version >= $version) { // something really wrong is going on in main upgrade script error("Upgrade savepoint: Can not upgrade main version from $CFG->version to $version."); } set_config('version', $version); } else { notify ("Upgrade savepoint: Error during main upgrade to version $version"); } } function upgrade_mod_savepoint($result, $version, $type) { //TODO } function upgrade_plugin_savepoint($result, $version, $type, $dir) { //TODO } function upgrade_backup_savepoint($result, $version) { //TODO } function upgrade_blocks_savepoint($result, $version, $type) { //TODO } /** * Upgrade plugins * * @uses $db * @uses $CFG * @param string $type The type of plugins that should be updated (e.g. 'enrol', 'qtype') * @param string $dir The directory where the plugins are located (e.g. 'question/questiontypes') * @param string $return The url to prompt the user to continue to */ function upgrade_plugins($type, $dir, $return) { global $CFG, $db; /// Let's know if the header has been printed, so the funcion is being called embedded in an outer page $embedded = defined('HEADER_PRINTED'); $plugs = get_list_of_plugins($dir); $updated_plugins = false; $strpluginsetup = get_string('pluginsetup'); foreach ($plugs as $plug) { $fullplug = $CFG->dirroot .'/'.$dir.'/'. $plug; unset($plugin); if (is_readable($fullplug .'/version.php')) { include_once($fullplug .'/version.php'); // defines $plugin with version etc } else { continue; // Nothing to do. } $oldupgrade = false; $newupgrade = false; if (is_readable($fullplug . '/db/'. $CFG->dbtype . '.php')) { include_once($fullplug . '/db/'. $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); // defines old upgrading function $oldupgrade = true; } if (is_readable($fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php')) { include_once($fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function $newupgrade = true; } if (!isset($plugin)) { continue; } if (!empty($plugin->requires)) { if ($plugin->requires > $CFG->version) { $info = new object(); $info->pluginname = $plug; $info->pluginversion = $plugin->version; $info->currentmoodle = $CFG->version; $info->requiremoodle = $plugin->requires; if (!$updated_plugins && !$embedded) { print_header($strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, build_navigation(array(array('name' => $strpluginsetup, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'))), '', upgrade_get_javascript(), false, ' ', ' '); } upgrade_log_start(); notify(get_string('pluginrequirementsnotmet', 'error', $info)); $updated_plugins = true; continue; } } $plugin->name = $plug; // The name MUST match the directory $pluginversion = $type.'_'.$plug.'_version'; if (!isset($CFG->$pluginversion)) { set_config($pluginversion, 0); } if ($CFG->$pluginversion == $plugin->version) { // do nothing } else if ($CFG->$pluginversion < $plugin->version) { if (!$updated_plugins && !$embedded) { print_header($strpluginsetup, $strpluginsetup, build_navigation(array(array('name' => $strpluginsetup, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'))), '', upgrade_get_javascript(), false, ' ', ' '); } $updated_plugins = true; upgrade_log_start(); print_heading($dir.'/'. $plugin->name .' plugin needs upgrading'); $db->debug = true; @set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL if ($CFG->$pluginversion == 0) { // It's a new install of this plugin /// Both old .sql files and new install.xml are supported /// but we priorize install.xml (XMLDB) if present $status = false; if (file_exists($fullplug . '/db/install.xml')) { $status = install_from_xmldb_file($fullplug . '/db/install.xml'); //New method } else if (file_exists($fullplug .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql')) { $status = modify_database($fullplug .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql'); //Old method } else { $status = true; } $db->debug = false; /// Continue with the instalation, roles and other stuff if ($status) { /// OK so far, now update the plugins record set_config($pluginversion, $plugin->version); /// Install capabilities if (!update_capabilities($type.'/'.$plug)) { error('Could not set up the capabilities for '.$plugin->name.'!'); } /// Install events events_update_definition($type.'/'.$plug); /// Run local install function if there is one if (is_readable($fullplug .'/lib.php')) { include_once($fullplug .'/lib.php'); $installfunction = $plugin->name.'_install'; if (function_exists($installfunction)) { if (! $installfunction() ) { notify('Encountered a problem running install function for '.$module->name.'!'); } } } notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $plugin->name), 'notifysuccess'); } else { notify('Installing '. $plugin->name .' FAILED!'); } } else { // Upgrade existing install /// Run de old and new upgrade functions for the module $oldupgrade_function = $type.'_'.$plugin->name .'_upgrade'; $newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_' . $type.'_'.$plugin->name .'_upgrade'; /// First, the old function if exists $oldupgrade_status = true; if ($oldupgrade && function_exists($oldupgrade_function)) { $db->debug = true; $oldupgrade_status = $oldupgrade_function($CFG->$pluginversion); } else if ($oldupgrade) { notify ('Upgrade function ' . $oldupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' . $fullplug . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); } /// Then, the new function if exists and the old one was ok $newupgrade_status = true; if ($newupgrade && function_exists($newupgrade_function) && $oldupgrade_status) { $db->debug = true; $newupgrade_status = $newupgrade_function($CFG->$pluginversion); } else if ($newupgrade) { notify ('Upgrade function ' . $newupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' . $fullplug . '/db/upgrade.php'); } $db->debug=false; /// Now analyze upgrade results if ($oldupgrade_status && $newupgrade_status) { // No upgrading failed // OK so far, now update the plugins record set_config($pluginversion, $plugin->version); if (!update_capabilities($type.'/'.$plug)) { error('Could not update '.$plugin->name.' capabilities!'); } events_update_definition($type.'/'.$plug); notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $plugin->name), 'notifysuccess'); } else { notify('Upgrading '. $plugin->name .' from '. $CFG->$pluginversion .' to '. $plugin->version .' FAILED!'); } } echo '
'; } else { upgrade_log_start(); error('Version mismatch: '. $plugin->name .' can\'t downgrade '. $CFG->$pluginversion .' -> '. $plugin->version .' !'); } } upgrade_log_finish(); if ($updated_plugins && !$embedded) { print_continue($return); print_footer('none'); die; } } /** * Find and check all modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary * * @uses $db * @uses $CFG * @param string $return The url to prompt the user to continue to * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function upgrade_activity_modules($return) { global $CFG, $db; if (!$mods = get_list_of_plugins('mod') ) { error('No modules installed!'); } $updated_modules = false; $strmodulesetup = get_string('modulesetup'); foreach ($mods as $mod) { if ($mod == 'NEWMODULE') { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it continue; } $fullmod = $CFG->dirroot .'/mod/'. $mod; unset($module); if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/version.php')) { include_once($fullmod .'/version.php'); // defines $module with version etc } else { notify('Module '. $mod .': '. $fullmod .'/version.php was not readable'); continue; } $oldupgrade = false; $newupgrade = false; if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php')) { include_once($fullmod .'/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); // defines old upgrading function $oldupgrade = true; } if ( is_readable($fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php')) { include_once($fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function $newupgrade = true; } if (!isset($module)) { continue; } if (!empty($module->requires)) { if ($module->requires > $CFG->version) { $info = new object(); $info->modulename = $mod; $info->moduleversion = $module->version; $info->currentmoodle = $CFG->version; $info->requiremoodle = $module->requires; if (!$updated_modules) { print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, build_navigation(array(array('name' => $strmodulesetup, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'))), '', upgrade_get_javascript(), false, ' ', ' '); } upgrade_log_start(); notify(get_string('modulerequirementsnotmet', 'error', $info)); $updated_modules = true; continue; } } $module->name = $mod; // The name MUST match the directory include_once($fullmod.'/lib.php'); // defines upgrading and/or installing functions if ($currmodule = get_record('modules', 'name', $module->name)) { if ($currmodule->version == $module->version) { // do nothing } else if ($currmodule->version < $module->version) { /// If versions say that we need to upgrade but no upgrade files are available, notify and continue if (!$oldupgrade && !$newupgrade) { notify('Upgrade files ' . $mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php or ' . $fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php were not readable'); continue; } if (!$updated_modules) { print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, build_navigation(array(array('name' => $strmodulesetup, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'))), '', upgrade_get_javascript(), false, ' ', ' '); } upgrade_log_start(); print_heading($module->name .' module needs upgrading'); /// Run de old and new upgrade functions for the module $oldupgrade_function = $module->name . '_upgrade'; $newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_' . $module->name . '_upgrade'; /// First, the old function if exists $oldupgrade_status = true; if ($oldupgrade && function_exists($oldupgrade_function)) { $db->debug = true; $oldupgrade_status = $oldupgrade_function($currmodule->version, $module); if (!$oldupgrade_status) { notify ('Upgrade function ' . $oldupgrade_function . ' did not complete successfully.'); } } else if ($oldupgrade) { notify ('Upgrade function ' . $oldupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' . $mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/' . $CFG->dbtype . '.php'); } /// Then, the new function if exists and the old one was ok $newupgrade_status = true; if ($newupgrade && function_exists($newupgrade_function) && $oldupgrade_status) { $db->debug = true; $newupgrade_status = $newupgrade_function($currmodule->version, $module); } else if ($newupgrade && $oldupgrade_status) { notify ('Upgrade function ' . $newupgrade_function . ' was not available in ' . $mod . ': ' . $fullmod . '/db/upgrade.php'); } $db->debug=false; /// Now analyze upgrade results if ($oldupgrade_status && $newupgrade_status) { // No upgrading failed // OK so far, now update the modules record $module->id = $currmodule->id; if (! update_record('modules', $module)) { error('Could not update '. $module->name .' record in modules table!'); } remove_dir($CFG->dataroot . '/cache', true); // flush cache notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $module->name), 'notifysuccess'); echo '
'; } else { notify('Upgrading '. $module->name .' from '. $currmodule->version .' to '. $module->version .' FAILED!'); } /// Update the capabilities table? if (!update_capabilities('mod/'.$module->name)) { error('Could not update '.$module->name.' capabilities!'); } events_update_definition('mod/'.$module->name); $updated_modules = true; } else { upgrade_log_start(); error('Version mismatch: '. $module->name .' can\'t downgrade '. $currmodule->version .' -> '. $module->version .' !'); } } else { // module not installed yet, so install it if (!$updated_modules) { print_header($strmodulesetup, $strmodulesetup, build_navigation(array(array('name' => $strmodulesetup, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc'))), '', upgrade_get_javascript(), false, ' ', ' '); } upgrade_log_start(); print_heading($module->name); $updated_modules = true; $db->debug = true; @set_time_limit(0); // To allow slow databases to complete the long SQL /// Both old .sql files and new install.xml are supported /// but we priorize install.xml (XMLDB) if present if (file_exists($fullmod . '/db/install.xml')) { $status = install_from_xmldb_file($fullmod . '/db/install.xml'); //New method } else { $status = modify_database($fullmod .'/db/'. $CFG->dbtype .'.sql'); //Old method } $db->debug = false; /// Continue with the installation, roles and other stuff if ($status) { if ($module->id = insert_record('modules', $module)) { /// Capabilities if (!update_capabilities('mod/'.$module->name)) { error('Could not set up the capabilities for '.$module->name.'!'); } /// Events events_update_definition('mod/'.$module->name); /// Run local install function if there is one $installfunction = $module->name.'_install'; if (function_exists($installfunction)) { if (! $installfunction() ) { notify('Encountered a problem running install function for '.$module->name.'!'); } } notify(get_string('modulesuccess', '', $module->name), 'notifysuccess'); echo '
'; } else { error($module->name .' module could not be added to the module list!'); } } else { error($module->name .' tables could NOT be set up successfully!'); } } /// Check submodules of this module if necessary $submoduleupgrade = $module->name.'_upgrade_submodules'; if (function_exists($submoduleupgrade)) { $submoduleupgrade(); } /// Run any defaults or final code that is necessary for this module if ( is_readable($fullmod .'/defaults.php')) { // Insert default values for any important configuration variables unset($defaults); include_once($fullmod .'/defaults.php'); if (!empty($defaults)) { foreach ($defaults as $name => $value) { if (!isset($CFG->$name)) { set_config($name, $value); } } } } } upgrade_log_finish(); // finish logging if started if ($updated_modules) { print_continue($return); print_footer('none'); die; } } /** * This function will return FALSE if the lock fails to be set (ie, if it's already locked) * * @param string $name ? * @param bool $value ? * @param int $staleafter ? * @param bool $clobberstale ? * @todo Finish documenting this function */ function set_cron_lock($name,$value=true,$staleafter=7200,$clobberstale=false) { if (empty($name)) { mtrace("Tried to get a cron lock for a null fieldname"); return false; } if (empty($value)) { set_config($name,0); return true; } if ($config = get_record('config','name',$name)) { if (empty($config->value)) { set_config($name,time()); } else { // check for stale. if ((time() - $staleafter) > $config->value) { mtrace("STALE LOCKFILE FOR $name - was $config->value"); if (!empty($clobberstale)) { set_config($name,time()); return true; } } else { return false; // was not stale - ie, we're ok to still be running. } } } else { set_config($name,time()); } return true; } function print_progress($done, $total, $updatetime=5, $sleeptime=1, $donetext='') { static $starttime; static $lasttime; if ($total < 2) { // No need to show anything return; } if (empty($starttime)) { $starttime = $lasttime = time(); $lasttime = $starttime - $updatetime; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; } $now = time(); if ($done && (($now - $lasttime) >= $updatetime)) { $elapsedtime = $now - $starttime; $projectedtime = (int)(((float)$total / (float)$done) * $elapsedtime) - $elapsedtime; $percentage = round((float)$done / (float)$total, 2); $width = (int)(500 * $percentage); if ($projectedtime > 10) { $projectedtext = ' Ending: '.format_time($projectedtime); } else { $projectedtext = ''; } echo ''; $lasttime = $now; sleep($sleeptime); } } function upgrade_get_javascript() { global $CFG; if (!empty($_SESSION['installautopilot'])) { $linktoscrolltoerrors = ''."\n"; } else { $linktoscrolltoerrors = ''."\n"; } $linktoscrolltoerrors .= ''; return $linktoscrolltoerrors; } function create_admin_user() { global $CFG, $USER; if (empty($CFG->rolesactive)) { // No admin user yet. $user = new object(); $user->auth = 'manual'; $user->firstname = get_string('admin'); $user->lastname = get_string('user'); $user->username = 'admin'; $user->password = hash_internal_user_password('admin'); $user->email = 'root@localhost'; $user->confirmed = 1; $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; $user->lang = $CFG->lang; $user->maildisplay = 1; $user->timemodified = time(); if (!$user->id = insert_record('user', $user)) { error('SERIOUS ERROR: Could not create admin user record !!!'); } if (!$user = get_record('user', 'id', $user->id)) { // Double check. error('User ID was incorrect (can\'t find it)'); } // Assign the default admin roles to the new user. if (!$adminroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/legacy:admin', CAP_ALLOW)) { error('No admin role could be found'); } $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); foreach ($adminroles as $adminrole) { role_assign($adminrole->id, $user->id, 0, $sitecontext->id); } set_config('rolesactive', 1); // Log the user in. $USER = get_complete_user_data('username', 'admin'); $USER->newadminuser = 1; load_all_capabilities(); redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/user/editadvanced.php?id=$user->id"); // Edit thyself } else { error('Can not create admin!'); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////// /// upgrade logging functions //////////////////////////////////////////////// $upgradeloghandle = false; $upgradelogbuffer = ''; // I did not find out how to use static variable in callback function, // the problem was that I could not flush the static buffer :-( global $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer; /** * Check if upgrade is already running. * * If anything goes wrong due to missing call to upgrade_log_finish() * just restart the browser. * * @param string warning message indicating upgrade is already running * @param int page reload timeout */ function upgrade_check_running($message, $timeout) { if (!empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) { print_header(); redirect(me(), $message, $timeout); } } /** * Start logging of output into file (if not disabled) and * prevent aborting and concurrent execution of upgrade script. * * Please note that you can not write into session variables after calling this function! * * This function may be called repeatedly. */ function upgrade_log_start() { global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle; if (!empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) { return; // logging already started } @ignore_user_abort(true); // ignore if user stops or otherwise aborts page loading $_SESSION['upgraderunning'] = 1; // set upgrade indicator if (empty($CFG->dbsessions)) { // workaround for bug in adodb, db session can not be restarted session_write_close(); // from now on user can reload page - will be displayed warning } make_upload_directory('upgradelogs'); ob_start('upgrade_log_callback', 2); // function for logging to disk; flush each line of text ASAP register_shutdown_function('upgrade_log_finish'); // in case somebody forgets to stop logging } /** * Terminate logging of output, flush all data, allow script aborting * and reopen session for writing. Function error() does terminate the logging too. * * Please make sure that each upgrade_log_start() is properly terminated by * this function or error(). * * This function may be called repeatedly. */ function upgrade_log_finish() { global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer; if (empty($_SESSION['upgraderunning'])) { return; // logging already terminated } @ob_end_flush(); if ($upgradelogbuffer !== '') { @fwrite($upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer); $upgradelogbuffer = ''; } if ($upgradeloghandle and ($upgradeloghandle !== 'error')) { @fclose($upgradeloghandle); $upgradeloghandle = false; } if (empty($CFG->dbsessions)) { @session_start(); // ignore header errors, we only need to reopen session } $_SESSION['upgraderunning'] = 0; // clear upgrade indicator if (connection_aborted()) { die; } @ignore_user_abort(false); } /** * Callback function for logging into files. Not more than one file is created per minute, * upgrade session (terminated by upgrade_log_finish()) is always stored in one file. * * This function must not output any characters or throw warnigns and errors! */ function upgrade_log_callback($string) { global $CFG, $upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer; if (empty($CFG->disableupgradelogging) and ($string != '') and ($upgradeloghandle !== 'error')) { if ($upgradeloghandle or ($upgradeloghandle = @fopen($CFG->dataroot.'/upgradelogs/upg_'.date('Ymd-Hi').'.html', 'a'))) { $upgradelogbuffer .= $string; if (strlen($upgradelogbuffer) > 2048) { // 2kB write buffer @fwrite($upgradeloghandle, $upgradelogbuffer); $upgradelogbuffer = ''; } } else { $upgradeloghandle = 'error'; } } return $string; } /** * Try to verify that dataroot is not accessible from web. * It is not 100% correct but might help to reduce number of vulnerable sites. * * Protection from httpd.conf and .htaccess is not detected properly. */ function is_dataroot_insecure() { global $CFG; $siteroot = str_replace('\\', '/', strrev($CFG->dirroot.'/')); // win32 backslash workaround $rp = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $CFG->wwwroot, 1); $rp = strrev(trim($rp, '/')); $rp = explode('/', $rp); foreach($rp as $r) { if (strpos($siteroot, '/'.$r.'/') === 0) { $siteroot = substr($siteroot, strlen($r)+1); // moodle web in subdirectory } else { break; // probably alias root } } $siteroot = strrev($siteroot); $dataroot = str_replace('\\', '/', $CFG->dataroot.'/'); if (strpos($dataroot, $siteroot) === 0) { return true; } return false; } /// ============================================================================================================= /// administration tree classes and functions // n.b. documentation is still in progress for this code /// INTRODUCTION /// This file performs the following tasks: /// -it defines the necessary objects and interfaces to build the Moodle /// admin hierarchy /// -it defines the admin_externalpage_setup(), admin_externalpage_print_header(), /// and admin_externalpage_print_footer() functions used on admin pages /// ADMIN_SETTING OBJECTS /// Moodle settings are represented by objects that inherit from the admin_setting /// class. These objects encapsulate how to read a setting, how to write a new value /// to a setting, and how to appropriately display the HTML to modify the setting. /// ADMIN_SETTINGPAGE OBJECTS /// The admin_setting objects are then grouped into admin_settingpages. The latter /// appear in the Moodle admin tree block. All interaction with admin_settingpage /// objects is handled by the admin/settings.php file. /// ADMIN_EXTERNALPAGE OBJECTS /// There are some settings in Moodle that are too complex to (efficiently) handle /// with admin_settingpages. (Consider, for example, user management and displaying /// lists of users.) In this case, we use the admin_externalpage object. This object /// places a link to an external PHP file in the admin tree block. /// If you're using an admin_externalpage object for some settings, you can take /// advantage of the admin_externalpage_* functions. For example, suppose you wanted /// to add a foo.php file into admin. First off, you add the following line to /// admin/settings/first.php (at the end of the file) or to some other file in /// admin/settings: /// $ADMIN->add('userinterface', new admin_externalpage('foo', get_string('foo'), /// $CFG->wwwdir . '/' . '$CFG->admin . '/foo.php', 'some_role_permission')); /// Next, in foo.php, your file structure would resemble the following: /// require_once('.../config.php'); /// require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); /// admin_externalpage_setup('foo'); /// // functionality like processing form submissions goes here /// admin_externalpage_print_header(); /// // your HTML goes here /// admin_externalpage_print_footer(); /// The admin_externalpage_setup() function call ensures the user is logged in, /// and makes sure that they have the proper role permission to access the page. /// The admin_externalpage_print_header() function prints the header (it figures /// out what category and subcategories the page is classified under) and ensures /// that you're using the admin pagelib (which provides the admin tree block and /// the admin bookmarks block). /// The admin_externalpage_print_footer() function properly closes the tables /// opened up by the admin_externalpage_print_header() function and prints the /// standard Moodle footer. /// ADMIN_CATEGORY OBJECTS /// Above and beyond all this, we have admin_category objects. These objects /// appear as folders in the admin tree block. They contain admin_settingpage's, /// admin_externalpage's, and other admin_category's. /// OTHER NOTES /// admin_settingpage's, admin_externalpage's, and admin_category's all inherit /// from part_of_admin_tree (a pseudointerface). This interface insists that /// a class has a check_access method for access permissions, a locate method /// used to find a specific node in the admin tree, and a path method used /// to determine the path to a specific node in the $ADMIN tree. /// admin_category's inherit from parentable_part_of_admin_tree. This pseudo- /// interface ensures that the class implements a recursive add function which /// accepts a part_of_admin_tree object and searches for the proper place to /// put it. parentable_part_of_admin_tree implies part_of_admin_tree. /// Please note that the $this->name field of any part_of_admin_tree must be /// UNIQUE throughout the ENTIRE admin tree. /// The $this->name field of an admin_setting object (which is *not* part_of_ /// admin_tree) must be unique on the respective admin_settingpage where it is /// used. /// MISCELLANEOUS STUFF (used by classes defined below) /////////////////////// include_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/lib.php'); /// CLASS DEFINITIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Pseudointerface for anything appearing in the admin tree * * The pseudointerface that is implemented by anything that appears in the admin tree * block. It forces inheriting classes to define a method for checking user permissions * and methods for finding something in the admin tree. * * @author Vincenzo K. Marcovecchio * @package admin */ class part_of_admin_tree { /** * Finds a named part_of_admin_tree. * * Used to find a part_of_admin_tree. If a class only inherits part_of_admin_tree * and not parentable_part_of_admin_tree, then this function should only check if * $this->name matches $name. If it does, it should return a reference to $this, * otherwise, it should return a reference to NULL. * * If a class inherits parentable_part_of_admin_tree, this method should be called * recursively on all child objects (assuming, of course, the parent object's name * doesn't match the search criterion). * * @param string $name The internal name of the part_of_admin_tree we're searching for. * @return mixed An object reference or a NULL reference. */ function &locate($name) { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method locate()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } /** * Removes named part_of_admin_tree. * * @param string $name The internal name of the part_of_admin_tree we want to remove. * @return bool success. */ function prune($name) { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method prune()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } /** * Verifies current user's access to this part_of_admin_tree. * * Used to check if the current user has access to this part of the admin tree or * not. If a class only inherits part_of_admin_tree and not parentable_part_of_admin_tree, * then this method is usually just a call to has_capability() in the site context. * * If a class inherits parentable_part_of_admin_tree, this method should return the * logical OR of the return of check_access() on all child objects. * * @return bool True if the user has access, false if she doesn't. */ function check_access() { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method check_access()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } /** * Mostly usefull for removing of some parts of the tree in admin tree block. * * @return True is hidden from normal list view */ function is_hidden() { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method is_hidden()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } /** * Determines the path to $name in the admin tree. * * Used to determine the path to $name in the admin tree. If a class inherits only * part_of_admin_tree and not parentable_part_of_admin_tree, then this method should * check if $this->name matches $name. If it does, $name is pushed onto the $path * array (at the end), and $path should be returned. If it doesn't, NULL should be * returned. * * If a class inherits parentable_part_of_admin_tree, it should do the above, but not * return NULL on failure. Instead, it pushes $this->name onto $path, and then * recursively calls path() on its child objects. If any are non-NULL, it should * return $path (being certain that the last element of $path is equal to $name). * If they are all NULL, it returns NULL. * * @param string $name The internal name of the part_of_admin_tree we're searching for. * @param array $path Not used on external calls. Defaults to empty array. * @return mixed If found, an array containing the internal names of each part_of_admin_tree that leads to $name. If not found, NULL. */ function path($name, $path = array()) { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method path()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } } /** * Pseudointerface implemented by any part_of_admin_tree that has children. * * The pseudointerface implemented by any part_of_admin_tree that can be a parent * to other part_of_admin_tree's. (For now, this only includes admin_category.) Apart * from ensuring part_of_admin_tree compliancy, it also ensures inheriting methods * include an add method for adding other part_of_admin_tree objects as children. * * @author Vincenzo K. Marcovecchio * @package admin */ class parentable_part_of_admin_tree extends part_of_admin_tree { /** * Adds a part_of_admin_tree object to the admin tree. * * Used to add a part_of_admin_tree object to this object or a child of this * object. $something should only be added if $destinationname matches * $this->name. If it doesn't, add should be called on child objects that are * also parentable_part_of_admin_tree's. * * @param string $destinationname The internal name of the new parent for $something. * @param part_of_admin_tree &$something The object to be added. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function add($destinationname, &$something) { trigger_error('Admin class does not implement method add()', E_USER_WARNING); return; } } /** * The object used to represent folders (a.k.a. categories) in the admin tree block. * * Each admin_category object contains a number of part_of_admin_tree objects. * * @author Vincenzo K. Marcovecchio * @package admin */ class admin_category extends parentable_part_of_admin_tree { /** * @var mixed An array of part_of_admin_tree objects that are this object's children */ var $children; /** * @var string An internal name for this category. Must be unique amongst ALL part_of_admin_tree objects */ var $name; /** * @var string The displayed name for this category. Usually obtained through get_string() */ var $visiblename; /** * @var bool Should this category be hidden in admin tree block? */ var $hidden; // constructor for an empty admin category // $name is the internal name of the category. it MUST be unique in the entire hierarchy // $visiblename is the displayed name of the category. use a get_string for this /** * Constructor for an empty admin category * * @param string $name The internal name for this category. Must be unique amongst ALL part_of_admin_tree objects * @param string $visiblename The displayed named for this category. Usually obtained through get_string() * @param bool $hidden hide category in admin tree block * @return mixed Returns the new object. */ function admin_category($name, $visiblename, $hidden = false) { $this->children = array(); $this->name = $name; $this->visiblename = $visiblename; $this->hidden = $hidden; } /** * Finds the path to the part_of_admin_tree called $name. * * @param string $name The internal name that we're searching for. * @param array $path Used internally for recursive calls. Do not specify on external calls. Defaults to array(). * @return mixed An array of internal names that leads to $name, or NULL if not found. */ function path($name, $path = array()) { $path[count($path)] = $this->name; if ($this->name == $name) { return $path; } foreach($this->children as $child) { if ($return = $child->path($name, $path)) { return $return; } } return NULL; } /** * Returns a reference to the part_of_admin_tree object with internal name $name. * * @param string $name The internal name of the object we want. * @return mixed A reference to the object with internal name $name if found, otherwise a reference to NULL. */ function &locate($name) { if ($this->name == $name) { return $this; } foreach($this->children as $child) { if ($return =& $child->locate($name)) { return $return; } } $return = NULL; return $return; } /** * Removes part_of_admin_tree object with internal name $name. * * @param string $name The internal name of the object we want to remove. * @return bool success */ function prune($name) { if ($this->name == $name) { return false; //can not remove itself } foreach($this->children as $precedence => $child) { if ($child->name == $name) { // found it! unset($this->children[$precedence]); return true; } if ($this->children[$precedence]->prune($name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds a part_of_admin_tree to a child or grandchild (or great-grandchild, and so forth) of this object. * * @param string $destinationame The internal name of the immediate parent that we want for &$something. * @param mixed &$something A part_of_admin_tree object to be added. * @param int $precedence The precedence of &$something when displayed. Smaller numbers mean it'll be displayed higher up in the admin menu. Defaults to '', meaning "next available position". * @return bool True if successfully added, false if &$something is not a part_of_admin_tree or if $name is not found. */ function add($destinationname, &$something, $precedence = '') { if (!is_a($something, 'part_of_admin_tree')) { return false; } if ($destinationname == $this->name) { if ($precedence === '') { $this->children[] = $something; } else { if (isset($this->children[$precedence])) { // this should never, ever be triggered in a release version of moodle. echo ('There is a precedence conflict in the category ' . $this->name . '. The object named ' . $something->name . ' is overwriting the object named ' . $this->children[$precedence]->name . '.
'); } $this->children[$precedence] = $something; } return true; } unset($entries); $entries = array_keys($this->children); foreach($entries as $entry) { $child =& $this->children[$entry]; if (is_a($child, 'parentable_part_of_admin_tree')) { if ($child->add($destinationname, $something, $precedence)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Checks if the user has access to anything in this category. * * @return bool True if the user has access to atleast one child in this category, false otherwise. */ function check_access() { $return = false; foreach ($this->children as $child) { $return = $return || $child->check_access(); } return $return; } /** * Is this category hidden in admin tree block? * * @return bool True if hidden */ function is_hidden() { return $this->hidden; } } /** * Links external PHP pages into the admin tree. * * See detailed usage example at the top of this document (adminlib.php) * * @author Vincenzo K. Marcovecchio * @package admin */ class admin_externalpage extends part_of_admin_tree { /** * @var string An internal name for this external page. Must be unique amongst ALL part_of_admin_tree objects */ var $name; /** * @var string The displayed name for this external page. Usually obtained through get_string(). */ var $visiblename; /** * @var string The external URL that we should link to when someone requests this external page. */ var $url; /** * @var string The role capability/permission a user must have to access this external page. */ var $req_capability; /** * @var object The context in which capability/permission should be checked, default is site context. */ var $context; /** * @var bool hidden in admin tree block. */ var $hidden; /** * Constructor for adding an external page into the admin tree. * * @param string $name The internal name for this external page. Must be unique amongst ALL part_of_admin_tree objects. * @param string $visiblename The displayed name for this external page. Usually obtained through get_string(). * @param string $url The external URL that we should link to when someone requests this external page. * @param mixed $req_capability The role capability/permission a user must have to access this external page. Defaults to 'moodle/site:config'. */ function admin_externalpage($name, $visiblename, $url, $req_capability = 'moodle/site:config', $hidden=false, $context=NULL) { $this->name = $name; $this->visiblename = $visiblename; $this->url = $url; if (is_array($req_capability)) { $this->req_capability = $req_capability; } else { $this->req_capability = array($req_capability); } $this->hidden = $hidden; $this->context = $context; } /** * Finds the path to the part_of_admin_tree called $name. * * @param string $name The internal name that we're searching for. * @param array $path Used internally for recursive calls. Do not specify on external calls. Defaults to array(). * @return mixed An array of internal names that leads to $name, or NULL if not found. */ function path($name, $path = array()) { if ($name == $this->name) { array_push($path, $this->name); return $path; } else { return NULL; } } /** * Returns a reference to the part_of_admin_tree object with internal name $name. * * @param string $name The internal name of the object we want. * @return mixed A reference to the object with internal name $name if found, otherwise a reference to NULL. */ function &locate($name) { $return = ($this->name == $name ? $this : NULL); return $return; } function prune($name) { return false; } /** * Determines if the current user has access to this external page based on $this->req_capability. * * @uses CONTEXT_SYSTEM * @uses SITEID * @return bool True if user has access, false otherwise. */ function check_access() { if (!get_site()) { return true; // no access check before site is fully set up } $context = empty($this->context) ? get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM) : $this->context; foreach($this->req_capability as $cap) { if (has_capability($cap, $context)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Is this external page hidden in admin tree block? * * @return bool True if hidden */ function is_hidden() { return $this->hidden; } } /** * Used to group a number of admin_setting objects into a page and add them to the admin tree. * * @author Vincenzo K. Marcovecchio * @package admin */ class admin_settingpage extends part_of_admin_tree { /** * @var string An internal name for this external page. Must be unique amongst ALL part_of_admin_tree objects */ var $name; /** * @var string The displayed name for this external page. Usually obtained through get_string(). */ var $visiblename; /** * @var mixed An array of admin_setting objects that are part of this setting page. */ var $settings; /** * @var string The role capability/permission a user must have to access this external page. */ var $req_capability; /** * @var object The context in which capability/permission should be checked, default is site context. */ var $context; /** * @var bool hidden in admin tree block. */ var $hidden; // see admin_category function path($name, $path = array()) { if ($name == $this->name) { array_push($path, $this->name); return $path; } else { return NULL; } } // see admin_category function &locate($name) { $return = ($this->name == $name ? $this : NULL); return $return; } function prune($name) { return false; } // see admin_externalpage function admin_settingpage($name, $visiblename, $req_capability = 'moodle/site:config', $hidden=false, $context=NULL) { global $CFG; $this->settings = new stdClass(); $this->name = $name; $this->visiblename = $visiblename; if (is_array($req_capability)) { $this->req_capability = $req_capability; } else { $this->req_capability = array($req_capability); } $this->hidden = false; $this->context = $context; } // not the same as add for admin_category. adds an admin_setting to this admin_settingpage. settings appear (on the settingpage) in the order in which they're added // n.b. each admin_setting in an admin_settingpage must have a unique internal name // &$setting is the admin_setting object you want to add // returns true if successful, false if not (will fail if &$setting is an admin_setting or child thereof) function add(&$setting) { if (is_a($setting, 'admin_setting')) { $this->settings->{$setting->name} =& $setting; return true; } return false; } // see admin_externalpage function check_access() { if (!get_site()) { return true; // no access check before site is fully set up } $context = empty($this->context) ? get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM) : $this->context; foreach($this->req_capability as $cap) { if (has_capability($cap, $context)) { return true; } } return false; } // outputs this page as html in a table (suitable for inclusion in an admin pagetype) // returns a string of the html function output_html() { $return = '
' . "\n"; $return .= '
' . "\n"; foreach($this->settings as $setting) { $return .= $setting->output_html(); } $return .= '
'; return $return; } // writes settings (the ones that have been added to this admin_settingpage) to the database, or wherever else they're supposed to be written to // -- calls write_setting() to each child setting, sending it only the data that matches each setting's internal name // $data should be the result from data_submitted() // returns an empty string if everything went well, otherwise returns a printable error string (that's language-specific) function write_settings($data) { $return = ''; foreach($this->settings as $setting) { if (isset($data['s_' . $setting->name])) { $return .= $setting->write_setting($data['s_' . $setting->name]); } else { $return .= $setting->write_setting(''); } } return $return; } /** * Is this settigns page hidden in admin tree block? * * @return bool True if hidden */ function is_hidden() { return $this->hidden; } } // read & write happens at this level; no authentication class admin_setting { var $name; var $visiblename; var $description; var $defaultsetting; function admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting) { $this->name = $name; $this->visiblename = $visiblename; $this->description = $description; $this->defaultsetting = $defaultsetting; } function get_setting() { return NULL; // has to be overridden } function get_defaultsetting() { return $this->defaultsetting; } function write_setting($data) { return; // has to be overridden } function output_html() { return; // has to be overridden } } class admin_setting_configtext extends admin_setting { var $paramtype; function admin_setting_configtext($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $paramtype=PARAM_RAW) { $this->paramtype = $paramtype; parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } // returns a string or NULL function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? $CFG->{$this->name} : NULL); } // $data is a string function write_setting($data) { if (!$this->validate($data)) { return get_string('validateerror', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } return (set_config($this->name,$data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function validate($data) { if (is_string($this->paramtype)) { return preg_match($this->paramtype, $data); } else if ($this->paramtype === PARAM_RAW) { return true; } else { $cleaned = clean_param($data, $this->paramtype); return ("$data" == "$cleaned"); // implicit conversion to string is needed to do exact comparison } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $current = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $current = $this->get_setting(); } return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, '', $this->description); } } class admin_setting_configpasswordunmask extends admin_setting_configtext { function admin_setting_configpasswordunmask($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $paramtype=PARAM_RAW) { parent::admin_setting_configtext($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $paramtype); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $current = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $current = $this->get_setting(); } $id = 'id_s_'.$this->name; $unmask = get_string('unmaskpassword', 'form'); $unmaskjs = ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, ''.$unmaskjs, $this->description); } } class admin_setting_configcheckbox extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting) { parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? $CFG->{$this->name} : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { if ($data == '1') { return (set_config($this->name,1) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } else { return (set_config($this->name,0) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $current = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $current = $this->get_setting(); } return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, '', $this->description); } } class admin_setting_configselect extends admin_setting { var $choices; function admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices) { $this->choices = $choices; parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } /** * This function may be used in ancestors for lazy loading of choices */ function load_choices() { /* if (!empty($this->choices)) { return; } .... load choices here */ } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? $CFG->{$this->name} : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { $this->load_choices(); // check that what we got was in the original choices // or that the data is the default setting - needed during install when choices can not be constructed yet if ($data != $this->defaultsetting and ! in_array($data, array_keys($this->choices))) { return 'Error setting ' . $this->visiblename . '
'; } return (set_config($this->name, $data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { $this->load_choices(); if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $current = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $current = $this->get_setting(); } $return = ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description); } } // this is a liiitle bit messy. we're using two selects, but we're returning them as an array named after $name (so we only use $name2 // internally for the setting) class admin_setting_configtime extends admin_setting { var $name2; var $choices; var $choices2; function admin_setting_configtime($hoursname, $minutesname, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting) { $this->name2 = $minutesname; $this->choices = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $this->choices[$i] = $i; } $this->choices2 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i += 5) { $this->choices2[$i] = $i; } parent::admin_setting($hoursname, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) && isset($CFG->{$this->name2}) ? array('h' => $CFG->{$this->name}, 'm' => $CFG->{$this->name2}) : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { // check that what we got was in the original choices if (!(in_array($data['h'], array_keys($this->choices)) && in_array($data['m'], array_keys($this->choices2)))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } return (set_config($this->name, $data['h']) && set_config($this->name2, $data['m']) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = '
'. ':
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_configmultiselect extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_configmultiselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices) { parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->{$this->name})) { if ($CFG->{$this->name}) { return explode(',', $CFG->{$this->name}); } else { return array(); } } else { return NULL; } } function write_setting($data) { if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); } foreach ($data as $datum) { if (! in_array($datum, array_keys($this->choices))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } return (set_config($this->name, implode(',',$data)) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; if (!$currentsetting) { $currentsetting = array(); } } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description); } } class admin_setting_special_adminseesall extends admin_setting_configcheckbox { function admin_setting_special_adminseesall() { $name = 'calendar_adminseesall'; $visiblename = get_string('adminseesall', 'admin'); $description = get_string('helpadminseesall', 'admin'); parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, 0); } function write_setting($data) { global $SESSION; unset($SESSION->cal_courses_shown); parent::write_setting($data); } } class admin_setting_sitesetselect extends admin_setting_configselect { var $id; function admin_setting_sitesetselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices) { $this->id = SITEID; parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices); } function get_setting() { $site = get_site(); return (isset($site->{$this->name}) ? $site->{$this->name} : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { if (!in_array($data, array_keys($this->choices))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } $record = new stdClass(); $record->id = $this->id; $temp = $this->name; $record->$temp = $data; $record->timemodified = time(); return (update_record('course', $record) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_courselist_frontpage extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_courselist_frontpage($loggedin) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); $name = 'frontpage' . ($loggedin ? 'loggedin' : ''); $visiblename = get_string('frontpage' . ($loggedin ? 'loggedin' : ''),'admin'); $description = get_string('configfrontpage' . ($loggedin ? 'loggedin' : ''),'admin'); $choices = array(FRONTPAGENEWS => get_string('frontpagenews'), FRONTPAGECOURSELIST => get_string('frontpagecourselist'), FRONTPAGECATEGORYNAMES => get_string('frontpagecategorynames'), FRONTPAGECATEGORYCOMBO => get_string('frontpagecategorycombo'), '' => get_string('none')); if (!$loggedin and count_records("course") > FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT) { unset($choices[FRONTPAGECOURSELIST]); } $defaults = FRONTPAGECOURSELIST.',,,'; parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaults, $choices); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? explode(',', $CFG->{$this->name}) : ',1,,'); } function write_setting($data) { if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); } if (!is_array($data)) { $data = explode(',', $data); } foreach($data as $datum) { if (! in_array($datum, array_keys($this->choices))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } return (set_config($this->name, implode(',', $data)) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->choices) - 1; $i++) { if (!isset($currentsetting[$i])) { $currentsetting[$i] = 0; } } $return = '
'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->choices) - 1; $i++) { $return .=''; if ($i !== count($this->choices) - 2) { $return .= '
'; } } $return .= '
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_sitesetcheckbox extends admin_setting_configcheckbox { var $id; function admin_setting_sitesetcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting) { $this->id = SITEID; parent::admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } function get_setting() { $site = get_site(); return $site->{$this->name}; } function write_setting($data) { $record = new stdClass(); $record->id = $this->id; $temp = $this->name; $record->$temp = ($data == '1' ? 1 : 0); $record->timemodified = time(); return (update_record('course', $record) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_sitesettext extends admin_setting_configtext { var $id; function admin_setting_sitesettext($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting) { $this->id = SITEID; parent::admin_setting_configtext($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } function get_setting() { $site = get_site(); return $site->{$this->name} != '' ? $site->{$this->name} : NULL; } function validate($data) { $cleaned = stripslashes(clean_param($data, PARAM_MULTILANG)); if ($cleaned == '') { return false; // can not be empty } return ($data == $cleaned); // implicit conversion to string is needed to do exact comparison } function write_setting($data) { $data = trim($data); if (!$this->validate($data)) { return get_string('validateerror', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } $record = new stdClass(); $record->id = $this->id; $record->{$this->name} = addslashes($data); $record->timemodified = time(); return (update_record('course', $record) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_frontpagedesc extends admin_setting { var $id; function admin_setting_special_frontpagedesc() { $this->id = SITEID; $name = 'summary'; $visiblename = get_string('frontpagedescription'); $description = get_string('frontpagedescriptionhelp'); parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, ''); } function output_html() { global $CFG; $CFG->adminusehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor(); $return = print_textarea($CFG->adminusehtmleditor, 15, 60, 0, 0, 's_' . $this->name, $this->get_setting(), 0, true); return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } function get_setting() { $site = get_site(); return $site->{$this->name}; } function get_defaultsetting() { return NULL; } function write_setting($data) { $record = new object(); $record->id = $this->id; $record->{$this->name} = addslashes($data); $record->timemodified = time(); return(update_record('course', $record) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_editorfontlist extends admin_setting { var $items; function admin_setting_special_editorfontlist() { global $CFG; $name = 'editorfontlist'; $visiblename = get_string('editorfontlist', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configeditorfontlist', 'admin'); $defaults = array('k0' => 'Trebuchet', 'v0' => 'Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif', 'k1' => 'Arial', 'v1' => 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif', 'k2' => 'Courier New', 'v2' => 'courier new,courier,monospace', 'k3' => 'Georgia', 'v3' => 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif', 'k4' => 'Tahoma', 'v4' => 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', 'k5' => 'Times New Roman', 'v5' => 'times new roman,times,serif', 'k6' => 'Verdana', 'v6' => 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', 'k7' => 'Impact', 'v7' => 'impact', 'k8' => 'Wingdings', 'v8' => 'wingdings'); parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaults); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->editorfontlist)) { $i = 0; $currentsetting = array(); $items = explode(';', $CFG->editorfontlist); foreach ($items as $item) { $item = explode(':', $item); $currentsetting['k' . $i] = $item[0]; $currentsetting['v' . $i] = $item[1]; $i++; } return $currentsetting; } else { return NULL; } } function write_setting($data) { // there miiight be an easier way to do this :) // if this is changed, make sure the $defaults array above is modified so that this // function processes it correctly $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (substr($key,0,1) == 'k') { $keys[substr($key,1)] = $value; } elseif (substr($key,0,1) == 'v') { $values[substr($key,1)] = $value; } } $result = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if (($keys[$i] !== '') && ($values[$i] !== '')) { $result .= clean_param($keys[$i],PARAM_NOTAGS) . ':' . clean_param($values[$i], PARAM_NOTAGS) . ';'; } } $result = substr($result, 0, -1); // trim the last semicolon return (set_config($this->name, $result) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = '
'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentsetting) / 2; $i++) { $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= '
'; } $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= '
'; $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= ''; $return .= '
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_emoticons extends admin_setting { var $items; function admin_setting_emoticons() { global $CFG; $name = 'emoticons'; $visiblename = get_string('emoticons', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configemoticons', 'admin'); $defaults = array('k0' => ':-)', 'v0' => 'smiley', 'k1' => ':)', 'v1' => 'smiley', 'k2' => ':-D', 'v2' => 'biggrin', 'k3' => ';-)', 'v3' => 'wink', 'k4' => ':-/', 'v4' => 'mixed', 'k5' => 'V-.', 'v5' => 'thoughtful', 'k6' => ':-P', 'v6' => 'tongueout', 'k7' => 'B-)', 'v7' => 'cool', 'k8' => '^-)', 'v8' => 'approve', 'k9' => '8-)', 'v9' => 'wideeyes', 'k10' => ':o)', 'v10' => 'clown', 'k11' => ':-(', 'v11' => 'sad', 'k12' => ':(', 'v12' => 'sad', 'k13' => '8-.', 'v13' => 'shy', 'k14' => ':-I', 'v14' => 'blush', 'k15' => ':-X', 'v15' => 'kiss', 'k16' => '8-o', 'v16' => 'surprise', 'k17' => 'P-|', 'v17' => 'blackeye', 'k18' => '8-[', 'v18' => 'angry', 'k19' => 'xx-P', 'v19' => 'dead', 'k20' => '|-.', 'v20' => 'sleepy', 'k21' => '}-]', 'v21' => 'evil', 'k22' => '(h)', 'v22' => 'heart', 'k23' => '(heart)', 'v23' => 'heart', 'k24' => '(y)', 'v24' => 'yes', 'k25' => '(n)', 'v25' => 'no', 'k26' => '(martin)', 'v26' => 'martin', 'k27' => '( )', 'v27' => 'egg'); parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaults); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->emoticons)) { $i = 0; $currentsetting = array(); $items = explode('{;}', $CFG->emoticons); foreach ($items as $item) { $item = explode('{:}', $item); $currentsetting['k' . $i] = $item[0]; $currentsetting['v' . $i] = $item[1]; $i++; } return $currentsetting; } else { return NULL; } } function write_setting($data) { // there miiight be an easier way to do this :) // if this is changed, make sure the $defaults array above is modified so that this // function processes it correctly $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (substr($key,0,1) == 'k') { $keys[substr($key,1)] = $value; } elseif (substr($key,0,1) == 'v') { $values[substr($key,1)] = $value; } } $result = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { if (($keys[$i] !== '') && ($values[$i] !== '')) { $result .= clean_param($keys[$i],PARAM_NOTAGS) . '{:}' . clean_param($values[$i], PARAM_NOTAGS) . '{;}'; } } $result = substr($result, 0, -3); // trim the last separator return (set_config($this->name, $result) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = '
'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentsetting) / 2; $i++) { $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= '
'; } $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= '
'; $return .= ''; $return .= '  '; $return .= ''; $return .= '
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_special_editordictionary extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_special_editordictionary() { $name = 'editordictionary'; $visiblename = get_string('editordictionary','admin'); $description = get_string('configeditordictionary', 'admin'); $choices = $this->editor_get_dictionaries(); if (! is_array($choices)) { $choices = array(''); } parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, '', $choices); } // function borrowed from the old moodle/admin/editor.php, slightly modified function editor_get_dictionaries () { /// Get all installed dictionaries in the system global $CFG; // error_reporting(E_ALL); // for debug, final version shouldn't have this... clearstatcache(); // If aspellpath isn't set don't even bother ;-) if (empty($CFG->aspellpath)) { return 'Empty aspell path!'; } // Do we have access to popen function? if (!function_exists('popen')) { return 'Popen function disabled!'; } $cmd = $CFG->aspellpath; $output = ''; $dictionaries = array(); $dicts = array(); if(!($handle = @popen(escapeshellarg($cmd) .' dump dicts', 'r'))) { return 'Couldn\'t create handle!'; } while(!feof($handle)) { $output .= fread($handle, 1024); } @pclose($handle); $dictionaries = explode(chr(10), $output); // Get rid of possible empty values if (is_array($dictionaries)) { $cnt = count($dictionaries); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (!empty($dictionaries[$i])) { $dicts[$dictionaries[$i]] = $dictionaries[$i]; } } } if (count($dicts) >= 1) { return $dicts; } return 'Error! Check your aspell installation!'; } } class admin_setting_special_editorhidebuttons extends admin_setting { var $name; var $visiblename; var $description; var $items; function admin_setting_special_editorhidebuttons() { $this->name = 'editorhidebuttons'; $this->visiblename = get_string('editorhidebuttons', 'admin'); $this->description = get_string('confeditorhidebuttons', 'admin'); $this->defaultsetting = array(); // weird array... buttonname => buttonimage (assume proper path appended). if you leave buttomimage blank, text will be printed instead $this->items = array('fontname' => '', 'fontsize' => '', 'formatblock' => '', 'bold' => 'ed_format_bold.gif', 'italic' => 'ed_format_italic.gif', 'underline' => 'ed_format_underline.gif', 'strikethrough' => 'ed_format_strike.gif', 'subscript' => 'ed_format_sub.gif', 'superscript' => 'ed_format_sup.gif', 'copy' => 'ed_copy.gif', 'cut' => 'ed_cut.gif', 'paste' => 'ed_paste.gif', 'clean' => 'ed_wordclean.gif', 'undo' => 'ed_undo.gif', 'redo' => 'ed_redo.gif', 'justifyleft' => 'ed_align_left.gif', 'justifycenter' => 'ed_align_center.gif', 'justifyright' => 'ed_align_right.gif', 'justifyfull' => 'ed_align_justify.gif', 'lefttoright' => 'ed_left_to_right.gif', 'righttoleft' => 'ed_right_to_left.gif', 'insertorderedlist' => 'ed_list_num.gif', 'insertunorderedlist' => 'ed_list_bullet.gif', 'outdent' => 'ed_indent_less.gif', 'indent' => 'ed_indent_more.gif', 'forecolor' => 'ed_color_fg.gif', 'hilitecolor' => 'ed_color_bg.gif', 'inserthorizontalrule' => 'ed_hr.gif', 'createanchor' => 'ed_anchor.gif', 'createlink' => 'ed_link.gif', 'unlink' => 'ed_unlink.gif', 'insertimage' => 'ed_image.gif', 'inserttable' => 'insert_table.gif', 'insertsmile' => '', 'insertchar' => 'icon_ins_char.gif', 'spellcheck' => 'spell-check.gif', 'htmlmode' => 'ed_html.gif', 'popupeditor' => 'fullscreen_maximize.gif', 'search_replace' => 'ed_replace.gif'); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return (isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? explode(' ', $CFG->{$this->name}) : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { $result = array(); if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); } foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, array_keys($this->items))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } if ($value == '1') { $result[] = $key; } } return (set_config($this->name, implode(' ',$result)) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { global $CFG; // checkboxes with input name="$this->name[$key]" value="1" // we do 15 fields per column if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = '
'; $return .= ''; $return .= '
'; $count = 0; foreach($this->items as $key => $value) { if ($count % 15 == 0 and $count != 0) { $return .= ''; } $return .= ($value == '' ? get_string($key,'editor') : '' . get_string($key,'editor') . '') . ' '; $return .= '       '; $count++; if ($count % 15 != 0) { $return .= '

'; } } $return .= '
'; $return .= '
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_langlist extends admin_setting_configtext { function admin_setting_langlist() { parent::admin_setting_configtext('langlist', get_string('langlist', 'admin'), get_string('configlanglist', 'admin'), '', PARAM_NOTAGS); } function write_setting($data) { $return = parent::write_setting($data); get_list_of_languages(true);//refresh the list return $return; } } class admin_setting_backupselect extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_backupselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $default, $choices) { parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, $default, $choices); } function get_setting() { $backup_config = backup_get_config(); return (isset($backup_config->{$this->name}) ? $backup_config->{$this->name} : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { // check that what we got was in the original choices if (! in_array($data, array_keys($this->choices))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } return (backup_set_config($this->name, $data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_backupsaveto extends admin_setting_configtext { function admin_setting_special_backupsaveto() { $name = 'backup_sche_destination'; $visiblename = get_string('saveto'); $description = get_string('backupsavetohelp'); parent::admin_setting_configtext($name, $visiblename, $description, ''); } function get_setting() { $backup_config = backup_get_config(); return (isset($backup_config->{$this->name}) ? $backup_config->{$this->name} : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { $data = trim($data); if (!empty($data) and !is_dir($data)) { return get_string('pathnotexists') . '
'; } return (backup_set_config($this->name, $data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_backupcheckbox extends admin_setting_configcheckbox { function admin_setting_backupcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $default) { parent::admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function write_setting($data) { if ($data == '1') { return (backup_set_config($this->name, 1) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } else { return (backup_set_config($this->name, 0) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } function get_setting() { $backup_config = backup_get_config(); return (isset($backup_config->{$this->name}) ? $backup_config->{$this->name} : NULL); } } class admin_setting_special_backuptime extends admin_setting_configtime { function admin_setting_special_backuptime() { $name = 'backup_sche_hour'; $name2 = 'backup_sche_minute'; $visiblename = get_string('executeat'); $description = get_string('backupexecuteathelp'); $default = array('h' => 0, 'm' => 0); parent::admin_setting_configtime($name, $name2, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { $backup_config = backup_get_config(); return (isset($backup_config->{$this->name}) && isset($backup_config->{$this->name}) ? array('h'=>$backup_config->{$this->name}, 'm'=>$backup_config->{$this->name2}) : NULL); } function write_setting($data) { // check that what we got was in the original choices if (!(in_array($data['h'], array_keys($this->choices)) && in_array($data['m'], array_keys($this->choices2)))) { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } return (backup_set_config($this->name, $data['h']) && backup_set_config($this->name2, $data['m']) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_backupdays extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_special_backupdays() { $name = 'backup_sche_weekdays'; $visiblename = get_string('schedule'); $description = get_string('backupschedulehelp'); $default = array('u' => 0, 'm' => 0, 't' => 0, 'w' => 0, 'r' => 0, 'f' => 0, 's' => 0); parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { $backup_config = backup_get_config(); if (isset($backup_config->{$this->name})) { $currentsetting = $backup_config->{$this->name}; return array('u' => substr($currentsetting, 0, 1), 'm' => substr($currentsetting, 1, 1), 't' => substr($currentsetting, 2, 1), 'w' => substr($currentsetting, 3, 1), 'r' => substr($currentsetting, 4, 1), 'f' => substr($currentsetting, 5, 1), 's' => substr($currentsetting, 6, 1)); } else { return NULL; } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } // rewrite for simplicity $currentsetting = $currentsetting['u'] . $currentsetting['m'] . $currentsetting['t'] . $currentsetting['w'] . $currentsetting['r'] . $currentsetting['f'] . $currentsetting['s']; $return = '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '' . '
  ' . get_string('sunday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('monday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('tuesday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('wednesday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('thursday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('friday', 'calendar') . '  
  ' . get_string('saturday', 'calendar') . '  
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } // we're using the array trick (see to get the data passed to use without having to modify // admin_settingpage (note that admin_settingpage only calls write_setting with the data that matches $this->name... so if we have multiple form fields, // they MUST go into an array named $this->name, or else we won't receive them here function write_setting($data) { $week = 'umtwrfs'; $result = array(0 => 0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0, 3 => 0, 4 => 0, 5 => 0, 6 => 0); if (!empty($data)) { foreach($data as $key => $value) { if ($value == '1') { $result[strpos($week, $key)] = 1; } } } return (backup_set_config($this->name, implode('',$result)) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_debug extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_special_debug() { $name = 'debug'; $visiblename = get_string('debug', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configdebug', 'admin'); $choices = array( DEBUG_NONE => get_string('debugnone', 'admin'), DEBUG_MINIMAL => get_string('debugminimal', 'admin'), DEBUG_NORMAL => get_string('debugnormal', 'admin'), DEBUG_ALL => get_string('debugall', 'admin'), DEBUG_DEVELOPER => get_string('debugdeveloper', 'admin') ); parent::admin_setting_configselect($name, $visiblename, $description, '', $choices); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->debug)) { return $CFG->debug; } else { return NULL; } } function write_setting($data) { return (set_config($this->name,$data) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } class admin_setting_special_calendar_weekend extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_special_calendar_weekend() { $name = 'calendar_weekend'; $visiblename = get_string('calendar_weekend', 'admin'); $description = get_string('helpweekenddays', 'admin'); $default = array ('0', '6'); // Saturdays and Sundays parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; return isset($CFG->{$this->name}) ? $CFG->{$this->name} : 0; } function write_setting($data) { $result = 0; if (!empty($data)) { foreach($data as $index) { $result |= 1 << $index; } } return (set_config($this->name, $result) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } // The order matters very much because of the implied numeric keys $days = array('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday'); $return = ''; foreach($days as $index => $day) { $return .= ''; } $return .= ''; foreach($days as $index => $day) { $return .= ''; } $return .= '
'; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } /** * this is used in config->grades */ class admin_setting_special_gradebookroles extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_special_gradebookroles() { $name = 'gradebookroles'; $visiblename = get_string('gradebookroles', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configgradebookroles', 'admin'); $default = array(5=>'1'); // The student role in a default install parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->{$this->name})) { $result = explode(',', $CFG->{$this->name}); foreach ($result as $roleid) { $array[$roleid] = 1; } return $array; } else { return null; } } function write_setting($data) { if (!empty($data)) { $str = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $str .= $key.','; } } return set_config($this->name, rtrim($str, ","))?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } else { return set_config($this->name, '')?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } // from to process which roles to display if ($roles = get_records('role')) { $return = '
'; $first = true; foreach ($roles as $roleid=>$role) { if (is_array($currentsetting) && in_array($roleid, array_keys($currentsetting))) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $return .= '
'; } $return .= ' '.format_string($role->name); } $return .= '
'; } return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } /* * this is used in config->appearance->coursemanager * (which roles to show on course decription page) */ class admin_setting_special_coursemanager extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_special_coursemanager() { $name = 'coursemanager'; $visiblename = get_string('coursemanager', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configcoursemanager', 'admin'); $default = array(3=>'1'); // The teahcer role in a default install parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->{$this->name})) { $result = explode(',', $CFG->{$this->name}); foreach ($result as $roleid) { $array[$roleid] = 1; } return $array; } else if (isset($CFG->{$this->name})) { return array(); } else { return null; } } function write_setting($data) { if (!empty($data)) { $str = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $str .= $key.','; } } return set_config($this->name, rtrim($str, ","))?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } else { return set_config($this->name, '')?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } // from to process which roles to display if ($roles = get_records_select('role', '', 'sortorder')) { $return = '
'; $first = true; foreach ($roles as $roleid=>$role) { if (is_array($currentsetting) && in_array($roleid, array_keys($currentsetting))) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $return .= '
'; } $return .= ' '.$role->name; } $return .= '
'; } return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } /* * this is used in config->courses->gradeexports * (which roles to show on course decription page) */ class admin_setting_special_gradeexport extends admin_setting { function admin_setting_special_gradeexport() { $name = 'gradeexport'; $visiblename = get_string('gradeexport', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configgradeexport', 'admin'); $default = array(3=>'1'); // The teahcer role in a default install parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->{$this->name})) { $result = explode(',', $CFG->{$this->name}); foreach ($result as $plugin) { $array[$plugin] = 1; } return $array; } else if (isset($CFG->{$this->name})) { return array(); } else { return null; } } function write_setting($data) { if (!empty($data)) { $str = ''; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $str .= $key.','; } } return set_config($this->name, rtrim($str, ","))?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } else { return set_config($this->name, '')?'':get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } // from to process which roles to display if ($exports = get_list_of_plugins('grade/export')) { $return = '
'; $first = true; foreach ($exports as $export) { if (is_array($currentsetting) && in_array($export, array_keys($currentsetting))) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; } else { $checked = ''; } if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $return .= '
'; } $return .= ' '.$export; } $return .= '
'; } return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description, false); } } class admin_setting_special_perfdebug extends admin_setting_configcheckbox { function admin_setting_special_perfdebug() { $name = 'perfdebug'; $visiblename = get_string('perfdebug', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configperfdebug', 'admin'); parent::admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, ''); } function write_setting($data) { if ($data == '1') { return (set_config($this->name,15) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } else { return (set_config($this->name,7) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description); } } class admin_setting_special_debugdisplay extends admin_setting_configcheckbox { function admin_setting_special_debugdisplay() { $name = 'debugdisplay'; $visiblename = get_string('debugdisplay', 'admin'); $description = get_string('configdebugdisplay', 'admin'); $default = ini_get('display_errors'); parent::admin_setting_configcheckbox($name, $visiblename, $description, $default); } function write_setting($data) { if ($data == '1') { return (set_config($this->name,1) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } else { return (set_config($this->name,0) ? '' : get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'); } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $currentsetting = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $currentsetting = $this->get_setting(); } $return = ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description); } } class admin_setting_gradecat_combo extends admin_setting { var $choices; function admin_setting_gradecat_combo($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting, $choices) { $this->choices = $choices; parent::admin_setting($name, $visiblename, $description, $defaultsetting); } function get_setting() { global $CFG; if (!isset($CFG->{$this->name}) or !isset($CFG->{$this->name.'_flag'})) { return NULL; } $flag = (int)$CFG->{$this->name.'_flag'}; $forced = (boolean)(1 & $flag); // first bit $adv = (boolean)(2 & $flag); // second bit return array('value' => $CFG->{$this->name}, 'forced' => $forced, 'adv' => $adv); } function write_setting($data) { global $CFG; $value = $data['value']; $forced = empty($data['forced']) ? 0 : 1; $adv = empty($data['adv']) ? 0 : 2; $flag = ($forced | $adv); //bitwise or if (!in_array($value, array_keys($this->choices))) { return 'Error setting ' . $this->visiblename . '
'; } $oldvalue = get_config(NULL, $this->name); $oldflag = (int)get_config(NULL, $this->name.'_flag'); $oldforced = (1 & $oldflag); // first bit $result = (boolean)set_config($this->name, $value); $result = $result && (boolean)set_config($this->name.'_flag', $flag); if ($result) { // force regrade if needed if ($oldforced != $forced or ($forced and $value != $oldvalue)) { require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); grade_category::updated_forced_settings(); } return ''; } else { return get_string('errorsetting', 'admin') . $this->visiblename . '
'; } } function output_html() { if ($this->get_setting() === NULL) { $current = $this->defaultsetting; } else { $current = $this->get_setting(); } $value = $current['value']; $forced = !empty($current['forced']); $adv = !empty($current['adv']); $return = ''; $return .= ''; $return .= ''; return format_admin_setting($this->name, $this->visiblename, $return, $this->description); } } /** * Selection of grade report in user profile */ class admin_setting_grade_profilereport extends admin_setting_configselect { function admin_setting_grade_profilereport() { parent::admin_setting_configselect('grade_profilereport', get_string('profilereport', 'grades'), get_string('configprofilereport', 'grades'), 'user', null); } function load_choices() { if (!empty($this->choices)) { return; } $this->choices = array(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); foreach (get_list_of_plugins('grade/report') as $plugin) { if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/'.$plugin.'/lib.php')) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/'.$plugin.'/lib.php'); $functionname = 'grade_report_'.$plugin.'_profilereport'; if (function_exists($functionname)) { $this->choices[$plugin] = get_string('modulename', 'gradereport_'.$plugin, NULL, $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/'.$plugin.'/lang/'); } } } } } // Code for a function that helps externalpages print proper headers and footers // N.B.: THIS FUNCTION HANDLES AUTHENTICATION function admin_externalpage_setup($section) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $USER; $adminroot = admin_get_root(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/blocklib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/'.$CFG->admin.'/pagelib.php'); page_map_class(PAGE_ADMIN, 'page_admin'); $PAGE = page_create_object(PAGE_ADMIN, 0); // there must be any constant id number $PAGE->init_extra($section); // hack alert! $root = $adminroot->locate($PAGE->section); if ($site = get_site()) { require_login(); } else { redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/'.$CFG->admin.'/index.php'); die; } if (!is_a($root, 'admin_externalpage')) { error(get_string('sectionerror','admin')); die; } // this eliminates our need to authenticate on the actual pages if (!($root->check_access())) { error(get_string('accessdenied', 'admin')); die; } $adminediting = optional_param('adminedit', -1, PARAM_BOOL); if (!isset($USER->adminediting)) { $USER->adminediting = false; } if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) { if ($adminediting == 1) { $USER->adminediting = true; } elseif ($adminediting == 0) { $USER->adminediting = false; } } } /** * TODO document */ function admin_externalpage_print_header() { global $CFG, $PAGE, $SITE, $THEME; define('ADMIN_EXT_HEADER_PRINTED', 'true'); if (!empty($SITE->fullname)) { $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE); $preferred_width_left = bounded_number(BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), BLOCK_L_MAX_WIDTH); $preferred_width_right = bounded_number(BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_RIGHT]), BLOCK_R_MAX_WIDTH); $PAGE->print_header(); echo ''; $lt = (empty($THEME->layouttable)) ? array('left', 'middle', 'right') : $THEME->layouttable; foreach ($lt as $column) { $lt1[] = $column; if ($column == 'middle') break; } foreach ($lt1 as $column) { switch ($column) { case 'left': echo ''; break; case 'middle': echo ''; } break; } } } else { print_header(); } } function admin_externalpage_print_footer() { global $CFG, $PAGE, $SITE, $THEME; define('ADMIN_EXT_FOOTER_PRINTED', 'true'); if (!empty($SITE->fullname)) { $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE); $preferred_width_left = bounded_number(BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), BLOCK_L_MAX_WIDTH); $preferred_width_right = bounded_number(BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_RIGHT]), BLOCK_R_MAX_WIDTH); $lt = (empty($THEME->layouttable)) ? array('left', 'middle', 'right') : $THEME->layouttable; foreach ($lt as $column) { if ($column != 'middle') { array_shift($lt); } else if ($column == 'middle') { break; } } foreach ($lt as $column) { switch ($column) { case 'left': echo ''; break; case 'middle': print_container_end(); $THEME->open_header_containers--; // this is hacky workaround for the error()/notice() autoclosing problems on admin pages echo ''; break; case 'right': if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT)) { echo ''; } break; } } echo '
'; print_container_start(); blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT); print_container_end(); echo ''; print_container_start(true); $THEME->open_header_containers++; // this is hacky workaround for the error()/notice() autoclosing problems on admin pages break; case 'right': if (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT)) { echo ''; print_container_start(); blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT); print_container_end(); echo ''; print_container_start(); blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT); print_container_end(); echo ''; print_container_start(); blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT); print_container_end(); echo '
'; } print_footer(); } function admin_get_root() { global $CFG; static $ADMIN; if (!isset($ADMIN)) { // start the admin tree! $ADMIN = new admin_category('root', get_string("administration")); // we process this file first to get categories up and running include($CFG->dirroot . '/'.$CFG->admin.'/settings/top.php'); // now we process all other files in admin/settings to build the // admin tree foreach (glob($CFG->dirroot . '/'.$CFG->admin.'/settings/*.php') as $file) { if ($file != $CFG->dirroot . '/'.$CFG->admin.'/settings/top.php') { include_once($file); } } } return $ADMIN; } /// settings utility functions /** * This function applies default settings. * @param object $node * @param bool $uncoditional if true overrides all values with defaults * @return void */ function apply_default_settings(&$node, $unconditional=true) { global $CFG; if (is_a($node, 'admin_category')) { $entries = array_keys($node->children); foreach ($entries as $entry) { apply_default_settings($node->children[$entry]); } return; } if (is_a($node, 'admin_settingpage')) { foreach ($node->settings as $setting) { if (!$unconditional and !is_null($setting->get_setting)) { //do not override existing defaults continue; } $defaultsetting = $setting->get_defaultsetting(); if (is_null($defaultsetting)) { // no value yet - default maybe applied after admin user creation or in upgradesettings continue; } $CFG->{$setting->name} = $defaultsetting; $setting->write_setting($defaultsetting); unset($setting); // needed to prevent odd (imho) reference behaviour // see } return; } return; } // n.b. this function unconditionally applies default settings function apply_default_exception_settings($defaults) { global $CFG; foreach($defaults as $key => $value) { $CFG->$key = $value; set_config($key, $value); } } function format_admin_setting($name, $title='', $form='', $description='', $label=true) { // sometimes the id is not id_s_name, but id_s_name_m or something, and this does not validate if ($label) { $labelfor = 'for = "id_s_'.$name.'"'; } else { $labelfor = ''; } $str = "\n". '
'."\n". ''."\n". $form."\n". '
'."\n". '
'. "\n\n"; return $str; } /* * Try to upgrade the given language pack (or current language) * If it doesn't work, fail silently and return false */ function upgrade_language_pack($lang='') { global $CFG; if (empty($lang)) { $lang = current_language(); } if ($lang == 'en_utf8') { return true; // Nothing to do } notify(get_string('langimport', 'admin').': '.$lang.' ... ', 'notifysuccess'); @mkdir ($CFG->dataroot.'/temp/'); //make it in case it's a fresh install, it might not be there @mkdir ($CFG->dataroot.'/lang/'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); if ($cd = new component_installer('', 'lang16', $lang.'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) { $status = $cd->install(); //returns ERROR | UPTODATE | INSTALLED if ($status == INSTALLED) { debugging('Downloading successful: '.$lang); @unlink($CFG->dataroot.'/cache/languages'); return true; } } return false; } /** * Based on find_new_settings{@link ()} in upgradesettings.php * Looks to find any admin settings that have not been initialized. Returns 1 if it finds any. * * @param string &$node The node at which to start searching. * @return int Returns 1 if any settings haven't been initialised, 0 if they all have */ function any_new_admin_settings(&$node) { if (is_a($node, 'admin_category')) { $entries = array_keys($node->children); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if( any_new_admin_settings($node->children[$entry]) ){ return 1; } } } if (is_a($node, 'admin_settingpage')) { foreach ($node->settings as $setting) { if ($setting->get_setting() === NULL) { return 1; } } } return 0; } /** * Moved from admin/replace.php so that we can use this in cron * @param string $search - string to look for * @param string $replace - string to replace * @return bool - success or fail */ function db_replace($search, $replace) { global $db, $CFG; /// Turn off time limits, sometimes upgrades can be slow. @set_time_limit(0); @ob_implicit_flush(true); while(@ob_end_flush()); if (!$tables = $db->Metatables() ) { // No tables yet at all. return false; } foreach ($tables as $table) { if (in_array($table, array($CFG->prefix.'config'))) { // Don't process these continue; } if ($columns = $db->MetaColumns($table, false)) { foreach ($columns as $column => $data) { if (in_array($data->type, array('text','mediumtext','longtext','varchar'))) { // Text stuff only $db->debug = true; execute_sql("UPDATE $table SET $column = REPLACE($column, '$search', '$replace');"); $db->debug = false; } } } } return true; } ?>