Help on writing Wiki Formatted Pages

Wiki formatted pages provide a facility for marking up plain text with intutive human readable conventions that will be converted to XHTML when displayed. The big advantages are that you do not need to learn HTML to produce quite complex results, and that the text you write looks right to the eye even before conversion.

You should enter basically plain text. There are a number of special characters you can add to insert formatting

Block level formatting

Paragraph blocks are separated by at least one blank line. To add special formatting to a paragraph add one of the following special characters in the first character of the first line of the block followed by a space...

CharacterBlock Type
No characterOrdinary paragraph
SpacePreformatted Text (Monospaced)
%Preformatted and Wikki formatting is ignored
!#Heading - where # is 1-6, the heading level (1 is biggest)

List formatting

simple lists can be constructed easily by placing a special character at the start of each line in the list followed by a space. The list is terminated by a blank line. At present lists cannot be intermixed or nested. Definition list definitions and text types maybe freely intermixed to obtain the desired effect however. The special characters are as follows...

CharacterList itme type
*Unordered List (bullet points)
#Ordered List (1,2,3 etc)
:Definition list, definition
;Definition list, text

Inline formatting

Inline formmating allows part of a line to be marked as having a particular style. The special characters used can appear anywhere on a line, but note that the formatting cannot cross lines. Codes are as follows...

*hello world*hello worldStrong or Bold
/hello world/hello worldEmphasis or Italics
+hello world+hello worldInserted text
-hello world-hello worldDeleted or Strikethrough
hello ~world~hello worldSubscript
hello ^world^hello worldSuperscript
"hello world"hello worldQuoted
%hello world%hello worldCode or Monospaced
@hello world@hello worldCite


Acronym tagging is acheived by placing the acronym in capital letters followed by the description is parenthesis. There must be no space between the acronym and the parenthesis. Example...

HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)

Automatic reformattion

Many commonly used functions are converted into their XHTML equivalents automatically.. The main ones are as follows...