This page contains some of the most frequently asked questions with their answers. If you have a problem it may be quickest to check this page first.
Question: I have a strange problem with my new installation of Moodle. Whenever I try to access or view an uploaded resource, whether in the "Files" menu or on the course page, I get a 404 error like this one:
Not Found
The requested URL /moodle/file.php/2/myfile.jpg was not found on this server.
Answer: Your web server needs to be configured to allow the part of the URL after a script name to be passed directly to the script. This is usually enabled in Apache 1, but is usually disabled by default in Apache 2. To turn it on, add this line to your httpd.conf, or to a .htaccess file in your local directory (see the Install documentation for more details):
AcceptPathInfo onNote, this will ONLY work for Apache versions 2.x.
If you are not using Apache 2 and you still have this problem (unlikely) then you can switch Moodle to use an alternative method. The disadvantages are a slight loss of performance for your users and you won't be able to use relative links within HTML resources.
To use this alternative method: login as Admin, go into the "Configure Variables" page and change the setting for "slasharguments". You should now be able to access your uploaded files.
Version: $Id$