. /** * Renderer for core_admin subsystem * * @package core * @subpackage admin * @copyright 2011 David Mudrak * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/pluginlib.php'); /** * Standard HTML output renderer for core_admin subsystem */ class core_admin_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { /** * Display the 'Do you acknowledge the terms of the GPL' page. The first page * during install. * @return string HTML to output. */ public function install_licence_page() { global $CFG; $output = ''; $copyrightnotice = text_to_html(get_string('gpl3')); $copyrightnotice = str_replace('target="_blank"', 'onclick="this.target=\'_blank\'"', $copyrightnotice); // extremely ugly validation hack $continue = new single_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('lang'=>$CFG->lang, 'agreelicense'=>1)), get_string('continue'), 'get'); $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->heading('Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment'); $output .= $this->heading(get_string('copyrightnotice')); $output .= $this->box($copyrightnotice, 'copyrightnotice'); $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); $output .= $this->confirm(get_string('doyouagree'), $continue, "http://docs.moodle.org/dev/License"); $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display page explaining proper upgrade process, * there can not be any PHP file leftovers... * * @return string HTML to output. */ public function upgrade_stale_php_files_page() { $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->heading(get_string('upgradestalefiles', 'admin')); $output .= $this->box_start('generalbox', 'notice'); $output .= get_string('upgradestalefilesinfo', 'admin', get_docs_url('Upgrading')); $output .= html_writer::empty_tag('br'); $output .= html_writer::tag('div', $this->single_button($this->page->url, get_string('reload'), 'get'), array('class' => 'buttons')); $output .= $this->box_end(); $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the 'environment check' page that is displayed during install. * @param int $maturity * @param boolean $envstatus final result of the check (true/false) * @param array $environment_results array of results gathered * @param string $release moodle release * @return string HTML to output. */ public function install_environment_page($maturity, $envstatus, $environment_results, $release) { global $CFG; $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->maturity_warning($maturity); $output .= $this->heading("Moodle $release"); $output .= $this->release_notes_link(); $output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results); if (!$envstatus) { $output .= $this->upgrade_reload(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('agreelicense' => 1, 'lang' => $CFG->lang))); } else { $output .= $this->notification(get_string('environmentok', 'admin'), 'notifysuccess'); $output .= $this->continue_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('agreelicense'=>1, 'confirmrelease'=>1, 'lang'=>$CFG->lang))); } $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the 'You are about to upgrade Moodle' page. The first page * during upgrade. * @param string $strnewversion * @param int $maturity * @return string HTML to output. */ public function upgrade_confirm_page($strnewversion, $maturity) { $output = ''; $continueurl = new moodle_url('index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1)); $cancelurl = new moodle_url('index.php'); $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->maturity_warning($maturity); $output .= $this->confirm(get_string('upgradesure', 'admin', $strnewversion), $continueurl, $cancelurl); $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the environment page during the upgrade process. * @param string $release * @param boolean $envstatus final result of env check (true/false) * @param array $environment_results array of results gathered * @return string HTML to output. */ public function upgrade_environment_page($release, $envstatus, $environment_results) { global $CFG; $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->heading("Moodle $release"); $output .= $this->release_notes_link(); $output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results); if (!$envstatus) { $output .= $this->upgrade_reload(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php'), array('confirmupgrade' => 1)); } else { $output .= $this->notification(get_string('environmentok', 'admin'), 'notifysuccess'); if (empty($CFG->skiplangupgrade) and current_language() !== 'en') { $output .= $this->box(get_string('langpackwillbeupdated', 'admin'), 'generalbox', 'notice'); } $output .= $this->continue_button(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1))); } $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the upgrade page that lists all the plugins that require attention. * @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins. * @param int $version the version of the Moodle code from version.php. * @param bool $showallplugins * @param moodle_url $reloadurl * @param moodle_url $continueurl * @return string HTML to output. */ public function upgrade_plugin_check_page(plugin_manager $pluginman, $version, $showallplugins, $reloadurl, $continueurl) { $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->box_start('generalbox'); $output .= $this->container(get_string('pluginchecknotice', 'core_plugin'), 'generalbox', 'notice'); $output .= $this->plugins_check_table($pluginman, $version, array('full' => $showallplugins)); $output .= $this->box_end(); $output .= $this->upgrade_reload($reloadurl); if ($pluginman->all_plugins_ok($version)) { $button = new single_button($continueurl, get_string('upgradestart', 'admin'), 'get'); $button->class = 'continuebutton'; $output .= $this->render($button); } else { $output .= $this->box(get_string('pluginschecktodo', 'admin'), 'environmentbox errorbox'); } $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the admin notifications page. * @param int $maturity * @param bool $insecuredataroot warn dataroot is invalid * @param bool $errorsdisplayed warn invalid dispaly error setting * @param bool $cronoverdue warn cron not running * @param bool $dbproblems warn db has problems * @param bool $maintenancemode warn in maintenance mode * @return string HTML to output. */ public function admin_notifications_page($maturity, $insecuredataroot, $errorsdisplayed, $cronoverdue, $dbproblems, $maintenancemode) { $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->maturity_info($maturity); $output .= $this->insecure_dataroot_warning($insecuredataroot); $output .= $this->display_errors_warning($errorsdisplayed); $output .= $this->cron_overdue_warning($cronoverdue); $output .= $this->db_problems($dbproblems); $output .= $this->maintenance_mode_warning($maintenancemode); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// IT IS ILLEGAL AND A VIOLATION OF THE GPL TO HIDE, REMOVE OR MODIFY THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE /// $output .= $this->moodle_copyright(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the plugin management page (admin/plugins.php). * @param plugin_manager $pluginman * @return string HTML to output. */ public function plugin_management_page(plugin_manager $pluginman) { $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); $output .= $this->heading(get_string('pluginsoverview', 'core_admin')); $output .= $this->box_start('generalbox'); $output .= $this->plugins_control_panel($pluginman); $output .= $this->box_end(); $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Display the plugin management page (admin/environment.php). * @param array $versions * @param string $version * @param boolean $envstatus final result of env check (true/false) * @param array $environment_results array of results gathered * @return string HTML to output. */ public function environment_check_page($versions, $version, $envstatus, $environment_results) { $output = ''; $output .= $this->header(); // Print the component download link $output .= html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link( new moodle_url('/admin/environment.php', array('action' => 'updatecomponent', 'sesskey' => sesskey())), get_string('updatecomponent', 'admin')), array('class' => 'reportlink')); // Heading. $output .= $this->heading(get_string('environment', 'admin')); // Box with info and a menu to choose the version. $output .= $this->box_start(); $output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('adminhelpenvironment')); $select = new single_select(new moodle_url('/admin/environment.php'), 'version', $versions, $version, null); $select->label = get_string('moodleversion'); $output .= $this->render($select); $output .= $this->box_end(); // The results $output .= $this->environment_check_table($envstatus, $environment_results); $output .= $this->footer(); return $output; } /** * Output a warning message, of the type that appears on the admin notifications page. * @param string $message the message to display. * @param string $type type class * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function warning($message, $type = 'warning') { return $this->box($message, 'generalbox admin' . $type); } /** * Render an appropriate message if dataroot is insecure. * @param bool $insecuredataroot * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function insecure_dataroot_warning($insecuredataroot) { global $CFG; if ($insecuredataroot == INSECURE_DATAROOT_WARNING) { return $this->warning(get_string('datarootsecuritywarning', 'admin', $CFG->dataroot)); } else if ($insecuredataroot == INSECURE_DATAROOT_ERROR) { return $this->warning(get_string('datarootsecurityerror', 'admin', $CFG->dataroot), 'error'); } else { return ''; } } /** * Render an appropriate message if dataroot is insecure. * @param bool $errorsdisplayed * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function display_errors_warning($errorsdisplayed) { if (!$errorsdisplayed) { return ''; } return $this->warning(get_string('displayerrorswarning', 'admin')); } /** * Render an appropriate message if cron has not been run recently. * @param bool $cronoverdue * @return string HTML to output. */ public function cron_overdue_warning($cronoverdue) { if (!$cronoverdue) { return ''; } return $this->warning(get_string('cronwarning', 'admin') . ' ' . $this->help_icon('cron', 'admin')); } /** * Render an appropriate message if there are any problems with the DB set-up. * @param bool $dbproblems * @return string HTML to output. */ public function db_problems($dbproblems) { if (!$dbproblems) { return ''; } return $this->warning($dbproblems); } /** * Render an appropriate message if the site in in maintenance mode. * @param bool $maintenancemode * @return string HTML to output. */ public function maintenance_mode_warning($maintenancemode) { if (!$maintenancemode) { return ''; } $url = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'maintenancemode')); $url = $url->out(); // get_string() does not support objects in params return $this->warning(get_string('sitemaintenancewarning2', 'admin', $url)); } /** * Display a warning about installing development code if necesary. * @param int $maturity * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function maturity_warning($maturity) { if ($maturity == MATURITY_STABLE) { return ''; // No worries. } $maturitylevel = get_string('maturity' . $maturity, 'admin'); return $this->box( $this->container(get_string('maturitycorewarning', 'admin', $maturitylevel)) . $this->container($this->doc_link('admin/versions', get_string('morehelp'))), 'generalbox maturitywarning'); } /** * Output the copyright notice. * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function moodle_copyright() { global $CFG; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// IT IS ILLEGAL AND A VIOLATION OF THE GPL TO HIDE, REMOVE OR MODIFY THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE /// $copyrighttext = 'Moodle '. ''.$CFG->release.'
'. 'Copyright © 1999 onwards, Martin Dougiamas
'. 'and many other contributors.
'. 'GNU Public License'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return $this->box($copyrighttext, 'copyright'); } /** * Display a warning about installing development code if necesary. * @param int $maturity * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function maturity_info($maturity) { if ($maturity == MATURITY_STABLE) { return ''; // No worries. } $maturitylevel = get_string('maturity' . $maturity, 'admin'); return $this->box( get_string('maturitycoreinfo', 'admin', $maturitylevel) . ' ' . $this->doc_link('admin/versions', get_string('morehelp')), 'generalbox adminwarning maturityinfo'); } /** * Display a link to the release notes. * @return string HTML to output. */ protected function release_notes_link() { $releasenoteslink = get_string('releasenoteslink', 'admin', 'http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Releases'); $releasenoteslink = str_replace('target="_blank"', 'onclick="this.target=\'_blank\'"', $releasenoteslink); // extremely ugly validation hack return $this->box($releasenoteslink, 'generalbox releasenoteslink'); } /** * Display the reload link that appears on several upgrade/install pages. * @return string HTML to output. */ function upgrade_reload($url) { return html_writer::empty_tag('br') . html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::link($url, $this->pix_icon('i/reload', '') . get_string('reload'), array('title' => get_string('reload'))), array('class' => 'continuebutton')) . html_writer::empty_tag('br'); } /** * Displays all known plugins and information about their installation or upgrade * * This default implementation renders all plugins into one big table. The rendering * options support: * (bool)full = false: whether to display up-to-date plugins, too * * @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins. * @param int $version the version of the Moodle code from version.php. * @param array $options rendering options * @return string HTML code */ public function plugins_check_table(plugin_manager $pluginman, $version, array $options = null) { $plugininfo = $pluginman->get_plugins(); if (empty($plugininfo)) { return ''; } if (empty($options)) { $options = array( 'full' => false, ); } $table = new html_table(); $table->id = 'plugins-check'; $table->head = array( get_string('displayname', 'core_plugin'), get_string('rootdir', 'core_plugin'), get_string('source', 'core_plugin'), get_string('versiondb', 'core_plugin'), get_string('versiondisk', 'core_plugin'), get_string('requires', 'core_plugin'), get_string('status', 'core_plugin'), ); $table->colclasses = array( 'displayname', 'rootdir', 'source', 'versiondb', 'versiondisk', 'requires', 'status', ); $table->data = array(); $numofhighlighted = array(); // number of highlighted rows per this subsection foreach ($plugininfo as $type => $plugins) { $header = new html_table_cell($pluginman->plugintype_name_plural($type)); $header->header = true; $header->colspan = count($table->head); $header = new html_table_row(array($header)); $header->attributes['class'] = 'plugintypeheader type-' . $type; $numofhighlighted[$type] = 0; if (empty($plugins) and $options['full']) { $msg = new html_table_cell(get_string('noneinstalled', 'core_plugin')); $msg->colspan = count($table->head); $row = new html_table_row(array($msg)); $row->attributes['class'] .= 'msg msg-noneinstalled'; $table->data[] = $header; $table->data[] = $row; continue; } $plugintyperows = array(); foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) { $row = new html_table_row(); $row->attributes['class'] = 'type-' . $plugin->type . ' name-' . $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name; if ($this->page->theme->resolve_image_location('icon', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name)) { $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('icon', '', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name, array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon')); } else { $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('spacer', '', 'moodle', array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon noicon')); } $displayname = $icon . ' ' . $plugin->displayname; $displayname = new html_table_cell($displayname); $rootdir = new html_table_cell($plugin->get_dir()); if ($isstandard = $plugin->is_standard()) { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' standard'; $source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourcestd', 'core_plugin')); } else { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' extension'; $source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourceext', 'core_plugin')); } $versiondb = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondb); $versiondisk = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondisk); $statuscode = $plugin->get_status(); $row->attributes['class'] .= ' status-' . $statuscode; $status = new html_table_cell(get_string('status_' . $statuscode, 'core_plugin')); $requires = new html_table_cell($this->required_column($plugin, $pluginman, $version)); $statusisboring = in_array($statuscode, array( plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_NODB, plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_UPTODATE)); $dependenciesok = $pluginman->are_dependencies_satisfied( $plugin->get_other_required_plugins()); if ($isstandard and $statusisboring and $dependenciesok) { if (empty($options['full'])) { continue; } } else { $numofhighlighted[$type]++; } $row->cells = array($displayname, $rootdir, $source, $versiondb, $versiondisk, $requires, $status); $plugintyperows[] = $row; } if (empty($numofhighlighted[$type]) and empty($options['full'])) { continue; } $table->data[] = $header; $table->data = array_merge($table->data, $plugintyperows); } $sumofhighlighted = array_sum($numofhighlighted); if ($sumofhighlighted == 0) { $out = $this->output->container_start('nonehighlighted', 'plugins-check-info'); $out .= $this->output->heading(get_string('nonehighlighted', 'core_plugin')); if (empty($options['full'])) { $out .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'showallplugins' => 1)), get_string('nonehighlightedinfo', 'core_plugin')); } $out .= $this->output->container_end(); } else { $out = $this->output->container_start('somehighlighted', 'plugins-check-info'); $out .= $this->output->heading(get_string('somehighlighted', 'core_plugin', $sumofhighlighted)); if (empty($options['full'])) { $out .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'showallplugins' => 1)), get_string('somehighlightedinfo', 'core_plugin')); } $out .= $this->output->container_end(); } if ($sumofhighlighted > 0 or $options['full']) { $out .= html_writer::table($table); } return $out; } /** * Formats the information that needs to go in the 'Requires' column. * @param plugin_information $plugin the plugin we are rendering the row for. * @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides data on all the plugins. * @param string $version * @return string HTML code */ protected function required_column(plugin_information $plugin, plugin_manager $pluginman, $version) { $requires = array(); if (!empty($plugin->versionrequires)) { if ($plugin->versionrequires <= $version) { $class = 'requires-ok'; } else { $class = 'requires-failed'; } $requires[] = html_writer::tag('li', get_string('moodleversion', 'core_plugin', $plugin->versionrequires), array('class' => $class)); } foreach ($plugin->get_other_required_plugins() as $component => $requiredversion) { $ok = true; $otherplugin = $pluginman->get_plugin_info($component); if (is_null($otherplugin)) { $ok = false; } else if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION and $otherplugin->versiondisk < $requiredversion) { $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $class = 'requires-ok'; } else { $class = 'requires-failed'; } if ($requiredversion != ANY_VERSION) { $str = 'otherpluginversion'; } else { $str = 'otherplugin'; } $requires[] = html_writer::tag('li', get_string($str, 'core_plugin', array('component' => $component, 'version' => $requiredversion)), array('class' => $class)); } if (!$requires) { return ''; } return html_writer::tag('ul', implode("\n", $requires)); } /** * Displays all known plugins and links to manage them * * This default implementation renders all plugins into one big table. * * @param plugin_manager $pluginman provides information about the plugins. * @return string HTML code */ public function plugins_control_panel(plugin_manager $pluginman) { $plugininfo = $pluginman->get_plugins(); if (empty($plugininfo)) { return ''; } $table = new html_table(); $table->id = 'plugins-control-panel'; $table->head = array( get_string('displayname', 'core_plugin'), get_string('systemname', 'core_plugin'), get_string('source', 'core_plugin'), get_string('version', 'core_plugin'), get_string('availability', 'core_plugin'), get_string('settings', 'core_plugin'), get_string('uninstall','core_plugin'), ); $table->colclasses = array( 'displayname', 'systemname', 'source', 'version', 'availability', 'settings', 'uninstall', ); foreach ($plugininfo as $type => $plugins) { $header = new html_table_cell($pluginman->plugintype_name_plural($type)); $header->header = true; $header->colspan = count($table->head); $header = new html_table_row(array($header)); $header->attributes['class'] = 'plugintypeheader type-' . $type; $table->data[] = $header; if (empty($plugins)) { $msg = new html_table_cell(get_string('noneinstalled', 'core_plugin')); $msg->colspan = count($table->head); $row = new html_table_row(array($msg)); $row->attributes['class'] .= 'msg msg-noneinstalled'; $table->data[] = $row; continue; } foreach ($plugins as $name => $plugin) { $row = new html_table_row(); $row->attributes['class'] = 'type-' . $plugin->type . ' name-' . $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name; if ($this->page->theme->resolve_image_location('icon', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name)) { $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('icon', '', $plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name, array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon')); } else { $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('spacer', '', 'moodle', array('class' => 'smallicon pluginicon noicon')); } if ($plugin->get_status() === plugin_manager::PLUGIN_STATUS_MISSING) { $msg = html_writer::tag('span', get_string('status_missing', 'core_plugin'), array('class' => 'notifyproblem')); $row->attributes['class'] .= ' missingfromdisk'; } else { $msg = ''; } $displayname = $icon . ' ' . $plugin->displayname . ' ' . $msg; $displayname = new html_table_cell($displayname); $systemname = new html_table_cell($plugin->type . '_' . $plugin->name); if ($plugin->is_standard()) { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' standard'; $source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourcestd', 'core_plugin')); } else { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' extension'; $source = new html_table_cell(get_string('sourceext', 'core_plugin')); } $version = new html_table_cell($plugin->versiondb); $isenabled = $plugin->is_enabled(); if (is_null($isenabled)) { $availability = new html_table_cell(''); } else if ($isenabled) { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' enabled'; $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('i/hide', get_string('pluginenabled', 'core_plugin')); $availability = new html_table_cell($icon . ' ' . get_string('pluginenabled', 'core_plugin')); } else { $row->attributes['class'] .= ' disabled'; $icon = $this->output->pix_icon('i/show', get_string('plugindisabled', 'core_plugin')); $availability = new html_table_cell($icon . ' ' . get_string('plugindisabled', 'core_plugin')); } $settingsurl = $plugin->get_settings_url(); if (is_null($settingsurl)) { $settings = new html_table_cell(''); } else { $settings = html_writer::link($settingsurl, get_string('settings', 'core_plugin')); $settings = new html_table_cell($settings); } $uninstallurl = $plugin->get_uninstall_url(); $requriedby = $pluginman->other_plugins_that_require($plugin->component); if (is_null($uninstallurl)) { $uninstall = new html_table_cell(''); } else if ($requriedby) { $uninstall = new html_table_cell(get_string('requiredby', 'core_plugin', implode(', ', $requriedby))); $uninstall->attributes['class'] = 'requiredby'; } else { $uninstall = html_writer::link($uninstallurl, get_string('uninstall', 'core_plugin')); $uninstall = new html_table_cell($uninstall); } $row->cells = array( $displayname, $systemname, $source, $version, $availability, $settings, $uninstall ); $table->data[] = $row; } } return html_writer::table($table); } /** * This function will render one beautiful table with all the environmental * configuration and how it suits Moodle needs. * * @param boolean $result final result of the check (true/false) * @param array $environment_results array of results gathered * @return string HTML to output. */ public function environment_check_table($result, $environment_results) { global $CFG; // Table headers $servertable = new html_table();//table for server checks $servertable->head = array( get_string('name'), get_string('info'), get_string('report'), get_string('status'), ); $servertable->align = array('center', 'center', 'left', 'center'); $servertable->wrap = array('nowrap', '', '', 'nowrap'); $servertable->size = array('10', 10, '100%', '10'); $servertable->attributes['class'] = 'environmenttable generaltable'; $serverdata = array('ok'=>array(), 'warn'=>array(), 'error'=>array()); $othertable = new html_table();//table for custom checks $othertable->head = array( get_string('info'), get_string('report'), get_string('status'), ); $othertable->align = array('center', 'left', 'center'); $othertable->wrap = array('', '', 'nowrap'); $othertable->size = array(10, '100%', '10'); $othertable->attributes['class'] = 'environmenttable generaltable'; $otherdata = array('ok'=>array(), 'warn'=>array(), 'error'=>array()); // Iterate over each environment_result $continue = true; foreach ($environment_results as $environment_result) { $errorline = false; $warningline = false; $stringtouse = ''; if ($continue) { $type = $environment_result->getPart(); $info = $environment_result->getInfo(); $status = $environment_result->getStatus(); $error_code = $environment_result->getErrorCode(); // Process Report field $rec = new stdClass(); // Something has gone wrong at parsing time if ($error_code) { $stringtouse = 'environmentxmlerror'; $rec->error_code = $error_code; $status = get_string('error'); $errorline = true; $continue = false; } if ($continue) { if ($rec->needed = $environment_result->getNeededVersion()) { // We are comparing versions $rec->current = $environment_result->getCurrentVersion(); if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireversion'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendversion'; } } else if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check') { // We are checking installed & enabled things if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentrequirecustomcheck'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendcustomcheck'; } } else if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'php_setting') { if ($status) { $stringtouse = 'environmentsettingok'; } else if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentmustfixsetting'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentshouldfixsetting'; } } else { if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireinstall'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendinstall'; } } // Calculate the status value if ($environment_result->getBypassStr() != '') { //Handle bypassed result (warning) $status = get_string('bypassed'); $warningline = true; } else if ($environment_result->getRestrictStr() != '') { //Handle restricted result (error) $status = get_string('restricted'); $errorline = true; } else { if ($status) { //Handle ok result (ok) $status = get_string('ok'); } else { if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'optional') {//Handle check result (warning) $status = get_string('check'); $warningline = true; } else { //Handle error result (error) $status = get_string('check'); $errorline = true; } } } } // Build the text $linkparts = array(); $linkparts[] = 'admin/environment'; $linkparts[] = $type; if (!empty($info)){ $linkparts[] = $info; } if (empty($CFG->docroot)) { $report = get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec); } else { $report = $this->doc_link(join($linkparts, '/'), get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec)); } // Format error or warning line if ($errorline || $warningline) { $messagetype = $errorline? 'error':'warn'; } else { $messagetype = 'ok'; } $status = ''.$status.''; // Here we'll store all the feedback found $feedbacktext = ''; // Append the feedback if there is some $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getFeedbackStr(), $messagetype); //Append the bypass if there is some $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getBypassStr(), 'warn'); //Append the restrict if there is some $feedbacktext .= $environment_result->strToReport($environment_result->getRestrictStr(), 'error'); $report .= $feedbacktext; // Add the row to the table if ($environment_result->getPart() == 'custom_check'){ $otherdata[$messagetype][] = array ($info, $report, $status); } else { $serverdata[$messagetype][] = array ($type, $info, $report, $status); } } } //put errors first in $servertable->data = array_merge($serverdata['error'], $serverdata['warn'], $serverdata['ok']); $othertable->data = array_merge($otherdata['error'], $otherdata['warn'], $otherdata['ok']); // Print table $output = ''; $output .= $this->heading(get_string('serverchecks', 'admin')); $output .= html_writer::table($servertable); if (count($othertable->data)){ $output .= $this->heading(get_string('customcheck', 'admin')); $output .= html_writer::table($othertable); } // Finally, if any error has happened, print the summary box if (!$result) { $output .= $this->box(get_string('environmenterrortodo', 'admin'), 'environmentbox errorbox'); } return $output; } }