<?php /** * SQL.PHP * This file is include from view.php and print.php * @copyright 2003 **/ /// Creating the SQL statements /// Initialise some variables $sqlorderby = ''; $sqlsortkey = NULL; $textlib = textlib_get_instance(); /// Calculate the SQL sortkey to be used by the SQL statements later switch ( $sortkey ) { case "CREATION": $sqlsortkey = "timecreated"; break; case "UPDATE": $sqlsortkey = "timemodified"; break; case "FIRSTNAME": $sqlsortkey = "firstname"; break; case "LASTNAME": $sqlsortkey = "lastname"; break; } $sqlsortorder = $sortorder; /// Pivot is the field that set the break by groups (category, initial, author name, etc) /// fullpivot indicate if the whole pivot should be compared agasint the db or just the first letter /// printpivot indicate if the pivot should be printed or not $fullpivot = 1; $params = array('gid1'=>$glossary->id, 'gid2'=>$glossary->id, 'myid'=>$USER->id, 'hook'=>$hook); $userid = ''; if ( isloggedin() ) { $userid = "OR ge.userid = :myid"; } switch ($tab) { case GLOSSARY_CATEGORY_VIEW: if ($hook == GLOSSARY_SHOW_ALL_CATEGORIES ) { $sqlselect = "SELECT gec.id AS cid, ge.*, gec.entryid, gc.name AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge, {glossary_entries_categories} gec, {glossary_categories} gc"; $sqlwhere = "WHERE (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 OR ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND ge.id = gec.entryid AND gc.id = gec.categoryid AND (ge.approved <> 0 $userid)"; $sqlorderby = ' ORDER BY gc.name, ge.concept'; } elseif ($hook == GLOSSARY_SHOW_NOT_CATEGORISED ) { $printpivot = 0; $sqlselect = "SELECT ge.*, concept AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge LEFT JOIN {glossary_entries_categories} gec ON ge.id = gec.entryid"; $sqlwhere = "WHERE (glossaryid = :gid1 OR sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND (ge.approved <> 0 $userid) AND gec.entryid IS NULL"; $sqlorderby = ' ORDER BY concept'; } else { $printpivot = 0; $sqlselect = "SELECT ge.*, ce.entryid, c.name AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge, {glossary_entries_categories} ce, {glossary_categories} c"; $sqlwhere = "WHERE ge.id = ce.entryid AND ce.categoryid = :hook AND ce.categoryid = c.id AND ge.approved != 0 AND (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 OR ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND (ge.approved <> 0 $userid)"; $sqlorderby = ' ORDER BY c.name, ge.concept'; } break; case GLOSSARY_AUTHOR_VIEW: $where = ''; $params['hookup'] = $textlib->strtoupper($hook); if ( $sqlsortkey == 'firstname' ) { $usernamefield = $DB->sql_fullname('u.firstname' , 'u.lastname'); } else { $usernamefield = $DB->sql_fullname('u.lastname' , 'u.firstname'); } $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper($usernamefield)", 1, $textlib->strlen($hook)) . " = :hookup"; if ( $hook == 'ALL' ) { $where = ''; } $sqlselect = "SELECT ge.*, $usernamefield AS glossarypivot, 1 AS userispivot "; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge, {user} u"; $sqlwhere = "WHERE ge.userid = u.id AND (ge.approved <> 0 $userid) $where AND (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 OR ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2)"; $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY $usernamefield $sqlsortorder, ge.concept"; break; case GLOSSARY_APPROVAL_VIEW: $fullpivot = 0; $printpivot = 0; $where = ''; $params['hookup'] = $textlib->strtoupper($hook); if ($hook != 'ALL' and $hook != 'SPECIAL') { $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper(concept)", 1, $textlib->strlen($hook)) . " = :hookup"; } $sqlselect = "SELECT ge.*, ge.concept AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge"; $sqlwhere = "WHERE (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 OR ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND ge.approved = 0 $where"; if ( $sqlsortkey ) { $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY $sqlsortkey $sqlsortorder"; } else { $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY ge.concept"; } break; case GLOSSARY_DATE_VIEW: $printpivot = 0; case GLOSSARY_STANDARD_VIEW: default: $sqlselect = "SELECT ge.*, ge.concept AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge"; $where = ''; $fullpivot = 0; switch ( $mode ) { case 'search': if ($DB->sql_regex_supported()) { $REGEXP = $DB->sql_regex(true); $NOTREGEXP = $DB->sql_regex(false); } $searchcond = array(); $alcond = array(); //$params = array(); $i = 0; $concat = $DB->sql_concat('ge.concept', "' '", 'ge.definition',"' '", "COALESCE(al.alias, '')"); $searchterms = explode(" ",$hook); foreach ($searchterms as $searchterm) { $i++; $NOT = false; /// Initially we aren't going to perform NOT LIKE searches, only MSSQL and Oracle /// will use it to simulate the "-" operator with LIKE clause /// Under Oracle and MSSQL, trim the + and - operators and perform /// simpler LIKE (or NOT LIKE) queries if (!$DB->sql_regex_supported()) { if (substr($searchterm, 0, 1) == '-') { $NOT = true; } $searchterm = trim($searchterm, '+-'); } if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == '+') { $searchterm = trim($searchterm, '+-'); if ($textlib->strlen($searchterm) < 2) { continue; } $searchterm = preg_quote($searchterm, '|'); $searchcond[] = "$concat $REGEXP :ss$i"; $params['ss'.$i] = "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)"; } else if (substr($searchterm,0,1) == "-") { $searchterm = trim($searchterm, '+-'); if ($textlib->strlen($searchterm) < 2) { continue; } $searchterm = preg_quote($searchterm, '|'); $searchcond[] = "$concat $NOTREGEXP :ss$i"; $params['ss'.$i] = "(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])$searchterm([^a-zA-Z0-9]|$)"; } else { if ($textlib->strlen($searchterm) < 2) { continue; } $searchcond[] = $DB->sql_like($concat, ":ss$i", false, true, $NOT); $params['ss'.$i] = "%$searchterm%"; } } if (empty($searchcond)) { $where = "AND 1=2 "; // no search result } else { $searchcond = implode(" AND ", $searchcond); $sqlselect = "SELECT DISTINCT ge.*, ge.concept AS glossarypivot"; $sqlfrom = "FROM {glossary_entries} ge LEFT JOIN {glossary_alias} al ON al.entryid = ge.id"; $where = "AND ($searchcond)"; } break; case 'term': $params['hook2'] = $hook; $printpivot = 0; $sqlfrom .= " LEFT JOIN {glossary_alias} ga on ge.id = ga.entryid"; $where = "AND (ge.concept = :hook OR ga.alias = :hook2) "; break; case 'entry': $printpivot = 0; $where = "AND ge.id = :hook"; break; case 'letter': if ($hook != 'ALL' and $hook != 'SPECIAL') { $params['hookup'] = $textlib->strtoupper($hook); $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper(concept)", 1, $textlib->strlen($hook)) . " = :hookup"; } if ($hook == 'SPECIAL') { //Create appropiate IN contents $alphabet = explode(",", get_string('alphabet', 'langconfig')); list($nia, $aparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($alphabet, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, $start='a0', false); $params = array_merge($params, $aparams); $where = "AND " . $DB->sql_substr("upper(concept)", 1, 1) . " $nia"; } break; } $sqlwhere = "WHERE (ge.glossaryid = :gid1 or ge.sourceglossaryid = :gid2) AND (ge.approved <> 0 $userid) $where"; switch ( $tab ) { case GLOSSARY_DATE_VIEW: $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY $sqlsortkey $sqlsortorder"; break; case GLOSSARY_STANDARD_VIEW: $sqlorderby = "ORDER BY ge.concept"; default: break; } break; } $count = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(ge.id)) $sqlfrom $sqlwhere", $params); $limitfrom = $offset; $limitnum = 0; if ( $offset >= 0 ) { $limitnum = $entriesbypage; } $allentries = $DB->get_records_sql("$sqlselect $sqlfrom $sqlwhere $sqlorderby", $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);