shortname: $strdeletecourse", $site->fullname, "wwwroot/admin\">$stradministration -> $strdeletecourse"); if ($courses = get_courses()) { print_heading(get_string("choosecourse")); print_simple_box_start("CENTER"); foreach ($courses as $course) { echo "id\">$course->fullname
"; } print_simple_box_end(); } else { print_heading(get_string("nocoursesyet")); print_continue("$CFG->wwwroot/admin/"); } print_footer(); exit; } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) { error("Course ID was incorrect (can't find it)"); } if (! $delete) { $strdeletecheck = get_string("deletecheck", "", $course->shortname); $strdeletecoursecheck = get_string("deletecoursecheck"); print_header("$site->shortname: $strdeletecheck", $site->fullname, "wwwroot/admin\">$stradministration -> $strdeletecourse -> $strdeletecheck"); notice_yesno("$strdeletecoursecheck

$course->fullname", "delete.php?id=$course->id&delete=".md5($course->timemodified), "delete.php"); exit; } if ($delete != md5($course->timemodified)) { error("The check variable was wrong - try again"); } // OK checks done, delete the course now. $strdeletingcourse = get_string("deletingcourse", "", $course->shortname); print_header("$site->shortname: $strdeletingcourse", $site->fullname, "wwwroot/admin\">$stradministration -> $strdeletecourse -> $strdeletingcourse"); print_heading($strdeletingcourse); $strdeleted = get_string("deleted"); // First delete every instance of every module if ($allmods = get_records("modules") ) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; $modfile = "../mod/$modname/lib.php"; $moddelete = $modname."_delete_instance"; $count=0; if (file_exists($modfile)) { include_once($modfile); if (function_exists($moddelete)) { if ($instances = get_records($modname, "course", $course->id)) { foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($moddelete($instance->id)) { $count++; } else { notify("Could not delete $modname instance $instance->id ($instance->name)"); } } } } else { notify("Function $moddelete() doesn't exist!"); } } notify("$strdeleted $count instances of $modname"); } } else { error("No modules are installed!"); } // Delete any user stuff if (delete_records("user_students", "course", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted student enrolments"); } if (delete_records("user_teachers", "course", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted teachers"); } // Delete logs if (delete_records("log", "course", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted logs"); } // Delete any course stuff if (delete_records("course_sections", "course", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted course sections"); } if (delete_records("course_modules", "course", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted course modules"); } if (delete_records("course", "id", $course->id)) { notify("$strdeleted the main course record"); } print_heading( get_string("deletedcourse", "", $course->shortname) ); print_continue("delete.php"); print_footer(); ?>