<?php /** * This file contains dtabase upgrade code that is called from lib/db/upgrade.php, * and also check methods that can be used for pre-install checks via * admin/environment.php and lib/environmentlib.php. * * @copyright © 2007 The Open University * @author T.J.Hunt@open.ac.uk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License * @package package_name */ /** * This test is becuase the RQP question type was included in core * up to and including Moodle 1.8, and was removed before Moodle 1.9. * * Therefore, we want to check whether any rqp questions exist in the database * before doing the upgrade. However, the check is not relevant if that * question type was never installed, or if the person has chosen to * manually reinstall the rqp question type from contrib. * * @param $result the result object that can be modified. * @return null if the test is irrelevant, or true or false depending on whether the test passes. */ function question_check_no_rqp_questions($result) { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->qtype_rqp_version) || is_dir($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/rqp')) { return null; } else { $result->setStatus(count_records('question', 'qtype', 'rqp') == 0); } return $result; } function question_remove_rqp_qtype() { global $CFG; $result = true; // Only remove the question type if the code is gone. if (!is_dir($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/rqp')) { $table = new XMLDBTable('question_rqp_states'); $result = $result && drop_table($table); $table = new XMLDBTable('question_rqp'); $result = $result && drop_table($table); $table = new XMLDBTable('question_rqp_types'); $result = $result && drop_table($table); $table = new XMLDBTable('question_rqp_servers'); $result = $result && drop_table($table); $result = $result && unset_config('qtype_rqp_version'); } return $result; } function question_remove_rqp_qtype_config_string() { global $CFG; $result = true; // An earlier, buggy version of the previous function missed out the unset_config call. if (!empty($CFG->qtype_rqp_version) && !is_dir($CFG->dirroot . '/question/type/rqp')) { $result = $result && unset_config('qtype_rqp_version'); } return $result; } /** * @param $result the result object that can be modified. * @return null if the test is irrelevant, or true or false depending on whether the test passes. */ function question_random_check($result){ global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->running_installer) //no test on first installation, no questions to test yet || $CFG->version >= 2007081000){//no test after upgrade seperates question cats into contexts. return null; } if (!$toupdate = question_cwqpfs_to_update()){ $result->setStatus(true);//pass test } else { //set the feedback string here and not in xml file since we need something //more complex than just a string picked from admin.php lang file $a = new object(); $a->reporturl = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/{$CFG->admin}/report/question/"; $lang = str_replace('_utf8', '', current_language()); $a->docsurl = "{$CFG->docroot}/$lang/admin/report/question/index"; $result->setFeedbackStr(array('questioncwqpfscheck', 'admin', $a)); $result->setStatus(false);//fail test } return $result; } /* * Delete all 'random' questions that are not been used in a quiz. */ function question_delete_unused_random(){ global $CFG; $tofix = array(); $result = true; //delete all 'random' questions that are not been used in a quiz. if ($qqis = get_records_sql("SELECT q.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q LEFT JOIN ". "{$CFG->prefix}quiz_question_instances qqi ". "ON q.id = qqi.question WHERE q.qtype='random' AND qqi.question IS NULL")){ $qqilist = join(array_keys($qqis), ','); $result = $result && delete_records_select('question', "id IN ($qqilist)"); } return $result; } function question_cwqpfs_to_update($categories = null){ global $CFG; $tofix = array(); $result = true; //any cats with questions picking from subcats? if (!$cwqpfs = get_records_sql_menu("SELECT DISTINCT qc.id, 1 ". "FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q, {$CFG->prefix}question_categories qc ". "WHERE q.qtype='random' AND qc.id = q.category AND ". sql_compare_text('q.questiontext'). " = '1'")){ return array(); } else { if ($categories === null){ $categories = get_records('question_categories'); } $categorychildparents = array(); foreach ($categories as $id => $category){ $categorychildparents[$category->course][$id] = $category->parent; } foreach ($categories as $id => $category){ if (FALSE !== array_key_exists($category->parent, $categorychildparents[$category->course])){ //this is not a top level cat continue;//go to next category } else{ $tofix += question_cwqpfs_check_children($id, $categories, $categorychildparents[$category->course], $cwqpfs); } } } return $tofix; } function question_cwqpfs_check_children($checkid, $categories, $categorychildparents, $cwqpfs){ $tofix = array(); if (array_key_exists($checkid, $cwqpfs)){//cwqpfs in this cat $getchildren = array(); $getchildren[] = $checkid; //search down tree and find all children while ($nextid = array_shift($getchildren)){//repeat until $getchildren //empty; $childids = array_keys($categorychildparents, $nextid); foreach ($childids as $childid){ if ($categories[$childid]->publish != $categories[$checkid]->publish){ $tofix[$childid] = $categories[$checkid]->publish; } } $getchildren = array_merge($getchildren, $childids); } } else { // check children for cwqpfs $childrentocheck = array_keys($categorychildparents, $checkid); foreach ($childrentocheck as $childtocheck){ $tofix += question_cwqpfs_check_children($childtocheck, $categories, $categorychildparents, $cwqpfs); } } return $tofix; } function question_category_next_parent_in($contextid, $question_categories, $id){ $nextparent = $question_categories[$id]->parent; if ($nextparent == 0){ return 0; } elseif (!array_key_exists($nextparent, $question_categories)){ //finished searching up the category hierarchy. For some reason //the top level items is not 0. We'll return 0 though. return 0; } elseif ($contextid == $question_categories[$nextparent]->contextid){ return $nextparent; } else { //parent is not in the same context look further up. return question_category_next_parent_in($contextid, $question_categories, $nextparent); } } /** * Check that either category parent is 0 or a category shared in the same context. * Fix any categories to point to grand or grand grand parent etc in the same context or 0. */ function question_category_checking($question_categories){ //make an array that is easier to search $newparents = array(); foreach ($question_categories as $id => $category){ $newparents[$id] = question_category_next_parent_in($category->contextid, $question_categories, $id); } foreach (array_Keys($question_categories) as $id){ $question_categories[$id]->parent = $newparents[$id]; } return $question_categories; } function question_upgrade_context_etc(){ global $CFG; $result = true; $result = $result && question_delete_unused_random(); $question_categories = get_records('question_categories'); if ($question_categories){ //prepare content for new db structure $tofix = question_cwqpfs_to_update($question_categories); foreach ($tofix as $catid => $publish){ $question_categories[$catid]->publish = $publish; } foreach ($question_categories as $id => $question_category){ $course = $question_categories[$id]->course; unset($question_categories[$id]->course); if ($question_categories[$id]->publish){ $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); //new name with old course name in brackets $coursename = get_field('course', 'shortname', 'id', $course); $question_categories[$id]->name .= " ($coursename)"; } else { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course); } $question_categories[$id]->contextid = $context->id; unset($question_categories[$id]->publish); } $question_categories = question_category_checking($question_categories); } /// Define index course (not unique) to be dropped form question_categories $table = new XMLDBTable('question_categories'); $index = new XMLDBIndex('course'); $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('course')); /// Launch drop index course $result = $result && drop_index($table, $index); /// Define field course to be dropped from question_categories $field = new XMLDBField('course'); /// Launch drop field course $result = $result && drop_field($table, $field); /// Define field context to be added to question_categories $field = new XMLDBField('contextid'); $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0', 'name'); $field->comment = 'context that this category is shared in'; /// Launch add field context $result = $result && add_field($table, $field); /// Define index context (not unique) to be added to question_categories $index = new XMLDBIndex('contextid'); $index->setAttributes(XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('contextid')); $index->comment = 'links to context table'; /// Launch add index context $result = $result && add_index($table, $index); $field = new XMLDBField('publish'); /// Launch drop field publish $result = $result && drop_field($table, $field); /// update table contents with previously calculated new contents. if ($question_categories){ foreach ($question_categories as $question_category) { $question_category->name = addslashes($question_category->name); $question_category->info = addslashes($question_category->info); if (!$result = update_record('question_categories', $question_category)){ notify('Couldn\'t update question_categories "'. $question_category->name .'"!'); } } } /// Define field timecreated to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $field = new XMLDBField('timecreated'); $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0', 'hidden'); /// Launch add field timecreated $result = $result && add_field($table, $field); /// Define field timemodified to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $field = new XMLDBField('timemodified'); $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, null, '0', 'timecreated'); /// Launch add field timemodified $result = $result && add_field($table, $field); /// Define field createdby to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $field = new XMLDBField('createdby'); $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null, 'timemodified'); /// Launch add field createdby $result = $result && add_field($table, $field); /// Define field modifiedby to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $field = new XMLDBField('modifiedby'); $field->setAttributes(XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', XMLDB_UNSIGNED, null, null, null, null, null, 'createdby'); /// Launch add field modifiedby $result = $result && add_field($table, $field); /// Define key createdby (foreign) to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $key = new XMLDBKey('createdby'); $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('createdby'), 'user', array('id')); /// Launch add key createdby $result = $result && add_key($table, $key); /// Define key modifiedby (foreign) to be added to question $table = new XMLDBTable('question'); $key = new XMLDBKey('modifiedby'); $key->setAttributes(XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('modifiedby'), 'user', array('id')); /// Launch add key modifiedby $result = $result && add_key($table, $key); return $result; } ?>