define('USER_SMALL_CLASS', 20); // Below this is considered small
define('USER_LARGE_CLASS', 200); // Above this is considered large
define('DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 20);
define('SHOW_ALL_PAGE_SIZE', 5000);
$group = optional_param('group', -1, PARAM_INT); // Group to show
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); // which page to show
$perpage = optional_param('perpage', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, PARAM_INT); // how many per page
$mode = optional_param('mode', NULL); // '0' for less details, '1' for more
$accesssince = optional_param('accesssince',0,PARAM_INT); // filter by last access. -1 = never
$search = optional_param('search','',PARAM_CLEAN);
$roleid = optional_param('roleid', 0, PARAM_INT); // optional roleid
$contextid = optional_param('contextid', 0, PARAM_INT); // one of this or
$courseid = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // this are required
if ($contextid) {
if (! $context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid)) {
error("Context ID is incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $context->instanceid)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
} else {
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (! $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)) {
error("Context ID is incorrect");
// not needed anymore
$sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewparticipants', $context)) {
$rolenames = array();
$avoidroles = array();
if ($roles = get_roles_used_in_context($context, true)) {
// We should ONLY allow roles with moodle/course:view because otherwise we get little niggly issues
// like MDL-8093
// We should further exclude "admin" users (those with "doanything" at site level) because
// Otherwise they appear in every participant list
$canviewroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/course:view', CAP_ALLOW, $context);
$doanythingroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/site:doanything', CAP_ALLOW, $sitecontext);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
if (!isset($canviewroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (eg course creator)
$avoidroles[] = $role->id;
if (isset($doanythingroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (ie admin)
$avoidroles[] = $role->id;
$rolenames[$role->id] = strip_tags(role_get_name($role, $context)); // Used in menus etc later on
// no roles to display yet?
if (empty($rolenames)) {
if (has_capability('moodle/user:assign', $context)) {
} else {
error ('No participants found for this course');
add_to_log($course->id, 'user', 'view all', 'index.php?id='.$course->id, '');
$bulkoperations = has_capability('moodle/course:bulkmessaging', $context);
$countries = get_list_of_countries();
$strnever = get_string('never');
$datestring->year = get_string('year');
$datestring->years = get_string('years');
$datestring->day = get_string('day');
$datestring->days = get_string('days');
$datestring->hour = get_string('hour');
$datestring->hours = get_string('hours');
$datestring->min = get_string('min');
$datestring->mins = get_string('mins');
$datestring->sec = get_string('sec');
$datestring->secs = get_string('secs');
if ($mode !== NULL) {
$SESSION->userindexmode = $fullmode = ($mode == 1);
} else if (isset($SESSION->userindexmode)) {
$fullmode = $SESSION->userindexmode;
} else {
$fullmode = false;
/// Check to see if groups are being used in this forum
/// and if so, set $currentgroup to reflect the current group
$groupmode = groupmode($course); // Groups are being used
$currentgroup = get_and_set_current_group($course, $groupmode, $group);
if (!$currentgroup) { // To make some other functions work better later
$currentgroup = NULL;
$isseparategroups = ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and $course->groupmodeforce and
!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context));
if ($isseparategroups and (!$currentgroup) ) {
$navlinks = array();
$navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('participants'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$course->shortname: ".get_string('participants'), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, " ", navmenu($course));
print_heading(get_string("notingroup", "forum"));
// Should use this variable so that we don't break stuff every time a variable is added or changed.
$baseurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?contextid='.$context->id.'&roleid='.$roleid.'&id='.$course->id.'&group='.$currentgroup.'&perpage='.$perpage.'&accesssince='.$accesssince.'&search='.s($search);
/// Print headers
$navlinks = array();
$navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('participants'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$course->shortname: ".get_string('participants'), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, " ", navmenu($course));
/// setting up tags
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$filtertype = 'site';
} else if ($course->id && !$currentgroup) {
$filtertype = 'course';
$filterselect = $course->id;
} else {
$filtertype = 'group';
$filterselect = $currentgroup;
$currenttab = 'participants';
$user = $USER;
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/user/tabs.php');
/// Get the hidden field list
if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $context)) {
$hiddenfields = array(); // teachers and admins are allowed to see everything
} else {
$hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
/// Print settings and things in a table across the top
echo '
/// Print my course menus
if ($mycourses = get_my_courses($USER->id)) {
echo '';
$courselist = array();
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
$courselist[$mycourse->id] = format_string($mycourse->shortname);
$courselist, 'courseform', $course->id, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('mycourses'));
echo ' | ';
echo '';
setup_and_print_groups($course, $groupmode, $baseurl);
echo ' | ';
// get minimum lastaccess for this course and display a dropbox to filter by lastaccess going back this far.
// this might not work anymore because you always going to get yourself as the most recent entry? added $USER!=$user ch
$minlastaccess = get_field_sql('SELECT min(timeaccess) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user_lastaccess WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND timeaccess != 0 AND userid!='.$USER->id);
$lastaccess0exists = record_exists('user_lastaccess','courseid',$course->id,'timeaccess',0);
$now = usergetmidnight(time());
$timeaccess = array();
// makes sense for this to go first.
$timeoptions[0] = get_string('selectperiod');
// days
for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' days',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' days',$now)] = get_string('numdays','moodle',$i);
// weeks
for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' weeks',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' weeks',$now)] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',$i);
// months
for ($i = 2; $i < 12; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' months',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' months',$now)] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',$i);
// try a year
if (strtotime('-1 year',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-1 year',$now)] = get_string('lastyear');
if (!empty($lastaccess0exists)) {
$timeoptions[-1] = get_string('never');
if (count($timeoptions) > 1) {
echo '';
$baseurl = preg_replace('/&accesssince='.$accesssince.'/','',$baseurl);
popup_form($baseurl.'&accesssince=',$timeoptions,'timeoptions',$accesssince, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('usersnoaccesssince'));
echo ' | ';
echo '';
$formatmenu = array( '0' => get_string('detailedless'),
'1' => get_string('detailedmore'));
popup_form($baseurl.'&mode=', $formatmenu, 'formatmenu', $fullmode, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('userlist'));
echo ' |
if ($currentgroup and (!$isseparategroups or has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context))) { /// Display info about the group
if ($group = groups_get_group($currentgroup)) { //TODO:
if (!empty($group->description) or (!empty($group->picture) and empty($group->hidepicture))) {
echo '';
print_group_picture($group, $course->id, true, false, false);
echo ' | ';
echo ''.$group->name;
if (has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) {
echo ' ';
echo ' ';
echo '';
echo '';
echo format_text($group->description);
echo ' |
/// Define a table showing a list of users in the current role selection
$tablecolumns = array('userpic', 'fullname');
$tableheaders = array(get_string('userpic'), get_string('fullname'));
if (!isset($hiddenfields['city'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'city';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('city');
if (!isset($hiddenfields['country'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'country';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('country');
if (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'lastaccess';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('lastaccess');
if ($course->enrolperiod) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'timeend';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('enrolmentend');
if ($bulkoperations) {
$tablecolumns[] = '';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('select');
$table = new flexible_table('user-index-participants-'.$course->id);
$table->sortable(true, 'lastaccess', SORT_DESC);
$table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'participants');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
TABLE_VAR_SORT => 'ssort',
TABLE_VAR_HIDE => 'shide',
TABLE_VAR_SHOW => 'sshow',
TABLE_VAR_IFIRST => 'sifirst',
TABLE_VAR_ILAST => 'silast',
TABLE_VAR_PAGE => 'spage'
// we are looking for all users with this role assigned in this context or higher
if ($usercontexts = get_parent_contexts($context)) {
$listofcontexts = '('.implode(',', $usercontexts).')';
} else {
$listofcontexts = '('.$sitecontext->id.')'; // must be site
if ($roleid) {
$selectrole = " AND r.roleid = $roleid ";
} else {
$selectrole = " ";
$select = 'SELECT, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname,,,, u.picture, u.lang, u.timezone, u.emailstop, u.maildisplay, ul.timeaccess AS lastaccess, r.hidden '; // s.lastaccess
$select .= $course->enrolperiod?', r.timeend ':'';
$from = "FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u INNER JOIN
{$CFG->prefix}role_assignments r on LEFT OUTER JOIN
{$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess ul on (r.userid=ul.userid and ul.courseid = $course->id)";
$hiddensql = has_capability('moodle/role:viewhiddenassigns', $context)? '':' AND r.hidden = 0 ';
// exclude users with roles we are avoiding
if ($avoidroles) {
$adminroles = 'AND r.roleid NOT IN (';
$adminroles .= implode(',', $avoidroles);
$adminroles .= ')';
} else {
$adminroles = '';
// join on 2 conditions
// otherwise we run into the problem of having records in ul table, but not relevant course
// and user record is not pulled out
$where = "WHERE (r.contextid = $context->id OR r.contextid in $listofcontexts)
AND u.deleted = 0 $selectrole
AND (ul.courseid = $course->id OR ul.courseid IS NULL)
AND u.username != 'guest'
$hiddensql ";
$where .= get_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);
$wheresearch = '';
if (!empty($search)) {
$LIKE = sql_ilike();
$fullname = sql_fullname('u.firstname','u.lastname');
$wheresearch .= ' AND ('. $fullname .' '. $LIKE .'\'%'. $search .'%\' OR email '. $LIKE .'\'%'. $search .'%\' OR idnumber '.$LIKE.' \'%'.$search.'%\') ';
if ($currentgroup) { // Displaying a group by choice
// FIX: TODO: This will not work if $currentgroup == 0, i.e. "those not in a group"
$from .= 'LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'groups_members gm ON = gm.userid ';
$where .= ' AND gm.groupid = '.$currentgroup;
$totalcount = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(distinct '.$from.$where); // Each user could have > 1 role
if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
$where .= ' AND '.$table->get_sql_where();
if ($table->get_sql_sort()) {
$sort = ' ORDER BY '.$table->get_sql_sort();
} else {
$sort = '';
$matchcount = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(distinct '.$from.$where.$wheresearch);
$table->initialbars($totalcount > $perpage);
$table->pagesize($perpage, $matchcount);
$userlist = get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$wheresearch.$sort,
$table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
/// If there are multiple Roles in the course, then show a drop down menu for switching
if (count($rolenames) > 1) {
echo '';
echo get_string('currentrole', 'role').': ';
$rolenames = array(0 => get_string('all')) + $rolenames;
popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/user/index.php?contextid=$context->id&sifirst=&silast=&roleid=", $rolenames,
'rolesform', $roleid, '');
echo '
if ($roleid) {
if (!$currentrole = get_record('role','id',$roleid)) {
error('That role does not exist');
$a->number = $totalcount;
$a->role = $currentrole->name;
$heading = format_string(get_string('xuserswiththerole', 'role', $a));
if (user_can_assign($context, $roleid)) {
$heading .= ' ';
$heading .= '
print_heading($heading, 'center', 3);
} else {
if ($matchcount < $totalcount) {
print_heading(get_string('allparticipants').': '.$matchcount.'/'.$totalcount, '', 3);
} else {
print_heading(get_string('allparticipants').': '.$matchcount, '', 3);
if ($bulkoperations) {
echo '
echo '';
if ($bulkoperations && $totalcount > ($perpage*3)) {
echo ''."\n";
$perpageurl = preg_replace('/&perpage=\d*/','', $baseurl);
if ($perpage == SHOW_ALL_PAGE_SIZE) {
echo '';
} else if ($matchcount > 0 && $perpage < $matchcount) {
echo '';
function get_lastaccess_sql($accesssince='') {
if (empty($accesssince)) {
return '';
if ($accesssince == -1) { // never
return ' AND ul.timeaccess = 0';
} else {
return ' AND ul.timeaccess != 0 AND timeaccess < '.$accesssince;