id)) { if ($tagsused = get_records('blog_tag_instance', 'entryid', $post->id)) { foreach ($tagsused as $usedtag) { $usedtags[] = $usedtag -> tagid; } } } if ($usehtmleditor) { // clean and convert to html before editting $options = new object(); $options->smiley = false; $options->filter = false; $options->nocache = true; $post->summary = format_text($post->summary, $post->format, $options); } ?>

'; if ($usehtmleditor) { helpbutton('richtext', get_string('helprichtext'), 'moodle', true, true); } else { emoticonhelpbutton('entry', 'body'); } ?>
summary); ?>
: '; } else { choose_from_menu(format_text_menu(), 'format', $post->format, ''); } ?>
   id)) { $idsql = " AND bti.entryid = {$post->id}"; } else { $idsql = " AND bti.entryid = 0"; } $pptag = ''; if ($ptags = get_records_sql("SELECT t.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}tags t, {$CFG->prefix}blog_tag_instance bti WHERE = bti.tagid AND t.type = 'personal' $idsql")) { foreach ($ptags as $ptag) { $pptag .= $ptag->text.','; } $pptag = rtrim($pptag, ","); } ?> "; link_to_popup_window("/blog/tags.php",'popup',get_string('tagmanagement')); } ?>
maxbytes); ?> " />
: publishstate, ''); ?>