get_record("hotpot_attempts", array("id"=>$attemptid))) { print_error('invalidattemptid', 'hotpot'); } if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) { print_error("invaliduserid"); } if (! $hotpot = $DB->get_record("hotpot", array("id"=>$attempt->hotpot))) { print_error('invalidhotpotid', 'hotpot'); } if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$hotpot->course))) { print_error('invalidcourseid'); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("hotpot", $hotpot->id, $course->id)) { print_error("invalidcoursemodule"); } // make sure this user is enrolled in this course require_login($course, true, $cm); $next_url = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id"; $time = time(); // update attempt record fields using incoming data $attempt->score = optional_param('mark', NULL, PARAM_INT); $attempt->status = optional_param('status', NULL, PARAM_INT); $attempt->details = optional_param('detail', NULL, PARAM_RAW); $attempt->endtime = optional_param('endtime', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); $attempt->starttime = optional_param('starttime', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); $attempt->timefinish = $time; // convert times, if necessary if (empty($attempt->starttime)) { $attempt->starttime = 0; } else { $attempt->starttime = strtotime($attempt->starttime); } if (empty($attempt->endtime)) { $attempt->endtime = 0; } else { $attempt->endtime = strtotime($attempt->endtime); } // set clickreportid, (for click reporting) $attempt->clickreportid = $attempt->id; $quiztype = optional_param('quiztype', 0, PARAM_INT); if (empty($attempt->details)) { hotpot_set_attempt_details($attempt); $javascript_is_off = true; } else { $javascript_is_off = false; } if (empty($attempt->status)) { if (empty($attempt->endtime)) { $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS; } else { $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_COMPLETED; } } // check if this is the second (or subsequent) click if ($DB->get_field("hotpot_attempts", "timefinish", array("id"=>$attempt->id))) { if ($hotpot->clickreporting==HOTPOT_YES) { // add attempt record for each form submission // records are linked via the "clickreportid" field // update status in previous records in this group $DB->set_field("hotpot_attempts", "status", $attempt->status, array("clickreportid"=>$attempt->clickreportid)); // add new attempt record unset ($attempt->id); $attempt->id = $DB->insert_record("hotpot_attempts", $attempt); if (empty($attempt->id)) { print_error('cannotinsertattempt', 'hotpot', $next_url, $DB->get_last_error()); } // add attempt details record, if necessary if (!empty($attempt->details)) { $details = new object(); $details->attempt = $attempt->id; $details->details = $attempt->details; if (! $DB->insert_record("hotpot_details", $details, false)) { print_error('cannotinsertattempt', 'hotpot', $next_url, $DB->get_last_error()); } } } else { // remove previous responses for this attempt, if required // (N.B. this does NOT remove the attempt record, just the responses) $DB->delete_records("hotpot_responses", array("attempt"=>$attempt->id)); } } // remove slashes added by lib/setup.php $attempt->details = stripslashes($attempt->details); // add details of this attempt hotpot_add_attempt_details($attempt); // add slashes again, so the details can be added to the database $attempt->details = $attempt->details; // update the attempt record if (! $DB->update_record("hotpot_attempts", $attempt)) { print_error('cannotupdateattempt', 'hotpot', $next_url, $DB->get_last_error()); } // update grades for this user hotpot_update_grades($hotpot, $attempt->userid); // get previous attempt details record, if any $details_exist = $DB->record_exists("hotpot_details", array("attempt"=>$attempt->id)); // delete/update/add the attempt details record if (empty($attempt->details)) { if ($details_exist) { $DB->delete_records("hotpot_details", array("attempt"=>$attempt->id)); } } else { if ($details_exist) { $DB->set_field("hotpot_details", "details", $attempt->details, array("attempt"=>$attempt->id)); } else { $details = new object(); $details->attempt = $attempt->id; $details->details = $attempt->details; if (! $DB->insert_record("hotpot_details", $details)) { print_error('cannotinsertattempt', 'hotpot', $next_url, $DB->get_last_error()); } } } if ($attempt->status==HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS) { if ($javascript_is_off) { // regenerate HTML page define('HOTPOT_FIRST_ATTEMPT', false); include ("$CFG->hotpotroot/view.php"); } else { // continue without reloading the page header("Status: 204"); header("HTTP/1.0 204 No Response"); } } else { // quiz is finished add_to_log($course->id, "hotpot", "submit", "review.php?id=$cm->id&attempt=$attempt->id", "$hotpot->id", "$cm->id"); if ($hotpot->shownextquiz==HOTPOT_YES) { if (is_numeric($next_cm = hotpot_get_next_cm($cm))) { $next_url = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/hotpot/view.php?id=$next_cm"; } } // redirect to the next quiz or the course page redirect($next_url, get_string('resultssaved', 'hotpot')); } // ================= // functions // ================= function hotpot_get_next_cm(&$cm) { // gets the next module in this section of the course // that is the same type of module as the current module global $DB; $next_mod = false; // get a list of $ids of modules in this section if ($ids = $DB->get_field('course_sections', 'sequence', array('id'=>$cm->section))) { $found = false; $ids = explode(',', $ids); foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($found && ($cm->module==$DB->get_field('course_modules', 'module', array('id'=>$id)))) { $next_mod = $id; break; } else if ($cm->id==$id) { $found = true; } } } return $next_mod; } function hotpot_set_attempt_details(&$attempt) { global $CFG, $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE, $DB; // optional_param('showallquestions', 0, PARAM_INT); $attempt->details = ''; $attempt->score = 0; $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_COMPLETED; $buttons = array('clues', 'hints', 'checks'); $textfields = array('correct', 'wrong', 'ignored'); $ok = false; $quiztype = optional_param('quiztype', 0, PARAM_ALPHANUM); if ($quiztype) { if (is_numeric($quiztype)) { $ok = array_key_exists($quiztype, $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE); } else { $quiztype = array_search($quiztype, $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE); $ok = is_numeric($quiztype); } } if (!$ok) { return; // print_error('QuizTypeIsMissingOrInvalid'); // print_error('error_invalidquiztype', 'hotpot'); // // script finishes here if quiztype is invalid // } // special flag to detect jquiz multiselect $is_jquiz_multiselect = false; // set maximum question number $q_max = 0;; do { switch ($quiztype) { case HOTPOT_JCLOZE: case HOTPOT_JQUIZ: $field="q{$q_max}_a0_text"; break; case HOTPOT_JCB: case HOTPOT_JCROSS: case HOTPOT_JMATCH: case HOTPOT_JMIX: default: $field = ''; } } while ($field && isset($_POST[$field]) && ($q_max = $q_max+1)); // check JQuiz navigation buttons switch (true) { case isset($_POST['ShowAllQuestionsButton']): $_POST['ShowAllQuestions'] = 1; break; case isset($_POST['ShowOneByOneButton']): $_POST['ShowAllQuestions'] = 0; break; case isset($_POST['PrevQButton']): $_POST['ThisQuestion']--; break; case isset($_POST['NextQButton']): $_POST['ThisQuestion']++; break; } $q = 0; while ($q<$q_max) { $responsefield="q{$q}"; $questiontype = optional_param("{$responsefield}_questiontype", 0, PARAM_INT); $is_jquiz_multiselect = ($quiztype==HOTPOT_JQUIZ && $questiontype==HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTISELECT); if (isset($_POST[$responsefield]) && is_array($_POST[$responsefield])) { $responsevalue = array(); foreach ($_POST[$responsefield] as $key=>$value) { $responsevalue[$key] = clean_param($value, PARAM_CLEAN); } } else { $responsevalue = optional_param($responsefield, ''); } if (is_array($responsevalue)) { // incomplete jquiz multi-select $responsevalues = $responsevalue; $responsevalue = implode('+', $responsevalue); } else { $responsevalues = explode('+', $responsevalue); } // initialize $response object $response = new stdClass(); $response->correct = array(); $response->wrong = array(); $response->ignored = array(); $response->clues = 0; $response->hints = 0; $response->checks = 0; $response->score = 0; $response->weighting = 0; // create another empty object to hold all previous responses (from database) $oldresponse = new stdClass(); $vars = get_object_vars($response); foreach($vars as $name=>$value) { $oldresponse->$name = $value; } foreach ($buttons as $button) { if (($field = "q{$q}_{$button}_button") && isset($_POST[$field])) { $value = optional_param($field, '', PARAM_RAW); if (!empty($value)) { $response->$button++; } } } // loop through possible answers to this question $firstcorrectvalue = ''; $percents = array(); $a = 0; while (($valuefield="q{$q}_a{$a}_text") && isset($_POST[$valuefield])) { $value = optional_param($valuefield, '', PARAM_RAW); if (($percentfield="q{$q}_a{$a}_percent") && isset($_POST[$percentfield])) { $percent = optional_param($percentfield, 0, PARAM_INT); if ($percent) { $percents[$value] = $percent; } } if (($correctfield="q{$q}_a{$a}_correct") && isset($_POST[$correctfield])) { $correct = optional_param($correctfield, 0, PARAM_INT); } else { $correct = false; } if ($correct && empty($firstcorrectvalue)) { $firstcorrectvalue = $value; } if ($is_jquiz_multiselect) { $selected = in_array($value, $responsevalues); if ($correct) { $response->correct[] = $value; if (empty($selected)) { $response->wrong[] = true; } } else { if ($selected) { $response->wrong[] = true; } } } else { // single answer only required if ($responsevalue==$value) { if ($correct) { $response->correct[] = $value; } else { $response->wrong[] = $value; } } else { $response->ignored[] = $value; } } $a++; } // number of answers for this question $a_max = $a; if ($is_jquiz_multiselect) { if (empty($response->wrong) && count($responsevalues)==count($response->correct)) { $response->wrong = array(); $response->correct = array($responsevalue); } else { $response->correct = array(); $response->wrong = array($responsevalue); } } else { // if response did not match any answer, then this response is wrong if (empty($response->correct) && empty($response->wrong)) { $response->wrong[] = $responsevalue; } } // if this question has not been answered correctly, quiz is still in progress if (empty($response->correct)) { if (isset($_POST["q{$q}_ShowAnswers_button"])) { $_POST[$responsefield] = $firstcorrectvalue; } else { $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS; if (isset($_POST["q{$q}_Hint_button"])) { // a particular hint button in JQuiz shortanswer $_POST['HintButton'] = true; } // give a hint, if necessary if (isset($_POST['HintButton']) && $firstcorrectvalue) { // make sure we only come through here once unset($_POST['HintButton']); $correctlen = strlen($firstcorrectvalue); $responselen = strlen($responsevalue); // check how many letters are the same $i = 0; while ($i<$responselen && $i<$correctlen && $responsevalue{$i}==$firstcorrectvalue{$i}) { $i++; } if ($i<$responselen) { // remove incorrect characters on the end of the response $responsevalue = substr($responsevalue, 0, $i); } if ($i<$correctlen) { // append next correct letter $responsevalue .= $firstcorrectvalue{$i}; } $_POST[$responsefield] = $responsevalue; $response->hints++; } // end if hint } } // end if not correct // get clue text, if any if (($field="q{$q}_clue") && isset($_POST[$field])) { $response->clue_text = optional_param($field, '', PARAM_RAW); } // get question name $qq = sprintf('%02d', $q); // (a padded, two-digit version of $q) if (($field="q{$q}_name") && isset($_POST[$field])) { $questionname = optional_param($field, '', PARAM_RAW); $questionname = strip_tags($questionname); } else { $questionname = $qq; } // get previous responses to this question (if any) $records = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT r.* FROM {hotpot_attempts} a, {hotpot_questions} q, {hotpot_responses} r WHERE a.clickreportid = ? AND = r.attempt AND r.question = AND = ? AND q.hotpot = ? ORDER BY a.timefinish ", array($attempt->clickreportid, $questionname, $attempt->hotpot)); if ($records) { foreach ($records as $record) { foreach ($buttons as $button) { $oldresponse->$button = max($oldresponse->$button, $record->$button); } foreach ($textfields as $field) { if ($record->$field && ($field=='correct' || $field=='wrong')) { $values = explode(',', hotpot_strings($record->$field)); $oldresponse->$field = array_merge($oldresponse->$field, $values); } } } } // remove "correct" and "wrong" values from "ignored" values $response->ignored = array_diff($response->ignored, $response->correct, $response->wrong, $oldresponse->correct, $oldresponse->wrong ); foreach ($buttons as $button) { $response->$button += $oldresponse->$button; } $value_has_changed = false; foreach ($textfields as $field) { $response->$field = array_merge($oldresponse->$field, $response->$field); $response->$field = array_unique($response->$field); $response->$field = implode(',', $response->$field); if ($field=='correct' || $field=='wrong') { $array = $oldresponse->$field; $array = array_unique($array); $oldresponse->$field = implode(',', $array); if ($response->$field<>$oldresponse->$field) { $value_has_changed = true; } } } if ($value_has_changed) { $response->checks++; } // $response now holds amalgamation of all responses so far to this question // set question score and weighting if ($response->correct) { switch ($quiztype) { case HOTPOT_JCB: break; case HOTPOT_JCLOZE: $strlen = strlen($response->correct); $response->score = 100*($strlen-($response->checks-1))/$strlen; $attempt->score += $response->score; break; case HOTPOT_JCROSS: break; case HOTPOT_JMATCH: break; case HOTPOT_JMIX: break; case HOTPOT_JQUIZ: switch ($questiontype) { case HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTICHOICE: $wrong = explode(',', $response->wrong); foreach ($wrong as $value) { if (isset($percents[$value])) { $percent = $percents[$value]; } else { $percent = 0; } } case HOTPOT_JQUIZ_SHORTANSWER: $strlen = strlen($response->correct); $response->score = 100*($strlen-($response->checks-1))/$strlen; break; case HOTPOT_JQUIZ_MULTISELECT: if (isset($percents[$response->correct])) { $percent = $percents[$response->correct]; } else { $percent = 0; } if ($a_max>0 && $response->checks>0 && $a_max>$response->checks) { $response->score = $percent*($a_max-($response->checks-1))/$a_max; } break; } $attempt->score += $response->score; break; } } $fieldname = $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE[$quiztype]."_q{$qq}_name"; $attempt->details .= "$fieldname$questionname"; // encode $response fields as XML $vars = get_object_vars($response); foreach($vars as $name=>$value) { if (!empty($value)) { $fieldname = $HOTPOT_QUIZTYPE[$quiztype]."_q{$qq}_{$name}"; $attempt->details .= "$fieldname$value"; } } $q++; } // end main loop through $q(uestions) // set attempt score if ($q>0) { switch ($quiztype) { case HOTPOT_JCB: break; case HOTPOT_JCLOZE: $attempt->score = floor($attempt->score / $q); break; case HOTPOT_JCROSS: break; case HOTPOT_JMATCH: break; case HOTPOT_JMIX: break; case HOTPOT_JQUIZ: break; } } if ($attempt->details) { $attempt->details = ''.$attempt->details.''; } // print "forcing status to in progress ..
\n"; // $attempt->status = HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS; } ?>