$ewiki_t["en"] = array_merge(@$ewiki_t["en"], array(
"EDITTHISPAGE" => "EditThisPage",
"APPENDTOPAGE" => "Add to",
"BACKLINKS" => "BackLinks",
"PAGESLINKINGTO" => "Pages linking to \$title",
"PAGEHISTORY" => "PageInfo",
"INFOABOUTPAGE" => "Information about page",
"LIKEPAGES" => "Pages like this",
"NEWESTPAGES" => "Newest Pages",
"LASTCHANGED" => "last changed on %c",
"DOESNOTEXIST" => "This page does not yet exist, please click on EditThisPage if you'd like to create it.",
"DISABLEDPAGE" => "This page is currently not available.",
"ERRVERSIONSAVE" => "Sorry, while you edited this page someone else
did already save a changed version. Please go back to the
previous screen and copy your changes to your computers
clipboard to insert it again after you reload the edit
"ERRORSAVING" => "An error occoured while saving your changes. Please try again.",
"THANKSFORCONTRIBUTION" => "Thank you for your contribution!",
"CANNOTCHANGEPAGE" => "This page cannot be changed.",
"OLDVERCOMEBACK" => "Make this old version come back to replace the current one",
"PREVIEW" => "Preview",
"SAVE" => "Save",
"CANCEL_EDIT" => "CancelEditing",
"UPLOAD_PICTURE_BUTTON" => "upload picture >>>",
"EDIT_FORM_1" => "GoodStyle is to
write what comes to your mind. Don't care about how it
looks too much now. You can add WikiMarkup
also later if you think it is necessary.
"EDIT_FORM_2" => "
Please do not write things, which may make other
people angry. And please keep in mind that you are not all that
anonymous in the internet (find out more about your computers
'IP address' at Google).",
"BIN_IMGTOOLARGE" => "Image file is too large!",
"BIN_NOIMG" => "This is no image file (inacceptable file format)!",
"FORBIDDEN" => "You are not authorized to access this page.",
$ewiki_t["es"] = array_merge(@$ewiki_t["es"], array(
"EDITTHISPAGE" => "EditarEstaPágina",
"BACKLINKS" => "EnlacesInversos",
"PAGESLINKINGTO" => "Páginas enlazando \$title",
"PAGEHISTORY" => "InfoPágina",
"INFOABOUTPAGE" => "Información sobre la página",
"LIKEPAGES" => "Páginas como esta",
"NEWESTPAGES" => "Páginas más nuevas",
"LASTCHANGED" => "última modificación %d/%m/%Y a las %H:%M",
"DOESNOTEXIST" => "Esta página aún no existe, por favor eliga EditarEstaPágina si desea crearla.",
"DISABLEDPAGE" => "Esta página no está disponible en este momento.",
"ERRVERSIONSAVE" => "Disculpe, mientras editaba esta página alguién más
salvó una versión modificada. Por favor regrese a
a la pantalla anterior y copie sus cambios a su computador
para insertalos nuevamente después de que cargue
la pantalla de edición.",
"ERRORSAVING" => "Ocurrió un error mientras se salvavan sus cambios. Por favor intente de nuevo.",
"THANKSFORCONTRIBUTION" => "Gracias por su contribución!",
"CANNOTCHANGEPAGE" => "Esta página no puede ser modificada.",
"OLDVERCOMEBACK" => "Hacer que esta versión antigua regrese a remplazar la actual",
"PREVIEW" => "Previsualizar",
"SAVE" => "Salvar",
"CANCEL_EDIT" => "CancelarEdición",
"UPLOAD_PICTURE_BUTTON" => "subir gráfica >>>",
"EDIT_FORM_1" => "BuenEstilo es
escribir lo que viene a su mente. No se preocupe mucho
por la apariencia. También puede agregar ReglasDeMarcadoWiki
más adelante si piensa que es necesario.
"EDIT_FORM_2" => "
Por favor no escriba cosas, que puedan
enfadar a otras personas. Y por favor tenga en mente que
usted no es del todo anónimo en Internet
(encuentre más sobre
'IP address' de su computador con Google).",
"BIN_IMGTOOLARGE" => "¡La gráfica es demasiado grande!",
"BIN_NOIMG" => "¡No es un archivo con una gráfica (formato de archivo inaceptable)!",
"FORBIDDEN" => "No está autorizado para acceder a esta página.",
$ewiki_t["de"] = array_merge(@$ewiki_t["de"], array(
"EDITTHISPAGE" => "DieseSeiteÄndern",
"APPENDTOPAGE" => "Ergänze",
"BACKLINKS" => "ZurückLinks",
"PAGESLINKINGTO" => "Verweise zur Seite \$title",
"PAGEHISTORY" => "SeitenInfo",
"INFOABOUTPAGE" => "Informationen über Seite",
"LIKEPAGES" => "Ähnliche Seiten",
"NEWESTPAGES" => "Neueste Seiten",
"LASTCHANGED" => "zuletzt geändert am %d.%m.%Y um %H:%M",
"DISABLEDPAGE" => "Diese Seite kann momentan nicht angezeigt werden.",
"ERRVERSIONSAVE" => "Entschuldige, aber während Du an der Seite
gearbeitet hast, hat bereits jemand anders eine geänderte
Fassung gespeichert. Damit nichts verloren geht, browse bitte
zurück und speichere Deine Änderungen in der Zwischenablage
(Bearbeiten->Kopieren) um sie dann wieder an der richtigen
Stelle einzufügen, nachdem du die EditBoxSeite nocheinmal
geladen hast.
Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe.",
"ERRORSAVING" => "Beim Abspeichern ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es erneut.",
"THANKSFORCONTRIBUTION" => "Vielen Dank für Deinen Beitrag!",
"CANNOTCHANGEPAGE" => "Diese Seite kann nicht geändert werden.",
"OLDVERCOMEBACK" => "Diese alte Version der Seite wieder zur Aktuellen machen",
"PREVIEW" => "Vorschau",
"SAVE" => "Speichern",
"CANCEL_EDIT" => "ÄnderungenVerwerfen",
"UPLOAD_PICTURE_BUTTON" => "Bild hochladen >>>",
"EDIT_FORM_1" => "GuterStil ist es,
ganz einfach das zu schreiben, was einem gerade in den
Sinn kommt. Du solltest dich jetzt noch nicht so sehr
darum kümmern, wie die Seite aussieht. Du kannst später
immernoch zurückkommen und den Text mit WikiTextFormatierungsRegeln
"EDIT_FORM_2" => "
Bitte schreib keine Dinge, die andere Leute
verärgern könnten. Und bedenke auch, daß es schnell auf
dich zurückfallen kann wenn du verschiedene andere Dinge sagst (mehr Informationen zur
'IP Adresse'
deines Computers findest du bei Google).",
#-- InterWiki:Links
$ewiki_config["interwiki"] = array_merge(
"javascript" => "", # this actually protects from javascript: links
"url" => "",
# "self" => "this",
"this" => EWIKI_SCRIPT, # better was absolute _URL to ewiki wrapper
"jump" => "",
"ErfurtWiki" => "http://erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net/?id=",
"InterWiki" => "InterWikiSearch",
"InterWikiSearch" => "http://sunir.org/apps/meta.pl?",
"Wiki" => "WardsWiki",
"WardsWiki" => "http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?",
"WikiFind" => "http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FindPage&value=",
"WikiPedia" => "http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?",
"MeatBall" => "MeatballWiki",
"MeatballWiki" => "http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?",
"UseMod" => "http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?",
"PhpWiki" => "http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php3?",
"LinuxWiki" => "http://linuxwiki.de/",
"OpenWiki" => "http://openwiki.com/?",
"Tavi" => "http://andstuff.org/tavi/",
"TWiki" => "http://twiki.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/view/",
"MoinMoin" => "http://www.purl.net/wiki/moin/",
"Google" => "http://google.com/search?q=",
"ISBN" => "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=",
"icq" => "http://www.icq.com/",
#-------------------------------------------------------------------- main ---
/* this is the main function, which you should preferrably call to
integrate the ewiki into your web site; it chains to most other
parts and plugins (including the edit box);
if you do not supply the requested pages "$id" we will fetch it
from the pre-defined possible URL parameters.
function ewiki_page($id=false) {
global $ewiki_links, $ewiki_plugins, $ewiki_ring, $ewiki_t, $ewiki_errmsg;
#-- output var
$o = "";
#-- selected page
if (!isset($_REQUEST)) {
if (!strlen($id)) {
$id = ewiki_id();
#-- page action
if ($delim = strpos($id, EWIKI_ACTION_SEP_CHAR)) {
$action = substr($id, 0, $delim);
$id = substr($id, $delim + 1);
elseif (EWIKI_USE_ACTION_PARAM && isset($_REQUEST["action"])) {
$action = $_REQUEST["action"];
$GLOBALS["ewiki_id"] = $id;
$GLOBALS["ewiki_title"] = ewiki_split_title($id);
$GLOBALS["ewiki_action"] = $action;
#-- fetch from db
$dquery = array(
"id" => $id
if (!isset($_REQUEST["content"]) && ($dquery["version"] = @$_REQUEST["version"])) {
$dquery["forced_version"] = $dquery["version"];
$data = array_merge($dquery, ewiki_database("GET", $dquery));
#-- stop here if page is not marked as _TEXT,
# perform authentication then, and let only administrators proceed
if (!empty($data["flags"]) && (($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_TYPE) != EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT)) {
if (($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY) && ($pf = $ewiki_plugins["handler_binary"][0])) {
return($pf($id, $data, $action)); //_BINARY entries handled separately
elseif (!EWIKI_PROTECTED_MODE || !ewiki_auth($id, $data, $action, 0, 1) && ($ewiki_ring!=0)) {
#-- pre-check if actions exist
$pf_page = ewiki_array($ewiki_plugins["page"], $id);
#-- edit