. /** * Web services admin library * * @package webservice * @copyright 2009 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/selector/lib.php'); /* * This class displays either all the Moodle users allowed to use a service, * either all the other Moodle users. */ class service_user_selector extends user_selector_base { const MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE = 100; protected $serviceid; protected $displayallowedusers; //set to true if the selector displays the //allowed users on this service //, set to false if the selector displays the // other users (false is the default default) public function __construct($name, $options) { parent::__construct($name, $options); if (!empty($options['serviceid'])) { $this->serviceid = $options['serviceid']; } else { throw new moodle_exception('serviceidnotfound'); } $this->displayallowedusers = !empty($options['displayallowedusers']); } /** * Find allowed or not allowed users of a service (depend of $this->displayallowedusers) * @global object $DB * @param $search * @return array */ public function find_users($search) { global $DB; //by default wherecondition retrieves all users except the deleted, not //confirmed and guest list($wherecondition, $params) = $this->search_sql($search, 'u'); $params['serviceid'] = $this->serviceid; $fields = 'SELECT ' . $this->required_fields_sql('u'); $countfields = 'SELECT COUNT(1)'; if ($this->displayallowedusers) { ///the following SQL retrieve all users that are allowed to the serviceid $sql = " FROM {user} u, {external_services_users} esu WHERE $wherecondition AND u.deleted = 0 AND esu.userid = u.id AND esu.externalserviceid = :serviceid"; } else { ///the following SQL retrieve all users that are not allowed to the serviceid $sql = " FROM {user} u WHERE $wherecondition AND u.deleted = 0 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT esu.userid FROM {external_services_users} esu WHERE esu.externalserviceid = :serviceid AND esu.userid = u.id)"; } list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $search, $this->accesscontext); $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort; if (!$this->is_validating()) { $potentialmemberscount = $DB->count_records_sql($countfields . $sql, $params); if ($potentialmemberscount > service_user_selector::MAX_USERS_PER_PAGE) { return $this->too_many_results($search, $potentialmemberscount); } } $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, array_merge($params, $sortparams)); if (empty($availableusers)) { return array(); } if ($search) { $groupname = ($this->displayallowedusers) ? get_string('serviceusersmatching', 'webservice', $search) : get_string('potusersmatching', 'webservice', $search); } else { $groupname = ($this->displayallowedusers) ? get_string('serviceusers', 'webservice') : get_string('potusers', 'webservice'); } return array($groupname => $availableusers); } /** * This options are automatically used by the AJAX search * @global object $CFG * @return object options pass to the constructor when AJAX search call a new selector */ protected function get_options() { global $CFG; $options = parent::get_options(); $options['file'] = $CFG->admin.'/webservice/lib.php'; //need to be set, otherwise // the /user/selector/search.php //will fail to find this user_selector class $options['serviceid'] = $this->serviceid; $options['displayallowedusers'] = $this->displayallowedusers; return $options; } }