textfilters)) { $CFG->textfilters = str_replace("dynalink.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters); set_config("textfilters", $CFG->textfilters); } } if ($oldversion < 2004050900) { table_column("glossary","","rsstype","integer","2", "unsigned", "0", "", "entbypage"); table_column("glossary","","rssarticles","integer","2", "unsigned", "0", "", "rsstype"); set_config("glossary_enablerssfeeds",0); } if ( $oldversion < 2004051400 ) { print_simple_box("This update might take several seconds.

The more glossaries, entries and aliases you have created, the more it will take so please be patient.","center", "50%", "$THEME->cellheading", "20", "noticebox"); if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries")) { foreach($entries as $entry) { set_field("glossary_entries","concept",addslashes(trim($entry->concept)),"id",$entry->id); } } if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias")) { foreach($aliases as $alias) { set_field("glossary_alias","alias",addslashes(trim($alias->alias)),"id",$alias->id); } } } if ( $oldversion < 2004072300) { table_column("glossary_alias", "alias", "alias", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL"); } if ( $oldversion < 2004072400) { //Create new table glossary_formats to store format info execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_formats ( id SERIAL8 PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, popupformatname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, visible int2 NOT NULL default '1', showgroup int2 NOT NULL default '1', defaultmode VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', defaulthook VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', sortkey VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', sortorder VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '' ) "); //Define current 0-6 format names $formatnames = array('dictionary','continuous','fullwithauthor','encyclopedia', 'faq','fullwithoutauthor','entrylist'); //Fill the new table from the old one (only 'valid', 0-6, formats) if ($formats = get_records('glossary_displayformats')) { foreach ($formats as $format) { //Format names if ($format->fid >= 0 && $format->fid <= 6) { $format->name = $formatnames[$format->fid]; } //Format popupformatname $format->popupformatname = 'dictionary'; //Default format if ($format->relatedview >= 0 && $format->relatedview <= 6) { $format->popupformatname = $formatnames[$format->relatedview]; } //Insert the new record //Only if $format->name is set (ie. formats 0-6) if ($format->name) { insert_record('glossary_formats',$format); } } } //Drop the old formats table execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats"); //Modify the glossary->displayformat field table_column('glossary', 'displayformat', 'displayformat', 'VARCHAR', '50', '', 'dictionary', 'NOT NULL'); //Update glossary->displayformat field if ($glossaries = get_records('glossary')) { foreach($glossaries as $glossary) { $displayformat = 'dictionary'; //Default format if ($glossary->displayformat >= 0 && $glossary->displayformat <= 6) { $displayformat = $formatnames[$glossary->displayformat]; } set_field('glossary','displayformat',$displayformat,'id',$glossary->id); } } } return true; } ?>