wwwroot); } if (empty($CFG->messaging)) { error("Messaging is disabled on this site"); } /// Script parameters $userid1 = required_param('user1', PARAM_INT); if (! $user1 = get_record("user", "id", $userid1)) { // Check it's correct error("User ID 1 was incorrect"); } if (has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) { // Able to see any discussion $userid2 = optional_param('user2', $USER->id, PARAM_INT); if (! $user2 = get_record("user", "id", $userid2)) { // Check error("User ID 2 was incorrect"); } } else { $userid2 = $USER->id; // Can only see messages involving yourself $user2 = $USER; } $search = optional_param('search', '', PARAM_CLEAN); add_to_log(SITEID, 'message', 'history', 'history.php?user1='.$userid1.'&user2='.$userid2, $userid1); /// Our two users are defined - let's set up the page print_header(get_string('messagehistory', 'message'), '', '', '', ''); /// Print out a heading including the users we are looking at print_simple_box_start('center'); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo print_user_picture($user1->id, SITEID, $user1->picture, 100, true, true, 'userwindow').'
'; echo fullname($user1); echo '
'; echo ''.get_string('from').''; echo ''.get_string('to').''; echo ''; echo print_user_picture($user2->id, SITEID, $user2->picture, 100, true, true, 'userwindow').'
'; echo fullname($user2); echo '
'; print_simple_box_end(); /// Get all the messages and print them if ($messages = message_get_history($user1, $user2)) { $current->mday = ''; $current->month = ''; $current->year = ''; $messagedate = get_string('strftimetime'); $blockdate = get_string('strftimedaydate'); foreach ($messages as $message) { $date = usergetdate($message->timecreated); if ($current->mday != $date['mday'] | $current->month != $date['month'] | $current->year != $date['year']) { $current->mday = $date['mday']; $current->month = $date['month']; $current->year = $date['year']; echo ''; print_heading(userdate($message->timecreated, $blockdate), 'center', 4); } if ($message->useridfrom == $user1->id) { echo message_format_message($message, $user1, $messagedate, $search, 'other'); } else { echo message_format_message($message, $user2, $messagedate, $search, 'me'); } } } else { print_heading(get_string('nomessagesfound', 'message')); } print_footer('none'); ?>