. /** * Strings for component 'blog', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package blog * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['addnewentry'] = 'Add a new entry'; $string['addnewexternalblog'] = 'Register an external blog...'; $string['assocdescription'] = 'If you are writing about a course and/or activity modules, select them here.'; $string['associated'] = 'Associated {$a}'; $string['associatewithcourse'] = 'Blog about course {$a->coursename}'; $string['associatewithmodule'] = 'Blog about {$a->modtype}: {$a->modname}'; $string['association'] = 'Association'; $string['associations'] = 'Associations'; $string['associationunviewable'] = 'This entry cannot be viewed by others until a course is associated with it or the \'Publish To\' field is changed'; $string['autotags'] = 'Tags associated with each imported blog entry'; $string['autotags_help'] = 'Enter one or more tags (separated by commas) which should be automatically attached to each blog entry copied from your external blog into your Moodle blog.'; $string['backupblogshelp'] = 'If enabled then blogs will be included in SITE automated backups'; $string['blockexternalstitle'] = 'External blogs'; $string['blocktitle'] = 'Blog tags block title'; $string['blog'] = 'Blog'; $string['blogaboutthis'] = 'Blog about this {$a->type}'; $string['blogaboutthiscourse'] = 'Add an entry about this course'; $string['blogaboutthismodule'] = 'Add an entry about this {$a}'; $string['blogadministration'] = 'Blog administration'; $string['blogdeleteconfirm'] = 'Delete this blog?'; $string['blogdisable'] = 'Blogging is disabled!'; $string['blogentries'] = 'Blog entries'; $string['blogentriesabout'] = 'Blog entries about {$a}'; $string['blogentriesbygroupaboutcourse'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->course} by {$a->group}'; $string['blogentriesbygroupaboutmodule'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->mod} by {$a->group}'; $string['blogentriesbyuseraboutcourse'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->course} by {$a->user}'; $string['blogentriesbyuseraboutmodule'] = 'Blog entries about this {$a->mod} by {$a->user}'; $string['blogentrybyuser'] = 'Blog entry by {$a}'; $string['blogpreferences'] = 'Blog preferences'; $string['blogs'] = 'Blogs'; $string['blogtags'] = 'Blog Tags'; $string['cannotviewcourseblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view blogs in this course'; $string['cannotviewcourseorgroupblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view blogs in this course/group'; $string['cannotviewsiteblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view all site blogs'; $string['cannotviewuserblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to read user blogs'; $string['configexternalblogcrontime'] = 'How often Moodle checks the external blogs for new entries.'; $string['configmaxexternalblogsperuser'] = 'The number of external blogs each user is allowed to link to their Moodle blog.'; $string['configuseblogassociations'] = 'Enables the association of blog entries with courses and course modules.'; $string['configuseexternalblogs'] = 'Enables users to add links to external blogs. Moodle regularly checks if these blogs, then copies new entries to the blog of the Moodle user.'; $string['courseblog'] = 'Course blog: {$a}'; $string['courseblogdisable'] = 'Course blogs is not enabled'; $string['courseblogs'] = 'Users can only see blogs for people who share a course'; $string['deleteblogassociations'] = 'Delete blog associations'; $string['deleteblogassociations_help'] = 'If ticked, blog entries will not be deleted, but they will no longer be associated with this course or any course activities or resources.'; $string['deleteotagswarn'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this / these tags
from all blog posts and remove it from the system?'; $string['description'] = 'Description'; $string['description_help'] = 'Enter a sentence or two summarising the contents of your external blog. (If no description is supplied, the description recorded in your external blog will be used).'; $string['disableblogs'] = 'Disable blog system completely'; $string['donothaveblog'] = 'You do not have your own blog, sorry.'; $string['editentry'] = 'Edit a blog entry'; $string['editexternalblog'] = 'Edit this external blog'; $string['emptybody'] = 'Blog entry body can not be empty'; $string['emptyrssfeed'] = 'The URL you entered does not point to a valid RSS feed'; $string['emptytitle'] = 'Blog entry title can not be empty'; $string['entrybody'] = 'Blog entry body'; $string['entrybodyonlydesc'] = 'Entry description'; $string['entryerrornotyours'] = 'This entry is not yours'; $string['entrysaved'] = 'Your entry has been saved'; $string['entrytitle'] = 'Entry title'; $string['entryupdated'] = 'Blog entry updated'; $string['externalblogcrontime'] = 'External blog cron schedule'; $string['externalblogdeleteconfirm'] = 'Unregister this external blog?'; $string['externalblogdeleted'] = 'External blog unregistered'; $string['externalblogs'] = 'External blogs'; $string['feedisinvalid'] = 'This feed is invalid'; $string['feedisvalid'] = 'This feed is valid'; $string['filterblogsby'] = 'Filter entries by...'; $string['filtertags'] = 'External tags'; $string['filtertags_help'] = 'Enter a list of tags (separated by commas) used in your external blog for which you would like entries tagged as such to be copied into your Moodle blog.'; $string['groupblog'] = 'Group blog: {$a}'; $string['groupblogdisable'] = 'Group blog is not enabled'; $string['groupblogentries'] = 'Blog entries associated with {$a->coursename} by group {$a->groupname}'; $string['groupblogs'] = 'Users can only see blogs for people who share a group'; $string['incorrectblogfilter'] = 'Incorrect blog filter type specified'; $string['intro'] = 'This RSS feed was automatically generated from one or more blogs.'; $string['invalidgroupid'] = 'Invalid group ID'; $string['invalidurl'] = 'This URL is unreachable'; $string['linktooriginalentry'] = 'Link to original blog entry'; $string['maxexternalblogsperuser'] = 'Maximum number of external blogs per user'; $string['modulename'] = 'Blog'; $string['mustassociatecourse'] = 'If you are publishing to course or group members, you must associate a course with this entry'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['name_help'] = 'Enter a descriptive name for your external blog. (If no name is supplied, the title of your external blog will be used).'; $string['noentriesyet'] = 'No visible entries here'; $string['noguestpost'] = 'Guest can not post blogs!'; $string['nopermissionstodeleteentry'] = 'You lack the permissions required to delete this blog entry'; $string['norighttodeletetag'] = 'You have no rights to delete this tag - {$a}'; $string['nosuchentry'] = 'No such blog entry'; $string['notallowedtoedit'] = 'You are not allowed to edit this entry'; $string['numberofentries'] = 'Entries: {$a}'; $string['numberoftags'] = 'Number of tags to display'; $string['pagesize'] = 'Number of blog entries per Page'; $string['permalink'] = 'Permalink'; $string['personalblogs'] = 'Users can only see their own blog'; $string['preferences'] = 'Preferences'; $string['publishto'] = 'Publish to'; $string['publishto_help'] = 'There are 3 options: * Yourself (draft) - Only you and the administrators can see this entry * Anyone on this site - Anyone who is registered on this site can read this entry * Anyone in the world - Anyone, including guests, could read this entry'; $string['publishtocourse'] = 'Users sharing a course with you'; $string['publishtocourseassoc'] = 'Members of the associated course'; $string['publishtocourseassocparam'] = 'Members of {$a}'; $string['publishtogroup'] = 'Users sharing a group with you'; $string['publishtogroupassoc'] = 'Your group members in the associated course'; $string['publishtogroupassocparam'] = 'Your group members in {$a}'; $string['publishtonoone'] = 'Yourself (draft)'; $string['publishtosite'] = 'Anyone on this site'; $string['publishtoworld'] = 'Anyone in the world'; $string['readfirst'] = 'Read this first'; $string['relatedblogentries'] = 'Related blog entries'; $string['retrievedfrom'] = 'Retrieved from'; $string['searchterm'] = 'Search: {$a}'; $string['settingsupdatederror'] = 'An error has occurred, blog preference setting could not be updated'; $string['siteblog'] = 'Site blog: {$a}'; $string['siteblogdisable'] = 'Site blog is not enabled'; $string['siteblogs'] = 'All site users can see all blog entries'; $string['tagdatelastused'] = 'Date tag was last used'; $string['tagparam'] = 'Tag: {$a}'; $string['tags'] = 'Tags'; $string['tagsort'] = 'Sort the tag display by'; $string['tagtext'] = 'Tag text'; $string['timefetched'] = 'Time of last sync'; $string['timewithin'] = 'Display tags used within this many days'; $string['updateentrywithid'] = 'Updating entry'; $string['url'] = 'URL'; $string['url_help'] = 'Enter the RSS feed URL for your external blog.'; $string['useblogassociations'] = 'Enable blog associations'; $string['useexternalblogs'] = 'Enable external blogs'; $string['userblog'] = 'User blog: {$a}'; $string['userblogentries'] = 'Blog entries by {$a}'; $string['valid'] = 'Valid'; $string['viewallblogentries'] = 'All entries about this {$a}'; $string['viewallmodentries'] = 'View all entries about this {$a->type}'; $string['viewallmyentries'] = 'View all of my entries'; $string['viewentriesbyuseraboutcourse'] = 'View entries about this course by {$a}'; $string['viewblogentries'] = 'Entries about this {$a->type}'; $string['viewblogsfor'] = 'View all entries for...'; $string['viewcourseblogs'] = 'View all entries for this course'; $string['viewgroupblogs'] = 'View entries for group...'; $string['viewgroupentries'] = 'Group entries'; $string['viewmodblogs'] = 'View entries for module...'; $string['viewmodentries'] = 'Module entries'; $string['viewmyentries'] = 'My entries'; $string['viewmyentriesaboutmodule'] = 'View my entries about this {$a}'; $string['viewmyentriesaboutcourse'] = 'View my entries about this course'; $string['viewsiteentries'] = 'View all entries'; $string['viewuserentries'] = 'View all entries by {$a}'; $string['worldblogs'] = 'The world can read entries set to be world-accessible'; $string['wrongpostid'] = 'Wrong blog post id';