set_fieldid($fieldid); $this->set_userid($userid); $this->load_data(); } /***** The following methods must be overwritten by child classes *****/ /** * Abstract method: Adds the profile field to the moodle form class * @param form instance of the moodleform class */ function edit_field_add(&$mform) { print_error('mustbeoveride', 'debug', '', 'edit_field_add'); } /***** The following methods may be overwritten by child classes *****/ /** * Display the data for this field */ function display_data() { $options = new object(); $options->para = false; return format_text($this->data, FORMAT_MOODLE, $options); } /** * Print out the form field in the edit profile page * @param object instance of the moodleform class * $return boolean */ function edit_field(&$mform) { if ($this->field->visible != PROFILE_VISIBLE_NONE or has_capability('moodle/user:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { $this->edit_field_add($mform); $this->edit_field_set_default($mform); $this->edit_field_set_required($mform); $this->edit_field_set_locked($mform); } } /** * Saves the data coming from form * @param mixed data coming from the form * @return mixed returns data id if success of db insert/update, false on fail, 0 if not permitted */ function edit_save_data($usernew) { global $DB; if (!isset($usernew->{$this->inputname})) { // field not present in form, probably locked and invisible - skip it return; } $usernew->{$this->inputname} = $this->edit_save_data_preprocess($usernew->{$this->inputname}); $data = new object(); $data->userid = $usernew->id; $data->fieldid = $this->field->id; $data->data = $usernew->{$this->inputname}; if ($dataid = $DB->get_field('user_info_data', 'id', array('userid'=>$data->userid, 'fieldid'=>$data->fieldid))) { $data->id = $dataid; if (!$DB->update_record('user_info_data', $data)) { print_error('cannotupdatecustomprofile'); } } else { $DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $data); } } /** * Validate the form field from profile page * @return string contains error message otherwise NULL **/ function edit_validate_field($usernew) { //no errors by default return array(); } /** * Sets the default data for the field in the form object * @param object instance of the moodleform class */ function edit_field_set_default(&$mform) { if (!empty($default)) { $mform->setDefault($this->inputname, $this->field->defaultdata); } } /** * Sets the required flag for the field in the form object * @param object instance of the moodleform class */ function edit_field_set_required(&$mform) { if ($this->is_required() and !has_capability('moodle/user:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { $mform->addRule($this->inputname, get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); } } /** * HardFreeze the field if locked. * @param object instance of the moodleform class */ function edit_field_set_locked(&$mform) { if ($this->is_locked() and !has_capability('moodle/user:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { $mform->hardFreeze($this->inputname); } } /** * Hook for child classess to process the data before it gets saved in database * @param mixed * @return mixed */ function edit_save_data_preprocess($data) { return $data; } /** * Loads a user object with data for this field ready for the edit profile * form * @param object a user object */ function edit_load_user_data(&$user) { if ($this->data !== NULL) { $user->{$this->inputname} = $this->data; } } /** * Check if the field data should be loaded into the user object * By default it is, but for field types where the data may be potentially * large, the child class should override this and return false * @return boolean */ function is_user_object_data() { return true; } /***** The following methods generally should not be overwritten by child classes *****/ /** * Accessor method: set the userid for this instance * @param integer id from the user table */ function set_userid($userid) { $this->userid = $userid; } /** * Accessor method: set the fieldid for this instance * @param integer id from the user_info_field table */ function set_fieldid($fieldid) { $this->fieldid = $fieldid; } /** * Accessor method: Load the field record and user data associated with the * object's fieldid and userid */ function load_data() { global $DB; /// Load the field object if (($this->fieldid == 0) or (!($field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('id'=>$this->fieldid))))) { $this->field = NULL; $this->inputname = ''; } else { $this->field = $field; $this->inputname = 'profile_field_'.$field->shortname; } if (!empty($this->field)) { if ($datafield = $DB->get_field('user_info_data', 'data', array('userid'=>$this->userid, 'fieldid'=>$this->fieldid))) { $this->data = $datafield; } else { $this->data = $this->field->defaultdata; } } else { $this->data = NULL; } } /** * Check if the field data is visible to the current user * @return boolean */ function is_visible() { global $USER; switch ($this->field->visible) { case PROFILE_VISIBLE_ALL: return true; case PROFILE_VISIBLE_PRIVATE: return ($this->userid == $USER->id); default: return has_capability('moodle/user:update', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); } } /** * Check if the field data is considered empty * return boolean */ function is_empty() { return ( ($this->data != '0') and empty($this->data)); } /** * Check if the field is required on the edit profile page * @return boolean */ function is_required() { return (boolean)$this->field->required; } /** * Check if the field is locked on the edit profile page * @return boolean */ function is_locked() { return (boolean)$this->field->locked; } /** * Check if the field data should be unique * @return boolean */ function is_unique() { return (boolean)$tihs->field->forceunique; } /** * Check if the field should appear on the signup page * @return boolean */ function is_signup_field() { return (boolean)$this->field->signup; } } /// End of class definition /***** General purpose functions for customisable user profiles *****/ function profile_load_data(&$user) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $user->id); $formfield->edit_load_user_data($user); } } } /** * Print out the customisable categories and fields for a users profile * @param object instance of the moodleform class */ function profile_definition(&$mform) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($categories = $DB->get_records('user_info_category', null, 'sortorder ASC')) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field', array('categoryid'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) { $mform->addElement('header', 'category_'.$category->id, format_string($category->name)); foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id); $formfield->edit_field($mform); } } } } } function profile_definition_after_data(&$mform) { global $CFG, $DB; /* if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id); //TODO add: method into field class } }*/ } function profile_validation($usernew, $files) { global $CFG, $DB; $err = array(); if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $usernew->id); $err += $formfield->edit_validate_field($usernew, $files); } } return $err; } function profile_save_data($usernew) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $usernew->id); $formfield->edit_save_data($usernew); } } } function profile_display_fields($userid) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; if ($categories = $DB->get_records('user_info_category', null, 'sortorder ASC')) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field', array('categoryid'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $userid); if ($formfield->is_visible() and !$formfield->is_empty()) { print_row(s($formfield->field->name.':'), $formfield->display_data()); } } } } } } /** * Adds code snippet to a moodle form object for custom profile fields that * should appear on the signup page * @param object moodle form object */ function profile_signup_fields(&$mform) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field', array('signup'=>1), 'sortorder ASC')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id); $formfield->edit_field($mform); } } } /** * Returns an object with the custom profile fields set for the given user * @param integer userid * @return object */ function profile_user_record($userid) { global $CFG, $DB; $user = new object(); if ($fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($fields as $field) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/field/'.$field->datatype.'/field.class.php'); $newfield = 'profile_field_'.$field->datatype; $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $userid); if ($formfield->is_user_object_data()) $user->{$field->shortname} = $formfield->data; } } return $user; } ?>