// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see . /** * Comment Helper * @author Dongsheng Cai */ M.core_comment = { /** * Initialize commenting system */ init: function(Y, options) { var CommentHelper = function(args) { CommentHelper.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; CommentHelper.NAME = "COMMENT"; CommentHelper.ATTRS = { options: {}, lang: {} }; Y.extend(CommentHelper, Y.Base, { api: M.cfg.wwwroot+'/comment/comment_ajax.php', initializer: function(args) { var scope = this; this.client_id = args.client_id; this.itemid = args.itemid; this.commentarea = args.commentarea; this.component = args.component; this.courseid = args.courseid; this.contextid = args.contextid; this.env = args.env; // expand comments? if (args.autostart) { this.view(args.page); } // load comments var handle = Y.one('#comment-link-'+this.client_id); // hide toggle link if (handle) { if (args.notoggle) { handle.setStyle('display', 'none'); } handle.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.view(0); return false; }, this); } CommentHelper.confirmoverlay = new Y.Overlay({ bodyContent: '', visible: false }); CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.render(document.body); }, post: function() { var ta = Y.one('#dlg-content-'+this.client_id); var scope = this; var value = ta.get('value'); if (value && value != M.str.moodle.addcomment) { var params = {'content': value}; this.request({ action: 'add', scope: scope, params: params, callback: function(id, obj, args) { var scope = args.scope; var cid = scope.client_id; var ta = Y.one('#dlg-content-'+cid); ta.set('value', ''); var container = Y.one('#comment-list-'+cid); var result = scope.render([obj], true); var newcomment = Y.Node.create(result.html); container.appendChild(newcomment); var ids = result.ids; var linktext = Y.one('#comment-link-text-'+cid); if (linktext) { linktext.set('innerHTML', M.str.moodle.comments + ' ('+obj.count+')'); } for(var i in ids) { var attributes = { color: { to: '#06e' }, backgroundColor: { to: '#FFE390' } }; var anim = new YAHOO.util.ColorAnim(ids[i], attributes); anim.animate(); } scope.register_pagination(); scope.register_delete_buttons(); } }, true); } else { var attributes = { backgroundColor: { from: '#FFE390', to:'#FFFFFF' } }; var anim = new YAHOO.util.ColorAnim('dlg-content-'+cid, attributes); anim.animate(); } }, request: function(args, noloading) { var params = {}; var scope = this; if (args['scope']) { scope = args['scope']; } //params['page'] = args.page?args.page:''; params['env'] = ''; // the form element only accept certain file types params['sesskey'] = M.cfg.sesskey; params['action'] = args.action?args.action:''; params['client_id'] = this.client_id; params['itemid'] = this.itemid; params['area'] = this.commentarea; params['courseid'] = this.courseid; params['contextid'] = this.contextid; params['component'] = this.component; if (args['params']) { for (i in args['params']) { params[i] = args['params'][i]; } } var cfg = { method: 'POST', on: { complete: function(id,o,p) { if (!o) { alert('IO FATAL'); return false; } var data = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText); if (data.error) { if (data.error == 'require_login') { args.callback(id,data,p); return true; } alert(data.error); return false; } else { args.callback(id,data,p); return true; } } }, arguments: { scope: scope }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'User-Agent': 'MoodleComment/3.0' }, data: build_querystring(params) }; if (args.form) { cfg.form = args.form; } Y.io(this.api, cfg); if (!noloading) { this.wait(); } }, render: function(list, newcmt) { var ret = {}; ret.ids = []; var template = Y.one('#cmt-tmpl'); var html = ''; for(var i in list) { var htmlid = 'comment-'+list[i].id+'-'+this.client_id; var val = template.get('innerHTML'); if (list[i].profileurl) { val = val.replace('___name___', ''+list[i].fullname+''); } else { val = val.replace('___name___', list[i].fullname); } if (list[i]['delete']||newcmt) { list[i].content = '
' + list[i].content; } val = val.replace('___time___', list[i].time); val = val.replace('___picture___', list[i].avatar); val = val.replace('___content___', list[i].content); val = '
  • '+val+'
  • '; ret.ids.push(htmlid); html = (val+html); } ret.html = html; return ret; }, load: function(page) { var scope = this; var container = Y.one('#comment-ctrl-'+this.client_id); var params = { 'action': 'get', 'page': page }; this.request({ scope: scope, params: params, callback: function(id, ret, args) { var linktext = Y.one('#comment-link-text-'+scope.client_id); if (ret.count && linktext) { linktext.set('innerHTML', M.str.moodle.comments + ' ('+ret.count+')'); } var container = Y.one('#comment-list-'+scope.client_id); var pagination = Y.one('#comment-pagination-'+scope.client_id); if (ret.pagination) { pagination.set('innerHTML', ret.pagination); } else { //empty paging bar pagination.set('innerHTML', ''); } if (ret.error == 'require_login') { var result = {}; result.html = M.str.moodle.commentsrequirelogin; } else { var result = scope.render(ret.list); } container.set('innerHTML', result.html); var img = Y.one('#comment-img-'+scope.client_id); if (img) { img.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'core')); } args.scope.register_pagination(); args.scope.register_delete_buttons(); } }); }, dodelete: function(id) { // note: delete is a reserved word in javascript, chrome and safary do not like it at all here! var scope = this; var params = {'commentid': id}; scope.cancel_delete(); function remove_dom(type, anim, cmt) { cmt.remove(); } this.request({ action: 'delete', scope: scope, params: params, callback: function(id, resp, args) { var htmlid= 'comment-'+resp.commentid+'-'+resp.client_id; var attributes = { width:{to:0}, height:{to:0} }; var cmt = Y.one('#'+htmlid); cmt.setStyle('overflow', 'hidden'); var anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(htmlid, attributes, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut); anim.onComplete.subscribe(remove_dom, cmt, this); anim.animate(); } }, true); }, register_actions: function() { // add new comment var action_btn = Y.one('#comment-action-post-'+this.client_id); if (action_btn) { action_btn.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.post(); return false; }, this); } // cancel comment box var cancel = Y.one('#comment-action-cancel-'+this.client_id); if (cancel) { cancel.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.view(0); return false; }, this); } }, register_delete_buttons: function() { var scope = this; // page buttons Y.all('div.comment-delete a').each( function(node, id) { var theid = node.get('id'); var parseid = new RegExp("comment-delete-"+scope.client_id+"-(\\d+)", "i"); var commentid = theid.match(parseid); if (!commentid) { return; } if (commentid[1]) { Y.Event.purgeElement('#'+theid, false, 'click'); } node.on('click', function(e, node) { e.preventDefault(); var width = CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.bodyNode.getStyle('width'); var re = new RegExp("(\\d+).*", "i"); var result = width.match(re); if (result[1]) { width = Number(result[1]); } else { width = 0; } //CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.set('xy', [e.pageX-(width/2), e.pageY]); CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.set('xy', [e.pageX-width-5, e.pageY]); CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.set('visible', true); Y.one('#canceldelete-'+scope.client_id).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); scope.cancel_delete(); }); Y.Event.purgeElement('#confirmdelete-'+scope.client_id, false, 'click'); Y.one('#confirmdelete-'+scope.client_id).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (commentid[1]) { scope.dodelete(commentid[1]); } }); }, scope, node); } ); }, cancel_delete: function() { CommentHelper.confirmoverlay.set('visible', false); }, register_pagination: function() { var scope = this; // page buttons Y.all('#comment-pagination-'+this.client_id+' a').each( function(node, id) { node.on('click', function(e, node) { e.preventDefault(); var id = node.get('id'); var re = new RegExp("comment-page-"+this.client_id+"-(\\d+)", "i"); var result = id.match(re); this.load(result[1]); }, scope, node); } ); }, view: function(page) { var container = Y.one('#comment-ctrl-'+this.client_id); var ta = Y.one('#dlg-content-'+this.client_id); var img = Y.one('#comment-img-'+this.client_id); var d = container.getStyle('display'); if (d=='none'||d=='') { // show if (this.env != 'block_comments') { this.load(page); } else { this.register_delete_buttons(); this.register_pagination(); } container.setStyle('display', 'block'); if (img) { img.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'core')); } } else { // hide container.setStyle('display', 'none'); img.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/collapsed', 'core')); if (ta) { ta.set('value',''); } } if (ta) { //toggle_textarea.apply(ta, [false]); //// reset textarea size ta.on('click', function() { this.toggle_textarea(true); }, this); //ta.onkeypress = function() { //if (this.scrollHeight > this.clientHeight && !window.opera) //this.rows += 1; //} ta.on('blur', function() { this.toggle_textarea(false); }, this); } this.register_actions(); return false; }, toggle_textarea: function(focus) { var t = Y.one('#dlg-content-'+this.client_id); if (focus) { if (t.get('value') == M.str.moodle.addcomment) { t.set('value', ''); t.setStyle('color', 'black'); } }else{ if (t.get('value') == '') { t.set('value', M.str.moodle.addcomment); t.setStyle('color','grey'); t.set('rows', 2); } } }, wait: function() { var container = Y.one('#comment-list-'+this.client_id); container.set('innerHTML', '
    '); } }); new CommentHelper(options); }, init_admin: function(Y) { var select_all = Y.one('#comment_select_all'); select_all.on('click', function(e) { var comments = document.getElementsByName('comments'); var checked = false; for (var i in comments) { if (comments[i].checked) { checked=true; } } for (i in comments) { comments[i].checked = !checked; } this.set('checked', !checked); }); var comments_delete = Y.one('#comments_delete'); if (comments_delete) { comments_delete.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var list = ''; var comments = document.getElementsByName('comments'); for (var i in comments) { if (typeof comments[i] == 'object' && comments[i].checked) { list += (comments[i].value + '-'); } } if (!list) { return; } var args = {}; args.message = M.str.admin.confirmdeletecomments; args.callback = function() { var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/comment/index.php'; var data = { 'commentids': list, 'sesskey': M.cfg.sesskey, 'action': 'delete' }; var cfg = { method: 'POST', on: { complete: function(id,o,p) { if (!o) { alert('IO FATAL'); return; } if (o.responseText == 'yes') { location.reload(); } } }, arguments: { scope: this }, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'User-Agent': 'MoodleComment/3.0' }, data: build_querystring(data) }; Y.io(url, cfg); }; M.util.show_confirm_dialog(e, args); }); } } };