mod->location == 'internal'){ $class_file = $CFG->dirroot.'/search/documents/'.$mod->name.'_document.php'; } else { $class_file = $CFG->dirroot.'/'.$mod->location.'/'.$mod->name.'/search_document.php'; } if (file_exists($class_file)) { include_once($class_file); if ($mod->location != 'internal' && !defined('X_SEARCH_TYPE_'.strtoupper($mod->name))) { mtrace("ERROR: Constant 'X_SEARCH_TYPE_".strtoupper($mod->name)."' is not defined in search/searchtypes.php or in module"); continue; } $iter_function = $mod->name.'_iterator'; $index_function = $mod->name.'_get_content_for_index'; if (function_exists($index_function) && function_exists($iter_function)) { $entries = $iter_function(); if (!empty($entries)) { $documents = $index_function(array_pop($entries)); if (is_array($documents)) { mtrace("Success: '$mod->name' module seems to be ready for indexing."); } else { mtrace("ERROR: $index_function() doesn't seem to be returning an array."); } } else { mtrace("Success : '$mod->name' has nothing to index."); } } else { mtrace("ERROR: $iter_function() and/or $index_function() does not exist in $class_file"); } } else { mtrace("Notice: $class_file does not exist, this module will not be indexed."); } } mtrace("\nFinished checking for searcheable items."); mtrace("'); ?>
Back to query page or Start indexing."); mtrace('