prefix}glossary` ".
" ADD `allowduplicatedentries` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `studentcanpost` , ".
" ADD `displayformat` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `allowduplicatedentries` , ".
" ADD `mainglossary` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `displayformat` ");
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries` ".
" ADD timecreated INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `format` , ".
" ADD timemodified INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `timecreated` , ".
" ADD teacherentry TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `timemodified` ");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'delete', 'glossary', 'name') ");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'delete entry', 'glossary', 'name') ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003091500 ) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries` ".
" ADD attachment VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `format`");
if ( $oldversion < 2003091600 ) {
execute_sql(" ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary` ".
" ADD `showspecial` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `mainglossary` , ".
" ADD `showalphabet` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `showspecial` , ".
" ADD `showall` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL AFTER `showalphabet` ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003091800 ) {
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_categories` (
`id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`glossaryid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='all categories for glossary entries'");
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories` (
`categoryid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1',
`entryid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`categoryid`, `entryid`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='categories of each glossary entry'");
if ( $oldversion < 2003092100 ) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories` CHANGE `categoryid` `categoryid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003092102 ) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories` DROP PRIMARY KEY ");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories` ADD `id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST");
if ( $oldversion < 2003092400 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries` " .
"ADD `sourceglossaryid` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `attachment` " );
if ( $oldversion < 2003101500 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary` " .
"ADD `intro` text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `name` " );
if ( $oldversion < 2003101501 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary` " .
"ADD `allowcomments` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `showall` " );
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_comments` (
`id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`entryid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`userid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`comment` TEXT NOT NULL default '',
`timemodified` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`format` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='comments on glossary entries'");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'add comment', 'glossary', 'name') ");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'update comment', 'glossary', 'name') ");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'delete comment', 'glossary', 'name') ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003101600 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary` " .
"ADD `usedynalink` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `allowcomments` " );
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries` " .
"ADD `usedynalink` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `sourceglossaryid`, ".
"ADD `casesensitive` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `usedynalink` ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003101601 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries` " .
"ADD `fullmatch` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `casesensitive` ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003101800 ) {
execute_sql( "UPDATE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary`" .
" SET displayformat = 5 WHERE displayformat = 1");
if ( $oldversion < 2003102000 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary`" .
" ADD `defaultapproval` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `usedynalink`");
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries`" .
" ADD `approved` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1' AFTER `fullmatch`");
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'approve entry', 'glossary', 'name') ");
if ( $oldversion < 2003102800 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary`" .
" ADD `globalglossary` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `defaultapproval`");
if ( $oldversion < 2003103100 ) {
print_simple_box('This update might take several seconds.
The more glossaries, entries and categories you have created, the more it will take so please be patient.','center', '50%', '', '20', 'noticebox');
if ( $glossaries = get_records("glossary")) {
$gids = "";
foreach ( $glossaries as $glossary ) {
$gids .= "$glossary->id,";
$gids = substr($gids,0,-1); // ID's of VALID glossaries
if ($categories = get_records_select("glossary_categories","glossaryid NOT IN ($gids)") ) {
$cids = "";
foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
$cids .= "$cat->id,";
$cids = substr($cids,0,-1); // ID's of INVALID categories
if ($cids) {
delete_records_select("glossary_entries_categories", "categoryid IN ($cids)");
delete_records_select("glossary_categories", "id in ($cids)");
if ( $entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries") ) {
$eids = "";
foreach ( $entries as $entry ) {
$eids .= "$entry->id,";
$eids = substr($eids,0,-1); // ID's of VALID entries
if ($eids) {
delete_records_select("glossary_comments", "entryid NOT IN ($eids)");
if ( $oldversion < 2003110400 ) {
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_alias` (
`id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`entryid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`alias` TEXT NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='entries alias'");
if ( $oldversion < 2003111500 ) {
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_categories`
ADD `usedynalink` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `name`" );
execute_sql( "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary`
ADD `entbypage` TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '10' AFTER `globalglossary`" );
if ( $oldversion < 2003111800 ) {
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats` (
`id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`fid` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0',
`visible` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1',
`relatedview` TINYINT(3) NOT NULL default '-1',
`showgroup` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1',
`defaultmode` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
`defaulthook` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
`sortkey` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
`sortorder` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Setting of the display formats'");
// Default format
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (0,0,'letter','ALL','CREATION','asc',1,1)");
// Continuous format
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (1,1,'date','ALL','CREATION','asc',0,1)");
// Full w/author View
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (2,2,'letter','ALL','CREATION','asc',1,1)");
// Encyclopedia
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (3,3,'letter','ALL','CREATION','asc',1,1)");
// FAQ View
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (4,4,'date','ALL','CREATION','asc',0,1)");
// Full w/o author View
execute_sql(" INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (5,5,'letter','ALL','CREATION','asc',1,1)");
// Entry list
execute_sql("INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats
(fid, relatedview, defaultmode, defaulthook, sortkey, sortorder, showgroup, visible)
VALUES (6,0,'letter','ALL','CREATION','asc',1,1)");
if ($oldversion < 2003112100) {
table_column("glossary", "", "assessed", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0");
table_column("glossary", "", "assesstimestart", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "assessed");
table_column("glossary", "", "assesstimefinish", "integer", "10", "unsigned", "0", "", "assesstimestart");
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`entryid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`rating` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
) COMMENT='Contains user ratings for entries'");
if ($oldversion < 2003112101) {
table_column("glossary", "", "scale", "integer", "10", "", "0", "", "assesstimefinish");
if ($oldversion < 2003112701) {
if ($oldversion < 2004022200) {
if (!empty($CFG->textfilters)) {
$CFG->textfilters = str_replace("dynalink.php", "filter.php", $CFG->textfilters);
set_config("textfilters", $CFG->textfilters);
if ($oldversion < 2004050900) {
table_column("glossary","","rsstype","tinyint","2", "unsigned", "0", "", "entbypage");
table_column("glossary","","rssarticles","tinyint","2", "unsigned", "0", "", "rsstype");
if ( $oldversion < 2004051400 ) {
print_simple_box("This update might take several seconds.
The more glossaries, entries and aliases you have created, the more it will take so please be patient.","center", "50%", '', "20", "noticebox"); if ( $entries = get_records("glossary_entries", '', '', '', 'id,concept')) { foreach($entries as $entry) { set_field("glossary_entries","concept",addslashes(trim($entry->concept)),"id",$entry->id); } } if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias")) { foreach($aliases as $alias) { set_field("glossary_alias","alias",addslashes(trim($alias->alias)),"id",$alias->id); } } } if ( $oldversion < 2004072300) { table_column("glossary_alias", "alias", "alias", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL"); } if ( $oldversion < 2004072400) { //Create new table glossary_formats to store format info execute_sql("CREATE TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_formats` ( `id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `popupformatname` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, `visible` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1', `showgroup` TINYINT(2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '1', `defaultmode` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', `defaulthook` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', `sortkey` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', `sortorder` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Setting of the display formats'"); //Define current 0-6 format names $formatnames = array('dictionary','continuous','fullwithauthor','encyclopedia', 'faq','fullwithoutauthor','entrylist'); //Fill the new table from the old one (only 'valid', 0-6, formats) if ($formats = get_records('glossary_displayformats')) { foreach ($formats as $format) { //Format names if ($format->fid >= 0 && $format->fid <= 6) { $format->name = $formatnames[$format->fid]; } //Format popupformatname $format->popupformatname = 'dictionary'; //Default format if ($format->relatedview >= 0 && $format->relatedview <= 6) { $format->popupformatname = $formatnames[$format->relatedview]; } //Insert the new record //Only if $format->name is set (ie. formats 0-6) if ($format->name) { insert_record('glossary_formats',$format); } } } //Drop the old formats table execute_sql("DROP TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}glossary_displayformats`"); //Modify the glossary->displayformat field table_column('glossary', 'displayformat', 'displayformat', 'VARCHAR', '50', '', 'dictionary', 'NOT NULL'); //Update glossary->displayformat field if ($glossaries = get_records('glossary')) { foreach($glossaries as $glossary) { $displayformat = 'dictionary'; //Default format if ($glossary->displayformat >= 0 && $glossary->displayformat <= 6) { $displayformat = $formatnames[$glossary->displayformat]; } set_field('glossary','displayformat',$displayformat,'id',$glossary->id); } } } if ( $oldversion < 2004080800) { table_column("glossary","","editalways","tinyint","2", "unsigned", "0", "", "entbypage"); } //Activate editalways in old secondary glossaries (old behaviour) if ( $oldversion < 2004080900) { set_field('glossary','editalways','1','mainglossary','0'); } if ($oldversion < 2004111200) { execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary DROP INDEX course;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_alias DROP INDEX entryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_categories DROP INDEX glossaryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_comments DROP INDEX entryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_comments DROP INDEX userid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries DROP INDEX glossaryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries DROP INDEX userid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries DROP INDEX concept;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories DROP INDEX entryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries_categories DROP INDEX categoryid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings DROP INDEX userid;",false); execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}glossary_ratings DROP INDEX entryid;",false); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary ADD INDEX course (course);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_alias ADD INDEX entryid (entryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_categories ADD INDEX glossaryid (glossaryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_comments ADD INDEX entryid (entryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_comments ADD INDEX userid (userid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_entries ADD INDEX glossaryid (glossaryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_entries ADD INDEX userid (userid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_entries ADD INDEX concept (concept);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_entries_categories ADD INDEX entryid (entryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_entries_categories ADD INDEX categoryid (categoryid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_ratings ADD INDEX userid (userid);'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_glossary_ratings ADD INDEX entryid (entryid);'); } //Delete orphaned categories (bug 2140) if ($oldversion < 2005011100) { $categories = get_records('glossary_categories', '', '', '', 'id, glossaryid'); if ($categories) { foreach ($categories as $category) { $glossary = get_record('glossary', 'id', "$category->glossaryid"); if (!$glossary) { delete_records('glossary_categories', 'id', "$category->id"); } } } } //Allowprintview flag if ($oldversion < 2005011200) { table_column('glossary','','allowprintview','tinyint','2', 'unsigned', '1', '', 'allowcomments'); $glossaries = get_records('glossary', '', '', '', 'id, name'); if ($glossaries) { foreach ($glossaries as $glossary) { set_field('glossary', 'allowprintview', '1', 'id', "$glossary->id"); } } } if ($oldversion < 2005031001) { modify_database('',"INSERT INTO prefix_log_display VALUES ('glossary', 'view entry', 'glossary_entries', 'concept');"); } if ($oldversion < 2005041100) { // replace wiki-like with markdown include_once( "$CFG->dirroot/lib/wiki_to_markdown.php" ); $wtm = new WikiToMarkdown(); // update glossary_entries->definition $sql = "select course from {$CFG->prefix}glossary,{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries "; $sql .= "where {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries.glossaryid "; $sql .= "and {$CFG->prefix} = "; $wtm->update( 'glossary_entries','definition','format' ); // update glossary_comments->text $sql = "select course from {$CFG->prefix}glossary,{$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries,{$CFG->prefix}glossary_comments "; $sql .= "where {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries.glossaryid "; $sql .= "and {$CFG->prefix} = {$CFG->prefix}glossary_comments.entryid "; $sql .= "and {$CFG->prefix} = "; $wtm->update( 'glossary_comments','text','format',$sql ); } return true; } ?>