cfg = &$CFG; $this->user = &$USER; $this->courseid = NULL; } /** * Method to load necessary editor codes to * $CFG->editorsrc array. * * @todo example code. * @param mixed $args Course id or associative array holding course id and editor name. */ function loadeditor($args) { global $CFG, $USER; if ( is_array($args) ) { // If args is an array search keys courseid and name. // Name represents editor name to load. if ( !array_key_exists('courseid', $args) ) { print_error('invalidcourseid'); } if ( !array_key_exists('name', $args) ) { print_error('missingvarname'); } $courseid = clean_param($args['courseid'], PARAM_INT); $editorname = strtolower(clean_param($args['name'], PARAM_ALPHA)); } else { // If only single argument is passed // this must be course id. $courseid = clean_param($args, PARAM_INT); } $htmleditor = !empty($editorname) ? $editorname : intval($USER->htmleditor); if ( can_use_html_editor() ) { $CFG->editorsrc = array(); $editorbaseurl = $CFG->httpswwwroot .'/lib/editor'; $editorbasedir = $CFG->dirroot .'/lib/editor'; switch ($htmleditor) { case 1: case 'htmlarea': array_push($CFG->editorsrc, "$editorbaseurl/htmlarea/htmlarea.php?id={$courseid}"); array_push($CFG->editorsrc, "$editorbaseurl/htmlarea/lang/en.php"); $classfile = "$editorbasedir/htmlarea/htmlarea.class.php"; include_once($classfile); return (new htmlarea($courseid)); break; case 2: case 'tinymce': array_push($CFG->editorsrc, "$editorbaseurl/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php"); array_push($CFG->editorsrc, "$editorbaseurl/tinymce/moodledialog.js"); $classfile = "$editorbasedir/tinymce/tinymce.class.php"; include_once($classfile); return (new tinymce($courseid)); break; } } } /** * Print out error message and stop outputting. * * @param string $message */ function error($message) { echo '