$a'; $string['activityiscurrentlyhidden'] = '抱歉,這個教學活動目前隱藏中'; $string['activitymodule'] = '啟動模組'; $string['activityreport'] = '使用紀錄'; $string['activityselect'] = '選擇這個活動來移動位置'; $string['activitysince'] = '從 $a 啟用'; $string['add'] = '新增'; $string['addadmin'] = '新增管理者'; $string['addcreator'] = '新增開課教師'; $string['added'] = '新增 $a'; $string['addedtogroup'] = '加入群組 $a'; $string['addedtogroupnot'] = '未加入群組 $a'; $string['addedtogroupnotenrolled'] = '未加入群組 $a ,因為並未選讀該課程'; $string['addinganew'] = '新增一個新的 $a'; $string['addinganewto'] = '新增一個新的 $a->what 到 $a->to'; $string['addingdatatoexisting'] = '新增資料來離開'; $string['addnewcategory'] = '增加新課程類別'; $string['addnewcourse'] = '新增一個課程'; $string['addnewuser'] = '新增一個使用者'; $string['address'] = '地址'; $string['addstudent'] = '新增學生'; $string['addteacher'] = '新增教師'; $string['admin'] = '管理者'; $string['adminhelpaddnewuser'] = '手動建立使用者帳號'; $string['adminhelpassignadmins'] = '管理者權限無限制且可到任何板面'; $string['adminhelpassigncreators'] = '開課者可建立新課程,並安排任課教師'; $string['adminhelpassignstudents'] = '進入課程,使用管理選單來新增授課學生'; $string['adminhelpassignteachers'] = '選定課程後,使用這個圖像來新增授課教師'; $string['adminhelpauthentication'] = '你可以使用系統內建帳號或外部資料庫'; $string['adminhelpbackup'] = '設定自動備份和自動備份時程表'; $string['adminhelpconfiguration'] = '設定站臺的外觀和操作方式'; $string['adminhelpconfigvariables'] = '設定影響站臺一般操作參數'; $string['adminhelpcourses'] = '定義課程和類別,並安排參與課程人員'; $string['adminhelpedituser'] = '瀏覽帳號名單來編輯基本資料'; $string['adminhelplanguage'] = '為了檢查和編輯現在的語言套件'; $string['adminhelplogs'] = '瀏覽對本站臺所有活動的存取記錄'; $string['adminhelpmanageblocks'] = '管理已安裝區塊和相關設定'; $string['adminhelpmanagedatabase'] = '直接存取資料庫(!!注意:請小心!!) '; $string['adminhelpmanagefilters'] = '選擇文字過濾和相關設定'; $string['adminhelpmanagemodules'] = '管理安裝模組和相關設定'; $string['adminhelpsitefiles'] = '為了發佈一般檔案或上傳外部課程備份檔'; $string['adminhelpsitesettings'] = '定義站臺相關設定'; $string['adminhelpthemes'] = '選擇站台佈景主題(例如字型、顏色等外觀)'; $string['adminhelpuploadusers'] = '從文字檔匯入新的使用者帳號'; $string['adminhelpusers'] = '定義使用者和認證方式'; $string['administration'] = '系統管理'; $string['administrator'] = '網站管理員'; $string['administrators'] = '網站管理員'; $string['advancedfilter'] = '進階過濾'; $string['again'] = '再次'; $string['all'] = '所有'; $string['allactivities'] = '所有教學活動'; $string['alldays'] = '所有日期'; $string['allfieldsrequired'] = '每個都是必要的'; $string['allgroups'] = '所有群組'; $string['alllogs'] = '所有紀錄'; $string['allow'] = '允許 '; $string['allowguests'] = '本課程允許無帳號者進入'; $string['allownot'] = '不允許 '; $string['allparticipants'] = '所有參加者'; $string['alphanumerical'] = '只允許輸入英文字母或數字'; $string['alreadyconfirmed'] = '確認完成註冊手續'; $string['always'] = '總是'; $string['answer'] = '回答'; $string['areyousuretorestorethis'] = '確定要回存這個課程? '; $string['areyousuretorestorethisinfo'] = '在後續的過程中,你將可以選擇新增備份至一個已存在的課程或是建立一個完整的全新課程'; $string['assessment'] = '作業'; $string['assignadmins'] = '設定管理者'; $string['assigncreators'] = '分派開課教師'; $string['assignstudents'] = '加入學員'; $string['assignstudentsnote'] = '注意:它可能是沒有必要的,因為學員可能自行登記成為這個課程的學員'; $string['assignstudentspass'] = '所有你必要做的是注意課程專用密碼,目前被設定為 $a , 請記得通知修課學生'; $string['assignteachers'] = '設定課程教師'; $string['authentication'] = '認證'; $string['autosubscribe'] = '自動訂閱文章'; $string['autosubscribeno'] = '不,不要自動訂閱討論區文章 '; $string['autosubscribeyes'] = '要,當我發表文章時,訂閱該討論區文章'; $string['availability'] = '可使用的'; $string['availablecourses'] = '可使用課程'; $string['backup'] = '課程備份'; $string['backupcoursefileshelp'] = '如果核選,該課程的檔案將被包含在自動備份檔中'; $string['backupdate'] = '備份資料'; $string['backupdetails'] = '備份細目'; $string['backupfilename'] = 'backup'; $string['backupfinished'] = '備份完全成功 '; $string['backupincludemoduleshelp'] = '選擇在自動備份中,是否包含課程模組和使用者資料'; $string['backupkeephelp'] = '你要保留幾份這門課程的備份資料(超過保留份數的舊資料將被取代)'; $string['backuplogshelp'] = '如果被選取,課程存取記錄將被包含在自動備份檔中'; $string['backuporiginalname'] = '備份檔名'; $string['backupsavetohelp'] = '請提供完整的路徑名稱,來儲存你的備份檔案(若留白,將使用課程預設的目錄)'; $string['backupuserfileshelp'] = '選擇是否將使用者個人檔案(例如:人頭像)包含在自動備份檔中'; $string['backupusershelp'] = '選擇是否要包含所有使用者或是只有參與該課程的使用者'; $string['backupversion'] = '備份版本'; $string['blocksetup'] = '建立區塊表單'; $string['blocksuccess'] = '$a 表單被正確建立'; $string['bycourseorder'] = '依課程順序'; $string['cancel'] = '取消'; $string['categories'] = '課程類別'; $string['category'] = '類別'; $string['categoryadded'] = '新增類別:名稱 $a '; $string['categorydeleted'] = '刪除類別:名稱 $a '; $string['categoryduplicate'] = '類別名稱 $a 已經存在'; $string['changedpassword'] = '修改後密碼'; $string['changepassword'] = '修改密碼'; $string['changessaved'] = '修改已被儲存'; $string['checkingbackup'] = '檢查備份'; $string['checkingcourse'] = '檢查課程'; $string['checkinginstances'] = '檢查元件'; $string['checkingsections'] = '檢查細目'; $string['checklanguage'] = '檢查語言替換文字'; $string['choose'] = '選擇'; $string['choosecourse'] = '選擇課程'; $string['chooselivelogs'] = '或者觀看目前使用紀錄'; $string['chooselogs'] = '選擇你所想瀏覽的紀錄'; $string['choosereportfilter'] = '選擇回報過濾'; $string['choosetheme'] = '選擇佈景主題 '; $string['chooseuser'] = '選擇一位使用者'; $string['city'] = '市/鄉鎮'; $string['cleaningtempdata'] = '清除暫存資料'; $string['clicktochange'] = '點選來變更'; $string['closewindow'] = '關閉本視窗'; $string['comparelanguage'] = '比較並編輯替代文字'; $string['complete'] = '完成'; $string['configallowunenroll'] = '如果設定這個選項,當學生不想修課時,將被允許退出該課程。否則的話,他們將不被允出退出課程,學生退出課程將由教師或管理者來決定。'; $string['configcountry'] = 'If you set a country here, then this country will be selected by default on new user accounts. To force users to choose a country, just leave this unset.'; $string['configdebug'] = '啟動本功能, 則系統執行錯誤時會顯示更多訊息,主要用於開發系統程式之用.'; $string['configerrorlevel'] = 'Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.'; $string['configgdversion'] = 'Indicate the version of GD that is installed. The version shown by default is the one that has been auto-detected. Dont change this unless you really know what you are doing.'; $string['confightmleditor'] = 'Choose whether or not to allow use of the embedded HTML text editor. Even if you choose allow, this editor will only appear when the user is using a compatible browser (IE 5.5 or later). Users can also choose not to use it.'; $string['configintro'] = 'On this page you can specify a number of configuration variables that help make Moodle work properly on your server. Do not worry too much about it - the defaults will usually work fine and you can always come back to this page later and change these settings.'; $string['configlang'] = 'Choose a default language for the whole site. Users can override this setting later.'; $string['configlangdir'] = 'Most languages are printed left-to-right, but some, like Arabic and Hebrew, are printed right-to-left.'; $string['configlocale'] = 'Choose a sitewide locale - this will affect the format and language of dates. You need to have this locale data installed on your operating system. (eg en_US or es_ES). If you do not know what to choose leave it blank.'; $string['configlongtimenosee'] = 'If students have not logged in for a very long time, then they are automatically unsubscribed from courses. This parameter specifies that time limit.'; $string['configmaxeditingtime'] = 'This specifies the amount of time people have to re-edit forum postings, journal feedback etc. Usually 30 minutes is a good value.'; $string['configproxyhost'] = 'If this server needs to use a proxy computer (eg a firewall) to access the Internet, then provide the proxy hostname and port here. Otherwise leave it blank.'; $string['configslasharguments'] = 'Files (images, uploads etc) are provided via a script using slash arguments (the second option here). This method allows files to be more easily cached in web browsers, proxy servers etc. Unfortunately, some PHP servers do not allow this method, so if you have trouble viewing uploaded files or images (eg user pictures), set this variable to the first option'; $string['configsmtphosts'] = 'Give the full name of one or more local SMTP servers that Moodle should use to send mail.). If you leave it blank, Moodle will use the PHP default method of sending mail.'; $string['configsmtpuser'] = 'If you have specified an SMTP server above, and the server requires authentication, then enter the username and password here.'; $string['configunzip'] = 'Indicate the location of your unzip program (Unix only). This is needed to unpack zip archives on the server.'; $string['configuration'] = '系統設定'; $string['configvariables'] = '改變系統參數'; $string['configwarning'] = '請小心變更這些設定(不熟悉的設定值,可能會造成問題)'; $string['configzip'] = 'Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only). This is needed to create zip archives on the server.'; $string['confirm'] = '確認'; $string['confirmed'] = '你的註冊資訊被確認'; $string['confirmednot'] = '你的註冊資訊未被確認'; $string['continue'] = '下一頁'; $string['cookiesenabled'] = '瀏覽器必須啟動 Cookies 功能'; $string['copy'] = '複製'; $string['copyingcoursefiles'] = '複製課程檔案'; $string['copyinguserfiles'] = '複製使用者檔案'; $string['copyingzipfile'] = '複製壓縮檔 '; $string['copyrightnotice'] = '智慧財產權聲明'; $string['country'] = '國家'; $string['course'] = '課程'; $string['courseavailable'] = '這個課程是可以使用的'; $string['courseavailablenot'] = '這個課程是目前無法使用'; $string['coursebackup'] = '課程備份'; $string['coursecategories'] = '課程類別'; $string['coursecategory'] = '課程類別'; $string['coursecreators'] = '開課教師'; $string['coursefiles'] = '課程檔案'; $string['courseformats'] = '課程顯示格式'; $string['coursegrades'] = '修課成績'; $string['courseinfo'] = '課程資訊'; $string['courserestore'] = '課程回存'; $string['courses'] = '課程'; $string['courseupdates'] = '更新課程'; $string['courseuploadlimit'] = '課程上傳限制'; $string['create'] = '建立'; $string['createaccount'] = '建立新帳號'; $string['createfolder'] = '在 $a 建立一個新資料夾'; $string['createuserandpass'] = '請輸入使用者名稱(可用中文)和密碼以便建立帳號'; $string['createziparchive'] = '產生壓縮檔'; $string['creatingcategoriesandquestions'] = '建立問題類別和題目'; $string['creatingcoursemodules'] = '建立課程模組'; $string['creatingevents'] = '建立事件'; $string['creatinggroups'] = '新增群組'; $string['creatinglogentries'] = '建立存取記錄'; $string['creatingnewcourse'] = '開設新的課程'; $string['creatingscales'] = '建立成績量尺'; $string['creatingsections'] = '建立'; $string['creatingtemporarystructures'] = '建立暫存區結構'; $string['creatingusers'] = '建立使用者'; $string['creatingxmlfile'] = '建立XML 檔案 '; $string['currentcourseadding'] = '增加資料至目前課程'; $string['currentcoursedeleting'] = '刪除目前課程'; $string['currentlanguage'] = '選定語言'; $string['currentlocaltime'] = '當地時間'; $string['currentrelease'] = '目前版本釋放資訊'; $string['currentversion'] = '目前版本'; $string['databasechecking'] = '升級 Moodle 資料庫,從版本 $a-> 舊版本... 到 $a-> 新版本...'; $string['databaseperformance'] = '資料庫效能'; $string['databasesetup'] = '建立資料庫 '; $string['databasesuccess'] = '資料庫升級成功 '; $string['databaseupgradebackups'] = '目前的備份版本為 $a'; $string['databaseupgradeblocks'] = '區塊模組目前版本為 $a'; $string['databaseupgrades'] = '升級資料庫'; $string['datemostrecentfirst'] = '時間日期 -- 最新的優先顯示'; $string['datemostrecentlast'] = '時間日期 -- 過期的優先顯示'; $string['day'] = '日'; $string['days'] = '日'; $string['defaultcoursefullname'] = '課程全名'; $string['defaultcourseshortname'] = 'cs001'; $string['defaultcoursestudent'] = '學生'; $string['defaultcoursestudents'] = '學生們'; $string['defaultcoursesummary'] = '請清楚寫下本課程的相關說明'; $string['defaultcourseteacher'] = '教師'; $string['defaultcourseteachers'] = '教師們'; $string['delete'] = '刪除'; $string['deleteall'] = '全部刪除'; $string['deletecheck'] = '刪除 $a ?'; $string['deletecheckfiles'] = '你確定要刪除這些檔案???'; $string['deletecheckfull'] = '你確定要完全刪除 $a 嗎 ?'; $string['deletecheckwarning'] = '你即將刪除這些檔案!!'; $string['deletecompletely'] = '完全刪除'; $string['deletecourse'] = '刪除一個課程'; $string['deletecoursecheck'] = '你確定要完全清除本課程以及所有相關資料嗎?'; $string['deleted'] = '刪除了'; $string['deletedactivity'] = '刪除 $a'; $string['deletedcourse'] = '$a 課程已經完全刪除了'; $string['deletednot'] = '無法刪除 $a !'; $string['deleteselected'] = '選擇刪除'; $string['deletingcourse'] = '刪除 $a 中'; $string['deletingexistingcoursedata'] = '刪除已存在的課程資料'; $string['deletingolddata'] = '刪除過期資料'; $string['department'] = '系所'; $string['description'] = '說明'; $string['disable'] = '取消功 能'; $string['displayingfirst'] = '只有第一個 $a->count $a->things 被顯示'; $string['displayingrecords'] = '顯示 $a 紀錄'; $string['displayingusers'] = '顯示使用者 $a->start 到 $a->end'; $string['documentation'] = '本系統相關說明文件'; $string['donotask'] = '不要尋問'; $string['down'] = '往下'; $string['downloadexcel'] = '以 Excel 格式下載'; $string['downloadtext'] = '以 文字檔格式下載'; $string['doyouagree'] = '你是否已經閱覽以上說明條件並且同意所有內容?'; $string['edit'] = '編輯 $a'; $string['editcoursesettings'] = '編輯課程設定'; $string['editgroupprofile'] = '編輯群組說明檔'; $string['editinga'] = '編輯一份 $a '; $string['editmyprofile'] = '個人資料'; $string['editsummary'] = '編輯總結'; $string['editthisactivity'] = '編輯本教學活動'; $string['editthiscategory'] = '編輯類別'; $string['edituser'] = '編輯使用者帳號'; $string['email'] = '電子郵件'; $string['emailagain'] = '電子郵件(再次輸入)'; $string['emailconfirm'] = '確認你的帳號'; $string['emailconfirmation'] = '你好 $a->firstname, 有人在 $a->sitename 網站以你的郵件地址登記了帳號申請 如果要確認帳號確實是你所申請的, 請到以下連結: $a->link 對大多數電子郵件而言,你只要按下以上網址即可 如果並未出現連結 請用剪貼的方式 啟動瀏覽器進入以上網址網頁. 歡迎你的加入 $a->sitename 系統管理員 $a->admin 敬上,'; $string['emailconfirmationsubject'] = '$a :帳號資訊'; $string['emailconfirmsent'] = '
本系統已經送出電子郵件到 $a
請閱覽你的私人郵件 按下確認連結後 便可登入本系統, 若是有問題請和系統管理者連絡.
'; $string['emaildisable'] = '這個電子郵件信箱無法使用'; $string['emaildisplay'] = '電子郵件訊息'; $string['emaildisplaycourse'] = '僅允許其他修課成員觀看我的電子郵件'; $string['emaildisplayno'] = '隱藏我的電子郵件,任何人都不能觀看'; $string['emaildisplayyes'] = '允許所有人觀看我的電子郵件'; $string['emailenable'] = '這個電子郵件信箱可使用'; $string['emailexists'] = '所輸入電子郵件的使用者已經申請過帳號.'; $string['emailformat'] = '電子郵件格式'; $string['emailmustbereal'] = '注意: 沒有輸入電子郵件者,僅能進入需要密碼的課程嗨!
你需要申請一個 帳號名稱和密碼 以便進行登入系統的動作!
假如你所選定 帳號名稱已經有人先登記 則需要輸入新的名稱.
'; $string['loginto'] = '登入 $a'; $string['loginusing'] = '請輸入 帳號名稱與密碼 進行登入'; $string['logout'] = '登出'; $string['logs'] = '紀錄'; $string['mainmenu'] = '主選單'; $string['makeafolder'] = '新增子目錄'; $string['makeeditable'] = '假如你選擇讓 $a 成為可編輯則你需要線上直接編輯本網頁'; $string['manageblocks'] = '區塊模組'; $string['managedatabase'] = '資料庫管理'; $string['managefilters'] = '文字過濾'; $string['managemodules'] = '教學模組'; $string['markedthistopic'] = '這個主題被強化為目前的主要議題'; $string['markthistopic'] = '將本主題設定為 目前教學主題'; $string['maximumchars'] = '最多 $a 個字元'; $string['maximumgrade'] = '最高分數'; $string['maximumshort'] = '最大'; $string['maximumupload'] = '最大上傳檔案大小'; $string['maxsize'] = '檔案最大容量: $a'; $string['min'] = '分鐘'; $string['mins'] = '分鐘'; $string['miscellaneous'] = '其它'; $string['missingcategory'] = '你需要選定一個 課程類別'; $string['missingcity'] = '缺 市/鄉鎮 資料'; $string['missingcountry'] = '缺 國別 資料'; $string['missingdescription'] = '缺 說明資料'; $string['missingemail'] = '缺 電子郵件 資料'; $string['missingfirstname'] = '缺 姓氏'; $string['missingfullname'] = '缺少姓名 資料'; $string['missinglastname'] = '缺少 大名'; $string['missingname'] = '缺少名稱'; $string['missingnewpassword'] = '缺少 個人密碼'; $string['missingpassword'] = '缺少 個人密碼'; $string['missingshortname'] = '缺少課程代嗎'; $string['missingshortsitename'] = '缺少 網站名稱'; $string['missingsitedescription'] = '缺少網站說明資料'; $string['missingsitename'] = '缺少網站名稱'; $string['missingstrings'] = '檢查缺少的翻譯字串'; $string['missingstudent'] = '至少須選擇某功能'; $string['missingsummary'] = '缺少 綜合說明'; $string['missingteacher'] = '至少須選擇某功能'; $string['missingurl'] = '缺少 URL'; $string['missingusername'] = '缺少 帳號名稱'; $string['modified'] = '最後修改時間'; $string['modulesetup'] = 'Setting up module tables'; $string['modulesuccess'] = '$a tables have been set up correctly'; $string['moodleversion'] = 'Moodle 版本'; $string['mostrecently'] = '最近'; $string['move'] = '搬移'; $string['movecategoryto'] = '搬移類別到:'; $string['movecourseto'] = '搬移課程到:'; $string['movedown'] = '往下移'; $string['movefilestohere'] = '將檔案移到此目錄下'; $string['movefull'] = '搬移 $a 到這個位置'; $string['movehere'] = '搬移到此'; $string['moveleft'] = '往左搬移'; $string['moveright'] = '往右搬移'; $string['moveselectedcoursesto'] = '搬移所選取的課程到...'; $string['movetoanotherfolder'] = '移到別的目錄'; $string['moveup'] = '往上移'; $string['mustconfirm'] = '你必須先完成登入動作'; $string['mycourses'] = '個人所參與的課程'; $string['name'] = '名稱'; $string['namesocial'] = '週次'; $string['nametopics'] = '主題topic'; $string['nameweeks'] = '週次'; $string['needed'] = '必需的'; $string['never'] = '從不'; $string['neverdeletelogs'] = '從不刪除記錄'; $string['new'] = '新'; $string['newaccount'] = '新 帳號名稱'; $string['newcourse'] = '新課程'; $string['newpassword'] = '新 密碼'; $string['newpasswordtext'] = '嗨 $a->firstname,$a->lastname 你於 $a->sitename 的帳號已經被要求重新設定一個 臨時密碼 請按下以下連結 以便確認系統將登入時所需輸入的最新資訊設定如下: $a->link 帳號名稱username: $a->username 密碼: $a->newpassword 若是你並未提出重新設定要求 則可能是網友弄錯 請忽略以上訊息 對大多數電子郵件而言,你只要按下以上網址即可 如果並未出現連結 請用剪貼的方式 啟動瀏覽器進入以上網址網頁. 歡迎使用本系統 $a->sitename 管理者, $a->signoff 敬上'; $string['newpicture'] = '新圖片'; $string['newsitem'] = '新選項'; $string['newsitems'] = '新選項'; $string['newsitemsnumber'] = '顯示的新選項'; $string['newuser'] = '新的加入者'; $string['newusers'] = '新加入者'; $string['next'] = '下一個'; $string['no'] = '否'; $string['nocoursesfound'] = '包含* $a * 這個關鍵字的課程,未被找到 '; $string['nocoursesyet'] = '本區尚未有課程'; $string['noexistingadmins'] = '沒有管理者, 這種訊息不應該會出現的.'; $string['noexistingcreators'] = '目前沒有開課人員'; $string['noexistingstudents'] = '目前沒有學員'; $string['noexistingteachers'] = '目前尚未指定教師'; $string['nofilesselected'] = '未選取檔案'; $string['nofilesyet'] = '本課程尚未上載過任何檔案'; $string['nograde'] = '沒有成績紀錄'; $string['noimagesyet'] = '本課程從未上載過任何圖片'; $string['nomorecourses'] = '沒有合適的課程被找到'; $string['none'] = '無'; $string['nopotentialadmins'] = '缺乏適當的管理者'; $string['nopotentialcreators'] = '沒有可能的開課教師'; $string['nopotentialstudents'] = '沒有可能的學員'; $string['nopotentialteachers'] = '無適當的教師'; $string['normal'] = '正常'; $string['normalfilter'] = '一般過濾'; $string['nostudentsfound'] = '$a 未被找到'; $string['nostudentsyet'] = '本課程還沒有學生登入'; $string['nosuchemail'] = '查無此電子郵件'; $string['notavailable'] = '無法使用'; $string['noteachersyet'] = '本課程尚未設定教師'; $string['notenrolled'] = '$a 並未登記本課程.'; $string['noteuserschangednonetocourse'] = '注意:當回存使用者資料時,課程使用者必須被回存。 '; $string['nothingnew'] = '前次登入至今尚未添加新的課程內容'; $string['notincluded'] = '未包括'; $string['notingroup'] = '抱歉,你必須是群組的成員才能看到這個活動'; $string['nousersmatching'] = '沒有符合 * $a *的使用者被找到'; $string['nousersyet'] = '本課程還沒有學生登入'; $string['now'] = '現在'; $string['numberweeks'] = '週/主題 總數'; $string['numdays'] = '$a 日'; $string['numhours'] = '$a 時'; $string['numminutes'] = '$a 分'; $string['numseconds'] = '$a 秒'; $string['numviews'] = '$a 瀏覽'; $string['numweeks'] = '$a 週'; $string['numwords'] = '$a 字數'; $string['numyears'] = '$a 年'; $string['ok'] = 'OK'; $string['opentoguests'] = '訪客 權限'; $string['optional'] = '選項'; $string['order'] = '次序'; $string['other'] = '其他'; $string['outline'] = '外觀'; $string['page'] = '頁'; $string['participants'] = '課程參與者'; $string['password'] = '密碼'; $string['passwordchanged'] = '密碼已經被修改'; $string['passwordconfirmchange'] = '密碼變更確認'; $string['passwordrecovery'] = '請協助我登入'; $string['passwordsdiffer'] = '密碼不相符'; $string['passwordsent'] = '已經送出密碼'; $string['passwordsenttext'] = '系統以電子郵件送出資訊到 $a->email.
重新登入後可以進入 link\"> 修改為你個人偏好的密碼.
'; $string['people'] = '使用者'; $string['personalprofile'] = '個人紀錄'; $string['phone'] = '電話'; $string['phpinfo'] = 'PHP 設定資訊 '; $string['popupwindow'] = '在新的視窗開啟檔案'; $string['potentialadmins'] = '可能的管理者 '; $string['potentialcreators'] = '可能的開課教師'; $string['potentialstudents'] = '可能的上課學員'; $string['potentialteachers'] = '可能的教師們'; $string['preferredlanguage'] = '預設語言'; $string['preview'] = '預覽'; $string['previeworchoose'] = '預覽或選擇網頁呈現方式'; $string['previous'] = '前'; $string['publicdirectory'] = '公開目錄'; $string['publicdirectory0'] = '請勿公開這個站臺'; $string['publicdirectory1'] = '僅公開這個站臺的名稱'; $string['publicdirectory2'] = '公開這個站臺的名稱並加上超連結'; $string['publicsitefileswarning'] = '注意:任何人都可存取放在此處的檔案'; $string['question'] = '問題'; $string['readinginfofrombackup'] = '讀取備份資訊'; $string['readme'] = '讀我'; $string['recentactivity'] = '最近活動紀錄'; $string['recentactivityreport'] = '最近的活動報告'; $string['refreshingevents'] = '更新事件'; $string['registration'] = 'Moodle 註冊'; $string['registrationemail'] = '電子郵件通知 '; $string['registrationno'] = '不,我不要收到電子郵件'; $string['registrationsend'] = '傳送註冊資訊到Moodle主站'; $string['registrationyes'] = '是的,請提醒我有關的重要事件'; $string['removeadmin'] = '可能的管理者'; $string['removecreator'] = '移除開課教師'; $string['removestudent'] = '移除學員'; $string['removeteacher'] = '移除教師'; $string['rename'] = '改名'; $string['renamefileto'] = '更改名稱, $a 到'; $string['required'] = '必須的'; $string['requireskey'] = '本課程需要專屬密碼'; $string['resortcoursesbyname'] = '依課程名稱重新排列'; $string['resources'] = '資源'; $string['restore'] = '課程回存'; $string['restorecancelled'] = '取消回存'; $string['restorecoursenow'] = '回存這個課程 !!!'; $string['restorefinished'] = '回存成功 '; $string['restoreto'] = '回存至'; $string['returningtosite'] = '登入本網站 ?'; $string['revert'] = '重設'; $string['role'] = '角色'; $string['savechanges'] = '儲存修正的資料'; $string['saveto'] = '儲存到'; $string['scale'] = '量尺'; $string['scales'] = '量尺'; $string['scalescustom'] = '自訂量尺'; $string['scalescustomcreate'] = '新增量尺'; $string['scalescustomno'] = '目前沒有自訂的量尺被建立'; $string['scalesstandard'] = '標準量尺'; $string['scalestip'] = '使用管理選單上的 *量尺*設定,來新增自訂量尺。'; $string['schedule'] = '時程'; $string['scheduledbackupstatus'] = '備份時程狀態'; $string['search'] = '搜尋'; $string['searchagain'] = '重複搜尋'; $string['searchcourses'] = '搜尋課程'; $string['searchhelp'] = '你可以一次搜尋數個片語,使用+號或-號來表示'; $string['searchresults'] = '搜尋結果'; $string['sec'] = '秒'; $string['secs'] = '秒'; $string['section'] = 'Section'; $string['sections'] = '段落'; $string['select'] = '選取'; $string['selectacountry'] = '選擇國別'; $string['selectednowmove'] = '$a 檔案被選取搬移。請到選擇目的地,並按 *搬移檔案至此*'; $string['senddetails'] = '以電子郵件傳送 詳細資訊'; $string['separateandconnected'] = '分割或相關方法認知'; $string['serverlocaltime'] = '伺服器時間'; $string['settings'] = '設定課程資訊'; $string['shortname'] = '課程簡稱/代碼'; $string['shortnametaken'] = '該課程簡稱已有其他課程使用'; $string['shortsitename'] = '課程簡稱)'; $string['show'] = '顯示'; $string['showall'] = '顯示所有的 $a'; $string['showallcourses'] = '顯示所有開設課程'; $string['showalltopics'] = '顯示所有主題'; $string['showallusers'] = '顯示所有使用者'; $string['showallweeks'] = '顯示所有週別內容'; $string['showgrades'] = '顯示成績'; $string['showlistofcourses'] = '顯示課程內容'; $string['showonlytopic'] = '僅顯示主題 $a'; $string['showonlyweek'] = '僅顯示第 $a 週'; $string['showrecent'] = '顯示最近活動紀錄'; $string['showreports'] = '顯非活動記錄報告'; $string['showtheselogs'] = '顯示這些紀錄資料'; $string['since'] = '自從'; $string['site'] = '網站'; $string['sitefiles'] = '網站檔案'; $string['sitelogs'] = '網站紀錄'; $string['sitenews'] = '最新消息'; $string['sites'] = '網站'; $string['sitesettings'] = '網站設定'; $string['size'] = '大小'; $string['sizeb'] = '位元組'; $string['socialheadline'] = '討論區格式 - 依照最後留言次序顯示'; $string['someallowguest'] = '部分課程允許以 訪客 身分瀏覽'; $string['someerrorswerefound'] = '缺乏部分資料或不完整. 請觀看以下訊息.'; $string['sortby'] = '排序依據'; $string['startdate'] = '課程開始日期'; $string['startsignup'] = '申請一個使用者帳號!'; $string['state'] = '州或省'; $string['status'] = '狀態'; $string['stringsnotset'] = '以下的字串未被定義在 $a'; $string['studentnotallowed'] = '抱歉, 你無法以 $a 身分進入本課程'; $string['students'] = '學員'; $string['subcategories'] = '子類別'; $string['success'] = '成功 '; $string['summary'] = '摘要'; $string['summaryof'] = '$a 的總結'; $string['supplyinfo'] = '請提供一些個人訊息'; $string['teacheronly'] = '請限於 $a '; $string['teacherroles'] = '$a 角色'; $string['teachers'] = '教師'; $string['textediting'] = '當編輯網頁內容時'; $string['texteditor'] = '使用標準網頁指令'; $string['textformat'] = '一般文字格式'; $string['thanks'] = '謝謝'; $string['theme'] = '佈景主題 '; $string['themes'] = '佈景主題'; $string['themesaved'] = '儲存新的顯示格式'; $string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8'; $string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr'; $string['thislanguage'] = '正體中文'; $string['time'] = '時間'; $string['timezone'] = '時區'; $string['to'] = '到'; $string['today'] = '今日'; $string['todaylogs'] = '今日的紀錄'; $string['toomanytoshow'] = '可顯示的使用者太多'; $string['top'] = '最上層'; $string['topic'] = '主題'; $string['topichide'] = '隱藏這個主題從 $a'; $string['topicoutline'] = '主題大綱'; $string['topicshow'] = '顯示這個主題到 $a'; $string['total'] = '總共'; $string['turneditingoff'] = '關閉 編輯模式'; $string['turneditingon'] = '啟動 編輯模式'; $string['undecided'] = '尚未決定'; $string['unenrol'] = '退出課程'; $string['unenrolme'] = '將我從 $a 課程中退出'; $string['unenrolsure'] = '你確定要將 [ $a ] 退出課程嗎?'; $string['unknowncategory'] = '不知名的類別'; $string['unpacking'] = '解開套件 $a'; $string['unsafepassword'] = '不夠保險的密碼 - 請輸入其他密碼'; $string['unusedaccounts'] = '當使用者 $a 日未曾進入本課程則自動退出'; $string['unzip'] = '解壓縮'; $string['unzippingbackup'] = '解壓縮備份檔'; $string['up'] = '往上'; $string['update'] = '更新'; $string['updated'] = '更新 $a'; $string['updatemyprofile'] = '更新個人資訊'; $string['updatesevery'] = '每 $a 秒更新一次'; $string['updatethis'] = '更新 $a'; $string['updatethiscourse'] = '更新本課程訊息'; $string['updatinga'] = '更新 $a'; $string['updatingain'] = '編修 $a->in 內的 $a->what '; $string['upload'] = '上載'; $string['uploadafile'] = '上載檔案'; $string['uploadedfileto'] = '上載 $a->file 到 $a->directory 目錄下'; $string['uploadnofilefound'] = '缺乏檔案 - 你確定選擇了上載檔案了嗎?'; $string['uploadnotallowed'] = '上傳動作不被允許'; $string['uploadproblem'] = '上載檔案 $a 時發生不知名錯誤 (是否檔案過大?)'; $string['uploadthisfile'] = '上載本檔案'; $string['uploadusers'] = '上傳使用者'; $string['user'] = '使用者'; $string['userconfirmed'] = '確認 $a'; $string['userdata'] = '使用者資料'; $string['userdeleted'] = '本使用者帳號已被刪除'; $string['userdescription'] = '個人簡介: