libdir.'/pear' )){ ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path')); } require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/DHTMLRulesTableless.php'; require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php'; require_once $CFG->libdir.'/uploadlib.php'; if ($CFG->debug >= DEBUG_ALL){ PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); } /** * Moodle specific wrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code. You won't directly * use this class you should write a class defintion which extends this class or a more specific * subclass such a moodleform_mod for each form you want to display and/or process with formslib. * * You will write your own definition() method which performs the form set up. */ class moodleform { var $_formname; // form name /** * quickform object definition * * @var MoodleQuickForm */ var $_form; /** * globals workaround * * @var array */ var $_customdata; /** * file upload manager * * @var upload_manager */ var $_upload_manager; // /** * The constructor function calls the abstract function definition() and it will then * process and clean and attempt to validate incoming data. * * It will call your custom validate method to validate data and will also check any rules * you have specified in definition using addRule * * The name of the form (id attribute of the form) is automatically generated depending on * the name you gave the class extending moodleform. You should call your class something * like * * @param string $action the action attribute for the form. * @param array $customdata if your form defintion method needs access to data such as $course * $cm, etc. to construct the form definition then pass it in this array. You can * use globals for somethings. * @param string $method if you set this to anything other than 'post' then _GET and _POST will * be merged and used as incoming data to the form. * @param string $target target frame for form submission. You will rarely use this. Don't use * it if you don't need to as the target attribute is deprecated in xhtml * strict. * @param mixed $attributes you can pass a string of html attributes here or an array. * @return moodleform */ function moodleform($action, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null) { $this->_formname = rtrim(get_class($this), '_form'); $this->_customdata = $customdata; $this->_form =& new MoodleQuickForm($this->_formname, $method, $action, $target, $attributes); $this->definition(); $this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'sesskey', null); // automatic sesskey protection $this->_form->setDefault('sesskey', sesskey()); $this->_form->addElement('hidden', '_qf__'.$this->_formname, null); // form submission marker $this->_form->setDefault('_qf__'.$this->_formname, 1); $this->_form->_setDefaultRuleMessages(); // we have to know all input types before processing submission ;-) $this->_process_submission($method); // update form definition based on final data $this->definition_after_data(); } /** * To autofocus on first form element or first element with error. * * @return string javascript to select form element with first error or * first element if no errors. Use this as a parameter * when calling print_header */ function focus(){ $form =& $this->_form; $elkeys=array_keys($form->_elementIndex); if (isset($form->_errors) && 0 != count($form->_errors)){ $errorkeys = array_keys($form->_errors); $elkeys = array_intersect($elkeys, $errorkeys); } $names=null; while (!$names){ $el = array_shift($elkeys); $names=$form->_getElNamesRecursive($el); } $name=array_shift($names); $focus='forms[\''.$this->_form->getAttribute('id').'\'].elements[\''.$name.'\']'; return $focus; } /** * Internal method. Alters submitted data to be suitable for quickforms processing. * Must be called when the form is fully set up. */ function _process_submission($method) { $submission = array(); if ($method == 'post') { if (!empty($_POST)) { $submission = $_POST; } } else { $submission = array_merge_recursive($_GET, $_POST); // emulate handling of parameters in xxxx_param() } // following trick is needed to enable proper sesskey checks when using GET forms // the _qf__.$this->_formname serves as a marker that form was actually submitted if (array_key_exists('_qf__'.$this->_formname, $submission) and $submission['_qf__'.$this->_formname] == 1) { if (!confirm_sesskey()) { error('Incorrect sesskey submitted, form not accepted!'); } $files = $_FILES; } else { $submission = array(); $files = array(); } $this->_form->updateSubmission($submission, $files); } /** * Internal method. Validates all uploaded files. */ function _validate_files() { if (empty($_FILES)) { // we do not need to do any checks because no files were submitted // TODO: find out why server side required rule does not work for uploaded files; // testing is easily done by always returning true from this function and adding // $mform->addRule('soubor', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'server'); // and submitting form without selected file return true; } $errors = array(); $mform =& $this->_form; // create default upload manager if not already created if (empty($this->_upload_manager)) { $this->_upload_manager = new upload_manager(); } // check the files $status = $this->_upload_manager->preprocess_files(); // now check that we really want each file foreach ($_FILES as $elname=>$file) { if ($mform->elementExists($elname) and $mform->getElementType($elname)=='file') { $required = $mform->isElementRequired($elname); if (!empty($this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['uploadlog']) and empty($this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['clear'])) { if (!$required and $file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { // file not uploaded and not required - ignore it continue; } $errors[$elname] = $this->_upload_manager->files[$elname]['uploadlog']; } } else { error('Incorrect upload attemp!'); } } // return errors if found if ($status and 0 == count($errors)){ return true; } else { return $errors; } } /** * Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in * form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values * already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form). * * @param mixed $default_values object or array of default values * @param bool $slased true if magic quotes applied to data values */ function set_defaults($default_values, $slashed=false) { if (is_object($default_values)) { $default_values = (array)$default_values; } $filter = $slashed ? 'stripslashes' : NULL; $this->_form->setDefaults($default_values, $filter); //update form definition when data changed $this->definition_after_data(); } /** * Set maximum allowed uploaded file size. * Must be used BEFORE creating of file element! * * @param object $course * @param object $modbytes - max size limit defined in module */ function set_max_file_size($course=null, $modbytes=0) { global $CFG, $COURSE; if (empty($course->id)) { $course = $COURSE; } $maxbytes = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $course->maxbytes, $modbytes); $this->_form->setMaxFileSize($maxbytes); } /** * Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data. * * @return bool true if form properly submitted */ function is_submitted() { return $this->_form->isSubmitted(); } /** * Check that form data is valid. * * @return bool true if form data valid */ function is_validated() { static $validated = null; // one validation is enough $mform =& $this->_form; foreach ($mform->_noSubmitButtons as $nosubmitbutton){ if (optional_param($nosubmitbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)){ return false; } } if ($validated === null) { $internal_val = $mform->validate(); $moodle_val = $this->validation($mform->exportValues(null, true)); if ($moodle_val !== true) { if (!empty($moodle_val)) { foreach ($moodle_val as $element=>$msg) { $mform->setElementError($element, $msg); } } $moodle_val = false; } $file_val = $this->_validate_files(); if ($file_val !== true) { if (!empty($file_val)) { foreach ($file_val as $element=>$msg) { $mform->setElementError($element, $msg); } } $file_val = false; } $validated = ($internal_val and $moodle_val and $file_val); } return $validated; } /** * Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted. * * @return boolean true if a cancel button has been pressed */ function is_cancelled(){ $mform =& $this->_form; foreach ($mform->_cancelButtons as $cancelbutton){ if (optional_param($cancelbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)){ return true; } } return false; } /** * Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or * if there is no submitted data. * * @param bool $slashed true means return data with addslashes applied * @return object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted */ function data_submitted($slashed=true) { $mform =& $this->_form; if ($this->is_submitted() and $this->is_validated()) { $data = $mform->exportValues(null, $slashed); unset($data['sesskey']); // we do not need to return sesskey unset($data['_qf__'.$this->_formname]); // we do not need the submission marker too if (empty($data)) { return NULL; } else { return (object)$data; } } else { return NULL; } } /** * Save verified uploaded files into directory. Upload process can be customised from definition() * method by creating instance of upload manager and storing it in $this->_upload_form * * @param string $destination where to store uploaded files * @return bool success */ function save_files($destination) { if (empty($this->_upload_manager)) { return false; } if ($this->is_submitted() and $this->is_validated()) { return $this->_upload_manager->save_files($destination); } return false; } /** * Print html form. */ function display() { $this->_form->display(); } /** * Abstract method - always override! * * If you need special handling of uploaded files, create instance of $this->_upload_manager here. */ function definition() { error('Abstract form_definition() method in class '.get_class($this).' must be overriden, please fix the code.'); } /** * Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current * values. This method is called after definition(), data submission and set_defaults(). * All form setup that is dependent on form values should go in here. */ function definition_after_data(){ } /** * Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation. * If there are errors return array of errors ("fieldname"=>"error message"), * otherwise true if ok. * * @param array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data * @return bool array of errors or true if ok */ function validation($data) { return true; } /** * Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form. * * @param array $elementobjs Array of elements or groups of elements that are to be repeated * @param integer $repeats no of times to repeat elements initially * @param array $options Array of options to apply to elements. Array keys are element names. * This is an array of arrays. The second sets of keys are the option types * for the elements : * 'default' - default value is value * 'type' - PARAM_* constant is value * 'helpbutton' - helpbutton params array is value * 'disabledif' - last three moodleform::disabledIf() * params are value as an array * @param string $repeathiddenname name for hidden element storing no of repeats in this form * @param string $addfieldsname name for button to add more fields * @param int $addfieldsno how many fields to add at a time * @param array $addstring array of params for get_string for name of button, $a is no of fields that * will be added. */ function repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname, $addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=array('addfields', 'form')){ $repeats = optional_param($repeathiddenname, $repeats, PARAM_INT); $addfields = optional_param($addfieldsname, '', PARAM_TEXT); if (!empty($addfields)){ $repeats += $addfieldsno; } $mform =& $this->_form; $mform->_registerNoSubmitButton($addfieldsname); $mform->addElement('hidden', $repeathiddenname, $repeats); //value not to be overridden by submitted value $mform->setConstants(array($repeathiddenname=>$repeats)); for ($i=0; $i<$repeats; $i++) { foreach ($elementobjs as $elementobj){ $elementclone=clone($elementobj); $name=$elementclone->getName(); $elementclone->setName($name."[$i]"); if (is_a($elementclone, 'HTML_QuickForm_header')){ $value=$elementclone->_text; $elementclone->setValue($value.' '.($i+1)); } $mform->addElement($elementclone); } } for ($i=0; $i<$repeats; $i++) { foreach ($options as $elementname => $elementoptions){ $pos=strpos($elementname, '['); if ($pos!==FALSE){ $realelementname = substr($elementname, 0, $pos+1)."[$i]"; $realelementname .= substr($elementname, $pos+1); }else { $realelementname = $elementname."[$i]"; } foreach ($elementoptions as $option => $params){ switch ($option){ case 'default' : $mform->setDefault($realelementname, $params); break; case 'type' : $mform->setType($realelementname, $params); break; case 'helpbutton' : $mform->setHelpButton($realelementname, $params); break; case 'disabledif' : $mform->disabledIf($realelementname, $params[0], $params[1], $params[2]); break; } } } } $mform->addElement('submit', $addfieldsname, get_string('addfields', 'form', $addfieldsno), array('onclick'=>'this.form.submit();'));//need this to bypass client validation $renderer =& $mform->defaultRenderer(); $renderer->addStopFieldsetElements($addfieldsname); } } /** * You never extend this class directly. The class methods of this class are available from * the private $this->_form property on moodleform and it's children. You generally only * call methods on this class from within abstract methods that you override on moodleform such * as definition and definition_after_data * */ class MoodleQuickForm extends HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless { var $_types = array(); var $_dependencies = array(); /** * Array of buttons that if pressed do not result in the processing of the form. * * @var array */ var $_noSubmitButtons=array(); /** * Array of buttons that if pressed do not result in the processing of the form. * * @var array */ var $_cancelButtons=array(); /** * Class constructor - same parameters as HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless * @param string $formName Form's name. * @param string $method (optional)Form's method defaults to 'POST' * @param string $action (optional)Form's action * @param string $target (optional)Form's target defaults to none * @param mixed $attributes (optional)Extra attributes for
tag * @param bool $trackSubmit (optional)Whether to track if the form was submitted by adding a special hidden field * @access public */ function MoodleQuickForm($formName, $method, $action, $target='', $attributes=null){ global $CFG; HTML_Common::HTML_Common($attributes); $target = empty($target) ? array() : array('target' => $target); //no 'name' atttribute for form in xhtml strict : $attributes = array('action'=>$action, 'method'=>$method, 'id'=>$formName) + $target; $this->updateAttributes($attributes); //this is custom stuff for Moodle : $oldclass= $this->getAttribute('class'); if (!empty($oldclass)){ $this->updateAttributes(array('class'=>$oldclass.' mform')); }else { $this->updateAttributes(array('class'=>'mform')); } $this->_helpImageURL="$CFG->wwwroot/lib/form/req.gif"; $this->_reqHTML = ''.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').''; $this->setRequiredNote(get_string('denotesreq', 'form', helpbutton('requiredelement', get_string('requiredelement', 'form'),'moodle', true, false, '', true, ''.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').''))); } /** * Should be used for all elements of a form except for select, radio and checkboxes which * clean their own data. * * @param string $elementname * @param integer $paramtype use the constants PARAM_*. * * PARAM_CLEAN is deprecated and you should try to use a more specific type. * * PARAM_TEXT should be used for cleaning data that is expected to be plain text. * It will strip all html tags. But will still let tags for multilang support * through. * * PARAM_RAW means no cleaning whatsoever, it is used mostly for data from the * html editor. Data from the editor is later cleaned before display using * format_text() function. PARAM_RAW can also be used for data that is validated * by some other way or printed by p() or s(). * * PARAM_INT should be used for integers. * * PARAM_ACTION is an alias of PARAM_ALPHA and is used for hidden fields specifying * form actions. */ function setType($elementname, $paramtype) { $this->_types[$elementname] = $paramtype; } /** * See description of setType above. This can be used to set several types at once. * * @param array $paramtypes */ function setTypes($paramtypes) { $this->_types = $paramtypes + $this->_types; } function updateSubmission($submission, $files) { $this->_flagSubmitted = false; if (empty($submission)) { $this->_submitValues = array(); } else { foreach ($submission as $key=>$s) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_types)) { $submission[$key] = clean_param($s, $this->_types[$key]); } } $this->_submitValues = $this->_recursiveFilter('stripslashes', $submission); $this->_flagSubmitted = true; } if (empty($files)) { $this->_submitFiles = array(); } else { if (1 == get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { foreach ($files as $elname=>$file) { // dangerous characters in filenames are cleaned later in upload_manager $files[$elname]['name'] = stripslashes($files[$elname]['name']); } } $this->_submitFiles = $files; $this->_flagSubmitted = true; } // need to tell all elements that they need to update their value attribute. foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) { $this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('updateValue', null, $this); } } function getReqHTML(){ return $this->_reqHTML; } /** * Initializes a default form value. Used to specify the default for a new entry where * no data is loaded in using moodleform::set_defaults() * * @param string $elementname element name * @param mixed $values values for that element name * @param bool $slashed the default value is slashed * @access public * @return void */ function setDefault($elementName, $defaultValue, $slashed=false){ $filter = $slashed ? 'stripslashes' : NULL; $this->setDefaults(array($elementName=>$defaultValue), $filter); } // end func setDefault /** * Add an array of buttons to the form * @param array $buttons An associative array representing help button to attach to * to the form. keys of array correspond to names of elements in form. * * @access public */ function setHelpButtons($buttons, $suppresscheck=false, $function='helpbutton'){ foreach ($buttons as $elementname => $button){ $this->setHelpButton($elementname, $button, $suppresscheck, $function); } } /** * Add a single button. * * @param string $elementname name of the element to add the item to * @param array $button - arguments to pass to function $function * @param boolean $suppresscheck - whether to throw an error if the element * doesn't exist. * @param string $function - function to generate html from the arguments in $button */ function setHelpButton($elementname, $button, $suppresscheck=false, $function='helpbutton'){ if (array_key_exists($elementname, $this->_elementIndex)){ //_elements has a numeric index, this code accesses the elements by name $element=&$this->_elements[$this->_elementIndex[$elementname]]; if (method_exists($element, 'setHelpButton')){ $element->setHelpButton($button, $function); }else{ $a=new object(); $a->name=$element->getName(); $a->classname=get_class($element); print_error('nomethodforaddinghelpbutton', 'form', '', $a); } }elseif (!$suppresscheck){ print_error('nonexistentformelements', 'form', '', $elementname); } } function exportValues($elementList= null, $addslashes=true){ $unfiltered=parent::exportValues($elementList); if ($addslashes){ return $this->_recursiveFilter('addslashes',$unfiltered); } else { return $unfiltered; } } /** * Returns the client side validation script * * The code here was copied from HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless who copied it from HTML_QuickForm * and slightly modified to run rules per-element * Needed to override this because of an error with client side validation of grouped elements. * * @access public * @return string Javascript to perform validation, empty string if no 'client' rules were added */ function getValidationScript() { if (empty($this->_rules) || empty($this->_attributes['onsubmit'])) { return ''; } include_once('HTML/QuickForm/RuleRegistry.php'); $registry =& HTML_QuickForm_RuleRegistry::singleton(); $test = array(); $js_escape = array( "\r" => '\r', "\n" => '\n', "\t" => '\t', "'" => "\\'", '"' => '\"', '\\' => '\\\\' ); foreach ($this->_rules as $elementName => $rules) { foreach ($rules as $rule) { if ('client' == $rule['validation']) { unset($element); //TODO: find out how to properly initialize it $dependent = isset($rule['dependent']) && is_array($rule['dependent']); $rule['message'] = strtr($rule['message'], $js_escape); if (isset($rule['group'])) { $group =& $this->getElement($rule['group']); // No JavaScript validation for frozen elements if ($group->isFrozen()) { continue 2; } $elements =& $group->getElements(); foreach (array_keys($elements) as $key) { if ($elementName == $group->getElementName($key)) { $element =& $elements[$key]; break; } } } elseif ($dependent) { $element = array(); $element[] =& $this->getElement($elementName); foreach ($rule['dependent'] as $idx => $elName) { $element[] =& $this->getElement($elName); } } else { $element =& $this->getElement($elementName); } // No JavaScript validation for frozen elements if (is_object($element) && $element->isFrozen()) { continue 2; } elseif (is_array($element)) { foreach (array_keys($element) as $key) { if ($element[$key]->isFrozen()) { continue 3; } } } // Fix for bug displaying errors for elements in a group //$test[$elementName][] = $registry->getValidationScript($element, $elementName, $rule); $test[$elementName][0][] = $registry->getValidationScript($element, $elementName, $rule); $test[$elementName][1]=$element; //end of fix } } } $js = ' '; return $js; } // end func getValidationScript function _setDefaultRuleMessages(){ foreach ($this->_rules as $field => $rulesarr){ foreach ($rulesarr as $key => $rule){ if ($rule['message']===null){ $a=new object(); $a->format=$rule['format']; $str=get_string('err_'.$rule['type'], 'form', $a); if (strpos($str, '[[')!==0){ $this->_rules[$field][$key]['message']=$str; } } } } } function getLockOptionEndScript(){ $js = ''."\n"; return $js; } function _getElNamesRecursive(&$element, $group=null){ if ($group==null){ $el = $this->getElement($element); } else { $el = &$element; } if (is_a($el, 'HTML_QuickForm_group')){ $group = $el; $elsInGroup = $group->getElements(); $elNames = array(); foreach ($elsInGroup as $elInGroup){ $elNames = array_merge($elNames, $this->_getElNamesRecursive($elInGroup, $group)); } }else{ if ($group != null){ $elNames = array($group->getElementName($el->getName())); } elseif (is_a($el, 'HTML_QuickForm_header')) { return null; } elseif (method_exists($el, 'getPrivateName')) { return array($el->getPrivateName()); } else { $elNames = array($el->getName()); } } return $elNames; } /** * Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be disabled if $condition is met. * If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element * is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element * is checked. If $condition is something else then it is checked to see if the value * of the $dependentOn element is equal to $condition. * * @param string $elementName the name of the element which will be disabled * @param string $dependentOn the name of the element whose state will be checked for * condition * @param string $condition the condition to check * @param mixed $value used in conjunction with condition. */ function disabledIf($elementName, $dependentOn, $condition = 'notchecked', $value=null){ $dependents = $this->_getElNamesRecursive($elementName); foreach ($dependents as $dependent){ if ($dependent != $dependentOn) { $this->_dependencies[$dependentOn][] = array('dependent'=>$dependent, 'condition'=>$condition, 'value'=>$value); } } } function _registerNoSubmitButton($addfieldsname){ $this->_noSubmitButtons[]=$addfieldsname; } function _registerCancelButton($addfieldsname){ $this->_cancelButtons[]=$addfieldsname; } } /** * A renderer for MoodleQuickForm that only uses XHTML and CSS and no * table tags, extends PEAR class HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless * * Stylesheet is part of standard theme and should be automatically included. * * @author Jamie Pratt * @license gpl license */ class MoodleQuickForm_Renderer extends HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless{ /** * Element template array * @var array * @access private */ var $_elementTemplates; // uncomment templates below and edit formslib.php for // ol li containers for form items. /** * Template used when opening a hidden fieldset * (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element) * @var string * @access private */ var $_openHiddenFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t
"; // var $_openHiddenFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t
    "; // /** // * Header Template string // * @var string // * @access private // */ // var $_headerTemplate = // "\n\t\t{header}\n\t\t
      "; // var $_headerTemplate = // "\n\t\t{header}\n\t\t
        "; /** * Template used when closing a fieldset * @var string * @access private */ var $_closeFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t\t
"; // var $_closeFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t\t\n\t
"; /** * Required Note template string * @var string * @access private */ var $_requiredNoteTemplate = "\n\t\t
"; function MoodleQuickForm_Renderer(){ // switch next two lines for ol li containers for form items. // $this->_elementTemplates=array('default'=>"\n\t\t
  • error {type}\">{error}
  • "); $this->_elementTemplates = array('default'=>"\n\t\t
    error {type}\">{error}
    ", 'fieldset'=>"\n\t\t
    error {type}\">{error}
    "); parent::HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless(); } function startForm(&$form){ $this->_reqHTML = $form->getReqHTML(); $this->_elementTemplates = str_replace('{req}', $this->_reqHTML, $this->_elementTemplates); parent::startForm($form); } function startGroup(&$group, $required, $error){ if (method_exists($group, 'getElementTemplateType')){ $html = $this->_elementTemplates[$group->getElementTemplateType()]; }else{ $html = $this->_elementTemplates['default']; } if (method_exists($group, 'getHelpButton')){ $html =str_replace('{help}', $group->getHelpButton(), $html); }else{ $html =str_replace('{help}', '', $html); } $html =str_replace('{type}', 'fgroup', $html); $this->_templates[$group->getName()]=$html; // Fix for bug in tableless quickforms that didn't allow you to stop a // fieldset before a group of elements. // if the element name indicates the end of a fieldset, close the fieldset if ( in_array($group->getName(), $this->_stopFieldsetElements) && $this->_fieldsetsOpen > 0 ) { $this->_html .= $this->_closeFieldsetTemplate; $this->_fieldsetsOpen--; } parent::startGroup($group, $required, $error); } function renderElement(&$element, $required, $error){ if (method_exists($element, 'getElementTemplateType')){ $html = $this->_elementTemplates[$element->getElementTemplateType()]; }else{ $html = $this->_elementTemplates['default']; } $html =str_replace('{type}', 'f'.$element->getType(), $html); if (method_exists($element, 'getHelpButton')){ $html = str_replace('{help}', $element->getHelpButton(), $html); }else{ $html = str_replace('{help}', '', $html); } $this->_templates[$element->getName()] = $html; if (!is_null($element->getAttribute('id'))) { $id = $element->getAttribute('id'); } else { $id = $element->getName(); } $element->updateAttributes(array('id'=>'id_'.$id)); parent::renderElement($element, $required, $error); } function finishForm(&$form){ parent::finishForm($form); // add a lockoptions script if ('' != ($script = $form->getLockOptionEndScript())) { $this->_html = $this->_html . "\n" . $script; } } } $GLOBALS['_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer'] =& new MoodleQuickForm_Renderer(); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('checkbox', "$CFG->libdir/form/checkbox.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_checkbox'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('file', "$CFG->libdir/form/file.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_file'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('group', "$CFG->libdir/form/group.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_group'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('password', "$CFG->libdir/form/password.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_password'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('radio', "$CFG->libdir/form/radio.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_radio'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('select', "$CFG->libdir/form/select.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_select'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('text', "$CFG->libdir/form/text.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_text'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('textarea', "$CFG->libdir/form/textarea.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_textarea'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('date_selector', "$CFG->libdir/form/dateselector.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_date_selector'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('date_time_selector', "$CFG->libdir/form/datetimeselector.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('htmleditor', "$CFG->libdir/form/htmleditor.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_htmleditor'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('format', "$CFG->libdir/form/format.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_format'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('static', "$CFG->libdir/form/static.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_static'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('hidden', "$CFG->libdir/form/hidden.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_hidden'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('modvisible', "$CFG->libdir/form/modvisible.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_modvisible'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('modgroupmode', "$CFG->libdir/form/modgroupmode.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_modgroupmode'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('selectyesno', "$CFG->libdir/form/selectyesno.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_selectyesno'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('modgrade', "$CFG->libdir/form/modgrade.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_modgrade'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('cancel', "$CFG->libdir/form/cancel.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_cancel'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('button', "$CFG->libdir/form/button.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_button'); MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('choosecoursefile', "$CFG->libdir/form/choosecoursefile.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_choosecoursefile'); ?>