Grade'; $string['agreetothisassessment'] = 'Agree to this Assessment'; $string['allgradeshaveamaximumof'] = 'All Grades have a Maximum of: $a'; $string['allowresubmit'] = 'Allow Resubmissions'; $string['allsubmissions'] = 'All submissions'; $string['alreadyinphase'] = 'Already in Phase $a'; $string['amendassessmentelements'] = 'Amend Assessment Elements'; $string['amendtitle'] = 'Amend Title'; $string['analysis'] = 'Analysis'; $string['analysisofassessments'] = 'Analysis of Assessments'; $string['assess'] = 'Assess'; $string['assessedon'] = 'Assessed on $a'; $string['assessment'] = 'Assessment'; $string['assessmentby'] = 'Assessment by $a'; $string['assessmentdropped'] = 'Assessment Dropped'; $string['assessmentend'] = 'End of assessments'; $string['assessmentendevent'] = 'End of assessments for $a'; $string['assessmentgrade'] = 'Assessment Grade: $a'; $string['assessmentnotyetagreed'] = 'Assessment not yet agreed'; $string['assessmentnotyetgraded'] = 'Assessment not yet graded'; $string['assessmentof'] = 'Assessment of $a'; $string['assessmentofresubmission'] = 'This is an Assessment of a revised piece of the work.
The form here has been filled with your previous grades and comments.
Please amend these after looking at the revised work.'; $string['assessmentofthissubmission'] = 'Assessment of this submission'; $string['assessments'] = 'Assessments'; $string['assessmentsareok'] = 'Assessments are OK'; $string['assessmentsby'] = 'Assessments by $a'; $string['assessmentsdone'] = 'Assessments Done'; $string['assessmentsexcluded'] = 'Number of Assessments excluded for this $a'; $string['assessmentsmustbeagreed'] = 'Assessments must be agreed'; $string['assessmentstart'] = 'Start of assessments'; $string['assessmentstartevent'] = 'Start of assessments for $a'; $string['assessmentwasagreedon'] = 'Assessment was agreed on $a'; $string['assessor'] = 'Assessor'; $string['assessthissubmission'] = 'Assess this submission'; $string['assessthisassessment'] = 'Grade this assessment'; $string['assignmentnotinthecorrectphase'] = 'Assignment not in the Correct Phase'; $string['assmnts'] = 'Assessments'; $string['attachment'] = 'Attachment'; $string['attachments'] = 'Attachments'; $string['authorofsubmission'] = 'Author of Submission'; $string['automaticgradeforassessment'] = 'Automatic grade for assessment'; $string['averageerror'] = 'Average Error'; $string['awaitinggradingbyteacher'] = 'Awaiting Grading by $a'; $string['beforedeadline'] = 'Before Deadline: $a'; $string['by'] = 'submitted by'; $string['calculationoffinalgrades'] = 'Calculation of Final Grades'; $string['clearlateflag'] = "Clear Late Flag"; $string['closeassignment'] = 'Close Assignment'; $string['comment'] = 'Comment'; $string['commentbank'] = 'Comment Bank'; $string['commentby'] = 'Comment by'; $string['comparisonofassessments'] = "Comparison of Assessments"; $string['confirmdeletionofthisitem'] = 'Confirm Deletion of this $a'; $string['correct'] = 'Correct'; $string['count'] = 'Count'; $string['criterion'] = 'Criterion'; $string['currentphase'] = 'Current phase'; $string['date'] = 'Date'; $string['datestr'] = '%%d/%%m/%%y
%%H:%%M'; $string['deadline'] = 'Deadline for submission'; $string['deadlineis'] = 'The Deadline for submission is $a'; $string['delete'] = 'Delete'; $string['deleting'] = 'Deleting'; $string['description'] = 'Description'; $string['detailsofassessment'] = 'Details of Assessment'; $string['disagreewiththisassessment'] = 'Disagree with this Assessment'; $string['displayofgrades'] = 'Display of Grades'; $string['displayofcurrentgrades'] = 'Display of Current Grades'; $string['displayoffinalgrades'] = 'Display of Final Grades'; $string['dontshowgrades'] = 'Don\'t Show Grades'; $string['edit'] = 'Edit'; $string['editacomment'] = 'Edit a Comment'; $string['editingassessmentelements'] = 'Editing Assessment Elements'; $string['editsubmission'] = 'Edit Submission'; $string['element'] = 'Element'; $string['elementweight'] = 'Element Weight'; $string['enterpassword'] = "Enter Password"; $string['errorbanded'] = 'Error Banded'; $string['errortable'] = 'Error Table'; $string['examplesubmissions'] = 'Example Submissions'; $string['excellent'] = 'Excellent'; $string['excludingdroppedassessments'] = 'excluding dropped Assessments'; $string['expectederror'] = 'Expected Error Value if guessing: $a'; $string['fair'] = "Fair"; $string['feedbackgoeshere'] = 'Feedback goes here'; $string['firstname'] = 'First name'; $string['generalcomment'] = 'General comment'; $string['good'] = 'Good'; $string['grade'] = 'Grade'; $string['gradeassessment'] = 'Grade Assessment'; $string['graded'] = 'Graded'; $string['gradedbyteacher'] = 'Graded by $a'; $string['gradegiventoassessment'] = 'Grade given to Assessment'; $string['gradeforassessments'] = 'Grade for Assessments'; $string['gradeforbias'] = 'Grade for Bias'; $string['gradeforreliability'] = 'Grade for Reliability'; $string['gradeforstudentsassessment'] = 'Grade for Student\'s Assessment'; $string['gradeforsubmission'] = 'Grade for Submission'; $string['gradeofsubmission'] = 'Grade of Submission: $a'; $string['grades'] = 'Grades'; $string['gradesforassessmentsare'] = 'Grades for Assessments are out of $a'; $string['gradesforstudentsassessment'] = 'Grades for $a\'s Assessment'; $string['gradesforsubmissionsare'] = 'Grades for Submissions are out of $a'; $string['gradetable'] = 'Grade Table'; $string['gradingallassessments'] = 'Grading all Assessments'; $string['gradinggrade'] = 'Grading Grade'; $string['gradingstrategy'] = 'Grading Strategy'; $string['hidegradesbeforeagreement'] = 'Hide Grades before Agreement'; $string['hidenamesfromstudents'] = 'Hide Names from $a'; $string['includeteachersgrade'] = 'Include Teacher\'s Grade'; $string['incorrect'] = 'Incorrect'; $string['info'] = 'Info'; $string['invaliddates'] = 'The dates you have entered are not possible.
Use the browser\'s Back button to return to the form and correct the dates.'; $string['iteration'] = 'Iteration $a completed'; $string['lastname'] = 'Surname'; $string['lax'] = "Lax"; $string['leaguetable'] = 'League Table of Submitted Work'; $string['listassessments'] = 'List Assessments'; $string['listofallsubmissions'] = 'List of all Submissions'; $string['liststudentsassessments'] = 'List Student\'s Assessments'; $string['loadingforteacherassessments'] = 'Loading for $a Assessments'; $string['mail1'] = 'Your assignment \'$a\' has been assessed by'; $string['mail10'] = 'You can assess it in your workshop assignment '; //not used in 1.5 $string['mail2'] = 'The comments and grade can be seen in the Workshop Assignment \'$a\'.'; $string['mail3'] = 'You can see it in your Workshop Assignment'; //not used in 1.5 $string['mail4'] = 'A comment has been added to the assignment \'$a\' by'; $string['mail5'] = 'The new comment can be seen in the Workshop Assignment \'$a\'.'; $string['mail6'] = 'Your assessment of the assignment \'$a\' has been reviewed.'; //not used in 1.5 $string['mail7'] = 'The comments given by the $a can be seen in the Workshop Assignment '; //not used in 1.5 $string['mail8'] = 'The assignment $a is a revised piece of work. '; $string['mail9'] = 'Please assess it in the workshop assignment \'$a\'.'; $string['managingassignment'] = 'Managing the Workshop'; $string['maximum'] = 'Maximum'; $string['maximumsize'] = 'Maximum Size'; $string['mean'] = 'Mean'; $string['minimum'] = 'Minimum'; $string['modulename'] = 'Workshop'; $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Workshops'; $string['movingtophase'] = 'Moving to Phase $a'; $string['namesnotshowntostudents'] = 'Names not shown to $a'; $string['newassessments'] = 'New Assessments'; $string['newattachment'] = 'New Attachment'; $string['newgradings'] = 'New Gradings'; $string['newsubmissions'] = 'New Submissions'; $string['noassessments'] = 'No Assessments'; $string['noassessmentsdone'] = 'No Assessments Done'; $string['noattachments'] = 'No Attachments'; $string['nosubmission'] = 'No Submission'; $string['nosubmissionsavailableforassessment'] = 'No Submissions available for assessment'; $string['notallowed'] = 'You are not allowed on this page at this time'; $string['notavailable'] = 'Not Available'; $string['notenoughexamplessubmitted'] = 'Not enough Examples submitted.'; $string['noteonassessmentelements'] = 'Note that grading is broken down into a number of \'Assessment Elements\'.
This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these
Elements before making the assignment available to students. This is done by
clicking on the assignment in the course, if no elements are present you will be asked
to add them. You can change the number of elements using the Edit Assignment screen,
the elements themselves can be amended from the "Managing Assessment" screen. '; $string['noteonstudentassessments'] = '{Grade from Student / Grading Grade for Assessment}'; $string['notgraded'] = 'Not Graded'; $string['notitle'] = 'No Title'; $string['notitlegiven'] = 'No Title Given'; $string['notsubmittedyet'] = 'No submission has been made yet'; $string['nowork'] = 'The submission period has now ended.
You have submitted no work.'; $string['numberofassessmentelements'] = 'Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric'; $string['numberofassessments'] = 'Number of Assessments'; $string['numberofassessmentschanged'] = 'Number of Assessments Changed: $a'; $string['numberofassessmentsdropped'] = 'Number of Assessments dropped: $a'; $string['numberofassessmentsofstudentsubmissions'] = 'Number of Assessments of Student Submissions'; $string['numberofassessmentsweighted'] = 'Number of Assessments (weighted): $a'; $string['numberofassessmentsofteachersexamples'] = 'Number of Assessments of Examples from Teacher'; $string['numberofattachments'] = 'Number of Attachments expected on Submissions'; $string['numberofentries'] = 'Number of Entries'; $string['numberofnegativeresponses'] = 'Number of Negative Responses'; $string['numberofsubmissions'] = 'Number of Submissions: $a'; $string['ograde'] = 'Total
Grade'; $string['on'] = 'on $a'; $string['openassignment'] = 'Open Assignment'; $string['optionaladjustment'] = 'Optional Adjustment'; $string['optionforpeergrade'] = 'Option for Peer Grade'; $string['optionsusedinanalysis'] = 'Options used in Analysis'; $string['overallgrade'] = 'Overall Grade'; $string['overallocation'] = 'Over Allocation'; $string['overallpeergrade'] = 'Overall Peer Grade: $a'; $string['overallteachergrade'] = 'Overall Teacher Grade: $a'; $string['ownwork'] = 'Own Work'; $string['passwordprotectedworkshop'] = "Password Protected Workshop"; $string['passmnts'] = 'Peer
Assessments'; $string['percentageofassessments'] = 'Percentage of Assessments to Drop'; $string['phase'] = 'Phase'; $string['phase0'] = 'Inactive'; $string['phase0short'] = 'Inactive'; $string['phase1'] = 'Set Up Assignment'; $string['phase1short'] = 'Set Up'; $string['phase2'] = 'Allow $a Submissions'; $string['phase2short'] = 'Submissions'; $string['phase3'] = 'Allow $a Submissions and Assessments'; $string['phase3short'] = 'Both'; $string['phase4'] = 'Allow $a Assessments'; $string['phase4short'] = 'Assessments'; $string['phase5'] = 'Show Final Grades'; $string['phase5short'] = 'Show Grades'; $string['pleaseassesstheseexamplesfromtheteacher'] = 'Please assess these Examples from the $a'; $string['pleaseassessthesestudentsubmissions'] = 'Please assess these $a Submissions'; $string['pleaseassessyoursubmissions'] = 'Please assess your Submission(s)'; $string['poor'] = 'Poor'; $string['present'] = 'Present'; $string['reasonforadjustment'] = 'Reason for Adjustment'; $string['reassess'] = 'Re-assess'; $string['regradestudentassessments'] = 'Re-grade Student Assessments'; $string['releaseteachergrades'] = 'Release Teacher Grades'; $string['removeallattachments'] = 'Remove All Attachments'; $string['repeatanalysis'] = 'Repeat Analysis'; $string['reply'] = 'Reply'; $string['returnto'] = 'Return to'; $string['returntosubmissionpage'] = 'Return to Submission Page'; $string['rubric'] = 'Rubric'; $string['savedok'] = 'Saved OK'; $string['saveleaguetableoptions'] = 'Save League Table Options'; $string['savemyassessment'] = 'Save my Assessment'; $string['savemycomment'] = 'Save my Comment'; $string['savemygrading'] = 'Save my Grading'; $string['savemysubmission'] = 'Save my Submission'; $string['saveoverallocation'] = 'Save Over Allocation Level'; $string['scale10'] = 'Score out of 10'; $string['scale100'] = 'Score out of 100'; $string['scale20'] = 'Score out of 20'; $string['scalecorrect'] = '2 point Correct/Incorrect scale'; $string['scaleexcellent4'] = '4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent5'] = '5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent7'] = '7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scalegood3'] = '3 point Good/Poor scale'; $string['scalepresent'] = '2 point Present/Absent scale'; $string['scaleyes'] = '2 point Yes/No scale'; $string['select'] = 'Select'; $string['selfassessment'] = 'Self Assessment'; $string['sgrade'] = 'Sbmsn
Grade'; $string['showdescription'] = 'Show Workshop Description'; $string['showgrades'] = 'Show Grades'; $string['showsubmission'] = 'Show Submission: $a'; $string['specimenassessmentform'] = 'Specimen Assessment Form'; $string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard Deviation'; $string['standarddeviationofelement'] = 'Standard deviation of Element $a:'; $string['standarddeviationnote'] = 'Elements with standard deviations of zero or very small values can distort the analysis.
This Element has been excluded from the analysis.'; $string['strict'] = "Strict"; $string['studentassessments'] = '$a Assessments'; $string['studentgrades'] = '$a Grades'; $string['studentsubmissions'] = '$a Submissions'; $string['studentsubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Student Submissions for Assessment'; $string['submission'] = 'Submission'; $string['submissionend'] = 'End of submissions'; $string['submissionendevent'] = 'End of submissions for $a'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submissionsnolongerallowed'] = 'Submissions no longer allowed'; $string['submissionstart'] = 'Start of submissions'; $string['submissionstartevent'] = 'Start of submissions for $a'; $string['submissionsused'] = '$a Submissions used in this table'; $string['submitassignment'] = 'Submit Assignment'; $string['submitassignmentusingform'] = 'Submit your Assignment using this Form'; $string['submitexample'] = 'Submit Example'; $string['submitexampleassignment'] = 'Submit Example Assignment'; $string['submitrevisedassignment'] = 'Submit your Revised Assignment using this Form'; $string['submitted'] = 'Submitted'; $string['submittedby'] = 'Submitted by'; $string['suggestedgrade'] = 'Suggested Grade'; $string['tassmnt'] = 'Teacher
Assessment'; $string['teacherassessments'] = '$a Assessments'; $string['teachergradeforassessment'] = '$a grade for assessment'; $string['teacherscomment'] = 'Teacher\'s Comment'; $string['teachersgrade'] = 'Teacher\'s Grade'; $string['teachersubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Teacher Submissions for Assessment'; $string['thegradeis'] = 'The Grade is $a'; $string['thegradeforthisassessmentis'] = 'The grade for this assessment is $a'; $string['theseasessmentsaregradedbytheteacher'] = 'These Assessments are graded by the $a'; $string['thisisadroppedassessment'] = 'This is a dropped Assessment.'; $string['timeassessed'] = 'Time Assessed'; $string['title'] = 'Submission Title'; $string['typeofscale'] = 'Type of Scale'; $string['unassessed'] = "\$a Unassessed"; $string['ungradedassessments'] = '$a Ungraded Assessments'; $string['ungradedassessmentsofstudentsubmissions'] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Student Submissions'; $string['ungradedassessmentsofteachersubmissions'] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Teacher Submissions'; $string['uploadsuccess'] = 'Upload Successful'; $string['usepassword'] = "Use Password"; $string['verylax'] = "Very Lax"; $string['verypoor'] = "Very Poor"; $string['verystrict'] = "Very Strict"; $string['view'] = 'View'; $string['viewassessment'] = 'View Assessment'; $string['viewassessmentofteacher'] = 'View Assessment of $a'; $string['viewotherassessments'] = 'View other Assessments'; $string['warningonamendingelements'] = 'WARNING: There are submitted assessments.
Do NOT change the number of elements, the scale types or the element weights.'; $string['weight'] = 'Weight'; $string['weightederrorcount'] = 'Weighted Error Count: $a'; $string['weightforbias'] = 'Weight for Bias'; $string['weightforgradingofassessments'] = 'Weight for Grading of Assessments'; $string['weightforpeerassessments'] = 'Weight for Peer Assessments'; $string['weightforreliability'] = 'Weight for Reliability'; $string['weightforteacherassessments'] = 'Weight for Teacher Assessments'; $string['weights'] = 'Weights'; $string['weightsusedforfinalgrade'] = 'Weights used for Final Grade'; $string['weightsusedforsubmissions'] = 'Weights used for Submissions'; $string['workshop:participate'] = 'Participate in workshop'; $string['workshop:manage'] = 'Manage settings'; $string['workshopagreedassessments'] = 'Workshop Agreed Assessments'; $string['workshopassessments'] = 'Workshop Assessments'; $string['workshopcomments'] = 'Workshop Comments'; $string['workshopfeedback'] = 'Workshop Feedback'; $string['workshopsubmissions'] = 'Workshop Submissions'; $string['wrongpassword'] = 'Incorrect password for this Workshop'; $string['yourassessments'] = 'Your assessments of work by your peers'; $string['yoursubmissions'] = 'Your Submissions'; $string['yourassessmentsofexamplesfromtheteacher'] = 'Your Assessments of Examples from the $a'; $string['yourfeedbackgoeshere'] = 'Your Feedback goes Here'; ?>