libdir.'/blocklib.php'); require_once("$CFG->libdir/rsslib.php"); require_once('pagelib.php'); require_login(); $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // course module id $d = optional_param('d', 0, PARAM_INT); // database id $search = optional_param('search','',PARAM_NOTAGS); //search string $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); //offset of the current record $rid = optional_param('rid', 0, PARAM_INT); //record id $perpagemenu = optional_param('perpage1', 0, PARAM_INT); //value from drop down $sort = optional_param('sort',0,PARAM_INT); //sort by field $order = optional_param('order','ASC',PARAM_ALPHA); //sort order $group = optional_param('group','0',PARAM_INT); //groupid if ($id) { if (! $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $id)) { error('Course Module ID was incorrect'); } if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $cm->course)) { error('Course is misconfigured'); } if (! $data = get_record('data', 'id', $cm->instance)) { error('Course module is incorrect'); } } else { if (! $data = get_record('data', 'id', $d)) { error('Data ID is incorrect'); } if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $data->course)) { error('Course is misconfigured'); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('data', $data->id, $course->id)) { error('Course Module ID was incorrect'); } } if (isteacher($course->id)) { if (!count_records('data_fields','dataid',$data->id)) { // Brand new database! redirect($CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/data/fields.php?d='.$data->id); // Redirect to field entry } } //set user preference if available if (isset($_POST['updatepref'])){ if (!$perpage = $perpagemenu){ //if menu not in use, use the text field $perpage = (int)optional_param('perpage',10); } $perpage = ($perpage <= 0) ? 10 : $perpage ; set_user_preference('data_perpage', $perpage); } $d = $data->id;//set this so tabs can work properly add_to_log($course->id, 'data', 'view', "view.php?id=$cm->id", $data->id, $cm->id); // Initialize $PAGE, compute blocks $PAGE = page_create_instance($data->id); $pageblocks = blocks_setup($PAGE); $blocks_preferred_width = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($pageblocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), 210); if (!empty($edit) && $PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) { if ($edit == 'on') { $USER->editing = true; } else if ($edit == 'off') { $USER->editing = false; } } /// Print the page header $PAGE->print_header($course->shortname.': %fullname%'); echo ''; if(!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages) && (blocks_have_content($pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT) || $PAGE->user_is_editing())) { echo ''; } echo '
'; blocks_print_group($PAGE, $pageblocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT); echo ''; print_heading(format_string($data->name)); // Do we need to show a link to the RSS feed for the records? if (isset($CFG->enablerssfeeds) && isset($CFG->data_enablerssfeeds) && $data->rssarticles > 0) { echo '
'; rss_print_link($course->id, $USER->id, 'data', $data->id, $tooltiptext='RSS feed for entries'); echo '
'; echo '
'; } if ($data->intro) { print_simple_box(format_text($data->intro), 'center', '70%', '', 5, 'generalbox', 'intro'); echo '
'; } /// Check to see if groups are being used here if ($groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm)) { // Groups are being used $currentgroup = setup_and_print_groups($course, $groupmode, 'view.php?d='.$data->id.'&search='.s($search).'&sort='.s($sort).'&order='.s($order).'&'); } else { $currentgroup = 0; } if ($currentgroup) { $groupselect = " AND (r.groupid = '$currentgroup' OR r.groupid = 0)"; $groupparam = "&groupid=$currentgroup"; } else { $groupselect = ""; $groupparam = ""; } /// Print the tabs $currenttab = 'browse'; include('tabs.php'); /// Print the browsing interface if (optional_param('approved','0',PARAM_INT)) { print_heading(get_string('recordapproved','data')); } /*************************** * code to delete a record * ***************************/ if (($delete = optional_param('delete',0,PARAM_INT)) && confirm_sesskey()){ if (isteacheredit($course) or data_isowner($delete)){ if ($confirm = optional_param('confirm',0,PARAM_INT)){ //find all contents in this record? if ($contents = get_records('data_content','recordid',$delete)){ //for each content, delete the file associated foreach ($contents as $content){ $field = get_record('data_fields','id',$content->fieldid); if ($g = data_get_field($field)){ //it is possible that the field is deleted by teacher $g->delete_data_content_files($data->id, $delete, $content->content); } } delete_records('data_records','id',$delete); delete_records('data_content','recordid',$delete); notify (get_string('recorddeleted','data')); } } else { //prints annoying confirmation dialogue $field = get_record('data_records','id',$delete); print_simple_box_start('center', '60%'); echo '
'; echo '
'; //add sesskey echo get_string('confirmdeleterecord','data'); echo '

'; echo ''; echo ' '; echo ''; echo ''; echo '

'; echo '
'; print_simple_box_end(); echo '
'; print_footer($course); exit; } } } //if not editting teacher, check whether user has sufficient records to view if (!isteacheredit($course->id) and data_numentries($data) < $data->requiredentriestoview){ notify (($data->requiredentriestoview - data_numentris(data)).' '.get_string('insufficiententries','data')); echo ''; print_footer($course); exit; } if ($rid){ //set per page to 1, if looking for 1 specific record set_user_preference('data_perpage', PERPAGE_SINGLE); } /***************************** * Setting up page variables * *****************************/ $perpage = get_user_preferences('data_perpage', 10); //get default per page $baseurl = 'view.php?d='.$data->id.'&search='.s($search).'&sort='.s($sort).'&order='.s($order).'&group='.$currentgroup.'&'; //if database requires approval, then we need to do some work //and get those approved entries, or entries belongs to owner if ((!isteacher($course->id)) && ($data->approval)){ $approvesql = ' AND (r.approved=1 OR r.userid='.$USER->id.') '; } else { $approvesql = ''; } if ($rid){ //only used for single mode, but rid should not appear in multi view anyway $ridsql = 'AND < '.$rid.' '; } else { $ridsql = ''; } if ($sort) { //supports (sort and search) //first find the field that we are sorting $sortfield = data_get_field(get_record('data_fields','id',$sort)); $sortcontent = $sortfield->get_sort_field(); ///SEARCH AND SORT SQL $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.recordid, c.recordid FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_content c1 WHERE c.recordid = AND c1.recordid = AND r.dataid = '.$data->id.' AND c.fieldid = '.$sort.' '.$groupselect.' AND ((c1.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content1 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content2 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content3 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content4 LIKE "%'.$search.'%")) '.$approvesql.' ORDER BY c.'.$sortcontent.' '.$order.' '; $sqlcount = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.recordid) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_content c1 WHERE c.recordid = AND c1.recordid = AND r.dataid = '.$data->id.' AND c.fieldid = '.$sort.' '.$groupselect.' AND ((c1.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content1 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content2 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content3 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content4 LIKE "%'.$search.'%")) '.$approvesql.' ORDER BY c.'.$sortcontent.' '.$order.' '; //sqlindex is used to find the number of entries smaller than the current rid //useful for zooming into single view from multi view (so we can keep track //of exact and relative position of records $sqlindex = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.recordid) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_content c1 WHERE c.recordid = AND c1.recordid = AND r.dataid = '.$data->id.' AND c.fieldid = '.$sort.' '.$ridsql.' '.$groupselect.' AND ((c1.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content1 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content2 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content3 LIKE "%'.$search.'%") OR (c1.content4 LIKE "%'.$search.'%")) '.$approvesql.' ORDER BY c.'.$sortcontent.' '.$order.' '; } else if ($search){ //search only, no sort. if in search mode, only search text fields $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT c.recordid, c.recordid FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_fields f, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r WHERE c.recordid = '.$groupselect.' '.$approvesql.' AND c.fieldid = AND f.dataid = ' .$data->id.' AND c.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%" ORDER BY '.$order.' '; $sqlcount = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.recordid) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_fields f, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r WHERE c.recordid = '.$groupselect.' '.$approvesql.' AND c.fieldid = AND f.dataid = ' .$data->id.' AND c.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%" ORDER BY '.$order.' '; $sqlindex = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c.recordid) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_content c, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_fields f, ' .$CFG->prefix.'data_records r WHERE c.recordid = '.$groupselect.' '.$approvesql.' AND c.fieldid = AND f.dataid = ' .$data->id.' '.$ridsql.' AND c.content LIKE "%'.$search.'%" ORDER BY '.$order.' '; } else { //else get everything, no search, no sort $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'data_records r WHERE r.dataid ='.$data->id.' '.$groupselect.' '.$approvesql.' ORDER BY '.$order.' '; $sqlcount = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$CFG->prefix .'data_records r WHERE r.dataid ='.$data->id.' '.$groupselect.' '.$approvesql.'ORDER BY '.$order.' '; $sqlindex = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '.$CFG->prefix .'data_records r WHERE r.dataid ='.$data->id.' '.$groupselect.' '.$ridsql.' '.$approvesql .'ORDER BY '.$order.' '; } if ($rid) { //this is used in zooming $page = count_records_sql($sqlindex); } $limit = $perpage > 1 ? sql_paging_limit($page * $perpage, $perpage) : $limit = sql_paging_limit($page, PERPAGE_SINGLE); $sql = $sql . $limit; $totalcount = count_records_sql($sqlcount); if (!$records = get_records_sql($sql)){ if ($search){ notify(get_string('nomatch','data')); } else { notify(get_string('norecords','data')); } data_print_preference_form($data, $perpage, $search); echo ''; print_footer($course); exit; } //print header for multi view if ($perpage > 1){ echo $data->listtemplateheader; $listmode = 'listtemplate'; if (empty($data->listtemplate)){ notify(get_string('nolisttemplate','data')); } } else { $listmode = 'singletemplate'; if (empty($data->singletemplate)){ notify(get_string('nosingletemplate','data')); } } print_paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl, $pagevar='page'); //for each record we find, we do a string replacement for tags. data_print_template($records, $data, $search, $listmode, $sort, $page, $rid, $order, $currentgroup); print_paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, $baseurl, $pagevar='page'); if ($perpage > 1){ echo $data->listtemplatefooter; //print footer } data_print_preference_form($data, $perpage, $search, $sort, $order); // Finish the page echo ''; print_footer($course); ?>