quiz)) { error("The quiz with id $attempt->quiz belonging to attempt $attempt is missing"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $quiz->course)) { error("The course with id $quiz->course that the quiz with id $quiz->id belongs to is missing"); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("quiz", $quiz->id, $course->id)) { error("The course module for the quiz with id $quiz->id is missing"); } if (!count_records('quiz_newest_states', 'attemptid', $attempt->uniqueid)) { // this question has not yet been upgraded to the new model quiz_upgrade_states($attempt); } require_login($course->id, false, $cm); $isteacher = isteacher($course->id); $popup = $isteacher ? 0 : $quiz->popup; // Controls whether this is shown in a javascript-protected window. if (!$isteacher) { if (!$attempt->timefinish) { redirect('attempt.php?q='.$quiz->id); } // If not even responses are to be shown in review then we // don't allow any review if (!($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_RESPONSES)) { redirect('view.php?q='.$quiz->id); } if ((time() - $attempt->timefinish) > 120) { // always allow review right after attempt if (time() < $quiz->timeclose and !($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_OPEN)) { redirect('view.php?q='.$quiz->id, get_string("noreviewuntil", "quiz", userdate($quiz->timeclose))); } if (time() >= $quiz->timeclose and !($quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_CLOSED)) { redirect('view.php?q='.$quiz->id, get_string("noreview", "quiz")); } } if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) { error("This is not your attempt!", 'view.php?q='.$quiz->id); } } add_to_log($course->id, "quiz", "review", "review.php?id=$cm->id&attempt=$attempt->id", "$quiz->id", "$cm->id"); /// Print the page header $strquizzes = get_string("modulenameplural", "quiz"); $strreview = get_string("review", "quiz"); $strscore = get_string("score", "quiz"); $strgrade = get_string("grade"); $strbestgrade = get_string("bestgrade", "quiz"); $strtimetaken = get_string("timetaken", "quiz"); $strtimecompleted = get_string("completedon", "quiz"); $stroverdue = get_string("overdue", "quiz"); if (!empty($popup)) { define('MESSAGE_WINDOW', true); // This prevents the message window coming up print_header($course->shortname.': '.format_string($quiz->name), '', '', '', '', false, '', '', false, ''); /// Include Javascript protection for this page include('protect_js.php'); } else { $strupdatemodule = isteacheredit($course->id) ? update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, get_string('modulename', 'quiz')) : ""; print_header_simple(format_string($quiz->name), "", "id\">$strquizzes -> id\">".format_string($quiz->name,true)." -> $strreview", "", "", true, $strupdatemodule); } echo '
'; // for overlib /// Print heading and tabs if this is part of a preview if ($isteacher) { $currenttab = ($attempt->userid == $USER->id) ? 'preview' : ''; include('tabs.php'); } else { print_heading(format_string($quiz->name)); } /// Load all the questions and states needed by this script // load the questions needed by page $pagelist = $showall ? quiz_questions_in_quiz($attempt->layout) : quiz_questions_on_page($attempt->layout, $page); $sql = "SELECT q.*, i.grade AS maxgrade, i.id AS instance". " FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions q,". " {$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances i". " WHERE i.quiz = '$quiz->id' AND q.id = i.question". " AND q.id IN ($pagelist)"; if (!$questions = get_records_sql($sql)) { error('No questions found'); } // Load the question type specific information if (!quiz_get_question_options($questions)) { error('Could not load question options'); } // Restore the question sessions to their most recent states // creating new sessions where required if (!$states = quiz_get_states($questions, $quiz, $attempt)) { error('Could not restore question sessions'); } /// Print infobox $timelimit = (int)$quiz->timelimit * 60; $overtime = 0; if ($attempt->timefinish) { if ($timetaken = ($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart)) { if($timelimit && $timetaken > ($timelimit + 60)) { $overtime = $timetaken - $timelimit; $overtime = format_time($overtime); } $timetaken = format_time($timetaken); } else { $timetaken = "-"; } } else { $timetaken = get_string('unfinished', 'quiz'); } $table->align = array("right", "left"); if ($attempt->userid <> $USER->id) { $student = get_record('user', 'id', $attempt->userid); $picture = print_user_picture($student->id, $course->id, $student->picture, false, true); $table->data[] = array($picture, fullname($student, true)); } if ($isteacher and count($attempts = get_records_select('quiz_attempts', "quiz = '$quiz->id' AND userid = '$attempt->userid'", 'attempt ASC')) > 1) { // print list of attempts $attemptlist = ''; foreach ($attempts as $at) { $attemptlist .= ($at->id == $attempt->id) ? ''.$at->attempt.', ' : ''.$at->attempt.', '; } $table->data[] = array(get_string('attempts', 'quiz').':', trim($attemptlist, ' ,')); } $table->data[] = array(get_string('startedon', 'quiz').':', userdate($attempt->timestart)); if ($attempt->timefinish) { $table->data[] = array("$strtimecompleted:", userdate($attempt->timefinish)); $table->data[] = array("$strtimetaken:", $timetaken); } if (!empty($overtime)) { $table->data[] = array("$stroverdue:", $overtime); } if ($quiz->grade) { if($overtime) { $result->sumgrades = "0"; $result->grade = "0.0"; } $percentage = round(($attempt->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades)*100, 0); $grade = round(($attempt->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades)*$quiz->grade, $CFG->quiz_decimalpoints); $table->data[] = array("$strscore:", "$attempt->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades ($percentage %)"); $table->data[] = array("$strgrade:", $grade.get_string('outof', 'quiz').$quiz->grade); } if ($isteacher and $attempt->userid == $USER->id) { // the teacher is at the end of a preview. Print button to start new preview unset($buttonoptions); $buttonoptions['q'] = $quiz->id; $buttonoptions['forcenew'] = true; echo '