defaultquestion(); ///$comment added by T Robb $comment = NULL; $text = implode(" ", $lines); /// Find answer section $answerstart = strpos($text, "{"); if ($answerstart === false) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Could not find a {"; } return false; } $answerfinish = strpos($text, "}"); if ($answerfinish === false) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Could not find a }"; } return false; } $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart; $answertext = substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1); /// Save the new question text $question->questiontext = substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1); $question->name = $question->questiontext; /// Parse the answers $answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext); $answers = explode("~", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } $countanswers = count($answers); switch ($countanswers) { case 0: // invalid question if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
No answers found in $answertext"; } return false; case 1: $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER; $answer = trim($answers[0]); if ($answer[0] == "=") { $answer = substr($answer, 1); } $question->answer[] = $answer; $question->fraction[] = 1; $question->feedback[] = ""; return $question; default: $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE; foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Tom's addition starts here $answeight = 0; if (strspn($answer,"1234567890%") > 0){ //Make sure that the percent sign is the last in the span if (strpos($answer,"%") == strspn($answer,"1234567890%") - 1) { $answeight0 = substr($answer,0,strspn($answer,"1234567890%")); $answeight = round(($answeight0/100),2); $answer = substr($answer,(strspn($answer,"1234567890%"))); } } if ($answer[0] == "="){ $answeight = 1; } //remove the protective underscore for leading numbers in answers if ($answer[0] == "_"){ $answer = substr($answer, 1); } $answer = trim($answer); if (strpos($answer,"#") > 0){ $hashpos = strpos($answer,"#"); $comment = substr(($answer),$hashpos+1); $answer = substr($answer,0,$hashpos); } else { $comment = " "; } // End of Tom's addition if ($answer[0] == "=") { # $question->fraction[$key] = 1; $question->fraction[$key] = $answeight; $answer = substr($answer, 1); } else { # $question->fraction[$key] = 0; $question->fraction[$key] = $answeight; } $question->answer[$key] = $answer; $question->feedback[$key] = $comment; } return $question; } } }