id, // fk->course, files) // | // +--------------+---------------+ // | | // hotpot_attempts hotpot_questions // (UL, pk->id, (UL, pk->id, // fk->hotpot) fk->hotpot, text) // | | | // +-------------------+----------+ | // | | | // hotpot_details hotpot_responses | // (UL, pk->id, (UL, pk->id, | // fk->attempt) fk->attempt, question, | // correct, wrong, ignored) | // | | // +-------+-------+ // | // hotpot_strings // (UL, pk->id) // // Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table // fk->foreign key to link with parent // nt->nested field (recursive data) // CL->course level info // UL->user level info // files->table may have files // //----------------------------------------------------------- require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot/lib.php"); function hotpot_restore_mods($mod, $restore) { //This function restores a single hotpot activity // This function is called by "restore_create_modules" (in "backup/restorelib.php") // which is called by "backup/restore_execute.html" (included by "backup/restore.php") // $mod is an object // id : id field in 'modtype' table // modtype : 'hotpot' // $restore is an object // backup_unique_code : xxxxxxxxxx // file : '/full/path/to/' // mods : an array of $modinfo's (see below) // restoreto : 0=existing course (replace), 1=existing course (append), 2=new course // users : 0=all, 1=course, 2=none // logs : 0=no, 1=yes // user_files : 0=no, 1=yes // course_files : 0=no, 1=yes // course_id : id of course into which data is to be restored // deleting : true if 'restoreto'==0, otherwise false // original_wwwroot : '' // $modinfo is an array // 'modname' : array( 'restore'=> 0=no 1=yes, 'userinfo' => 0=no 1=yes) global $CFG; $status = true; // get course module data this hotpot activity $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'hotpot', $mod->id); if ($data) { // $data is an object // backup_code => xxxxxxxxxx, // table_name => 'hotpot', // old_id => xxx, // new_id => NULL, // info => xml tree array of info backed up for this hotpot activity $xml = &$data->info['MOD']['#']; $table = 'hotpot'; $foreign_keys = array('course' => $restore->course_id); $more_restore = ''; // print a message after each hotpot is backed up if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { $more_restore .= 'print "
  • ".get_string("modulename", "hotpot")." "".format_string(stripslashes($record->name),true).""
  • ";'; } $more_restore .= 'backup_flush(300);'; if (function_exists('restore_userdata_selected')) { // Moodle >= 1.6 $restore_userdata_selected = restore_userdata_selected($restore, 'hotpot', $mod->id); } else { // Moodle <= 1.5 $restore_userdata_selected = $restore->mods['hotpot']->userinfo; } if ($restore_userdata_selected) { $has_details = false; if (isset($xml["ATTEMPT_DATA"]["0"]["#"]["ATTEMPT"]["0"]["#"]["DETAILS"]["0"]["#"])) { $details = trim($xml["ATTEMPT_DATA"]["0"]["#"]["ATTEMPT"]["0"]["#"]["DETAILS"]["0"]["#"]); if ($details<>'' && $details<>'') { $has_details = true; } } if ($has_details && empty($xml["STRING_DATA"]) && empty($xml["QUESTION_DATA"])) { // HotPot v2.0.x (regenerate questions, responses and strings from attempt details) $more_restore .= '$status = hotpot_restore_attempts($restore, $status, $xml, $record, true);'; } else { // HotPot v2.1+ $more_restore .= '$status = hotpot_restore_strings($restore, $status, $xml, $record);'; $more_restore .= '$status = hotpot_restore_questions($restore, $status, $xml, $record);'; $more_restore .= '$status = hotpot_restore_attempts($restore, $status, $xml, $record);'; } } // if necessary, adjust HotPot date/time fields and write to restorelog if ($restore->course_startdateoffset) { restore_log_date_changes('Hotpot', $restore, $xml, array('TIMEOPEN', 'TIMECLOSE', 'TIMECREATED', 'TIMEMODIFIED')); } $status = hotpot_restore_records( $restore, $status, $xml, $table, $foreign_keys, $more_restore ); } return $status; } function hotpot_restore_strings(&$restore, $status, &$xml, &$record) { // $xml is an XML tree for a hotpot record // $record is the newly added hotpot record return hotpot_restore_records( $restore, $status, $xml, 'hotpot_strings', array(), '', 'STRING_DATA', 'STRING', 'string' ); } function hotpot_restore_questions(&$restore, $status, &$xml, &$record) { // $xml is an XML tree for a hotpot record // $record is the newly added hotpot record $foreignkeys = array( 'hotpot'=>$record->id, 'text'=>'hotpot_strings' ); return hotpot_restore_records( $restore, $status, $xml, 'hotpot_questions', $foreignkeys, '', 'QUESTION_DATA', 'QUESTION' ); } function hotpot_restore_attempts(&$restore, $status, &$xml, &$record, $hotpot_v20=false) { // $xml is an XML tree for a hotpot record // $record is the newly added hotpot record global $DB; $foreignkeys = array( 'userid'=>'user', 'hotpot'=>$record->id, ); $more_restore = ''; $more_restore .= 'hotpot_restore_details($restore, $status, $xml, $record);'; if ($hotpot_v20) { // HotPot v2.0.x (regenerate questions and responses from details) $more_restore .= '$record->details=stripslashes($record->details);'; $more_restore .= 'hotpot_add_attempt_details($record);'; // see "hotpot/lib.php" } else { // HotPot v2.1+ $more_restore .= '$status = hotpot_restore_responses($restore, $status, $xml, $record);'; // save clickreportid (to be updated it later) $more_restore .= 'if (!empty($record->clickreportid)) {'; $more_restore .= '$GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_clickreportids"][$record->id]=$record->clickreportid;'; $more_restore .= '}'; // initialize global array to store clickreportids $GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_clickreportids"] = array(); } $status = hotpot_restore_records( $restore, $status, $xml, 'hotpot_attempts', $foreignkeys, $more_restore, 'ATTEMPT_DATA', 'ATTEMPT' ); if ($hotpot_v20) { if ($status) { global $CFG; // based on code in "mod/hotpot/db/update_to_v2.php" $params = array($record->id); $DB->execute("UPDATE {hotpot_attempts} SET status=1 WHERE hotpot=? AND timefinish=0 AND score IS NULL", $params); $DB->execute("UPDATE {hotpot_attempts} SET status=3 WHERE hotpot=? AND timefinish>0 AND score IS NULL", $params); $DB->execute("UPDATE {hotpot_attempts} SET status=4 WHERE hotpot=? AND timefinish>0 AND score IS NOT NULL", $params); $DB->execute("UPDATE {hotpot_attempts} SET clickreportid=id WHERE hotpot=? AND clickreportid IS NULL", $params); } } else { $status = hotpot_restore_clickreportids($restore, $status); unset($GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_clickreportids"]); // tidy up } return $status; } function hotpot_restore_clickreportids(&$restore, $status) { // update clickreport ids, if any global $CFG, $DB; foreach ($GLOBALS["hotpot_backup_clickreportids"] as $id=>$clickreportid) { if ($status) { $attempt_record = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'hotpot_attempts', $clickreportid); if ($attempt_record) { $new_clickreportid = $attempt_record->new_id; $status = $DB->execute("UPDATE {hotpot_attempts} SET clickreportid=? WHERE id=?", array($new_clickreportid, $id)); } else { // New clickreport id could not be found if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print ""; } $status = false; } } } return $status; } function hotpot_restore_responses(&$restore, $status, &$xml, &$record) { // $xml is an XML tree for an attempt record // $record is the newly added attempt record $foreignkeys = array( 'attempt'=>$record->id, 'question'=>'hotpot_questions', 'correct'=>'hotpot_strings', 'wrong'=>'hotpot_strings', 'ignored'=>'hotpot_strings' ); return hotpot_restore_records( $restore, $status, $xml, 'hotpot_responses', $foreignkeys, '', 'RESPONSE_DATA', 'RESPONSE' ); } function hotpot_restore_details(&$restore, $status, &$xml, &$record) { global $DB; // $xml is an XML tree for an attempt record // $record is the newly added attempt record if (empty($record->details)) { $status = true; } else { $details = new stdClass(); $details->attempt = $record->id; $details->details = $record->details; if ($DB->insert_record('hotpot_details', $details)) { $status = true; } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print ""; } $status = false; } } return $status; } function hotpot_restore_records(&$restore, $status, &$xml, $table, $foreign_keys, $more_restore='', $records_TAG='', $record_TAG='', $secondary_key='') { // general purpose function to restore a group of records // $restore : (see "hotpot_restore_mods" above) // $xml : an XML tree (or sub-tree) // $records_TAG : (optional) the name of an XML tag which starts a block of records // If no $records_TAG is specified, $xml is assumed to be a block of records // $record_TAG : (optional) the name of an XML tag which starts a single record // If no $record_TAG is specified, the block of records is assumed to be a single record // other parameters are explained in "hotpot_restore_record" below $i = 0; // index for $records_TAG do { unset($xml_records); if ($records_TAG) { if (isset($xml[$records_TAG][$i]['#'])) { $xml_records = &$xml[$records_TAG][$i]['#']; } } else { if ($i==0) { $xml_records = &$xml; } } if (isset($xml_records)) { $ii = 0; // index for $record_TAG do { unset($xml_record); if ($record_TAG) { if (isset($xml_records[$record_TAG][$ii]['#'])) { $xml_record = &$xml_records[$record_TAG][$ii]['#']; } } else { if ($ii==0) { $xml_record = &$xml_records; } } if (isset($xml_record)) { $status = hotpot_restore_record( $restore, $status, $xml_record, $table, $foreign_keys, $more_restore, $secondary_key ); } $ii++; } while ($status && isset($xml_record)); } $i++; } while ($status && isset($xml_records)); return $status; } function hotpot_restore_record(&$restore, $status, &$xml, $table, $foreign_keys, $more_restore, $secondary_key) { // general purpose function to restore a single record // $restore : (see "hotpot_restore_mods" above) // $status : current status of backup (true or false) // $xml : XML tree of current record // $table : name of Moodle database table to restore to // $foreign_keys : array of foreign keys, if any, specifed as $key=>$value // $key : the name of a field in the current $record // $value : if $value is numeric, then $record->$key is set to $value. // Otherwise $value is assumed to be a table name and $record->$key // is treated as a comma separated list of ids in that table // $more_restore : optional PHP code to be eval(uated) for each record // $secondary_key : // the name of the secondary key field, if any, in the current $record. // If this field is specified, then the current record will only be added // if the $record->$secondarykey value does not already exist in $table // maintain a cache of info on table columns global $DB; static $table_columns = array(); if (empty($table_columns[$table])) { global $CFG, $DB; $table_columns[$table] = $DB->get_columns($table); } // get values for fields in this record $record = new stdClass(); $TAGS = array_keys($xml); foreach ($TAGS as $TAG) { $value = $xml[$TAG][0]['#']; if (is_string($value)) { $tag = strtolower($TAG); $record->$tag = backup_todb($value); } } // update foreign keys, if any $ok = true; foreach ($foreign_keys as $key=>$value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $record->$key = $value; } else { $key_table = $value; $new_ids = array(); if (isset($record->$key)) { $old_ids = explode(',', $record->$key); foreach ($old_ids as $old_id) { if (empty($old_id)) { // do nothing } else { $key_record = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $key_table, $old_id); if ($key_record) { $new_ids[] = $key_record->new_id; } else { // foreign key could not be updated if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print ""; } $ok = false; } } } } $record->$key = implode(',', $new_ids); } } // set md5 keys if necessary (restoring from Moodle<1.6) if ($table=='hotpot_questions' && empty($record->md5key)) { $record->md5key = md5($record->name); } if ($table=='hotpot_strings' && empty($record->md5key)) { $record->md5key = md5($record->string); } // check all "not null" fields have been set foreach ($table_columns[$table] as $column) { if ($column->not_null) { $name = $column->name; if ($name<>'id' && empty($record->$name)) { if (isset($column->default_value)) { $default = $column->default_value; } else { if (preg_match('/int|decimal|double|float|time|year/i', $column->type)) { $default = 0; } else { $default = ''; } } $record->$name = $default; } } } // check everything is OK so far if ($ok) { // store old record id, if necessary if (isset($record->id)) { $record->old_id = $record->id; unset($record->id); } // if there is a secondary key field ... if ($secondary_key) { // check to see if a record with the same value already exists $key_record = $DB->get_record($table, array($secondary_key=>$record->$secondary_key)); if ($key_record) { // set new record id from already existing record $record->id = $key_record->id; } } if (empty($record->id)) { // add the $record (and get new id) $record->id = $DB->insert_record($table, $record); } // check $record was added (or found) if (is_numeric($record->id)) { // if there was an old id, save a mapping to the new id if (isset($record->old_id)) { backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, $table, $record->old_id, $record->id); } } else { // failed to add (or find) $record if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print ""; } $status = false; } // restore related records, if required if ($more_restore) { eval($more_restore); } } return $status; } //This function returns a log record with all the necessay transformations //done. It's used by restore_log_module() to restore modules log. function hotpot_restore_logs($restore, $log) { // assume the worst $status = false; switch ($log->action) { case "add": case "update": case "view": if ($log->cmid) { //Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field) $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $log->module, $log->info); if ($mod) { $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid; $log->info = $mod->new_id; $status = true; } } break; case "view all": $log->url = "index.php?id=".$log->course; $status = true; break; case "report": if ($log->cmid) { //Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field) $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info); if ($mod) { $log->url = "report.php?id=".$log->cmid; $log->info = $mod->new_id; $status = true; } } break; case "attempt": case "submit": case "review": if ($log->cmid) { //Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field) $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info); if ($mod) { //Extract the attempt id from the url field $attemptid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1); //Get the new_id of the attempt (to recode the url field) $attempt = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"hotpot_attempts",$attemptid); if ($attempt) { $log->url = "review.php?id=".$log->cmid."&attempt=".$attempt->new_id; $log->info = $mod->new_id; $status = true; } } } break; default: // Oops, unknown $log->action if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print "

    action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknown. Not restored

    "; } break; } // end switch return $status ? $log : false; } ?>