* Customises the dock for the anomaly theme and does some other cool stuff
function customise_dock_for_theme() {
// If we don't have M.core_dock or Y then bail
if (!M.core_dock) {
return false;
// Change the defautl remove all icon to work with our black dock
M.core_dock.cfg.display.removeallicon = M.util.image_url('dock_removeall', 'theme');
// On draw completed add the ability to move the dock to from the left to the right
M.core_dock.on('dock:drawcompleted', anomaly.dock.enable_side_switching, anomaly.dock);
// When the dock is first drawn check to see if it should be moved
M.core_dock.on('dock:drawstarted', anomaly.dock.check_initial_position, anomaly.dock);
// Corrects the panel x position for the theme
M.core_dock.on('dock:itemadded', function(item) {
item.on('dockeditem:showstart', anomaly.dock.correct_panel_x_position, anomaly.dock, item);
item.on('dockeditem:resizecomplete', anomaly.dock.correct_panel_x_position, anomaly.dock, item);
// Override the default fix_title_orientation method with our anomaly method
// this will use SVG and rotate the text if possible.
M.core_dock.genericblock.prototype.fix_title_orientation = anomaly.dock.fix_title_orientation;
M.core_dock.genericblock.prototype.resize_block_space = anomaly.dock.resize_block_space;
return true;
var anomaly = (function(){
return {
namespaces : {
svg : 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
dock : {
enable_side_switching : function() {
var movedock = M.core_dock.Y.Node.create('');
var c = M.core_dock.node.one('.controls');
'), c.one('img'));
c.insertBefore(movedock, c.one('br'));
movedock.on('click', this.switch_dock_side);
correct_panel_x_position : function(item) {
var dockoffset = M.core_dock.Y.one('#dock_item_'+item.id+'_title').get('offsetWidth');
var panelwidth = M.core_dock.Y.one(item.panel.body).get('offsetWidth');
var screenwidth = parseInt(M.core_dock.Y.get(document.body).get('winWidth'));
switch (M.core_dock.cfg.position) {
case 'left':
item.panel.cfg.setProperty('x', dockoffset);
case 'right':
item.panel.cfg.setProperty('x', (screenwidth-panelwidth-dockoffset-5));
switch_dock_side : function () {
var oldorientation = M.core_dock.cfg.orientation;
var oldclass = M.core_dock.cfg.css.dock+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.position+'_'+oldorientation;
switch (M.core_dock.cfg.position) {
case 'right':
M.core_dock.cfg.position = 'left';
M.core_dock.cfg.orientation = 'vertical';
case 'left':
M.core_dock.cfg.position = 'right';
M.core_dock.cfg.orientation = 'vertical';
var newclass = M.core_dock.cfg.css.dock+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.position+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.orientation;
M.core_dock.node.replaceClass(oldclass, newclass);
M.core_dock.Y.Cookie.set('dock_position', M.core_dock.cfg.position);
check_initial_position : function () {
var cookieposition = M.core_dock.Y.Cookie.get('dock_position');
if (cookieposition && cookieposition != 'null' && cookieposition !== M.core_dock.cfg.position) {
var oldclass = M.core_dock.cfg.css.dock+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.position+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.orientation;
M.core_dock.cfg.position = cookieposition;
if (M.core_dock.node) {
var newclass = M.core_dock.cfg.css.dock+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.position+'_'+M.core_dock.cfg.orientation;
M.core_dock.node.replaceClass(oldclass, newclass);
fix_title_orientation : function (node) {
if (M.core_dock.cfg.orientation == 'vertical') {
return anomaly.transform.make_vertical_text(node);
return node;
resize_block_space : function (node) {
var blockregions = {
pre: {hasblocks:true,c:'side-pre-only'},
post: {hasblocks:true,c:'side-post-only'},
if (blockregion.hasClass('side-pre') && blockregion.all('.block').size() == 0) {
blockregions.pre.hasblocks = false;
} else if (blockregion.hasClass('side-post') && blockregion.all('.block').size() == 0) {
blockregions.post.hasblocks = false;
if (blockregions.pre.hasblocks && blockregions.post.hasblocks) {
// No classes required both regions have blocks
} else if (blockregions.pre.hasblocks) {
// side-pre-only required: remove any other classes
} else if (blockregions.post.hasblocks) {
// side-post-only required: remove any other classes
} else {
// All blocks have been docked: add noblocks remove side-xxx-only's if set
return '200px';
transform : {
make_vertical_text : function(node) {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie > 0) {
if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie > 7) {
node.setAttribute('style', 'writing-mode: tb-rl; filter: flipV flipH;');
} else {
node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace(/(.)/g, "$1
return node;
var test = M.core_dock.Y.Node.create('