libdir.'/xmlize.php'); /// Define a buch of XML processing errors define(NO_ERROR, 0); define(NO_VERSION_DATA_FOUND, 1); define(NO_DATABASE_SECTION_FOUND, 2); define(NO_DATABASE_VENDORS_FOUND, 3); define(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_MYSQL_FOUND, 4); define(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_POSTGRES_FOUND, 5); define(NO_PHP_SECTION_FOUND, 6); define(NO_PHP_VERSION_FOUND, 7); define(NO_PHP_EXTENSIONS_SECTION_FOUND, 8); define(NO_PHP_EXTENSIONS_NAME_FOUND, 9); define(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_VERSION_FOUND, 10); /** * This function will perform the whole check, returning * true or false as final result. Also, he full array of * environment_result will be returned in the parameter list. * The function looks for the best version to compare and * everything. This is the only function that should be called * ever from the rest of Moodle. * @param string version version to check. * @param array results array of results checked. * @return boolean true/false, depending of results */ function check_moodle_environment($version, &$environment_results, $print_table=true) { $status = true; $result = true; /// Get the more recent version before the requested if (!$version = get_latest_version_available($version)) { $status = false; } /// Perform all the checks if (!($environment_results = environment_check($version)) && $status) { $status = false; } /// Iterate over all the results looking for some error in required items /// or some error_code if ($status) { foreach ($environment_results as $environment_result) { if ((!$environment_result->getStatus() && $environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') || $environment_result->getErrorCode()) { $result = false; } } } /// If we have decided to print all the information, just do it if ($print_table) { print_moodle_environment($result && $status, $environment_results); } return ($result && $status); } /** * This function will print one beautiful table with all the environmental * configuration and how it suits Moodle needs. * @param boolean final result of the check (true/false) * @param array environment_results array of results gathered */ function print_moodle_environment($result, $environment_results) { /// Get some strings $strname = get_string('name'); $strinfo = get_string('info'); $strreport = get_string('report'); $strstatus = get_string('status'); $strok = get_string('ok'); $strerror = get_string('error'); $strcheck = get_string('check'); $strenvironmenterrortodo = get_string('environmenterrortodo', 'admin'); /// Table header $table->head = array ($strname, $strinfo, $strreport, $strstatus); $table->align = array ('center', 'center', 'left', 'center'); $table->wrap = array ('nowrap', '', '', 'nowrap'); $table->size = array ('10', 10, '100%', '10'); $table->width = '90%'; $table->class = 'environmenttable'; /// Iterate over each environment_result $continue = true; foreach ($environment_results as $environment_result) { $errorline = false; if ($continue) { $type = $environment_result->getPart(); $info = $environment_result->getInfo(); $status = $environment_result->getStatus(); $error_code = $environment_result->getErrorCode(); /// Process Report field $rec = new object(); /// Something has gone wrong at parsing time if ($error_code) { $stringtouse = 'environmentxmlerror'; $rec->error_code = $error_code; $status = $strerror; $errorline = true; $continue = false; } if ($continue) { /// We are comparing versions if ($rec->needed = $environment_result->getNeededVersion()) { $rec->current = $environment_result->getCurrentVersion(); if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireversion'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendversion'; } /// We are checking installed & enabled things } else { if ($environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $stringtouse = 'environmentrequireinstall'; } else { $stringtouse = 'environmentrecommendinstall'; } } /// Calculate the status value if (!$status and $environment_result->getLevel() == 'required') { $status = $strerror; $errorline = true; } else if (!$status and $environment_result->getLevel() == 'optional') { $status = $strcheck; } else { $status = $strok; } } /// Build the text $report = get_string($stringtouse, 'admin', $rec); /// Format error line if ($errorline) { $type = ''.$type.''; $info = ''.$info.''; $report = ''.$report.''; $status = ''.$status.''; } /// Add the row to the table $table->data[] = array ($type, $info, $report, $status); } } /// Print table print_table($table); /// Finally, if any error has happened, print the summary box if (!$result) { print_simple_box($strenvironmenterrortodo, 'center', '', '', '', 'errorbox'); } } /** * This function will normalize any version to just a serie of numbers * separated by dots. Everything else will be removed. * @param string $version the original version * @return string the normalized version */ function normalize_version($version) { /// Replace everything but numbers and dots by dots $version = preg_replace('/[^\.\d]/', '.', $version); /// Combine multiple dots in one $version = preg_replace('/(\.{2,})/', '.', $version); /// Trim possible leading and trailing dots $version = trim($version, '.'); return $version; } /** * This function will load the environment.xml file and xmlize it * @return mixed the xmlized structure or false on error */ function load_environment_xml() { global $CFG; static $data; //Only load and xmlize once by request if (!empty($data)) { return $data; } /// First of all, take a look inside $CFG->moodledata/environment/environment.xml $file = $CFG->moodledata.'/environment/environment.xml'; if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file) || !$contents = file_get_contents($file)) { /// Fallback to fixed admin/environment.xml $file = $CFG->dirroot.'/admin/environment.xml'; if (!is_file($file) || !is_readable($file) || !$contents = file_get_contents($file)) { return false; } } /// XML the whole file $data = xmlize($contents); return $data; } /** * This function will return the list of Moodle versions available * @return mixed array of versions. False on error. */ function get_list_of_environment_versions ($contents) { static $versions = array(); if (!empty($versions)) { return $versions; } if (isset($contents['COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX']['#']['MOODLE'])) { foreach ($contents['COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX']['#']['MOODLE'] as $version) { $versions[] = $version['@']['version']; } } return $versions; } /** * This function will return the most recent version in the environment.xml * file previous or equal to the version requested * @param string version top version from which we start to look backwards * @return string more recent version or false if not found */ function get_latest_version_available ($version) { /// Normalize the version requested $version = normalize_version($version); /// Load xml file if (!$contents = load_environment_xml()) { return false; } /// Detect available versions if (!$versions = get_list_of_environment_versions($contents)) { return false; } /// First we look for exact version if (in_array($version, $versions)) { return $version; } else { $found_version = false; /// Not exact match, so we are going to iterate over the list searching /// for the latest version before the requested one foreach ($versions as $arrversion) { if (version_compare($arrversion, $version, '<')) { $found_version = $arrversion; } } } return $found_version; } /** * This function will return the xmlized data belonging to one Moodle version * @return mixed the xmlized structure or false on error */ function get_environment_for_version($version) { /// Normalize the version requested $version = normalize_version($version); /// Load xml file if (!$contents = load_environment_xml()) { return false; } /// Detect available versions if (!$versions = get_list_of_environment_versions($contents)) { return false; } /// If the version requested is available if (!in_array($version, $versions)) { return false; } /// We now we have it. Extract from full contents. $fl_arr = array_flip($versions); return $contents['COMPATIBILITY_MATRIX']['#']['MOODLE'][$fl_arr[$version]]; } /** * This function will check for everything (DB, PHP and PHP extensions for now) * returning an array of environment_result objects. * @param string $version xml version we are going to use to test this server * @return array array of results encapsulated in one environment_result object */ function environment_check($version) { /// Normalize the version requested $version = normalize_version($version); $results = array(); //To store all the results $results[] = environment_check_database($version); $results[] = environment_check_php($version); $phpext_results = environment_check_php_extensions($version); $results = array_merge ($results, $phpext_results); return $results; } /** * This function will check if php extensions requirements are satisfied * @param string $version xml version we are going to use to test this server * @return array array of results encapsulated in one environment_result object */ function environment_check_php_extensions($version) { $results = array(); /// Get the enviroment version we need if (!$data = get_environment_for_version($version)) { /// Error. No version data found $result = new environment_results('php_extension'); $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_VERSION_DATA_FOUND); return $result; } /// Extract the php_extension part if (!isset($data['#']['PHP_EXTENSIONS']['0']['#']['PHP_EXTENSION'])) { /// Error. No PHP section found $result = new environment_results('php_extension'); $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_PHP_EXTENSIONS_SECTION_FOUND); return $result; } else { /// Iterate over extensions checking them and creating the needed environment_results foreach($data['#']['PHP_EXTENSIONS']['0']['#']['PHP_EXTENSION'] as $extension) { $result = new environment_results('php_extension'); /// Check for level if (isset($extension['@']['level'])) { $level = $extension['@']['level']; if ($level != 'optional') { $level = 'required'; } } /// Check for extension name if (!isset($extension['@']['name'])) { $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_PHP_EXTENSIONS_NAME_FOUND); } else { $extension_name = $extension['@']['name']; /// The name exists. Just check if it's an installed extension if (!extension_loaded($extension_name)) { $result->setStatus(false); } else { $result->setStatus(true); } $result->setLevel($level); $result->setInfo($extension_name); } /// Add the result to the array of results $results[] = $result; } } return $results; } /** * This function will check if php requirements are satisfied * @param string $version xml version we are going to use to test this server * @return object results encapsulated in one environment_result object */ function environment_check_php($version) { $result = new environment_results('php'); /// Get the enviroment version we need if (!$data = get_environment_for_version($version)) { /// Error. No version data found $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_VERSION_DATA_FOUND); return $result; } /// Extract the php part if (!isset($data['#']['PHP'])) { /// Error. No PHP section found $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_PHP_SECTION_FOUND); return $result; } else { /// Extract level and version if (isset($data['#']['PHP']['0']['@']['level'])) { $level = $data['#']['PHP']['0']['level']; if ($level != 'optional') { $level = 'required'; } } if (!isset($data['#']['PHP']['0']['@']['version'])) { $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_PHP_VERSION_FOUND); return $result; } else { $needed_version = $data['#']['PHP']['0']['@']['version']; } } /// Now search the version we are using $current_version = normalize_version(phpversion()); /// And finally compare them, saving results if (version_compare($current_version, $needed_version, '>=')) { $result->setStatus(true); } else { $result->setStatus(false); } $result->setLevel($level); $result->setCurrentVersion($current_version); $result->setNeededVersion($needed_version); return $result; } /** * This function will check if database requirements are satisfied * @param string $version xml version we are going to use to test this server * @return object results encapsulated in one environment_result object */ function environment_check_database($version) { global $db; $result = new environment_results('database'); $vendors = array(); //Array of vendors in version /// Get the enviroment version we need if (!$data = get_environment_for_version($version)) { /// Error. No version data found $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_VERSION_DATA_FOUND); return $result; } /// Extract the database part if (!isset($data['#']['DATABASE'])) { /// Error. No DATABASE section found $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_DATABASE_SECTION_FOUND); return $result; } else { /// Extract level if (isset($data['#']['DATABASE']['0']['@']['level'])) { $level = $data['#']['DATABASE']['0']['level']; if ($level != 'optional') { $level = 'required'; } } } /// Extract DB vendors. At least 2 are mandatory (mysql & postgres) if (!isset($data['#']['DATABASE']['0']['#']['VENDOR'])) { /// Error. No VENDORS found $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_DATABASE_VENDORS_FOUND); return $result; } else { /// Extract vendors foreach ($data['#']['DATABASE']['0']['#']['VENDOR'] as $vendor) { if (isset($vendor['@']['name']) && isset($vendor['@']['version'])) { $vendors[$vendor['@']['name']] = $vendor['@']['version']; } } } /// Check we have the mysql vendor version if (empty($vendors['mysql'])) { $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_MYSQL_FOUND); return $result; } /// Check we have the postgres vendor version if (empty($vendors['postgres'])) { $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_POSTGRES_FOUND); return $result; } /// Now search the version we are using (depending of vendor) $current_vendor = $db->databaseType; if ($current_vendor == 'postgres7') { //Normalize a bit postgresql $current_vendor ='postgres'; } $dbinfo = $db->ServerInfo(); $current_version = normalize_version($dbinfo['version']); $needed_version = $vendors[$current_vendor]; /// Check we have a needed version if (!$needed_version) { $result->setStatus(false); $result->setErrorCode(NO_DATABASE_VENDOR_VERSION_FOUND); return $result; } /// And finally compare them, saving results if (version_compare($current_version, $needed_version, '>=')) { $result->setStatus(true); } else { $result->setStatus(false); } $result->setLevel($level); $result->setCurrentVersion($current_version); $result->setNeededVersion($needed_version); $result->setInfo($current_vendor); return $result; } //--- Helper Class to return results to caller ---// /** * This class is used to return the results of the environment * main functions (environment_check_xxxx) */ class environment_results { var $part; //which are we checking (database, php, php_extension) var $status; //true/false var $error_code; //integer. See constants at the beginning of the file var $level; //required/optional var $current_version; //current version detected var $needed_version; //version needed var $info; //Aux. info (DB vendor, library...) /** * Constructor of the environment_result class. Just set default values */ function environment_results($part) { $this->part=$part; $this->status=false; $this->error_code=NO_ERROR; $this->level='required'; $this->current_version=''; $this->needed_version=''; $this->info=''; } /** * Set the status * @param boolean the status (true/false) */ function setStatus($status) { $this->status=$status; if ($status) { $this->setErrorCode(NO_ERROR); } } /** * Set the error_code * @param integer the error code (see constants above) */ function setErrorCode($error_code) { $this->error_code=$error_code; } /** * Set the level * @param string the level (required, optional) */ function setLevel($level) { $this->level=$level; } /** * Set the current version * @param string the current version */ function setCurrentVersion($current_version) { $this->current_version=$current_version; } /** * Set the needed version * @param string the needed version */ function setNeededVersion($needed_version) { $this->needed_version=$needed_version; } /** * Set the auxiliary info * @param string the auxiliary info */ function setInfo($info) { $this->info=$info; } /** * Get the status * @return boolean result */ function getStatus() { return $this->status; } /** * Get the error code * @return integer error code */ function getErrorCode() { return $this->error_code; } /** * Get the level * @return string level */ function getLevel() { return $this->level; } /** * Get the current version * @return string current version */ function getCurrentVersion() { return $this->current_version; } /** * Get the needed version * @return string needed version */ function getNeededVersion() { return $this->needed_version; } /** * Get the aux info * @return string info */ function getInfo() { return $this->info; } /** * Get the part this result belongs to * @return string part */ function getPart() { return $this->part; } } ?>