. /** * Strings for component 'access', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package access * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['access'] = 'Accessibility'; $string['accesshelp'] = 'Accessibility help'; $string['accesskey'] = 'Access key, {$a}'; $string['accessstatement'] = 'Accessibility statement'; $string['activitynext'] = 'Next activity'; $string['activityprev'] = 'Previous activity'; $string['breadcrumb'] = 'Breadcrumb trail'; $string['cannotdeleterolenoadmin'] = 'You can not delete this role because there is no other admin roles with users assigned'; $string['currenttopic'] = 'This topic'; $string['currentweek'] = 'This week'; $string['hideblocka'] = 'Hide {$a} block'; $string['monthnext'] = 'Next month'; $string['monthprev'] = 'Previous month'; $string['showblocka'] = 'Show {$a} block'; $string['sitemap'] = 'Site map'; $string['skipa'] = 'Skip {$a}'; $string['skipblock'] = 'Skip block'; $string['skipnavigation'] = 'Skip navigation'; $string['skipto'] = 'Skip to {$a}'; $string['tabledata'] = 'Data table, {$a}'; $string['tablelayout'] = 'Layout table, {$a}'; $string['tocontent'] = 'Skip to main content'; $string['tonavigation'] = 'Go to navigation'; $string['youarehere'] = 'You are here';