// Miscellaneous core Javascript functions for Moodle // Global M object is initilised in inline javascript /** * Add module to list of available modules that can be loaded from YUI. * @param {Array} modules */ M.yui.add_module = function(modules) { for (var modname in modules) { YUI_config.modules[modname] = modules[modname]; } }; /** * The gallery version to use when loading YUI modules from the gallery. * Will be changed every time when using local galleries. */ M.yui.galleryversion = '2010.04.21-21-51'; /** * Various utility functions */ M.util = M.util || {}; /** * Language strings - initialised from page footer. */ M.str = M.str || {}; /** * Returns url for images. * @param {String} imagename * @param {String} component * @return {String} */ M.util.image_url = function(imagename, component) { if (!component || component == '' || component == 'moodle' || component == 'core') { component = 'core'; } var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/theme/image.php'; if (M.cfg.themerev > 0 && M.cfg.slasharguments == 1) { if (!M.cfg.svgicons) { url += '/_s'; } url += '/' + M.cfg.theme + '/' + component + '/' + M.cfg.themerev + '/' + imagename; } else { url += '?theme=' + M.cfg.theme + '&component=' + component + '&rev=' + M.cfg.themerev + '&image=' + imagename; if (!M.cfg.svgicons) { url += '&svg=0'; } } return url; }; M.util.in_array = function(item, array){ for( var i = 0; i'); a.setAttribute('title', strtooltip); // Get all the nodes from caption, remove them and append them to while (caption.hasChildNodes()) { child = caption.get('firstChild'); child.remove(); a.append(child); } caption.append(a); // Get the height of the div at this point before we shrink it if required var height = this.div.get('offsetHeight'); var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode if (right_to_left()) { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl'; } else { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; } if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) { // Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process this.icon = Y.Node.create(''); // Shrink the div as it is collapsed by default this.div.setStyle('height', caption.get('offsetHeight')+'px'); } else { // Add the correct image and record the YUI node created in the process this.icon = Y.Node.create(''); } a.append(this.icon); // Create the animation. var animation = new Y.Anim({ node: this.div, duration: 0.3, easing: Y.Easing.easeBoth, to: {height:caption.get('offsetHeight')}, from: {height:height} }); // Handler for the animation finishing. animation.on('end', function() { this.div.toggleClass('collapsed'); var collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; // ltr mode if (right_to_left()) { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed_rtl'; } else { collapsedimage = 't/collapsed'; } if (this.div.hasClass('collapsed')) { this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url(collapsedimage, 'moodle')); } else { this.icon.set('src', M.util.image_url('t/expanded', 'moodle')); } }, this); // Hook up the event handler. a.on('click', function(e, animation) { e.preventDefault(); // Animate to the appropriate size. if (animation.get('running')) { animation.stop(); } animation.set('reverse', this.div.hasClass('collapsed')); // Update the user preference. if (this.userpref) { M.util.set_user_preference(this.userpref, !this.div.hasClass('collapsed')); } animation.run(); }, this, animation); }; /** * The user preference that stores the state of this box. * @property userpref * @type String */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.userpref = null; /** * The key divs that make up this * @property div * @type Y.Node */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.div = null; /** * The key divs that make up this * @property icon * @type Y.Node */ M.util.CollapsibleRegion.prototype.icon = null; /** * Makes a best effort to connect back to Moodle to update a user preference, * however, there is no mechanism for finding out if the update succeeded. * * Before you can use this function in your JavsScript, you must have called * user_preference_allow_ajax_update from moodlelib.php to tell Moodle that * the udpate is allowed, and how to safely clean and submitted values. * * @param String name the name of the setting to udpate. * @param String the value to set it to. */ M.util.set_user_preference = function(name, value) { YUI().use('io', function(Y) { var url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/ajax/setuserpref.php?sesskey=' + M.cfg.sesskey + '&pref=' + encodeURI(name) + '&value=' + encodeURI(value); // If we are a developer, ensure that failures are reported. var cfg = { method: 'get', on: {} }; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { cfg.on.failure = function(id, o, args) { alert("Error updating user preference '" + name + "' using ajax. Clicking this link will repeat the Ajax call that failed so you can see the error: "); } } // Make the request. Y.io(url, cfg); }); }; /** * Prints a confirmation dialog in the style of DOM.confirm(). * @param object event A YUI DOM event or null if launched manually * @param string message The message to show in the dialog * @param string url The URL to forward to if YES is clicked. Disabled if fn is given * @param function fn A JS function to run if YES is clicked. */ M.util.show_confirm_dialog = function(e, args) { var target = e.target; if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } YUI().use('yui2-container', 'yui2-event', function(Y) { var simpledialog = new Y.YUI2.widget.SimpleDialog('confirmdialog', {width: '300px', fixedcenter: true, modal: true, visible: false, draggable: false } ); simpledialog.setHeader(M.str.admin.confirmation); simpledialog.setBody(args.message); simpledialog.cfg.setProperty('icon', Y.YUI2.widget.SimpleDialog.ICON_WARN); var handle_cancel = function() { simpledialog.hide(); }; var handle_yes = function() { simpledialog.hide(); if (args.callback) { // args comes from PHP, so callback will be a string, needs to be evaluated by JS var callback = null; if (Y.Lang.isFunction(args.callback)) { callback = args.callback; } else { callback = eval('('+args.callback+')'); } if (Y.Lang.isObject(args.scope)) { var sc = args.scope; } else { var sc = e.target; } if (args.callbackargs) { callback.apply(sc, args.callbackargs); } else { callback.apply(sc); } return; } var targetancestor = null, targetform = null; if (target.test('a')) { window.location = target.get('href'); } else if ((targetancestor = target.ancestor('a')) !== null) { window.location = targetancestor.get('href'); } else if (target.test('input')) { targetform = target.ancestor(function(node) { return node.get('tagName').toLowerCase() == 'form'; }); // We cannot use target.ancestor('form') on the previous line // because of http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531561 if (!targetform) { return; } if (target.get('name') && target.get('value')) { targetform.append(''); } targetform.submit(); } else if (target.get('tagName').toLowerCase() == 'form') { // We cannot use target.test('form') on the previous line because of // http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531561 target.submit(); } else if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { alert("Element of type " + target.get('tagName') + " is not supported by the M.util.show_confirm_dialog function. Use A, INPUT, or FORM"); } }; if (!args.cancellabel) { args.cancellabel = M.str.moodle.cancel; } if (!args.continuelabel) { args.continuelabel = M.str.moodle.yes; } var buttons = [ {text: args.cancellabel, handler: handle_cancel, isDefault: true}, {text: args.continuelabel, handler: handle_yes} ]; simpledialog.cfg.queueProperty('buttons', buttons); simpledialog.render(document.body); simpledialog.show(); }); }; /** Useful for full embedding of various stuff */ M.util.init_maximised_embed = function(Y, id) { var obj = Y.one('#'+id); if (!obj) { return; } var get_htmlelement_size = function(el, prop) { if (Y.Lang.isString(el)) { el = Y.one('#' + el); } // Ensure element exists. if (el) { var val = el.getStyle(prop); if (val == 'auto') { val = el.getComputedStyle(prop); } return parseInt(val); } else { return 0; } }; var resize_object = function() { obj.setStyle('width', '0px'); obj.setStyle('height', '0px'); var newwidth = get_htmlelement_size('maincontent', 'width') - 35; if (newwidth > 500) { obj.setStyle('width', newwidth + 'px'); } else { obj.setStyle('width', '500px'); } var headerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-header', 'height'); var footerheight = get_htmlelement_size('page-footer', 'height'); var newheight = parseInt(Y.one('body').get('winHeight')) - footerheight - headerheight - 100; if (newheight < 400) { newheight = 400; } obj.setStyle('height', newheight+'px'); }; resize_object(); // fix layout if window resized too window.onresize = function() { resize_object(); }; }; /** * Breaks out all links to the top frame - used in frametop page layout. */ M.util.init_frametop = function(Y) { Y.all('a').each(function(node) { node.set('target', '_top'); }); Y.all('form').each(function(node) { node.set('target', '_top'); }); }; /** * Finds all nodes that match the given CSS selector and attaches events to them * so that they toggle a given classname when clicked. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} id An id containing elements to target * @param {string} cssselector A selector to use to find targets * @param {string} toggleclassname A classname to toggle */ M.util.init_toggle_class_on_click = function(Y, id, cssselector, toggleclassname, togglecssselector) { if (togglecssselector == '') { togglecssselector = cssselector; } var node = Y.one('#'+id); node.all(cssselector).each(function(n){ n.on('click', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); if (e.target.test(cssselector) && !e.target.test('a') && !e.target.test('img')) { if (this.test(togglecssselector)) { this.toggleClass(toggleclassname); } else { this.ancestor(togglecssselector).toggleClass(toggleclassname); } } }, n); }); // Attach this click event to the node rather than all selectors... will be much better // for performance node.on('click', function(e){ if (e.target.hasClass('addtoall')) { this.all(togglecssselector).addClass(toggleclassname); } else if (e.target.hasClass('removefromall')) { this.all(togglecssselector+'.'+toggleclassname).removeClass(toggleclassname); } }, node); }; /** * Initialises a colour picker * * Designed to be used with admin_setting_configcolourpicker although could be used * anywhere, just give a text input an id and insert a div with the class admin_colourpicker * above or below the input (must have the same parent) and then call this with the * id. * * This code was mostly taken from my [Sam Hemelryk] css theme tool available in * contrib/blocks. For better docs refer to that. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {int} id * @param {object} previewconf */ M.util.init_colour_picker = function(Y, id, previewconf) { /** * We need node and event-mouseenter */ Y.use('node', 'event-mouseenter', function(){ /** * The colour picker object */ var colourpicker = { box : null, input : null, image : null, preview : null, current : null, eventClick : null, eventMouseEnter : null, eventMouseLeave : null, eventMouseMove : null, width : 300, height : 100, factor : 5, /** * Initalises the colour picker by putting everything together and wiring the events */ init : function() { this.input = Y.one('#'+id); this.box = this.input.ancestor().one('.admin_colourpicker'); this.image = Y.Node.create(''); this.image.setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url('i/colourpicker', 'moodle')); this.preview = Y.Node.create('
'); this.preview.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value')); this.current = Y.Node.create('
'); this.current.setStyle('width', this.height/2).setStyle('height', this.height/2 -1).setStyle('backgroundColor', this.input.get('value')); this.box.setContent('').append(this.image).append(this.preview).append(this.current); if (typeof(previewconf) === 'object' && previewconf !== null) { Y.one('#'+id+'_preview').on('click', function(e){ if (Y.Lang.isString(previewconf.selector)) { Y.all(previewconf.selector).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value')); } else { for (var i in previewconf.selector) { Y.all(previewconf.selector[i]).setStyle(previewconf.style, this.input.get('value')); } } }, this); } this.eventClick = this.image.on('click', this.pickColour, this); this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this); }, /** * Starts to follow the mouse once it enter the image */ startFollow : function(e) { this.eventMouseEnter.detach(); this.eventMouseLeave = Y.on('mouseleave', this.endFollow, this.image, this); this.eventMouseMove = this.image.on('mousemove', function(e){ this.preview.setStyle('backgroundColor', this.determineColour(e)); }, this); }, /** * Stops following the mouse */ endFollow : function(e) { this.eventMouseMove.detach(); this.eventMouseLeave.detach(); this.eventMouseEnter = Y.on('mouseenter', this.startFollow, this.image, this); }, /** * Picks the colour the was clicked on */ pickColour : function(e) { var colour = this.determineColour(e); this.input.set('value', colour); this.current.setStyle('backgroundColor', colour); }, /** * Calculates the colour fromthe given co-ordinates */ determineColour : function(e) { var eventx = Math.floor(e.pageX-e.target.getX()); var eventy = Math.floor(e.pageY-e.target.getY()); var imagewidth = this.width; var imageheight = this.height; var factor = this.factor; var colour = [255,0,0]; var matrices = [ [ 0, 1, 0], [ -1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1], [ 0, -1, 0], [ 1, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, -1] ]; var matrixcount = matrices.length; var limit = Math.round(imagewidth/matrixcount); var heightbreak = Math.round(imageheight/2); for (var x = 0; x < imagewidth; x++) { var divisor = Math.floor(x / limit); var matrix = matrices[divisor]; colour[0] += matrix[0]*factor; colour[1] += matrix[1]*factor; colour[2] += matrix[2]*factor; if (eventx==x) { break; } } var pixel = [colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]]; if (eventy < heightbreak) { pixel[0] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[0])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); pixel[1] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[1])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); pixel[2] += Math.floor(((255-pixel[2])/heightbreak) * (heightbreak - eventy)); } else if (eventy > heightbreak) { pixel[0] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[0]/heightbreak)); pixel[1] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[1]/heightbreak)); pixel[2] = Math.floor((imageheight-eventy)*(pixel[2]/heightbreak)); } return this.convert_rgb_to_hex(pixel); }, /** * Converts an RGB value to Hex */ convert_rgb_to_hex : function(rgb) { var hex = '#'; var hexchars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i=0; i<3; i++) { var number = Math.abs(rgb[i]); if (number == 0 || isNaN(number)) { hex += '00'; } else { hex += hexchars.charAt((number-number%16)/16)+hexchars.charAt(number%16); } } return hex; } }; /** * Initialise the colour picker :) Hoorah */ colourpicker.init(); }); }; M.util.init_block_hider = function(Y, config) { Y.use('base', 'node', function(Y) { M.util.block_hider = M.util.block_hider || (function(){ var blockhider = function() { blockhider.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; blockhider.prototype = { initializer : function(config) { this.set('block', '#'+this.get('id')); var b = this.get('block'), t = b.one('.title'), a = null; if (t && (a = t.one('.block_action'))) { var hide = Y.Node.create(''+config.tooltipVisible+''); hide.setAttribute('src', this.get('iconVisible')).on('click', this.updateState, this, true); hide.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, true); var show = Y.Node.create(''+config.tooltipHidden+''); show.setAttribute('src', this.get('iconHidden')).on('click', this.updateState, this, false); show.on('keypress', this.updateStateKey, this, false); a.insert(show, 0).insert(hide, 0); } }, updateState : function(e, hide) { M.util.set_user_preference(this.get('preference'), hide); if (hide) { this.get('block').addClass('hidden'); } else { this.get('block').removeClass('hidden'); } }, updateStateKey : function(e, hide) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { //allow hide/show via enter key this.updateState(this, hide); } } }; Y.extend(blockhider, Y.Base, blockhider.prototype, { NAME : 'blockhider', ATTRS : { id : {}, preference : {}, iconVisible : { value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_minus', 'moodle') }, iconHidden : { value : M.util.image_url('t/switch_plus', 'moodle') }, block : { setter : function(node) { return Y.one(node); } } } }); return blockhider; })(); new M.util.block_hider(config); }); }; /** * @var pending_js - The keys are the list of all pending js actions. * @type Object */ M.util.pending_js = []; M.util.complete_js = []; /** * Register any long running javascript code with a unique identifier. * Should be followed with a call to js_complete with a matching * idenfitier when the code is complete. May also be called with no arguments * to test if there is any js calls pending. This is relied on by behat so that * it can wait for all pending updates before interacting with a page. * @param String uniqid - optional, if provided, * registers this identifier until js_complete is called. * @return boolean - True if there is any pending js. */ M.util.js_pending = function(uniqid) { if (uniqid !== false) { M.util.pending_js.push(uniqid); } return M.util.pending_js.length; }; /** * Register listeners for Y.io start/end so we can wait for them in behat. */ M.util.js_watch_io = function() { YUI.add('moodle-core-io', function(Y) { Y.on('io:start', function(id) { M.util.js_pending('io:' + id); }); Y.on('io:end', function(id) { M.util.js_complete('io:' + id); }); }); YUI.applyConfig({ modules: { 'moodle-core-io': { after: ['io-base'] }, 'io-base': { requires: ['moodle-core-io'], } } }); }; // Start this asap. M.util.js_pending('init'); M.util.js_watch_io(); /** * Unregister any long running javascript code by unique identifier. * This function should form a matching pair with js_pending * * @param String uniqid - required, unregisters this identifier * @return boolean - True if there is any pending js. */ M.util.js_complete = function(uniqid) { var index = M.util.pending_js.indexOf(uniqid); if (index >= 0) { M.util.complete_js.push(M.util.pending_js.splice(index, 1)); } return M.util.pending_js.length; }; /** * Returns a string registered in advance for usage in JavaScript * * If you do not pass the third parameter, the function will just return * the corresponding value from the M.str object. If the third parameter is * provided, the function performs {$a} placeholder substitution in the * same way as PHP get_string() in Moodle does. * * @param {String} identifier string identifier * @param {String} component the component providing the string * @param {Object|String} a optional variable to populate placeholder with */ M.util.get_string = function(identifier, component, a) { var stringvalue; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { // creating new instance if YUI is not optimal but it seems to be better way then // require the instance via the function API - note that it is used in rare cases // for debugging only anyway // To ensure we don't kill browser performance if hundreds of get_string requests // are made we cache the instance we generate within the M.util namespace. // We don't publicly define the variable so that it doesn't get abused. if (typeof M.util.get_string_yui_instance === 'undefined') { M.util.get_string_yui_instance = new YUI({ debug : true }); } var Y = M.util.get_string_yui_instance; } if (!M.str.hasOwnProperty(component) || !M.str[component].hasOwnProperty(identifier)) { stringvalue = '[[' + identifier + ',' + component + ']]'; if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('undefined string ' + stringvalue, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } return stringvalue; } stringvalue = M.str[component][identifier]; if (typeof a == 'undefined') { // no placeholder substitution requested return stringvalue; } if (typeof a == 'number' || typeof a == 'string') { // replace all occurrences of {$a} with the placeholder value stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(/\{\$a\}/g, a); return stringvalue; } if (typeof a == 'object') { // replace {$a->key} placeholders for (var key in a) { if (typeof a[key] != 'number' && typeof a[key] != 'string') { if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('invalid value type for $a->' + key, 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } continue; } var search = '{$a->' + key + '}'; search = search.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); search = new RegExp(search, 'g'); stringvalue = stringvalue.replace(search, a[key]); } return stringvalue; } if (M.cfg.developerdebug) { Y.log('incorrect placeholder type', 'warn', 'M.util.get_string'); } return stringvalue; }; /** * Set focus on username or password field of the login form */ M.util.focus_login_form = function(Y) { var username = Y.one('#username'); var password = Y.one('#password'); if (username == null || password == null) { // something is wrong here return; } var curElement = document.activeElement if (curElement == 'undefined') { // legacy browser - skip refocus protection } else if (curElement.tagName == 'INPUT') { // user was probably faster to focus something, do not mess with focus return; } if (username.get('value') == '') { username.focus(); } else { password.focus(); } } /** * Set focus on login error message */ M.util.focus_login_error = function(Y) { var errorlog = Y.one('#loginerrormessage'); if (errorlog) { errorlog.focus(); } } /** * Adds lightbox hidden element that covers the whole node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {Node} the node lightbox should be added to * @retun {Node} created lightbox node */ M.util.add_lightbox = function(Y, node) { var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'}; // Check if lightbox is already there if (node.one('.lightbox')) { return node.one('.lightbox'); } node.setStyle('position', 'relative'); var waiticon = Y.Node.create('') .setAttrs({ 'src' : M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component) }) .setStyles({ 'position' : 'relative', 'top' : '50%' }); var lightbox = Y.Node.create('
') .setStyles({ 'opacity' : '.75', 'position' : 'absolute', 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%', 'top' : 0, 'left' : 0, 'backgroundColor' : 'white', 'textAlign' : 'center' }) .setAttribute('class', 'lightbox') .hide(); lightbox.appendChild(waiticon); node.append(lightbox); return lightbox; } /** * Appends a hidden spinner element to the specified node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {Node} the node the spinner should be added to * @return {Node} created spinner node */ M.util.add_spinner = function(Y, node) { var WAITICON = {'pix':"i/loading_small",'component':'moodle'}; // Check if spinner is already there if (node.one('.spinner')) { return node.one('.spinner'); } var spinner = Y.Node.create('') .setAttribute('src', M.util.image_url(WAITICON.pix, WAITICON.component)) .addClass('spinner') .addClass('iconsmall') .hide(); node.append(spinner); return spinner; } //=== old legacy JS code, hopefully to be replaced soon by M.xx.yy and YUI3 code === function checkall() { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox') { if (inputs[i].disabled || inputs[i].readOnly) { continue; } inputs[i].checked = true; } } } function checknone() { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox') { if (inputs[i].disabled || inputs[i].readOnly) { continue; } inputs[i].checked = false; } } } /** * Either check, or uncheck, all checkboxes inside the element with id is * @param id the id of the container * @param checked the new state, either '' or 'checked'. */ function select_all_in_element_with_id(id, checked) { var container = document.getElementById(id); if (!container) { return; } var inputs = container.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if (inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = checked; } } } function select_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); inputs = filterByParent(inputs, function(el) {return findParentNode(el, elTagName, elClass, elId);}); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if(inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = 'checked'; } } } function deselect_all_in(elTagName, elClass, elId) { var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); inputs = filterByParent(inputs, function(el) {return findParentNode(el, elTagName, elClass, elId);}); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) { if(inputs[i].type == 'checkbox' || inputs[i].type == 'radio') { inputs[i].checked = ''; } } } function confirm_if(expr, message) { if(!expr) { return true; } return confirm(message); } /* findParentNode (start, elementName, elementClass, elementID) Travels up the DOM hierarchy to find a parent element with the specified tag name, class, and id. All conditions must be met, but any can be ommitted. Returns the BODY element if no match found. */ function findParentNode(el, elName, elClass, elId) { while (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { if ((!elName || el.nodeName.toUpperCase() == elName) && (!elClass || el.className.indexOf(elClass) != -1) && (!elId || el.id == elId)) { break; } el = el.parentNode; } return el; } /* findChildNode (start, elementName, elementClass, elementID) Travels down the DOM hierarchy to find all child elements with the specified tag name, class, and id. All conditions must be met, but any can be ommitted. Doesn't examine children of matches. @deprecated since Moodle 2.7 - please do not use this function any more. @todo MDL-43242 This will be deleted in Moodle 2.9. @see Y.all */ function findChildNodes(start, tagName, elementClass, elementID, elementName) { Y.log("findChildNodes() is deprecated. Please use Y.all instead.", "warn", "javascript-static.js"); var children = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < start.childNodes.length; i++) { var classfound = false; var child = start.childNodes[i]; if((child.nodeType == 1) &&//element node type (elementClass && (typeof(child.className)=='string'))) { var childClasses = child.className.split(/\s+/); for (var childClassIndex in childClasses) { if (childClasses[childClassIndex]==elementClass) { classfound = true; break; } } } if(child.nodeType == 1) { //element node type if ( (!tagName || child.nodeName == tagName) && (!elementClass || classfound)&& (!elementID || child.id == elementID) && (!elementName || child.name == elementName)) { children = children.concat(child); } else { children = children.concat(findChildNodes(child, tagName, elementClass, elementID, elementName)); } } } return children; } function unmaskPassword(id) { var pw = document.getElementById(id); var chb = document.getElementById(id+'unmask'); // MDL-30438 - The capability to changing the value of input type is not supported by IE8 or lower. // Replacing existing child with a new one, removed all yui properties for the node. Therefore, this // functionality won't work in IE8 or lower. // This is a temporary fixed to allow other browsers to function properly. if (Y.UA.ie == 0 || Y.UA.ie >= 9) { if (chb.checked) { pw.type = "text"; } else { pw.type = "password"; } } else { //IE Browser version 8 or lower try { // first try IE way - it can not set name attribute later if (chb.checked) { var newpw = document.createElement(''); } else { var newpw = document.createElement(''); } newpw.attributes['class'].nodeValue = pw.attributes['class'].nodeValue; } catch (e) { var newpw = document.createElement('input'); newpw.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off'); newpw.setAttribute('name', pw.name); if (chb.checked) { newpw.setAttribute('type', 'text'); } else { newpw.setAttribute('type', 'password'); } newpw.setAttribute('class', pw.getAttribute('class')); } newpw.id = pw.id; newpw.size = pw.size; newpw.onblur = pw.onblur; newpw.onchange = pw.onchange; newpw.value = pw.value; pw.parentNode.replaceChild(newpw, pw); } } function filterByParent(elCollection, parentFinder) { var filteredCollection = []; for (var i = 0; i < elCollection.length; ++i) { var findParent = parentFinder(elCollection[i]); if (findParent.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'BODY') { filteredCollection.push(elCollection[i]); } } return filteredCollection; } /* All this is here just so that IE gets to handle oversized blocks in a visually pleasing manner. It does a browser detect. So sue me. */ function fix_column_widths() { var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)) { fix_column_width('left-column'); fix_column_width('right-column'); } } function fix_column_width(colName) { if(column = document.getElementById(colName)) { if(!column.offsetWidth) { setTimeout("fix_column_width('" + colName + "')", 20); return; } var width = 0; var nodes = column.childNodes; for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if(nodes[i].className.indexOf("block") != -1 ) { if(width < nodes[i].offsetWidth) { width = nodes[i].offsetWidth; } } } for(i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) { if(nodes[i].className.indexOf("block") != -1 ) { nodes[i].style.width = width + 'px'; } } } } /* Insert myValue at current cursor position */ function insertAtCursor(myField, myValue) { // IE support if (document.selection) { myField.focus(); sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = myValue; } // Mozilla/Netscape support else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; myField.value = myField.value.substring(0, startPos) + myValue + myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); } else { myField.value += myValue; } } /* Call instead of setting window.onload directly or setting body onload=. Adds your function to a chain of functions rather than overwriting anything that exists. @deprecated Since Moodle 2.7. This will be removed in Moodle 2.9. */ function addonload(fn) { Y.log('addonload has been deprecated since Moodle 2.7 and will be removed in Moodle 2.9', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js'); var oldhandler=window.onload; window.onload=function() { if(oldhandler) oldhandler(); fn(); } } /** * Replacement for getElementsByClassName in browsers that aren't cool enough * * Relying on the built-in getElementsByClassName is far, far faster than * using YUI. * * Note: the third argument used to be an object with odd behaviour. It now * acts like the 'name' in the HTML5 spec, though the old behaviour is still * mimicked if you pass an object. * * @param {Node} oElm The top-level node for searching. To search a whole * document, use `document`. * @param {String} strTagName filter by tag names * @param {String} name same as HTML5 spec * @deprecated Since Moodle 2.7. This will be removed in Moodle 2.9. */ function getElementsByClassName(oElm, strTagName, name) { Y.log('getElementsByClassName has been deprecated since Moodle 2.7 and will be removed in Moodle 2.9', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js'); // for backwards compatibility if(typeof name == "object") { var names = new Array(); for(var i=0; i<]*>/g; var ret = str.replace(re, ""); return ret; } Number.prototype.fixed=function(n){ with(Math) return round(Number(this)*pow(10,n))/pow(10,n); }; function update_progress_bar (id, width, pt, msg, es){ var percent = pt; var status = document.getElementById("status_"+id); var percent_indicator = document.getElementById("pt_"+id); var progress_bar = document.getElementById("progress_"+id); var time_es = document.getElementById("time_"+id); status.innerHTML = msg; percent_indicator.innerHTML = percent.fixed(2) + '%'; if(percent == 100) { progress_bar.style.background = "green"; time_es.style.display = "none"; } else { progress_bar.style.background = "#FFCC66"; if (es == '?'){ time_es.innerHTML = ""; }else { time_es.innerHTML = es.fixed(2)+" sec"; time_es.style.display = "block"; } } progress_bar.style.width = width + "px"; } // ===== Deprecated core Javascript functions for Moodle ==== // DO NOT USE!!!!!!! // Do not put this stuff in separate file because it only adds extra load on servers! /** * Used in a couple of modules to hide navigation areas when using AJAX * @deprecated since Moodle 2.7. This function will be removed in Moodle 2.9. */ function hide_item(itemid) { Y.log('hide_item has been deprecated since Moodle 2.7 and will be removed in Moodle 2.9', 'warn', 'javascript-static.js'); var item = Y.one('#' + itemid); if (item) { item.hide(); } } M.util.help_popups = { setup : function(Y) { Y.one('body').delegate('click', this.open_popup, 'a.helplinkpopup', this); }, open_popup : function(e) { // Prevent the default page action e.preventDefault(); // Grab the anchor that was clicked var anchor = e.target.ancestor('a', true); var args = { 'name' : 'popup', 'url' : anchor.getAttribute('href'), 'options' : '' }; var options = [ 'height=600', 'width=800', 'top=0', 'left=0', 'menubar=0', 'location=0', 'scrollbars', 'resizable', 'toolbar', 'status', 'directories=0', 'fullscreen=0', 'dependent' ] args.options = options.join(','); openpopup(e, args); } } /** * Custom menu namespace */ M.core_custom_menu = { /** * This method is used to initialise a custom menu given the id that belongs * to the custom menu's root node. * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} nodeid */ init : function(Y, nodeid) { var node = Y.one('#'+nodeid); if (node) { Y.use('node-menunav', function(Y) { // Get the node // Remove the javascript-disabled class.... obviously javascript is enabled. node.removeClass('javascript-disabled'); // Initialise the menunav plugin node.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeMenuNav); }); } } }; /** * Used to store form manipulation methods and enhancments */ M.form = M.form || {}; /** * Converts a nbsp indented select box into a multi drop down custom control much * like the custom menu. It also selectable categories on or off. * * $form->init_javascript_enhancement('elementname','smartselect', array('selectablecategories'=>true|false, 'mode'=>'compact'|'spanning')); * * @param {YUI} Y * @param {string} id * @param {Array} options */ M.form.init_smartselect = function(Y, id, options) { if (!id.match(/^id_/)) { id = 'id_'+id; } var select = Y.one('select#'+id); if (!select) { return false; } Y.use('event-delegate',function(){ var smartselect = { id : id, structure : [], options : [], submenucount : 0, currentvalue : null, currenttext : null, shownevent : null, cfg : { selectablecategories : true, mode : null }, nodes : { select : null, loading : null, menu : null }, init : function(Y, id, args, nodes) { if (typeof(args)=='object') { for (var i in this.cfg) { if (args[i] || args[i]===false) { this.cfg[i] = args[i]; } } } // Display a loading message first up this.nodes.select = nodes.select; this.currentvalue = this.nodes.select.get('selectedIndex'); this.currenttext = this.nodes.select.all('option').item(this.currentvalue).get('innerHTML'); var options = Array(); options[''] = {text:this.currenttext,value:'',depth:0,children:[]}; this.nodes.select.all('option').each(function(option, index) { var rawtext = option.get('innerHTML'); var text = rawtext.replace(/^( )*/, ''); if (rawtext === text) { text = rawtext.replace(/^(\s)*/, ''); var depth = (rawtext.length - text.length ) + 1; } else { var depth = ((rawtext.length - text.length )/12)+1; } option.set('innerHTML', text); options['i'+index] = {text:text,depth:depth,index:index,children:[]}; }, this); this.structure = []; var structcount = 0; for (var i in options) { var o = options[i]; if (o.depth == 0) { this.structure.push(o); structcount++; } else { var d = o.depth; var current = this.structure[structcount-1]; for (var j = 0; j < o.depth-1;j++) { if (current && current.children) { current = current.children[current.children.length-1]; } } if (current && current.children) { current.children.push(o); } } } this.nodes.menu = Y.Node.create(this.generate_menu_content()); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('opacity', 0.01); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('width', (this.nodes.select.get('offsetWidth')+5)+'px'); this.nodes.menu.one('.smartselect_mask').setStyle('height', (this.nodes.select.get('offsetHeight'))+'px'); if (this.cfg.mode == null) { var formwidth = this.nodes.select.ancestor('form').get('offsetWidth'); if (formwidth < 400 || this.nodes.menu.get('offsetWidth') < formwidth*2) { this.cfg.mode = 'compact'; } else { this.cfg.mode = 'spanning'; } } if (this.cfg.mode == 'compact') { this.nodes.menu.addClass('compactmenu'); } else { this.nodes.menu.addClass('spanningmenu'); this.nodes.menu.delegate('mouseover', this.show_sub_menu, '.smartselect_submenuitem', this); } Y.one(document.body).append(this.nodes.menu); var pos = this.nodes.select.getXY(); pos[0] += 1; this.nodes.menu.setXY(pos); this.nodes.menu.on('click', this.handle_click, this); Y.one(window).on('resize', function(){ var pos = this.nodes.select.getXY(); pos[0] += 1; this.nodes.menu.setXY(pos); }, this); }, generate_menu_content : function() { var content = '
'; content += this.generate_submenu_content(this.structure[0], true); content += '
'; return content; }, generate_submenu_content : function(item, rootelement) { this.submenucount++; var content = ''; if (item.children.length > 0) { if (rootelement) { content += '
'; content += '
'; content += '
'; } else { content += '
  • '; var categoryclass = (this.cfg.selectablecategories)?'selectable':'notselectable'; content += ''+item.text+''; content += '
    '; content += '
    '; } content += '
      '; for (var i in item.children) { content += this.generate_submenu_content(item.children[i],false); } content += '
    '; content += '
    '; content += '
    '; if (rootelement) { } else { content += '
  • '; } } else { content += '
  • '; content += ''+item.text+''; content += '
  • '; } return content; }, select : function(e) { var t = e.target; e.halt(); this.currenttext = t.get('innerHTML'); this.currentvalue = t.getAttribute('value'); this.nodes.select.set('selectedIndex', this.currentvalue); this.hide_menu(); }, handle_click : function(e) { var target = e.target; if (target.hasClass('smartselect_mask')) { this.show_menu(e); } else if (target.hasClass('selectable') || target.hasClass('smartselect_menuitem')) { this.select(e); } else if (target.hasClass('smartselect_menuitem_label') || target.hasClass('smartselect_submenuitem')) { this.show_sub_menu(e); } }, show_menu : function(e) { e.halt(); var menu = e.target.ancestor().one('.smartselect_menu'); menu.addClass('visible'); this.shownevent = Y.one(document.body).on('click', this.hide_menu, this); }, show_sub_menu : function(e) { e.halt(); var target = e.target; if (!target.hasClass('smartselect_submenuitem')) { target = target.ancestor('.smartselect_submenuitem'); } if (this.cfg.mode == 'compact' && target.one('.smartselect_submenu').hasClass('visible')) { target.ancestor('ul').all('.smartselect_submenu.visible').removeClass('visible'); return; } target.ancestor('ul').all('.smartselect_submenu.visible').removeClass('visible'); target.one('.smartselect_submenu').addClass('visible'); }, hide_menu : function() { this.nodes.menu.all('.visible').removeClass('visible'); if (this.shownevent) { this.shownevent.detach(); } } }; smartselect.init(Y, id, options, {select:select}); }); }; /** List of flv players to be loaded */ M.util.video_players = []; /** List of mp3 players to be loaded */ M.util.audio_players = []; /** * Add video player * @param id element id * @param fileurl media url * @param width * @param height * @param autosize true means detect size from media */ M.util.add_video_player = function (id, fileurl, width, height, autosize) { M.util.video_players.push({id: id, fileurl: fileurl, width: width, height: height, autosize: autosize, resized: false}); }; /** * Add audio player. * @param id * @param fileurl * @param small */ M.util.add_audio_player = function (id, fileurl, small) { M.util.audio_players.push({id: id, fileurl: fileurl, small: small}); }; /** * Initialise all audio and video player, must be called from page footer. */ M.util.load_flowplayer = function() { if (M.util.video_players.length == 0 && M.util.audio_players.length == 0) { return; } if (typeof(flowplayer) == 'undefined') { var loaded = false; var embed_function = function() { if (loaded || typeof(flowplayer) == 'undefined') { return; } loaded = true; var controls = { autoHide: true } /* TODO: add CSS color overrides for the flv flow player */ for(var i=0; i 0 && video.height > 0) { var src = {src: M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.16.swf', width: video.width, height: video.height}; } else { var src = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/lib/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.16.swf'; } flowplayer(video.id, src, { plugins: {controls: controls}, clip: { url: video.fileurl, autoPlay: false, autoBuffering: true, scaling: 'fit', mvideo: video, onMetaData: function(clip) { if (clip.mvideo.autosize && !clip.mvideo.resized) { clip.mvideo.resized = true; //alert("metadata!!! "+clip.width+' '+clip.height+' '+JSON.stringify(clip.metaData)); if (typeof(clip.metaData.width) == 'undefined' || typeof(clip.metaData.height) == 'undefined') { // bad luck, we have to guess - we may not get metadata at all var width = clip.width; var height = clip.height; } else { var width = clip.metaData.width; var height = clip.metaData.height; } var minwidth = 300; // controls are messed up in smaller objects if (width < minwidth) { height = (height * minwidth) / width; width = minwidth; } var object = this._api(); object.width = width; object.height = height; } } } }); } if (M.util.audio_players.length == 0) { return; } var controls = { autoHide: false, fullscreen: false, next: false, previous: false, scrubber: true, play: true, pause: true, volume: true, mute: false, backgroundGradient: [0.5,0,0.3] }; var rule; for (var j=0; j < document.styleSheets.length; j++) { // To avoid javascript security violation accessing cross domain stylesheets var allrules = false; try { if (typeof (document.styleSheets[j].rules) != 'undefined') { allrules = document.styleSheets[j].rules; } else if (typeof (document.styleSheets[j].cssRules) != 'undefined') { allrules = document.styleSheets[j].cssRules; } else { // why?? continue; } } catch (e) { continue; } // On cross domain style sheets Chrome V8 allows access to rules but returns null if (!allrules) { continue; } for(var i=0; i