You may want to revise your work in the light of that assessment.
If you do that please remember to also revise your assessment.
You can do this by clicking on the Re-assess link given below.'; $string['awaitingassessmentbythe'] = 'Awaiting Assessment by the $a'; $string['awaitingfeedbackfromthe'] = 'Awaiting Feedback from the $a'; $string['clearlateflag'] = 'Clear Late Flag'; $string['comment'] = '评论'; $string['confirmdeletionofthisitem'] = '确认删除 $a'; $string['correct'] = '正确'; $string['criterion'] = '标准'; $string['deadline'] = '最终期限'; $string['deadlineis'] = '最后期限是 $a'; $string['delete'] = '删除'; $string['deleting'] = '删除'; $string['description'] = '描述'; $string['descriptionofexercise'] = 'In an Exercise Assignment the description of the exercise or task to be done by the $a is put into a Word document or HTML file. This file is uploaded into the exercise before the assignment is opened up to the $a. It is also possible to create a set of variants on the same exercise or task, again as Word documents or HTML files, and upload these into the exercise before it is opened up to the $a.'; $string['detailsofassessment'] = '评定细节'; $string['displayoffinalgrades'] = 'Display of Final Grades'; $string['doubleupload'] = 'Warning: this submission has probably been sent twice. Go to the Administration page, check for two submissions from this user within a short time period. Delete one of these submissions before proceeding.'; $string['duedate'] = 'Due Date'; $string['edit'] = '编辑'; $string['editingassessmentelements'] = 'Editing Assessment Elements'; $string['element'] = 'Element'; $string['elementweight'] = 'Element Weight'; $string['entriessaved'] = 'Entries Saved'; $string['errorbanded'] = 'Error Banded'; $string['excellent'] = '优秀'; $string['exerciseassessments'] = 'Exercise Assessments'; $string['exercisefeedback'] = 'Exercise Feedback'; $string['exercisesubmissions'] = 'Exercise Submissions'; $string['generalcomment'] = '常规评论'; $string['good'] = '号'; $string['gradeassessment'] = 'Grade Assessment'; $string['gradeforassessment'] = 'Grade for Assessment'; $string['gradeforstudentsassessment'] = 'Grade for $a Assessment'; $string['gradeforsubmission'] = 'Grade for Submission'; $string['gradetable'] = 'Grade Table'; $string['gradingstrategy'] = 'Grading Strategy'; $string['handlingofmultiplesubmissions'] = 'Handling of Multiple Submissions'; $string['hidenamesfromstudents'] = 'Hide Names from Students'; $string['incorrect'] = '错误'; $string['leaguetable'] = 'League Table of Submitted Work'; $string['mail1'] = 'Your assignment \'$a\' has been assessed by'; $string['mail2'] = 'The comments and grade can be seen in the Exercise Assignment \'$a\''; $string['mail3'] = '你可以在你的联系中看到它'; $string['mail6'] = 'Your assessment of the assignment \'$a\' has by reviewed'; $string['mail7'] = 'The comments given by the $a can be seen in the Exercise Assignment '; $string['managingassignment'] = '管理该联系'; $string['maximumsize'] = '最大大小'; $string['modulename'] = '习题'; $string['modulenameplural'] = '习题'; $string['movingtophase'] = 'Moving to Phase $a'; $string['multiplesubmissions'] = 'Multiple Submissions'; $string['noexercisedescriptionssubmitted'] = '未发布联系描述'; $string['nosubmissions'] = 'No Submissions'; $string['notassessedyet'] = 'Not Assessed Yet'; $string['notavailable'] = 'Not Available'; $string['noteonassessmentelements'] = 'Note that grading is broken down into a number of \'Assessment Elements\'.
This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these
Elements before making the assignment available to students. This is done by
clicking on the assignment in the course, if no elements are present you will be asked
to add them. You can change the number of elements using the Edit Assignment screen,
the elements themselves can be amended from the "Managing Assignment" screen. '; $string['noteonstudentassessments'] = '{Grade from student / Grading Grade from teacher}'; $string['notgraded'] = '未评分'; $string['notitlegiven'] = '未指定标题'; $string['nowpleasemakeyourownassessment'] = 'Now Please make your own Assessment of the Piece of Work from $a.
Note that the Assessment Form is initially given the same grades as the
Student\'s Form. You should make any amendments you think necessary and then
click on one of the buttons at the foot of the page.'; $string['numberofassessmentelements'] = 'Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric'; $string['numberofentries'] = '条目数'; $string['numberofnegativeresponses'] = 'Number of Negative Responses'; $string['onesubmission'] = 'One Submission'; $string['optionaladjustment'] = 'Optional Adjustment'; $string['overallgrade'] = 'Overall Grade'; $string['phase'] = '状态'; $string['phase1'] = '设置习题'; $string['phase1short'] = 'Set Up'; $string['phase2'] = 'Allow $a Assessments and Submissions'; $string['phase2short'] = '开启'; $string['phase3'] = 'Show Overall Grades and League Table'; $string['phase3short'] = '关闭'; $string['pleasegradetheassessment'] = 'Please Grade the Assessment of this Piece of Work by $a'; $string['pleasesubmityourwork'] = '请通过此表发送你的习作'; $string['pleaseusethisform'] = '当你完成练习下的指令后请填完整表格'; $string['pleaseviewtheexercise'] = 'Please view the exercise given below by clicking on it\'s title.
You should follow the instructions in this exercise.
When you are happy that you have completed the exercise
successfully you should click on Assess (or Re-assess) link to the
right of the title. When you have done this assessment you will be
shown further instructions on what happens next.'; $string['poor'] = 'Poor'; $string['present'] = 'Present'; $string['reasonforadjustment'] = 'Reason for Adjustment'; $string['reassess'] = 'Re-assess'; $string['resubmissionfor'] = 'Resubmission for $a'; $string['resubmitnote'] = '* means that the $a is allowed to redo this submission.
This flag can be given to any submission by re-assessing it and clicking
on the Allow $a to Re-submit button.
The student can resubmit when this flag is present on any of their submissions.'; $string['rubric'] = 'Rubric'; $string['savedok'] = '保存成功'; $string['saveentries'] = 'Save Entries'; $string['savemyassessment'] = 'Save my Assessment'; $string['saveweights'] = 'Save Weights'; $string['scale10'] = 'Score out of 10'; $string['scale100'] = 'Score out of 100'; $string['scale20'] = 'Score out of 20'; $string['scalecorrect'] = '2 point Correct/Incorrect scale'; $string['scaleexcellent4'] = '4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent5'] = '5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent7'] = '7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scalegood3'] = '3 point Good/Poor scale'; $string['scalepresent'] = '2 point Present/Absent scale'; $string['scaleyes'] = '2 point Yes/No scale'; $string['specimenassessmentform'] = 'Specimen Assessment Form'; $string['studentallowedtoresubmit'] = '$a ALLOWED to re-submit'; $string['studentassessments'] = '$a Assessments'; $string['studentnotallowed'] = '$a NOT allowed to re-submit (or not needed)'; $string['studentsubmissions'] = '$a Submissions'; $string['studentsubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Student Submissions for Assessment'; $string['submission'] = 'Submission'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submissionsnowclosed'] = 'Submissions now closed - Submission deadline has passed'; $string['submitexercisedescription'] = 'Submit Exercise Description'; $string['submitted'] = '发布'; $string['submittedby'] = '发布者'; $string['suggestedgrade'] = 'Suggested Grade'; $string['teacherassessment'] = '$a Assessment'; $string['teacherassessmenttable'] = '$a Assessment Table'; $string['teacherscomment'] = '老师评语'; $string['theexercise'] = '练习'; $string['theexerciseandthesubmissionby'] = 'The Exercise and the Submission by $a'; $string['thegradeis'] = '级别是 $a'; $string['thereisfeedbackfromthe'] = '这是来自于 $a 的反馈'; $string['thisisaresubmission'] = 'This is a Re-submission by $a.
Your assessment of their previous submission is shown.
After looking at the new submission, please Amend this assessment
and click on one of the buttons at the foot of the page.'; $string['title'] = '标题'; $string['typeofscale'] = '等级类别'; $string['ungradedstudentassessments'] = '$a Ungraded Student Assessments'; $string['usemaximum'] = 'Use Maximum'; $string['usemean'] = 'Use Mean'; $string['verypoor'] = '很差'; $string['view'] = '浏览'; $string['viewassessment'] = '查看评定'; $string['warningonamendingelements'] = 'WARNING: There are submitted assessments.
Do NOT change the number of elements, the scale types or the element weights.'; $string['weightederrorcount'] = 'Weighted Error Count: $a'; $string['weightforgradingofassessments'] = 'Weight for Grading of Assessments'; $string['weightforteacherassessments'] = 'Weight for $a Assessments'; $string['weights'] = 'Weights'; $string['weightssaved'] = 'Weights Saved'; $string['weightsusedforoverallgrade'] = 'Weights used for Overall Grade'; $string['yourassessment'] = '你的评定'; $string['yourfeedbackgoeshere'] = '你的反馈在这里'; $string['yoursubmission'] = 'Your Submission'; ?>