libdir.'/filelib.php'); define("GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES", 0); define("GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED", -1); define("GLOSSARY_NO_VIEW", -1); define("GLOSSARY_STANDARD_VIEW", 0); define("GLOSSARY_CATEGORY_VIEW", 1); define("GLOSSARY_DATE_VIEW", 2); define("GLOSSARY_AUTHOR_VIEW", 3); define("GLOSSARY_ADDENTRY_VIEW", 4); define("GLOSSARY_IMPORT_VIEW", 5); define("GLOSSARY_EXPORT_VIEW", 6); define("GLOSSARY_APPROVAL_VIEW", 7); //Check for global configure default variables if (!isset($CFG->glossary_studentspost)) { set_config("glossary_studentspost", 1); // Students can post entries. } if (!isset($CFG->glossary_dupentries)) { set_config("glossary_dupentries", 0); // Duplicate entries are not allowed. } if (!isset($CFG->glossary_allowcomments)) { set_config("glossary_allowcomments", 0); // Comments are not allowed. } if (!isset($CFG->glossary_linkbydefault)) { set_config("glossary_linkbydefault", 1); // Linking entries is enabled. } if (!isset($CFG->glossary_defaultapproval)) { set_config("glossary_defaultapproval", 1); // Entries are approved. } if (!isset($CFG->glossary_entbypage)) { set_config("glossary_entbypage", 10); // 10 entries are showed. } /// STANDARD FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function glossary_add_instance($glossary) { /// Given an object containing all the necessary data, /// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function /// will create a new instance and return the id number /// of the new instance. if (!isset($glossary->userating) || !$glossary->userating) { $glossary->assessed = 0; } if (!empty($glossary->ratingtime)) { $glossary->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($glossary->startyear, $glossary->startmonth, $glossary->startday, $glossary->starthour, $glossary->startminute, 0); $glossary->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($glossary->finishyear, $glossary->finishmonth, $glossary->finishday, $glossary->finishhour, $glossary->finishminute, 0); } else { $glossary->assesstimestart = 0; $glossary->assesstimefinish = 0; } if ( !isset($glossary->globalglossary) ) { $glossary->globalglossary = 0; } elseif ( !isadmin() ) { $glossary->globalglossary = 0; } $glossary->timecreated = time(); $glossary->timemodified = $glossary->timecreated; //Check displayformat is a valid one $formats = get_list_of_plugins('mod/glossary/formats','TEMPLATE'); if (!in_array($glossary->displayformat, $formats)) { error("This format doesn't exist!"); } //sanitize submitted values a bit $glossary->entbypage = clean_param($glossary->entbypage, PARAM_INT); return insert_record("glossary", $glossary); } function glossary_update_instance($glossary) { /// Given an object containing all the necessary data, /// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function /// will update an existing instance with new data. global $CFG; if ( !isadmin() ) { unset($glossary->globalglossary); } if (empty($glossary->globalglossary)) { $glossary->globalglossary = 0; } $glossary->timemodified = time(); $glossary->id = $glossary->instance; if (!isset($glossary->userating) || !$glossary->userating) { $glossary->assessed = 0; } if (!empty($glossary->ratingtime)) { $glossary->assesstimestart = make_timestamp($glossary->startyear, $glossary->startmonth, $glossary->startday, $glossary->starthour, $glossary->startminute, 0); $glossary->assesstimefinish = make_timestamp($glossary->finishyear, $glossary->finishmonth, $glossary->finishday, $glossary->finishhour, $glossary->finishminute, 0); } else { $glossary->assesstimestart = 0; $glossary->assesstimefinish = 0; } //Check displayformat is a valid one $formats = get_list_of_plugins('mod/glossary/formats','TEMPLATE'); if (!in_array($glossary->displayformat, $formats)) { error("This format doesn't exist!"); } $return = update_record("glossary", $glossary); if ($return and $glossary->defaultapproval) { execute_sql("update {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries SET approved = 1 where approved != 1 and glossaryid = " . $glossary->id,false); } return $return; } function glossary_delete_instance($id) { /// Given an ID of an instance of this module, /// this function will permanently delete the instance /// and any data that depends on it. if (! $glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", "$id")) { return false; } $result = true; # Delete any dependent records here # if (! delete_records("glossary", "id", "$glossary->id")) { $result = false; } else { if ($categories = get_records("glossary_categories","glossaryid",$glossary->id)) { $cats = ""; foreach ( $categories as $cat ) { $cats .= "$cat->id,"; } $cats = substr($cats,0,-1); if ($cats) { delete_records_select("glossary_entries_categories", "categoryid in ($cats)"); delete_records("glossary_categories", "glossaryid", $glossary->id); } } if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries", "glossaryid", $glossary->id) ) { $ents = ""; foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { if ( $entry->sourceglossaryid ) { $entry->glossaryid = $entry->sourceglossaryid; $entry->sourceglossaryid = 0; update_record("glossary_entries",$entry); } else { $ents .= "$entry->id,"; } } $ents = substr($ents,0,-1); if ($ents) { delete_records_select("glossary_comments", "entryid in ($ents)"); delete_records_select("glossary_alias", "entryid in ($ents)"); delete_records_select("glossary_ratings", "entryid in ($ents)"); } } glossary_delete_attachments($glossary); delete_records("glossary_entries", "glossaryid", "$glossary->id"); } return $result; } function glossary_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $glossary) { /// Return a small object with summary information about what a /// user has done with a given particular instance of this module /// Used for user activity reports. /// $return->time = the time they did it /// $return->info = a short text description if ($entries = glossary_get_user_entries($glossary->id, $user->id)) { $result->info = count($entries) . ' ' . get_string("entries", "glossary"); $lastentry = array_pop($entries); $result->time = $lastentry->timemodified; return $result; } return NULL; } function glossary_get_user_entries($glossaryid, $userid) { /// Get all the entries for a user in a glossary global $CFG; return get_records_sql("SELECT e.*, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary g, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}user u WHERE = '$glossaryid' AND e.glossaryid = AND e.userid = '$userid' AND e.userid = ORDER BY e.timemodified ASC"); } function glossary_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $glossary) { /// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with /// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. global $CFG; if ($entries = glossary_get_user_entries($glossary->id, $user->id)) { echo '
'; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("glossary", $glossary->id, $course->id); glossary_print_entry($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,"","",0); echo '

'; } echo '

'; } } function glossary_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) { /// Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity /// that has occurred in glossary activities and print it out. /// Return true if there was output, or false is there was none. global $CFG; if (!$logs = get_records_select('log', 'time > \''.$timestart.'\' AND '. 'course = \''.$course->id.'\' AND '. 'module = \'glossary\' AND '. '(action = \'add entry\' OR '. ' action = \'approve entry\')', 'time ASC')) { return false; } $entries = array(); foreach ($logs as $log) { //Create a temp valid module structure (course,id) $tempmod->course = $log->course; $entry = get_record('glossary_entries','id',$log->info); $tempmod->id = $entry->glossaryid; //Obtain the visible property from the instance $modvisible = instance_is_visible($log->module,$tempmod); //Only if the mod is visible if ($modvisible and $entry->approved) { $entries[$log->info] = glossary_log_info($log); $entries[$log->info]->time = $log->time; $entries[$log->info]->url = str_replace('&', '&', $log->url); } } $content = false; if ($entries) { $content = true; print_headline(get_string('newentries', 'glossary').':'); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $user = get_record('user','id',$entry->userid, '','', '','', 'firstname,lastname'); print_recent_activity_note($entry->timemodified, $user, $isteacher, $entry->concept, $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/glossary/view.php?g='.$entry->glossaryid. '&mode=entry&hook='.$entry->id); } } return $content; } function glossary_log_info($log) { global $CFG; return get_record_sql("SELECT e.*, u.firstname, u.lastname FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}user u WHERE = '$log->info' AND = '$log->userid'"); } function glossary_cron () { /// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron /// This function searches for things that need to be done, such /// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ... global $CFG; return true; } function glossary_grades($glossaryid) { /// Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module, /// indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade. if (!$glossary = get_record("glossary", "id", $glossaryid)) { return false; } if (!$glossary->assessed) { return false; } $scalemenu = make_grades_menu($glossary->scale); $currentuser = 0; $ratingsuser = array(); if ($ratings = glossary_get_user_grades($glossaryid)) { foreach ($ratings as $rating) { // Ordered by user if ($currentuser and $rating->userid != $currentuser) { if (!empty($ratingsuser)) { if ($glossary->scale < 0) { $return->grades[$currentuser] = glossary_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser); $return->grades[$currentuser] .= "
".glossary_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser); } else { $total = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) { $total += $ra; $count ++; } $return->grades[$currentuser] = (string) format_float($total/$count, 2); if ( count($ratingsuser) > 1 ) { $return->grades[$currentuser] .= " (" . count($ratingsuser) . ")"; } } } else { $return->grades[$currentuser] = ""; } $ratingsuser = array(); } $ratingsuser[] = $rating->rating; $currentuser = $rating->userid; } if (!empty($ratingsuser)) { if ($glossary->scale < 0) { $return->grades[$currentuser] = glossary_get_ratings_mean(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser); $return->grades[$currentuser] .= "
".glossary_get_ratings_summary(0, $scalemenu, $ratingsuser); } else { $total = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($ratingsuser as $ra) { $total += $ra; $count ++; } $return->grades[$currentuser] = (string) format_float((float)$total/(float)$count, 2); if ( count($ratingsuser) > 1 ) { $return->grades[$currentuser] .= " (" . count($ratingsuser) . ")"; } } } else { $return->grades[$currentuser] = ""; } } else { $return->grades = array(); } if ($glossary->scale < 0) { $return->maxgrade = ""; } else { $return->maxgrade = $glossary->scale; } return $return; } function glossary_get_participants($glossaryid) { //Returns the users with data in one glossary //(users with records in glossary_entries, students) global $CFG; //Get students $students = get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT, FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries g WHERE g.glossaryid = '$glossaryid' and = g.userid"); //Return students array (it contains an array of unique users) return ($students); } function glossary_scale_used ($glossaryid,$scaleid) { //This function returns if a scale is being used by one glossary $return = false; $rec = get_record("glossary","id","$glossaryid","scale","-$scaleid"); if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) { $return = true; } return $return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Any other glossary functions go here. Each of them must have a name that /// starts with glossary_ //This function return an array of valid glossary_formats records //Everytime it's called, every existing format is checked, new formats //are included if detected and old formats are deleted and any glossary //using an invalid format is updated to the default (dictionary). function glossary_get_available_formats() { global $CFG; //Get available formats (plugin) and insert (if necessary) them into glossary_formats $formats = get_list_of_plugins('mod/glossary/formats', 'TEMPLATE'); $pluginformats = array(); foreach ($formats as $format) { //If the format file exists if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$format.'/'.$format.'_format.php')) { include_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$format.'/'.$format.'_format.php'); //If the function exists if (function_exists('glossary_show_entry_'.$format)) { //Acummulate it as a valid format $pluginformats[] = $format; //If the format doesn't exist in the table if (!$rec = get_record('glossary_formats','name',$format)) { //Insert the record in glossary_formats $gf->name = $format; $gf->popupformatname = $format; $gf->visible = 1; insert_record("glossary_formats",$gf); } } } } //Delete non_existent formats from glossary_formats table $formats = get_records("glossary_formats"); foreach ($formats as $format) { $todelete = false; //If the format in DB isn't a valid previously detected format then delete the record if (!in_array($format->name,$pluginformats)) { $todelete = true; } if ($todelete) { //Delete the format delete_records('glossary_formats','name',$format->name); //Reasign existing glossaries to default (dictionary) format if ($glossaries = get_records('glossary','displayformat',$format->name)) { foreach($glossaries as $glossary) { set_field('glossary','displayformat','dictionary','id',$glossary->id); } } } } //Now everything is ready in glossary_formats table $formats = get_records("glossary_formats"); return $formats; } function glossary_debug($debug,$text,$br=1) { if ( $debug ) { echo '' . $text . ''; if ( $br ) { echo '
'; } } } function glossary_get_entries($glossaryid, $entrylist, $pivot = "") { global $CFG; if ($pivot) { $pivot .= ","; } return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot id,userid,concept,definition,format FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries WHERE glossaryid = '$glossaryid' AND id IN ($entrylist)"); } function glossary_get_entries_search($concept, $courseid) { global $CFG; //Check if the user is an admin $bypassadmin = 1; //This means NO (by default) if (isadmin()) { $bypassadmin = 0; //This means YES } //Check if the user is a teacher $bypassteacher = 1; //This means NO (by default) if (isteacher($courseid)) { $bypassteacher = 0; //This means YES } $conceptlower = moodle_strtolower(trim($concept)); return get_records_sql("SELECT e.*, as glossaryname, as cmid, cm.course as courseid FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}glossary g, {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm, {$CFG->prefix}modules m WHERE = 'glossary' AND cm.module = AND (cm.visible = 1 OR cm.visible = $bypassadmin OR (cm.course = '$courseid' AND cm.visible = $bypassteacher)) AND = cm.instance AND e.glossaryid = AND ( (e.casesensitive != 0 AND LOWER(concept) = '$conceptlower') OR (e.casesensitive = 0 and concept = '$concept')) AND (g.course = '$courseid' OR g.globalglossary = 1) AND e.usedynalink != 0 AND g.usedynalink != 0"); } function glossary_get_entries_sorted($glossary, $where="", $orderby="", $pivot = "") { global $CFG; if ($where) { $where = " and $where"; } if ($orderby) { $orderby = " ORDER BY $orderby"; } if ($pivot) { $pivot .= ","; } return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot * FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries WHERE (glossaryid = $glossary->id or sourceglossaryid = $glossary->id) $where $orderby"); } function glossary_get_entries_by_category($glossary, $hook, $where="", $orderby="", $pivot = "") { global $CFG; if ($where) { $where = " and $where"; } if ($orderby) { $orderby = " ORDER BY $orderby"; } if ($pivot) { $pivot .= ","; } return get_records_sql("SELECT $pivot ge.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries ge, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories c WHERE ( = c.entryidid and c.categoryid = $hook) and (ge.glossaryid = $glossary->id or ge.sourceglossaryid = $glossary->id) $where $orderby"); } function glossary_print_entry($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode='',$hook='',$printicons = 1, $displayformat = -1, $ratings = NULL, $printview = false) { global $USER, $CFG; $return = false; if ( $displayformat < 0 ) { $displayformat = $glossary->displayformat; } if ($entry->approved or ($USER->id == $entry->userid) or ($mode == 'approval' and !$entry->approved) ) { $formatfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$displayformat.'/'.$displayformat.'_format.php'; if ($printview) { $functionname = 'glossary_print_entry_'.$displayformat; } else { $functionname = 'glossary_show_entry_'.$displayformat; } if (file_exists($formatfile)) { include_once($formatfile); if (function_exists($functionname)) { $return = $functionname($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook,$printicons,$ratings); } else if ($printview) { //If the glossary_print_entry_XXXX function doesn't exist, print default (old) print format $return = glossary_print_entry_default($entry); } } } return $return; } //Default (old) print format used if custom function doesn't exist in format function glossary_print_entry_default ($entry) { echo ''. strip_tags($entry->concept) . ': '; $options->para = false; $definition = format_text('' . strip_tags($entry->definition) . '', $entry->format,$options); echo ($definition); echo '

'; } function glossary_print_entry_concept($entry) { $options->para = false; $text = format_text('' . $entry->concept . '', FORMAT_MOODLE, $options); if (!empty($entry->highlight)) { $text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text); } echo $text; } function glossary_print_entry_definition($entry) { $definition = $entry->definition; $links = array(); $tags = array(); $urls = array(); $addrs = array(); //Calculate all the strings to be no-linked //First, the concept $term = preg_quote(trim($entry->concept),'/'); $pat = '/('.$term.')/is'; $doNolinks[] = $pat; //Now the aliases if ( $aliases = get_records('glossary_alias','entryid',$entry->id) ) { foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $term = preg_quote(trim($alias->alias),'/'); $pat = '/('.$term.')/is'; $doNolinks[] = $pat; } } //Extract ..> tags from definition preg_match_all('/]+?>(.*?)<\/a>/is',$definition,$list_of_a); //Save them into links array to use them later foreach (array_unique($list_of_a[0]) as $key=>$value) { $links['<#'.$key.'#>'] = $value; } //Take off every link from definition if ( $links ) { $definition = str_replace($links,array_keys($links),$definition); } //Extract all tags from definition preg_match_all('/(<.*?>)/is',$definition,$list_of_tags); //Save them into tags array to use them later foreach (array_unique($list_of_tags[0]) as $key=>$value) { $tags['<@'.$key.'@>'] = $value; } //Take off every tag from definition if ( $tags ) { $definition = str_replace($tags,array_keys($tags),$definition); } //Extract all URLS with protocol ( from definition preg_match_all('/([[:space:]]|^|\(|\[)([[:alnum:]]+):\/\/([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?\/&=])/is',$definition,$list_of_urls); //Save them into urls array to use them later foreach (array_unique($list_of_urls[0]) as $key=>$value) { $urls['<*'.$key.'*>'] = $value; } //Take off every url from definition if ( $urls ) { $definition = str_replace($urls,array_keys($urls),$definition); } //Extract all WEB ADDRESSES ( from definition preg_match_all('/([[:space:]]|^|\(|\[)www\.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?\/&=])/is',$definition,$list_of_addresses); //Save them into addrs array to use them later foreach (array_unique($list_of_addresses[0]) as $key=>$value) { $addrs['<+'.$key.'+>'] = $value; } //Take off every addr from definition if ( $addrs ) { $definition = str_replace($addrs,array_keys($addrs),$definition); } //Put doNolinks (concept + aliases) enclosed by tag $definition= preg_replace($doNolinks,'$1',$definition); //Restore addrs if ( $addrs ) { $definition = str_replace(array_keys($addrs),$addrs,$definition); } //Restore urls if ( $urls ) { $definition = str_replace(array_keys($urls),$urls,$definition); } //Restore tags if ( $tags ) { $definition = str_replace(array_keys($tags),$tags,$definition); } //Restore links if ( $links ) { $definition = str_replace(array_keys($links),$links,$definition); } $options->para = false; $text = format_text($definition, $entry->format,$options); if (!empty($entry->highlight)) { $text = highlight($entry->highlight, $text); } if (isset($entry->footer)) { // Unparsed footer info $text .= $entry->footer; } echo $text; } function glossary_print_entry_aliases($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode='',$hook='', $type = 'print') { $return = ''; if ( $aliases = get_records('glossary_alias','entryid',$entry->id) ) { foreach ($aliases as $alias) { if (trim($alias->alias)) { if ($return == '') { $return = ''; } } if ($type == 'print') { echo $return; } else { return $return; } } function glossary_print_entry_icons($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode='',$hook='', $type = 'print') { global $USER, $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $output = false; //To decide if we must really return text in "return". Activate when needed only! $importedentry = ($entry->sourceglossaryid == $glossary->id); $ismainglossary = $glossary->mainglossary; $return = ''; if (!$entry->approved) { $output = true; $return .= get_string('entryishidden','glossary'); } $return .= glossary_print_entry_commentslink($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook,'html'); if (has_capability('mod/glossary:comment', $context->id)) { $output = true; $return .= ' '.get_string('addcomment','glossary').''; } if (has_capability('mod/glossary:write', $context->id) or (!empty($USER->id) and $glossary->studentcanpost and $entry->userid == $USER->id)) { // only teachers can export entries so check it out if (has_capability('mod/glossary:export', $context->id) and !$ismainglossary and !$importedentry) { $mainglossary = get_record('glossary','mainglossary',1,'course',$course->id); if ( $mainglossary ) { // if there is a main glossary defined, allow to export the current entry $output = true; $return .= ' '.get_string('exporttomainglossary','glossary').''; } } if ( $entry->sourceglossaryid ) { $icon = "minus.gif"; // graphical metaphor (minus) for deleting an imported entry } else { $icon = "$CFG->pixpath/t/delete.gif"; } //Decide if an entry is editable: // -It isn't a imported entry (so nobody can edit a imported (from secondary to main) entry)) and // -The user is teacher or he is a student with time permissions (edit period or editalways defined). $ineditperiod = ((time() - $entry->timecreated < $CFG->maxeditingtime) || $glossary->editalways); if ( !$importedentry and (has_capability('mod/glossary:manageentries', $context->id) or ($entry->userid == $USER->id and $ineditperiod))) { $output = true; $return .= " id&mode=delete&entry=$entry->id&prevmode=$mode&hook=$hook\">\"\" "; $return .= " id&e=$entry->id&mode=$mode&hook=$hook\">pixpath/t/edit.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />"; } elseif ( $importedentry ) { $return .= " " . get_string("exportedentry","glossary") . ""; } } $return .= "  "; // just to make up a little the output in Mozilla ;) $return .= ''; //If we haven't calculated any REAL thing, delete result ($return) if (!$output) { $return = ''; } //Print or get if ($type == 'print') { echo $return; } else { return $return; } } function glossary_print_entry_commentslink($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,$mode,$hook, $type = 'print') { $return = ''; $count = count_records('glossary_comments','entryid',$entry->id); if ($count) { $return = ''; $return .= "id&eid=$entry->id\">$count "; if ($count == 1) { $return .= get_string('comment', 'glossary'); } else { $return .= get_string('comments', 'glossary'); } $return .= ''; } if ($type == 'print') { echo $return; } else { return $return; } } function glossary_print_entry_lower_section($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,$printicons,$ratings,$aliases=true) { if ($aliases) { $aliases = glossary_print_entry_aliases($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,'html'); } $icons = ''; $return = ''; if ( $printicons ) { $icons = glossary_print_entry_icons($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $mode, $hook,'html'); } if ($aliases || $icons || $ratings) { echo ''; if ( $aliases ) { echo ''; } if ($icons) { echo ''; } if ($ratings) { echo ''; } echo '
' . get_string('aliases','glossary').': '.$aliases . '
'; $return = glossary_print_entry_ratings($course, $entry, $ratings); echo '
'; } return $return; } function glossary_print_entry_attachment($entry,$format=NULL,$align="right",$insidetable=true) { /// valid format values: html : Return the HTML link for the attachment as an icon /// text : Return the HTML link for tha attachment as text /// blank : Print the output to the screen if ($entry->attachment) { $glossary = get_record("glossary","id",$entry->glossaryid); $entry->course = $glossary->course; //used inside print_attachment if ($insidetable) { echo "
\n"; } echo glossary_print_attachments($entry,$format,$align); if ($insidetable) { echo "
\n"; } } } function glossary_print_entry_approval($cm, $entry, $mode,$align="right",$insidetable=true) { if ( $mode == 'approval' and !$entry->approved ) { if ($insidetable) { echo '
'; } echo ''; if ($insidetable) { echo '
'; } } } function glossary_search($course, $searchterms, $extended = 0, $glossary = NULL) { // It returns all entries from all glossaries that matches the specified criteria // within a given $course. It performs an $extended search if necessary. // It restrict the search to only one $glossary if the $glossary parameter is set. global $CFG; if ( !$glossary ) { if ( $glossaries = get_records("glossary", "course", $course->id) ) { $glos = ""; foreach ( $glossaries as $glossary ) { $glos .= "$glossary->id,"; } $glos = substr($glos,0,-1); } } else { $glos = $glossary->id; } if (!isteacher($glossary->course)) { $glossarymodule = get_record("modules", "name", "glossary"); $onlyvisible = " AND = cm.instance AND cm.visible = 1 AND cm.module = $glossarymodule->id"; $onlyvisibletable = ", {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm"; } else { $onlyvisible = ""; $onlyvisibletable = ""; } /// Some differences in syntax for entrygreSQL switch ($CFG->dbtype) { case 'postgres7': $LIKE = "ILIKE"; // case-insensitive $NOTLIKE = "NOT ILIKE"; // case-insensitive $REGEXP = "~*"; $NOTREGEXP = "!~*"; break; case 'mysql': default: $LIKE = "LIKE"; $NOTLIKE = "NOT LIKE"; $REGEXP = "REGEXP"; $NOTREGEXP = "NOT REGEXP"; break; } $conceptsearch = ""; $definitionsearch = ""; foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) { if ($conceptsearch) { $conceptsearch.= " OR "; } if ($definitionsearch) { $definitionsearch.= " OR "; } if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "+") { $searchterm = substr($searchterm,1); $conceptsearch.= " e.concept $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' "; $definitionsearch .= " e.definition $REGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' "; } else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") { $searchterm = substr($searchterm,1); $conceptsearch .= " e.concept $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' "; $definitionsearch .= " e.definition $NOTREGEXP '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)' "; } else { $conceptsearch .= " e.concept $LIKE '%$searchterm%' "; $definitionsearch .= " e.definition $LIKE '%$searchterm%' "; } } if ( !$extended ) { $definitionsearch = "0"; } $selectsql = "{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}glossary g $onlyvisibletable WHERE ($conceptsearch OR $definitionsearch) AND (e.glossaryid = or e.sourceglossaryid = $onlyvisible AND IN ($glos) AND e.approved != 0"; return get_records_sql("SELECT e.* FROM $selectsql ORDER BY e.concept ASC"); } function glossary_search_entries($searchterms, $glossary, $extended) { $course = get_record("course","id",$glossary->course); return glossary_search($course,$searchterms,$extended,$glossary); } function glossary_file_area_name($entry) { global $CFG; // Creates a directory file name, suitable for make_upload_directory() // I'm doing this workaround for make it works for delete_instance also // (when called from delete_instance, glossary is already deleted so // getting the course from mdl_glossary does not work) $module = get_record("modules","name","glossary"); $cm = get_record("course_modules","module",$module->id,"instance",$entry->glossaryid); return "$cm->course/$CFG->moddata/glossary/$entry->glossaryid/$entry->id"; } function glossary_file_area($entry) { return make_upload_directory( glossary_file_area_name($entry) ); } function glossary_main_file_area($glossary) { $modarea = glossary_mod_file_area($glossary); return "$modarea/$glossary->id"; } function glossary_mod_file_area($glossary) { global $CFG; return make_upload_directory( "$glossary->course/$CFG->moddata/glossary" ); } function glossary_delete_old_attachments($entry, $exception="") { // Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for a entry // EXCEPT for any file named $exception if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($entry)) { if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file != $exception) { unlink("$basedir/$file"); // notify("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!"); } } } if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty rmdir("$basedir"); } } } function glossary_delete_attachments($glossary) { // Deletes all the user files in the attachments area for the glossary if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries","glossaryid",$glossary->id) ) { $deleted = 0; foreach ($entries as $entry) { if ( $entry->attachment ) { if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($entry)) { if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) { foreach ($files as $file) { unlink("$basedir/$file"); } } rmdir("$basedir"); $deleted++; } } } if ( $deleted ) { $attachmentdir = glossary_main_file_area($glossary); $glossarydir = glossary_mod_file_area($glossary); rmdir("$attachmentdir"); if (!$files = get_directory_list($glossarydir) ) { rmdir( "$glossarydir" ); } } } } function glossary_copy_attachments($entry, $newentry) { /// Given a entry object that is being copied to glossaryid, /// this function checks that entry /// for attachments, and if any are found, these are /// copied to the new glossary directory. global $CFG; $return = true; if ($entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries", "id = '$entry->id' AND attachment <> ''")) { foreach ($entries as $curentry) { $oldentry->id = $entry->id; $oldentry->course = $entry->course; $oldentry->glossaryid = $curentry->glossaryid; $oldentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($oldentry); if (is_dir($oldentrydir)) { $newentrydir = glossary_file_area($newentry); if (! copy("$oldentrydir/$newentry->attachment", "$newentrydir/$newentry->attachment")) { $return = false; } } } } return $return; } function glossary_move_attachments($entry, $glossaryid) { /// Given a entry object that is being moved to glossaryid, /// this function checks that entry /// for attachments, and if any are found, these are /// moved to the new glossary directory. global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/uploadlib.php'); $return = true; if ($entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries", "glossaryid = '$entry->id' AND attachment <> ''")) { foreach ($entries as $entry) { $oldentry->course = $entry->course; $oldentry->glossaryid = $entry->glossaryid; $oldentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($oldentry); if (is_dir($oldentrydir)) { $newentry = $oldentry; $newentry->glossaryid = $glossaryid; $newentrydir = "$CFG->dataroot/".glossary_file_area_name($newentry); $files = get_directory_list($oldentrydir); // get it before we rename it. if (! @rename($oldentrydir, $newentrydir)) { $return = false; } foreach ($files as $file) { // this is not tested as I can't find anywhere that calls this function, grepping the source. clam_change_log($oldentrydir.'/'.$file,$newentrydir.'/'.$file); } } } } return $return; } function glossary_add_attachment($entry, $inputname) { // $entry is a full entry record, including course and glossary // $newfile is a full upload array from $_FILES // If successful, this function returns the name of the file global $CFG; if (!$glossary = get_record("glossary","id",$entry->glossaryid)) { return false; } if (!$course = get_record("course","id",$glossary->course)) { return false; } require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/uploadlib.php'); $um = new upload_manager($inputname,true,false,$course,false,0,false,true); $dir = glossary_file_area_name($entry); if ($um->process_file_uploads($dir)) { return $um->get_new_filename(); } // upload manager will take care of errors. } function glossary_print_attachments($entry, $return=NULL, $align="left") { // if return=html, then return a html string. // if return=text, then return a text-only string. // otherwise, print HTML for non-images, and return image HTML // if attachment is an image, $align set its aligment. global $CFG; $newentry = $entry; if ( $newentry->sourceglossaryid ) { $newentry->glossaryid = $newentry->sourceglossaryid; } $filearea = glossary_file_area_name($newentry); $imagereturn = ""; $output = ""; if ($basedir = glossary_file_area($newentry)) { if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) { $strattachment = get_string("attachment", "glossary"); foreach ($files as $file) { $icon = mimeinfo("icon", $file); if ($CFG->slasharguments) { $ffurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php/$filearea/$file"; } else { $ffurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/$filearea/$file"; } $image = "pixpath/f/$icon\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt=\"\" />"; if ($return == "html") { $output .= "$image "; $output .= "$file
"; } else if ($return == "text") { $output .= "$strattachment $file:\n$ffurl\n"; } else { if ($icon == "image.gif") { // Image attachments don't get printed as links $imagereturn .= "\"\""; } else { echo "$image "; echo "$file
"; } } } } } if ($return) { return $output; } return $imagereturn; } function glossary_print_tabbed_table_start($data, $currenttab, $tabsperrow=4) { $tabs = count($data); $tabwidth = (int) (100 / $tabsperrow); $currentrow = ( $currenttab - ( $currenttab % $tabsperrow) ) / $tabsperrow; $numrows = (int) ( $tabs / $tabsperrow ) + 1; /// Following lines are to create a tab object so that /// we can use the new tab objects and functions $tabrows = array(); $tabnumber = 0; $row = array(); $inactive = array(); foreach ($data as $tab) { $row[] = new tabobject($tabnumber, $tab->link, $tab->caption); if (empty($tab->link)) { $inactive[] = $tabnumber; } $tabnumber++; if (($tabnumber % $tabsperrow) == 0) { $tabrows[] = $row; unset($row); $row = array(); } } //Add the last row! if it contains anything! if (!empty($row)) { $tabrows[] = $row; } ?>

"; } function glossary_print_approval_menu($cm, $glossary,$mode, $hook, $sortkey = '', $sortorder = '') { if ($glossary->showalphabet) { echo '
' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '

'; } glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook); glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook,$sortkey, $sortorder); glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook); glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, 'CREATION', 'asc'); } function glossary_print_addentry_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') { echo '
' . get_string("explainaddentry","glossary") . '

'; } function glossary_print_import_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') { echo '
' . get_string("explainimport","glossary") . '

'; } function glossary_print_export_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') { echo '
' . get_string("explainexport","glossary") . '

'; } function glossary_print_alphabet_menu($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey='', $sortorder = '') { if ( $mode != 'date' ) { if ($glossary->showalphabet) { echo '
' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '

'; } glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook); glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder); glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook); } else { glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey,$sortorder); } } function glossary_print_author_menu($cm, $glossary,$mode, $hook, $sortkey = '', $sortorder = '') { if ($glossary->showalphabet) { echo '
' . get_string("explainalphabet","glossary") . '

'; } glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey,$sortorder); glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder); glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook); } function glossary_print_categories_menu($cm, $glossary, $hook, $category) { global $CFG; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; if (has_capability('mod/glossary:managecategories', $context->id)) { $options['id'] = $cm->id; $options['mode'] = 'cat'; $options['hook'] = $hook; echo print_single_button("editcategories.php", $options, get_string("editcategories","glossary"), "get"); } echo ''; echo ''; $menu[GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES] = get_string("allcategories","glossary"); $menu[GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED] = get_string("notcategorised","glossary"); $categories = get_records("glossary_categories", "glossaryid", $glossary->id, "name ASC"); $selected = ''; if ( $categories ) { foreach ($categories as $currentcategory) { $url = $currentcategory->id; if ( $category ) { if ($currentcategory->id == $category->id) { $selected = $url; } } $menu[$url] = clean_text($currentcategory->name); //Only clean, not filters } } if ( !$selected ) { $selected = GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED; } if ( $category ) { echo format_text($category->name); } else { if ( $hook == GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED ) { echo get_string("entrieswithoutcategory","glossary"); $selected = GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED; } elseif ( $hook == GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES ) { echo get_string("allcategories","glossary"); $selected = GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES; } } echo ''; echo popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=cat&hook=", $menu, "catmenu", $selected, "", "", "", false); echo '
'; } function glossary_print_all_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook) { global $CFG; if ( $glossary->showall) { $strallentries = get_string("allentries", "glossary"); if ( $hook == 'ALL' ) { echo "$strallentries"; } else { $strexplainall = strip_tags(get_string("explainall","glossary")); echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=ALL\">$strallentries"; } } } function glossary_print_special_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook) { global $CFG; if ( $glossary->showspecial) { $strspecial = get_string("special", "glossary"); if ( $hook == 'SPECIAL' ) { echo "$strspecial | "; } else { $strexplainspecial = strip_tags(get_string("explainspecial","glossary")); echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=SPECIAL\">$strspecial | "; } } } function glossary_print_alphabet_links($cm, $glossary, $mode, $hook, $sortkey, $sortorder) { global $CFG; if ( $glossary->showalphabet) { $alphabet = explode(",", get_string("alphabet")); $letters_by_line = 14; for ($i = 0; $i < count($alphabet); $i++) { if ( $hook == $alphabet[$i] and $hook) { echo "$alphabet[$i]"; } else { echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode&hook=$alphabet[$i]&sortkey=$sortkey&sortorder=$sortorder\">$alphabet[$i]"; } if ((int) ($i % $letters_by_line) != 0 or $i == 0) { echo ' | '; } else { echo '
'; } } } } function glossary_print_sorting_links($cm, $mode, $sortkey = '',$sortorder = '') { global $CFG; $asc = get_string("ascending","glossary"); $desc = get_string("descending","glossary"); $bopen = ''; $bclose = ''; $neworder = ''; if ( $sortorder ) { if ( $sortorder == 'asc' ) { $neworder = '&sortorder=desc'; $newordertitle = $desc; } else { $neworder = '&sortorder=asc'; $newordertitle = $asc; } $icon = " \"\""; } else { if ( $sortkey != 'CREATION' and $sortkey != 'UPDATE' and $sortkey != 'FIRSTNAME' and $sortkey != 'LASTNAME' ) { $icon = ""; $newordertitle = $asc; } else { $newordertitle = $desc; $neworder = '&sortorder=desc'; $icon = ' '; } } $ficon = ''; $fneworder = ''; $fbtag = ''; $fendbtag = ''; $sicon = ''; $sneworder = ''; $sbtag = ''; $fbtag = ''; $fendbtag = ''; $sendbtag = ''; $sendbtag = ''; if ( $sortkey == 'CREATION' or $sortkey == 'FIRSTNAME' ) { $ficon = $icon; $fneworder = $neworder; $fordertitle = $newordertitle; $sordertitle = $asc; $fbtag = $bopen; $fendbtag = $bclose; } elseif ($sortkey == 'UPDATE' or $sortkey == 'LASTNAME') { $sicon = $icon; $sneworder = $neworder; $fordertitle = $asc; $sordertitle = $newordertitle; $sbtag = $bopen; $sendbtag = $bclose; } else { $fordertitle = $asc; $sordertitle = $asc; } if ( $sortkey == 'CREATION' or $sortkey == 'UPDATE' ) { $forder = 'CREATION'; $sorder = 'UPDATE'; $fsort = get_string("sortbycreation", "glossary"); $ssort = get_string("sortbylastupdate", "glossary"); $sort = get_string("sortchronogically", "glossary"); } elseif ( $sortkey == 'FIRSTNAME' or $sortkey == 'LASTNAME') { $forder = 'FIRSTNAME'; $sorder = 'LASTNAME'; $fsort = get_string("firstname"); $ssort = get_string("lastname"); $sort = get_string("sortby", "glossary"); } echo "
$sort: $sbtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=$sorder$sneworder&mode=$mode\">$ssort$sicon$sendbtag | ". "$fbtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=$forder$fneworder&mode=$mode\">$fsort$ficon$fendbtag
"; } function glossary_sort_entries ( $entry0, $entry1 ) { if ( moodle_strtolower(ltrim($entry0->concept)) < moodle_strtolower(ltrim($entry1->concept)) ) { return -1; } elseif ( moodle_strtolower(ltrim($entry0->concept)) > moodle_strtolower(ltrim($entry1->concept)) ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function glossary_print_comment($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry, $comment) { global $CFG, $USER; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $user = get_record('user', 'id', $comment->userid); $strby = get_string('writtenby','glossary'); $fullname = fullname($user, isteacher($course->id)); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; print_user_picture($user->id, $course->id, $user->picture); echo ''; $fullname = fullname($user, isteacher($course->id)); $by->name = ''.$fullname.''; $by->date = userdate($comment->timemodified); echo ''.get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by).''; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo ''; echo format_text($comment->comment, $comment->format); echo '
'; $ineditperiod = ((time() - $comment->timemodified < $CFG->maxeditingtime) || $glossary->editalways); if ( ($glossary->allowcomments && $ineditperiod && $USER->id == $comment->userid) || has_capability('mod/glossary:managecomments', $context->id)) { echo "id&eid=$entry->id&cid=$comment->id&action=edit\">\""pixpath/t/edit.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" /> "; } if ( ($glossary->allowcomments && $USER->id == $comment->userid) || has_capability('mod/glossary:managecomments', $context->id) ) { echo "id&eid=$entry->id&cid=$comment->id&action=delete\">\""pixpath/t/delete.gif\" height=\"11\" width=\"11\" border=\"0\" />"; } echo '
'; } function glossary_print_entry_ratings($course, $entry, $ratings = NULL) { global $USER, $CFG; $glossary = get_record('glossary', 'id', $entry->glossaryid); $glossarymod = get_record('modules','name','glossary'); $cm = get_record_sql("select * from {$CFG->prefix}course_modules where course = $course->id and module = $glossarymod->id and instance = $glossary->id"); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $ratingsmenuused = false; if (!empty($ratings) and !empty($USER->id)) { $useratings = true; if ($ratings->assesstimestart and $ratings->assesstimefinish) { if ($entry->timecreated < $ratings->assesstimestart or $entry->timecreated > $ratings->assesstimefinish) { $useratings = false; } } if ($useratings) { if (has_capability('mod/glossary:viewrating', $context->id)) { glossary_print_ratings_mean($entry->id, $ratings->scale); if ($USER->id != $entry->userid) { glossary_print_rating_menu($entry->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale); $ratingsmenuused = true; } } else if ($USER->id == $entry->userid) { glossary_print_ratings_mean($entry->id, $ratings->scale); } else if (!empty($ratings->allow) ) { glossary_print_rating_menu($entry->id, $USER->id, $ratings->scale); $ratingsmenuused = true; } } } return $ratingsmenuused; } function glossary_print_dynaentry($courseid, $entries, $displayformat = -1) { global $USER,$CFG; echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; if ( $entries ) { foreach ( $entries as $entry ) { if (! $glossary = get_record('glossary', 'id', $entry->glossaryid)) { error('Glossary ID was incorrect or no longer exists'); } if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $glossary->course)) { error('Glossary is misconfigured - don\'t know what course it\'s from'); } if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('glossary', $entry->glossaryid, $glossary->course) ) { error('Glossary is misconfigured - don\'t know what course module it is'); } //If displayformat is present, override glossary->displayformat if ($displayformat < 0) { $dp = $glossary->displayformat; } else { $dp = $displayformat; } //Get popupformatname $format = get_record('glossary_formats','name',$dp); $displayformat = $format->popupformatname; //Check displayformat variable and set to default if necessary if (!$displayformat) { $displayformat = 'dictionary'; } $formatfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/glossary/formats/'.$displayformat.'/'.$displayformat.'_format.php'; $functionname = 'glossary_show_entry_'.$displayformat; if (file_exists($formatfile)) { include_once($formatfile); if (function_exists($functionname)) { $functionname($course, $cm, $glossary, $entry,'','','',''); } } } } echo '
'; } function glossary_generate_export_file($glossary, $hook = "", $hook = 0) { global $CFG; $co = "\n"; $co .= glossary_start_tag("GLOSSARY",0,true); $co .= glossary_start_tag("INFO",1,true); $co .= glossary_full_tag("NAME",2,false,$glossary->name); $co .= glossary_full_tag("INTRO",2,false,$glossary->intro); $co .= glossary_full_tag("STUDENTCANPOST",2,false,$glossary->studentcanpost); $co .= glossary_full_tag("ALLOWDUPLICATEDENTRIES",2,false,$glossary->allowduplicatedentries); $co .= glossary_full_tag("DISPLAYFORMAT",2,false,$glossary->displayformat); $co .= glossary_full_tag("SHOWSPECIAL",2,false,$glossary->showspecial); $co .= glossary_full_tag("SHOWALPHABET",2,false,$glossary->showalphabet); $co .= glossary_full_tag("SHOWALL",2,false,$glossary->showall); $co .= glossary_full_tag("ALLOWCOMMENTS",2,false,$glossary->allowcomments); $co .= glossary_full_tag("USEDYNALINK",2,false,$glossary->usedynalink); $co .= glossary_full_tag("DEFAULTAPPROVAL",2,false,$glossary->defaultapproval); $co .= glossary_full_tag("GLOBALGLOSSARY",2,false,$glossary->globalglossary); $co .= glossary_full_tag("ENTBYPAGE",2,false,$glossary->entbypage); if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries","glossaryid",$glossary->id) ) { $co .= glossary_start_tag("ENTRIES",2,true); foreach ($entries as $entry) { $permissiongranted = 1; if ( $hook ) { switch ( $hook ) { case "ALL": case "SPECIAL": break; default: $permissiongranted = ($entry->concept[ strlen($hook)-1 ] == $hook); break; } } if ( $hook ) { switch ( $hook ) { case GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES: break; case GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED: $permissiongranted = !record_exists("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id); break; default: $permissiongranted = record_exists("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id, "categoryid",$hook); break; } } if ( $entry->approved and $permissiongranted ) { $co .= glossary_start_tag("ENTRY",3,true); $co .= glossary_full_tag("CONCEPT",4,false,trim($entry->concept)); $co .= glossary_full_tag("DEFINITION",4,false,$entry->definition); $co .= glossary_full_tag("FORMAT",4,false,$entry->format); $co .= glossary_full_tag("USEDYNALINK",4,false,$entry->usedynalink); $co .= glossary_full_tag("CASESENSITIVE",4,false,$entry->casesensitive); $co .= glossary_full_tag("FULLMATCH",4,false,$entry->fullmatch); $co .= glossary_full_tag("TEACHERENTRY",4,false,$entry->teacherentry); if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias","entryid",$entry->id) ) { $co .= glossary_start_tag("ALIASES",4,true); foreach ($aliases as $alias) { $co .= glossary_start_tag("ALIAS",5,true); $co .= glossary_full_tag("NAME",6,false,trim($alias->alias)); $co .= glossary_end_tag("ALIAS",5,true); } $co .= glossary_end_tag("ALIASES",4,true); } if ( $catentries = get_records("glossary_entries_categories","entryid",$entry->id) ) { $co .= glossary_start_tag("CATEGORIES",4,true); foreach ($catentries as $catentry) { $category = get_record("glossary_categories","id",$catentry->categoryid); $co .= glossary_start_tag("CATEGORY",5,true); $co .= glossary_full_tag("NAME",6,false,$category->name); $co .= glossary_full_tag("USEDYNALINK",6,false,$category->usedynalink); $co .= glossary_end_tag("CATEGORY",5,true); } $co .= glossary_end_tag("CATEGORIES",4,true); } $co .= glossary_end_tag("ENTRY",3,true); } } $co .= glossary_end_tag("ENTRIES",2,true); } $co .= glossary_end_tag("INFO",1,true); $co .= glossary_end_tag("GLOSSARY",0,true); return $co; } /// Functions designed by Eloy Lafuente /// Functions to create, open and write header of the xml file // Read import file and convert to current charset function glossary_read_imported_file($file) { require_once "../../lib/xmlize.php"; global $CFG; $h = fopen($file,"r"); $line = ''; if ($h) { while ( !feof($h) ) { $char = fread($h,1024); $line .= $char; } fclose($h); } if (empty($CFG->unicodedb)) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $line = $textlib->convert($line, 'UTF-8', current_charset()); } return xmlize($line, 0); } //Return the xml start tag function glossary_start_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=false) { if ($endline) { $endchar = "\n"; } else { $endchar = ""; } return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."<".strtoupper($tag).">".$endchar; } //Return the xml end tag function glossary_end_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true) { if ($endline) { $endchar = "\n"; } else { $endchar = ""; } return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."".$endchar; } //Return the start tag, the contents and the end tag function glossary_full_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true,$content) { global $CFG; $st = glossary_start_tag($tag,$level,$endline); if (empty($CFG->unicodedb)) { $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); $content = $textlib->convert($content, current_charset(), 'UTF-8'); } $co = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", s($content)); $et = glossary_end_tag($tag,0,true); return $st.$co.$et; } /* * Adding grading functions */ function glossary_get_ratings($entryid, $sort="u.firstname ASC") { /// Returns a list of ratings for a particular entry - sorted. global $CFG; return get_records_sql("SELECT u.*, r.rating, r.time FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r, {$CFG->prefix}user u WHERE r.entryid = '$entryid' AND r.userid = ORDER BY $sort"); } function glossary_get_user_grades($glossaryid) { /// Get all user grades for a glossary global $CFG; return get_records_sql("SELECT, e.userid, r.rating FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossaryid' AND r.entryid = ORDER by e.userid "); } function glossary_count_unrated_entries($glossaryid, $userid) { // How many unrated entries are in the given glossary for a given user? global $CFG; if ($entries = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries WHERE glossaryid = '$glossaryid' AND userid <> '$userid' ")) { if ($rated = get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as num FROM {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings r WHERE e.glossaryid = '$glossaryid' AND = r.entryid AND r.userid = '$userid'")) { $difference = $entries->num - $rated->num; if ($difference > 0) { return $difference; } else { return 0; // Just in case there was a counting error } } else { return $entries->num; } } else { return 0; } } function glossary_print_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale) { /// Print the multiple ratings on a entry given to the current user by others. /// Scale is an array of ratings static $strrate; $mean = glossary_get_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale); if ($mean !== "") { if (empty($strratings)) { $strratings = get_string("ratings", "glossary"); } echo "$strratings: "; link_to_popup_window ("/mod/glossary/report.php?id=$entryid", "ratings", $mean, 400, 600); } } function glossary_get_ratings_mean($entryid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) { /// Return the mean rating of a entry given to the current user by others. /// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale /// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers) if (!$ratings) { $ratings = array(); if ($rates = get_records("glossary_ratings", "entryid", $entryid)) { foreach ($rates as $rate) { $ratings[] = $rate->rating; } } } $count = count($ratings); if ($count == 0) { return ""; } else if ($count == 1) { return $scale[$ratings[0]]; } else { $total = 0; foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $total += $rating; } $mean = round( ((float)$total/(float)$count) + 0.001); // Little fudge factor so that 0.5 goes UP if (isset($scale[$mean])) { return $scale[$mean]." ($count)"; } else { return "$mean ($count)"; // Should never happen, hopefully } } } function glossary_get_ratings_summary($entryid, $scale, $ratings=NULL) { /// Return a summary of entry ratings given to the current user by others. /// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale /// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers) if (!$ratings) { $ratings = array(); if ($rates = get_records("glossary_ratings", "entryid", $entryid)) { foreach ($rates as $rate) { $rating[] = $rate->rating; } } } if (!$count = count($ratings)) { return ""; } foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) { $sumrating[$key] = 0; } foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $sumrating[$rating]++; } $summary = ""; foreach ($scale as $key => $scaleitem) { $summary = $sumrating[$key].$summary; if ($key > 1) { $summary = "/$summary"; } } return $summary; } function glossary_print_rating_menu($entryid, $userid, $scale) { /// Print the menu of ratings as part of a larger form. /// If the entry has already been - set that value. /// Scale is an array of ratings static $strrate; if (!$rating = get_record("glossary_ratings", "userid", $userid, "entryid", $entryid)) { $rating->rating = -999; } if (empty($strrate)) { $strrate = get_string("rate", "glossary"); } choose_from_menu($scale, $entryid, $rating->rating, "$strrate...",'',-999); } function glossary_get_paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl, $maxpageallowed=99999, $maxdisplay=20, $separator=" ", $specialtext="", $specialvalue=-1, $previousandnext = true) { // Returns the html code to represent any pagging bar. Paramenters are: // // Mandatory: // $totalcount: total number of records to be displayed // $page: page currently selected (0 based) // $perpage: number of records per page // $baseurl: url to link in each page, the string 'page=XX' will be added automatically. // Optional: // $maxpageallowed: maximum number of page allowed. // $maxdisplay: maximum number of page links to show in the bar // $separator: string to be used between pages in the bar // $specialtext: string to be showed as an special link // $specialvalue: value (page) to be used in the special link // $previousandnext: to decide if we want the previous and next links // // The function dinamically show the first and last pages, and "scroll" over pages. // Fully compatible with Moodle's print_paging_bar() function. Perhaps some day this // could replace the general one. ;-) $code = ''; $showspecial = false; $specialselected = false; //Check if we have to show the special link if (!empty($specialtext)) { $showspecial = true; } //Check if we are with the special link selected if ($showspecial && $page == $specialvalue) { $specialselected = true; } //If there are results (more than 1 page) if ($totalcount > $perpage) { $code .= "
"; $code .= "

".get_string("page").":"; $maxpage = (int)(($totalcount-1)/$perpage); //Lower and upper limit of page if ($page < 0) { $page = 0; } if ($page > $maxpageallowed) { $page = $maxpageallowed; } if ($page > $maxpage) { $page = $maxpage; } //Calculate the window of pages $pagefrom = $page - ((int)($maxdisplay / 2)); if ($pagefrom < 0) { $pagefrom = 0; } $pageto = $pagefrom + $maxdisplay - 1; if ($pageto > $maxpageallowed) { $pageto = $maxpageallowed; } if ($pageto > $maxpage) { $pageto = $maxpage; } //Some movements can be necessary if don't see enought pages if ($pageto - $pagefrom < $maxdisplay - 1) { if ($pageto - $maxdisplay + 1 > 0) { $pagefrom = $pageto - $maxdisplay + 1; } } //Calculate first and last if necessary $firstpagecode = ''; $lastpagecode = ''; if ($pagefrom > 0) { $firstpagecode = "$separator1"; if ($pagefrom > 1) { $firstpagecode .= "$separator..."; } } if ($pageto < $maxpage) { if ($pageto < $maxpage -1) { $lastpagecode = "$separator..."; } $lastpagecode .= "$separator".($maxpage+1).""; } //Previous if ($page > 0 && $previousandnext) { $pagenum = $page - 1; $code .= " (".get_string("previous").") "; } //Add first $code .= $firstpagecode; $pagenum = $pagefrom; //List of maxdisplay pages while ($pagenum <= $pageto) { $pagetoshow = $pagenum +1; if ($pagenum == $page && !$specialselected) { $code .= "$separator$pagetoshow"; } else { $code .= "$separator$pagetoshow"; } $pagenum++; } //Add last $code .= $lastpagecode; //Next if ($page < $maxpage && $page < $maxpageallowed && $previousandnext) { $pagenum = $page + 1; $code .= "$separator(".get_string("next").")"; } //Add special if ($showspecial) { $code .= '
'; if ($specialselected) { $code .= $specialtext; } else { $code .= "$separator$specialtext"; } } //End html $code .= "

"; $code .= "
"; } return $code; } function glossary_get_view_actions() { return array('view','view all','view entry'); } function glossary_get_post_actions() { return array('add category','add comment','add entry','approve entry','delete category','delete comment','delete entry','edit category','update comment','update entry'); } ?>