action = required_param('action'); $params->course = required_param('course'); $params->reference = required_param('reference'); require_login($params->course); if (!isteacher($params->course)) { error("You are not allowed to view this page!"); } // decode the reference (not usually necessary) $params->reference = urldecode($params->reference); if (isadmin()) { $params->location = optional_param('location', HOTPOT_LOCATION_COURSEFILES); } else { $params->location = HOTPOT_LOCATION_COURSEFILES; } $title = get_string($params->action, 'hotpot').': '.$params->reference; print_header($title, $title); hotpot_print_show_links($params->course, $params->location, $params->reference); ?> '; switch ($params->action) { case 'showxmlsource': print htmlspecialchars($hp->source); break; case 'showxmltree': print_r($hp->xml); break; case 'showhtmlsource': print htmlspecialchars($hp->html); break; case 'showhtmlquiz': print $hp->html; break; } print ''; } else { print_simple_box("Could not open Hot Potatoes XML file", "center", "", "#FFBBBB"); } print_simple_box_end(); print '
'; close_window_button(); ?>