get_record("course", array("id"=>$cm->course))) { print_error('coursemisconf'); } if (! $hotpot = $DB->get_record("hotpot", array("id"=>$cm->instance))) { print_error('invalidhotpotid', 'hotpot'); } } else { if (! $hotpot = $DB->get_record("hotpot", array("id"=>$hp))) { print_error('invalidhotpotid', 'hotpot'); } if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$hotpot->course))) { print_error('coursemisconf'); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("hotpot", $hotpot->id, $course->id)) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } } // get the roles context for this course $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $modulecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // set homeurl of couse (for error messages) $course_homeurl = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id"; require_login($course, true, $cm); // get report mode if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport',$modulecontext)) { $mode = optional_param('mode', 'overview', PARAM_ALPHA); } else { // ordinary students have no choice $mode = 'overview'; } // assemble array of form data $formdata = array( 'mode' => $mode, 'reportusers' => has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport',$modulecontext) ? optional_param('reportusers', get_user_preferences('hotpot_reportusers', 'allusers'), PARAM_ALPHANUM) : 'this', 'reportattempts' => optional_param('reportattempts', get_user_preferences('hotpot_reportattempts', 'all'), PARAM_ALPHA), 'reportformat' => optional_param('reportformat', 'htm', PARAM_ALPHA), 'reportshowlegend' => optional_param('reportshowlegend', get_user_preferences('hotpot_reportshowlegend', '0'), PARAM_INT), 'reportencoding' => optional_param('reportencoding', get_user_preferences('hotpot_reportencoding', ''), PARAM_ALPHANUM), 'reportwrapdata' => optional_param('reportwrapdata', get_user_preferences('hotpot_reportwrapdata', '1'), PARAM_INT), ); foreach ($formdata as $name=>$value) { set_user_preference("hotpot_$name", $value); } /// Start the report add_to_log($course->id, "hotpot", "report", "report.php?id=$cm->id&mode=$mode", "$hotpot->id", "$cm->id"); // print page header. if required if ($formdata['reportformat']=='htm') { hotpot_print_report_heading($course, $cm, $hotpot, $mode); if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport',$modulecontext)) { hotpot_print_report_selector($course, $hotpot, $formdata); } } // delete selected attempts, if any if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:deleteattempt',$modulecontext)) { $del = optional_param('del', '', PARAM_ALPHA); hotpot_delete_selected_attempts($hotpot, $del); } // check for groups if (preg_match('/^group(\d*)$/', $formdata['reportusers'], $matches)) { $formdata['reportusers'] = 'group'; $formdata['reportgroupid'] = 0; // validate groupid if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id)) { if (isset($groups[$matches[1]])) { $formdata['reportgroupid'] = $matches[1]; } } } $user_ids = ''; $users = array(); switch ($formdata['reportusers']) { case 'allusers': // anyone who has ever attempted this hotpot if ($records = $DB->get_records('hotpot_attempts', array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id), '', 'id,userid')) { foreach ($records as $record) { $users[$record->userid] = 0; // "0" means user is NOT currently allowed to attempt this HotPot } unset($records); } break; case 'group': // group members if ($members = groups_get_members($formdata['reportgroupid'])) { foreach ($members as $memberid=>$unused) { $users[$memberid] = 1; // "1" signifies currently recognized participant } } break; case 'allparticipants': // anyone currently allowed to attempt this HotPot if ($records = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/hotpot:attempt', ',', '')) { foreach ($records as $record) { $users[$record->id] = 1; // "1" means user is allowed to do this HotPot } unset($records); } break; case 'existingstudents': // anyone currently allowed to attempt this HotPot who is not a teacher $teachers = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/hotpot:viewreport', ',', ''); if ($records = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/hotpot:attempt', ',', '')) { foreach ($records as $record) { if (empty($teachers[$record->id])) { $users[$record->id] = 1; } } } break; case 'this': // current user only $user_ids = $USER->id; break; default: // specific user selected by teacher if (is_numeric($formdata['reportusers'])) { $user_ids = $formdata['reportusers']; } } if (empty($user_ids) && count($users)) { ksort($users); $user_ids = join(',', array_keys($users)); } if (empty($user_ids)) { print_heading(get_string('nousersyet')); exit; } // database table and selection conditions $table = "{hotpot_attempts} a"; $select = "a.hotpot=:hotpotid AND a.userid IN ($user_ids)"; if ($mode!='overview') { $select .= ' AND a.status<>'.HOTPOT_STATUS_INPROGRESS; } $params = array('hotpotid'=>$hotpot->id); // confine attempts if necessary switch ($formdata['reportattempts']) { case 'best': $function = 'MAX'; $fieldnames = array('score', 'id', 'clickreportid'); $defaultvalue = 0; break; case 'first': $function = 'MIN'; $fieldnames = array('timefinish', 'id', 'clickreportid'); $default_value = time(); break; case 'last': $function = 'MAX'; $fieldnames = array('timefinish', 'id', 'clickreportid'); $defaultvalue = time(); break; default: // 'all' and any others $function = ''; $fieldnames = array(); $defaultvalue = ''; break; } if (empty($function) || empty($fieldnames)) { // do nothing (i.e. get ALL attempts) } else { $groupby = 'userid'; $records = hotpot_get_records_groupby($function, $fieldnames, $table, $select, $params, $groupby); $select = ''; $params = array(); if ($records) { $ids = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { $ids[] = $record->clickreportid; } if (count($ids)) { $select = "a.clickreportid IN (".join(',', $ids).")"; } } } // pick out last attempt in each clickreport series if ($select) { $cr_attempts = hotpot_get_records_groupby('MAX', array('timefinish', 'id'), $table, $select, $params, 'clickreportid'); } else { $cr_attempts = array(); } $fields = 'a.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture'; if ($mode=='click') { $fields .= ', u.idnumber'; } else { // overview, simple and detailed reports // get last attempt record in clickreport series $ids = array(); foreach ($cr_attempts as $cr_attempt) { $ids[] = $cr_attempt->id; } if (empty($ids)) { $select = ""; } else { $ids = array_unique($ids); sort($ids); $select = " IN (".join(',', $ids).")"; } $params = array(); } $attempts = array(); if ($select) { // add user information to SQL query $select .= ' AND a.userid ='; $table .= ", {user} u"; $order = "u.lastname, a.attempt, a.timefinish"; // get the attempts (at last!) $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $select ORDER BY $order", $params); } // stop now if no attempts were found if (empty($attempts)) { print_heading(get_string('noattemptstoshow','quiz')); exit; } // get the questions if (!$questions = $DB->get_records('hotpot_questions', array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id))) { $questions = array(); } // get grades $grades = hotpot_get_grades($hotpot, $user_ids); // get list of attempts by user and set reference to last attempt in clickreport series $users = array(); foreach ($attempts as $id=>$attempt) { $userid = $attempt->userid; if (!isset($users[$userid])) { $users[$userid]->grade = isset($grades[$userid]) ? $grades[$userid] : ' '; $users[$userid]->attempts = array(); } $users[$userid]->attempts[] = &$attempts[$id]; if ($mode=='click') { // shortcut to clickreportid (=the id of the FIRST attempt in this clickreport series) $clickreportid = $attempt->clickreportid; if (isset($cr_attempts[$clickreportid])) { // store id and finish time of LAST attempt in this clickreport series $attempts[$id]->cr_lastclick = $cr_attempts[$clickreportid]->id; $attempts[$id]->cr_timefinish = $cr_attempts[$clickreportid]->timefinish; } } } if ($mode!='overview') { // initialise details of responses to questions in these attempts foreach ($attempts as $a=>$attempt) { $attempts[$a]->responses = array(); } foreach ($questions as $q=>$question) { $questions[$q]->attempts = array(); } // get reponses to these attempts $attempt_ids = join(',',array_keys($attempts)); if (!$responses = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM {hotpot_responses} WHERE attempt IN ($attempt_ids)")) { $responses = array(); } // ids of questions used in these responses $questionids = array(); foreach ($responses as $response) { // shortcuts to the attempt and question ids $a = $response->attempt; $q = $response->question; // check the attempt and question objects exist // (if they don't exist, something is very wrong!) if (isset($attempts[$a]) || isset($questions[$q])) { // add the response for this attempt $attempts[$a]->responses[$q] = $response; // add a reference from the question to the attempt which includes this question $questions[$q]->attempts[] = &$attempts[$a]; // flag this id as being used $questionids[$q] = true; } } // remove unused questions $questionids = array_keys($questionids); foreach ($questions as $id=>$question) { if (!in_array($id, $questionids)) { unset($questions[$id]); } } } /// Open the selected hotpot report and display it if (! is_readable("report/$mode/report.php")) { print_error('unknownreport', 'hotpot', $course_homeurl, clean_text($mode)); } include("report/default.php"); // Parent class include("report/$mode/report.php"); $report = new hotpot_report(); if (! $report->display($hotpot, $cm, $course, $users, $attempts, $questions, $formdata)) { print_error('error_processreport', 'hotpot', $course_homeurl); } if ($formdata['reportformat']=='htm') { print_footer($course); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// /// functions to delete attempts and responses function hotpot_grade_heading($hotpot, $formdata) { global $HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD; $grademethod = $HOTPOT_GRADEMETHOD[$hotpot->grademethod]; if ($hotpot->grade!=100) { $grademethod = "$hotpot->grade x $grademethod/100"; } if ($formdata['reportformat']=='htm') { $grademethod = ''.$grademethod.''; } $nl = $formdata['reportformat']=='htm' ? '
' : "\n"; return get_string('grade')."$nl($grademethod)"; } function hotpot_delete_selected_attempts(&$hotpot, $del) { global $DB; $select = ''; $params = array('hotpotid'=>$hotpot->id); switch ($del) { case 'all' : $select = "hotpot=:hotpotid"; break; case 'abandoned': $select = "hotpot=:hotpotid AND status=".HOTPOT_STATUS_ABANDONED; break; case 'selection': $ids = (array)data_submitted(); unset($ids['del']); unset($ids['id']); if (!empty($ids)) { list($ids, $idparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'crid0'); $params = array_merge($params, $idparams); $select = "hotpot=:hotpotid AND clickreportid $ids"; } break; } // delete attempts using $select, if it is set if ($select) { $table = 'hotpot_attempts'; if ($attempts = $DB->get_records_select($table, $select, $params)) { hotpot_delete_and_notify($table, $select, $params, get_string('attempts', 'quiz')); $select = 'attempt IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($attempts)).')'; $params = array(); hotpot_delete_and_notify('hotpot_details', $select, $params, get_string('rawdetails', 'hotpot')); hotpot_delete_and_notify('hotpot_responses', $select, $params, get_string('answer', 'quiz')); // update grades for all users for this hotpot hotpot_update_grades($hotpot); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// /// functions to print the report headings and /// report selector menus function hotpot_print_report_heading(&$course, &$cm, &$hotpot, &$mode) { $strmodulenameplural = get_string("modulenameplural", "hotpot"); $strmodulename = get_string("modulename", "hotpot"); $title = format_string($course->shortname) . ": $hotpot->name"; $heading = $course->fullname; $modulecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport',$modulecontext)) { if ($mode=='overview' || $mode=='simplestat' || $mode=='fullstat') { $module = "quiz"; } else { $module = "hotpot"; } $navigation = build_navigation(get_string("report$mode", $module), $cm); } else { $navigation = build_navigation(get_string("report", "quiz"), $cm); } $button = update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strmodulename); print_header($title, $heading, $navigation, "", "", true, $button, navmenu($course, $cm)); $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $course_context) && has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $course_context)) { echo '
' . get_string('seeallcoursegrades', 'grades') . '
'; } print_heading($hotpot->name); } function hotpot_print_report_selector(&$course, &$hotpot, &$formdata) { global $CFG, $DB; $reports = hotpot_get_report_names('overview,simplestat,fullstat'); print '
wwwroot/mod/hotpot/report.php?hp=$hotpot->id".'">'; print ''; $menus = array(); $menus['mode'] = array(); foreach ($reports as $name) { if ($name=='overview' || $name=='simplestat' || $name=='fullstat') { $module = "quiz"; // standard reports } else if ($name=='click' && empty($hotpot->clickreporting)) { $module = ""; // clickreporting is disabled } else { $module = "hotpot"; // custom reports } if ($module) { $menus['mode'][$name] = get_string("report$name", $module); } } $menus['reportusers'] = array( 'allusers' => get_string('allusers', 'hotpot'), 'allparticipants' => get_string('allparticipants') ); // groups if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id)) { foreach ($groups as $gid => $group) { $menus['reportusers']["group$gid"] = get_string('group').': '.format_string($group->name); } } // get users who have ever atetmpted this HotPot $users = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT, u.firstname, u.lastname FROM {user} u, {hotpot_attempts} ha WHERE = ha.userid AND ha.hotpot=? ORDER BY u.lastname ", array($hotpot->id)); // get context $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('hotpot', $hotpot->id); $modulecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // get teachers enrolled students $teachers = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/hotpot:viewreport', ',u.firstname,u.lastname', 'u.lastname'); $students = get_users_by_capability($modulecontext, 'mod/hotpot:attempt', ',u.firstname,u.lastname', 'u.lastname'); // current students if (!empty($students)) { $firsttime = true; foreach ($students as $user) { if (isset($users[$user->id])) { if ($firsttime) { $firsttime = false; // so we only do this once $menus['reportusers']['existingstudents'] = get_string('existingstudents'); $menus['reportusers'][] = '------'; } $menus['reportusers']["$user->id"] = fullname($user); unset($users[$user->id]); } } } // others (former students, teachers, admins, course creators) if (!empty($users)) { $firsttime = true; foreach ($users as $user) { if ($firsttime) { $firsttime = false; // so we only do this once $menus['reportusers'][] = '======'; } $menus['reportusers']["$user->id"] = fullname($user); } } $menus['reportattempts'] = array( 'all' => get_string('attemptsall', 'hotpot'), 'best' => get_string('attemptsbest', 'hotpot'), 'first' => get_string('attemptsfirst', 'hotpot'), 'last' => get_string('attemptslast', 'hotpot') ); print ''; $menus = array(); $menus['reportformat'] = array(); $menus['reportformat']['htm'] = get_string('reportformathtml', 'hotpot'); if (file_exists("$CFG->libdir/excel") || file_exists("$CFG->libdir/excellib.class.php")) { $menus['reportformat']['xls'] = get_string('reportformatexcel', 'hotpot'); } $menus['reportformat']['txt'] = get_string('reportformattext', 'hotpot'); if (trim($CFG->hotpot_excelencodings)) { $menus['reportencoding'] = array(get_string('none')=>''); $encodings = explode(',', $CFG->hotpot_excelencodings); foreach ($encodings as $encoding) { $encoding = trim($encoding); if ($encoding) { $menus['reportencoding'][$encoding] = $encoding; } } } $menus['reportwrapdata'] = array( '1' => get_string('yes'), '0' => get_string('no'), ); $menus['reportshowlegend'] = array( '1' => get_string('yes'), '0' => get_string('no'), ); print ''; foreach ($menus as $name => $options) { $value = $formdata[$name]; print ''; } print ''; print '
'; helpbutton('reportcontent', get_string('reportcontent', 'hotpot'), 'hotpot'); print ''.get_string('reportcontent', 'hotpot').':'; foreach ($menus as $name => $options) { $value = $formdata[$name]; print choose_from_menu($options, $name, $value, "", "", 0, true); }; print '
'; helpbutton('reportformat', get_string('reportformat', 'hotpot'), 'hotpot'); print ''.get_string($name, 'hotpot').':'.choose_from_menu($options, $name, $value, "", "", 0, true).'
'; print '
'; print '
'."\n"; } function hotpot_get_report_names($names='') { // $names : optional list showing required order reports names $reports = array(); // convert $names to an array, if necessary (usually is) if (!is_array($names)) { $names = explode(',', $names); } $plugins = get_list_of_plugins('mod/hotpot/report'); foreach($names as $name) { if (is_numeric($i = array_search($name, $plugins))) { $reports[] = $name; unset($plugins[$i]); } } // append remaining plugins $reports = array_merge($reports, $plugins); return $reports; } function hotpot_get_records_groupby($function, $fieldnames, $table, $select, $params, $groupby) { // $function is an SQL aggregate function (MAX or MIN) global $DB; $fields = $DB->sql_concat_join("'_'", $fieldnames); $fields = "$groupby, $function($fields) AS joinedvalues"; if ($fields) { $records = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT $fields FROM $table WHERE $select GROUP BY $groupby", $params); } if (empty($fields) || empty($records)) { $records = array(); } $fieldcount = count($fieldnames); foreach ($records as $id=>$record) { if (empty($record->joinedvalues)) { unset($records[$id]); } else { $values = explode('_', $record->joinedvalues); for ($i=0; $i<$fieldcount; $i++) { $fieldname = $fieldnames[$i]; $records[$id]->$fieldname = $values[$i]; } } unset($record->joinedvalues); } return $records; } ?>