* Strings for component 'moodle', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
* @package moodle
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['abouttobeinstalled'] = 'about to be installed';
$string['action'] = 'Action';
$string['actionchoice'] = 'What do you want to do with the file \'{$a}\'?';
$string['actions'] = 'Actions';
$string['active'] = 'Active';
$string['activeusers'] = 'Active users';
$string['activities'] = 'Activities';
$string['activities_help'] = 'Activities, such as forums, quizzes and wikis, enable interactive content to be added to the course.';
$string['activity'] = 'Activity';
$string['activityclipboard'] = 'Moving this activity: {$a}';
$string['activityiscurrentlyhidden'] = 'Sorry, this activity is currently hidden';
$string['activitymodule'] = 'Activity module';
$string['activitymodules'] = 'Activity modules';
$string['activityreport'] = 'Activity report';
$string['activityreports'] = 'Activity reports';
$string['activityselect'] = 'Select this activity to be moved elsewhere';
$string['activitysince'] = 'Activity since {$a}';
$string['activityweighted'] = 'Activity per user';
$string['add'] = 'Add';
$string['addactivity'] = 'Add an activity...';
$string['addactivitytosection'] = 'Add an activity to section \'{$a}\'';
$string['addadmin'] = 'Add admin';
$string['addblock'] = 'Add a block';
$string['addcomment'] = 'Add a comment...';
$string['addcountertousername'] = 'Create user by adding number to username';
$string['addcreator'] = 'Add course creator';
$string['adddots'] = 'Add...';
$string['added'] = 'Added {$a}';
$string['addedrecip'] = 'Added {$a} new recipient';
$string['addedrecips'] = 'Added {$a} new recipients';
$string['addedtogroup'] = 'Added to group "{$a}"';
$string['addedtogroupnot'] = 'Not added to group "{$a}"';
$string['addedtogroupnotenrolled'] = 'Not added to group "{$a}", because not enrolled in course';
$string['addfilehere'] = 'Add file(s) here';
$string['addinganew'] = 'Adding a new {$a}';
$string['addinganewto'] = 'Adding a new {$a->what} to {$a->to}';
$string['addingdatatoexisting'] = 'Adding data to existing';
$string['addlinkhere'] = 'Add link here';
$string['addnewcategory'] = 'Add new category';
$string['addnewcourse'] = 'Add a new course';
$string['addnewuser'] = 'Add a new user';
$string['addnousersrecip'] = 'Add users who haven\'t accessed this {$a} to recipient list';
$string['addpagehere'] = 'Add page here';
$string['addresource'] = 'Add a resource...';
$string['addresourceoractivity'] = 'Add an activity or resource';
$string['addresourcetosection'] = 'Add a resource to section \'{$a}\'';
$string['address'] = 'Address';
$string['addstudent'] = 'Add student';
$string['addsubcategory'] = 'Add a sub-category';
$string['addteacher'] = 'Add teacher';
$string['admin'] = 'Admin';
$string['adminhelpaddnewuser'] = 'To manually create a new user account';
$string['adminhelpassignadmins'] = 'Admins can do anything and go anywhere in the site';
$string['adminhelpassigncreators'] = 'Course creators can create new courses';
$string['adminhelpassignsiteroles'] = 'Apply defined site roles to specific users';
$string['adminhelpassignstudents'] = 'Go into a course and add students from the admin menu';
$string['adminhelpauthentication'] = 'You can use internal user accounts or external databases';
$string['adminhelpbackup'] = 'Configure automated backups and their schedule';
$string['adminhelpconfiguration'] = 'Configure how the site looks and works';
$string['adminhelpconfigvariables'] = 'Configure variables that affect general operation of the site';
$string['adminhelpcourses'] = 'Define courses and categories and assign people to them, edit pending courses';
$string['adminhelpeditorsettings'] = 'Define basic settings for HTML editor';
$string['adminhelpedituser'] = 'Browse the list of user accounts and edit any of them';
$string['adminhelpenvironment'] = 'Check how your server suits current and future installation requirements';
$string['adminhelpfailurelogs'] = 'Browse logs of failed logins';
$string['adminhelplanguage'] = 'For checking and editing the current language pack';
$string['adminhelplogs'] = 'Browse logs of all activity on this site';
$string['adminhelpmanageblocks'] = 'Manage installed blocks and their settings';
$string['adminhelpmanagedatabase'] = 'Access the database directly (be careful!)';
$string['adminhelpmanagefilters'] = 'Choose text filters and related settings';
$string['adminhelpmanagemodules'] = 'Manage installed modules and their settings';
$string['adminhelpmanageroles'] = 'Create and define roles that may be applied to users';
$string['adminhelpmymoodle'] = 'Configure the My Moodle blocks for users';
$string['adminhelpreports'] = 'Site level reports';
$string['adminhelpsitefiles'] = 'For publishing general files or uploading external backups';
$string['adminhelpsitesettings'] = 'Define how the front page of the site looks';
$string['adminhelpstickyblocks'] = 'Configure Moodle-wide sticky blocks';
$string['adminhelpthemes'] = 'Choose how the site looks (colours, fonts etc)';
$string['adminhelpuploadusers'] = 'Import new user accounts from a text file';
$string['adminhelpusers'] = 'Define your users and set up authentication';
$string['adminhelpxmldbeditor'] = 'Interface to edit the XMLDB files. Only for developers.';
$string['administration'] = 'Administration';
$string['administrationsite'] = 'Site administration';
$string['administrator'] = 'Administrator';
$string['administratordescription'] = 'Administrators can usually do anything on the site, in all courses.';
$string['administrators'] = 'Administrators';
$string['administratorsall'] = 'All administrators';
$string['administratorsandteachers'] = 'Administrators and teachers';
$string['advanced'] = 'Advanced';
$string['advancedfilter'] = 'Advanced search';
$string['advancedsettings'] = 'Advanced settings';
$string['again'] = 'again';
$string['aimid'] = 'AIM ID';
$string['ajaxuse'] = 'AJAX and Javascript';
$string['all'] = 'All';
$string['allactions'] = 'All actions';
$string['allactivities'] = 'All activities';
$string['alldays'] = 'All days';
$string['allfieldsrequired'] = 'All fields are required';
$string['allfiles'] = 'All files';
$string['allgroups'] = 'All groups';
$string['allchanges'] = 'All changes';
$string['alllogs'] = 'All logs';
$string['allmods'] = 'All {$a}';
$string['allow'] = 'Allow';
$string['allowinternal'] = 'Allow internal methods as well';
$string['allownone'] = 'Allow none';
$string['allownot'] = 'Do not allow';
$string['allparticipants'] = 'All participants';
$string['allteachers'] = 'All teachers';
$string['alphanumerical'] = 'Can only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen (-) or period (.)';
$string['alreadyconfirmed'] = 'Registration has already been confirmed';
$string['always'] = 'Always';
$string['and'] = '{$a->one} and {$a->two}';
$string['answer'] = 'Answer';
$string['any'] = 'Any';
$string['approve'] = 'Approve';
$string['areyousuretorestorethis'] = 'Do you want to continue?';
$string['areyousuretorestorethisinfo'] = 'Later in this process you will have a choice of adding this backup to an existing course or creating a completely new course.';
$string['asc'] = 'Ascending';
$string['assessment'] = 'Assessment';
$string['assignadmins'] = 'Assign admins';
$string['assigncreators'] = 'Assign creators';
$string['assignsiteroles'] = 'Assign site-wide roles';
$string['authenticateduser'] = 'Authenticated user';
$string['authenticateduserdescription'] = 'All logged in users.';
$string['authentication'] = 'Authentication';
$string['authenticationplugins'] = 'Authentication plugins';
$string['autosubscribe'] = 'Forum auto-subscribe';
$string['autosubscribeno'] = 'No: don\'t automatically subscribe me to forums';
$string['autosubscribeyes'] = 'Yes: when I post, subscribe me to that forum';
$string['availability'] = 'Availability';
$string['availability_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the course appears in the list of courses. Apart from teachers and administrators, users are not allowed to enter the course.';
$string['availablecourses'] = 'Available courses';
$string['back'] = 'Back';
$string['backto'] = 'Back to {$a}';
$string['backtocourselisting'] = 'Back to course listing';
$string['backtopageyouwereon'] = 'Back to the page you were on';
$string['backtoparticipants'] = 'Back to participants list';
$string['backup'] = 'Backup';
$string['backupactivehelp'] = 'Choose whether or not to do automated backups.';
$string['backupcancelled'] = 'Backup cancelled';
$string['backupcoursefileshelp'] = 'If enabled then course files will be included in automated backups';
$string['backupdate'] = 'Backup date';
$string['backupdatenew'] = ' {$a->TAG} is now {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year}
$string['backupdateold'] = '{$a->TAG} was {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year}';
$string['backupdaterecordtype'] = '
{$a->recordtype} - {$a->recordname}
$string['backupdetails'] = 'Backup details';
$string['backupexecuteathelp'] = 'Choose what time automated backups should run at.';
$string['backupfailed'] = 'Some of your courses weren\'t saved!!';
$string['backupfilename'] = 'backup';
$string['backupfinished'] = 'Backup completed successfully';
$string['backupfromthissite'] = 'Backup was made on this site?';
$string['backupgradebookhistoryhelp'] = 'If enabled then gradebook history will be included in automated backups. Note that grade history must not be disabled in server settings (disablegradehistory) in order for this to work';
$string['backupincludemoduleshelp'] = 'Choose whether you want to include course modules, with or without user data, in automated backups';
$string['backupincludemoduleuserdatahelp'] = 'Choose whether you want to include module user data in automated backups.';
$string['backupkeephelp'] = 'How many recent backups for each course do you want to keep? (older ones will be deleted automatically)';
$string['backuplogdetailed'] = 'Detailed execution log';
$string['backuploglaststatus'] = 'Last execution log';
$string['backupmissinguserinfoperms'] = 'Note: This backup contains no user data. Exercise and Workshop activities will not be included in the backup, since these modules are not compatible with this type of backup.';
$string['backupnext'] = 'Next backup';
$string['backupnonisowarning'] = 'Warning: this backup is from a non-Unicode version of Moodle (pre 1.6). If this backup contains any non-ISO-8859-1 texts then they may be CORRUPTED if you try to restore them to this Unicode version of Moodle. See the Backup FAQ for more information about how to recover this backup correctly.';
$string['backuporiginalname'] = 'Backup name';
$string['backuproleassignments'] = 'Backup role assignments for these roles';
$string['backupsavetohelp'] = 'Full path to the directory where you want to save the backup files
(leave blank to save in its course default dir)';
$string['backupsitefileshelp'] = 'If enabled then site files used in courses will be included in automated backups';
$string['backuptakealook'] = 'Please take a look at your backup logs in:
$string['backupuserfileshelp'] = 'Choose whether user files (eg profile images) should be included in automated backups';
$string['backupversion'] = 'Backup version';
$string['block'] = 'Block';
$string['blockconfiga'] = 'Configuring a {$a} block';
$string['blockconfigbad'] = 'This block has not been implemented correctly and thus cannot provide a configuration interface.';
$string['blockdeleteconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely delete the block \'{$a}\'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this block. Are you SURE you want to continue?';
$string['blockdeletefiles'] = 'All data associated with the block \'{$a->block}\' has been deleted from the database. To complete the deletion (and prevent the block re-installing itself), you should now delete this directory from your server: {$a->directory}';
$string['blocks'] = 'Blocks';
$string['blocksaddedit'] = 'Add/Edit blocks';
$string['blockseditoff'] = 'Blocks editing off';
$string['blocksediton'] = 'Blocks editing on';
$string['blocksetup'] = 'Setting up block tables';
$string['blocksuccess'] = '{$a} tables have been set up correctly';
$string['brief'] = 'Brief';
$string['bycourseorder'] = 'By course order';
$string['byname'] = 'by {$a}';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cachecontrols'] = 'Cache controls';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
$string['categories'] = 'Course categories';
$string['category'] = 'Category';
$string['category_help'] = 'This setting determines the category in which the course will appear in the list of courses.';
$string['categoryadded'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was added';
$string['categorycontents'] = 'Subcategories and courses';
$string['categorycurrentcontents'] = 'Contents of {$a}';
$string['categorydeleted'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was deleted';
$string['categoryduplicate'] = 'A category named \'{$a}\' already exists!';
$string['categorymodifiedcancel'] = 'Category was modified! Please cancel and try again.';
$string['categoryname'] = 'Category name';
$string['idnumbercoursecategory'] = 'Category ID number';
$string['idnumbercoursecategory_help'] = 'The ID number of a course category is only used when matching the category against external systems and is not displayed anywhere on the site. If the category has an official code name it may be entered, otherwise the field can be left blank.';
$string['categoryupdated'] = 'The category \'{$a}\' was updated';
$string['changesmadereallygoaway'] = 'You have made changes. Are you sure you want to navigate away and lose your changes?';
$string['city'] = 'City/town';
$string['clambroken'] = 'Your administrator has enabled virus checking for file uploads but has misconfigured something.
Your file upload was NOT successful. Your administrator has been emailed to notify them so they can fix it.
Maybe try uploading this file later.';
$string['clamdeletedfile'] = 'The file has been deleted';
$string['clamdeletedfilefailed'] = 'The file could not be deleted';
$string['clamemailsubject'] = '{$a} :: Clam AV notification';
$string['clamfailed'] = 'Clam AV has failed to run. The return error message was {$a}. Here is the output from Clam:';
$string['clamlost'] = 'Moodle is configured to run clam on file upload, but the path supplied to Clam AV, {$a}, is invalid.';
$string['clamlostandactinglikevirus'] = 'In addition, Moodle is configured so that if clam fails to run, files are treated like viruses. This essentially means that no student can upload a file successfully until you fix this.';
$string['clammovedfile'] = 'The file has been moved to your specified quarantine directory, the new location is {$a}';
$string['clammovedfilebasic'] = 'The file has been moved to a quarantine directory.';
$string['clamquarantinedirfailed'] = 'Could not move the file into your specified quarantine directory, {$a}. You need to fix this as files are being deleted if they\'re found to be infected.';
$string['clamunknownerror'] = 'There was an unknown error with clam.';
$string['cleaningtempdata'] = 'Cleaning temp data';
$string['clear'] = 'Clear';
$string['clickhelpiconformoreinfo'] = '... continues ... Click on the help icon to read the full article';
$string['clickhere'] = 'Click here ...';
$string['clicktohideshow'] = 'Click to expand or collapse';
$string['clicktochangeinbrackets'] = '{$a} (Click to change)';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Close this window';
$string['collapseall'] = 'Collapse all';
$string['commentincontext'] = 'Find this comment in context';
$string['comments'] = 'Comments';
$string['commentsnotenabled'] = 'Comments feature is not enabled';
$string['commentsrequirelogin'] = 'You need to login to view the comments';
$string['comparelanguage'] = 'Compare and edit current language';
$string['complete'] = 'Complete';
$string['completereport'] = 'Complete report';
$string['configuration'] = 'Configuration';
$string['confirm'] = 'Confirm';
$string['confirmed'] = 'Your registration has been confirmed';
$string['confirmednot'] = 'Your registration has not yet been confirmed!';
$string['confirmcheckfull'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to confirm {$a} ?';
$string['content'] = 'Content';
$string['continue'] = 'Continue';
$string['continuetocourse'] = 'Click here to enter your course';
$string['convertingwikitomarkdown'] = 'Converting wiki to Markdown';
$string['cookiesenabled'] = 'Cookies must be enabled in your browser';
$string['cookiesenabled_help'] = 'Two cookies are used by this site:
The essential one is the session cookie, usually called MoodleSession. You must allow this cookie into your browser to provide continuity and maintain your login from page to page. When you log out or close the browser this cookie is destroyed (in your browser and on the server).
The other cookie is purely for convenience, usually called something like MOODLEID. It just remembers your username within the browser. This means when you return to this site the username field on the login page will be already filled out for you. It is safe to refuse this cookie - you will just have to retype your username every time you log in.';
$string['cookiesnotenabled'] = 'Unfortunately, cookies are currently not enabled in your browser';
$string['copy'] = 'copy';
$string['copyasnoun'] = 'copy';
$string['copyingcoursefiles'] = 'Copying course files';
$string['copyingsitefiles'] = 'Copying site files used in course';
$string['copyinguserfiles'] = 'Copying user files';
$string['copyingzipfile'] = 'Copying zip file';
$string['copyrightnotice'] = 'Copyright notice';
$string['coresystem'] = 'System';
$string['cost'] = 'Cost';
$string['costdefault'] = 'Default cost';
$string['counteditems'] = '{$a->count} {$a->items}';
$string['country'] = 'Country';
$string['course'] = 'Course';
$string['courseadministration'] = 'Course administration';
$string['courseapprovedemail'] = 'Your requested course, {$a->name}, has been approved and you have been made a {$a->teacher}. To access your new course, go to {$a->url}';
$string['courseapprovedemail2'] = 'Your requested course, {$a->name}, has been approved. To access your new course, go to {$a->url}';
$string['courseapprovedfailed'] = 'Failed to save the course as approved!';
$string['courseapprovedsubject'] = 'Your course has been approved!';
$string['courseavailable'] = 'This course is available to students';
$string['courseavailablenot'] = 'This course is not available to students';
$string['coursebackup'] = 'Course backup';
$string['coursecategories'] = 'Course categories';
$string['coursecategory'] = 'Course category';
$string['coursecategorydeleted'] = 'Deleted course category {$a}';
$string['coursecompletion'] = 'Course completion';
$string['coursecompletions'] = 'Course completions';
$string['coursecreators'] = 'Course creator';
$string['coursecreatorsdescription'] = 'Course creators can create new courses.';
$string['coursedisplay'] = 'Course layout';
$string['coursedisplay_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the whole course is displayed on one page or split over several pages. The setting has no affect on certain course formats, such as SCORM format.';
$string['coursedisplay_single'] = 'Show all sections on one page';
$string['coursedisplay_multi'] = 'Show one section per page';
$string['coursedeleted'] = 'Deleted course {$a}';
$string['courseextendednamedisplay'] = '{$a->shortname} {$a->fullname}';
$string['coursefiles'] = 'Legacy course files';
$string['coursefilesedit'] = 'Edit legacy course files';
$string['coursefileswarning'] = 'Course files are deprecated';
$string['coursefileswarning_help'] = 'Course files are deprecated since Moodle 2.0, please use external repositories instead as much as possible.';
$string['courseformatdata'] = 'Course format data';
$string['courseformats'] = 'Course formats';
$string['courseformatoptions'] = 'Formatting options for {$a}';
$string['courseformatudpate'] = 'Update format';
$string['coursegrades'] = 'Course grades';
$string['coursehelpcategory'] = 'Position the course on the course listing and may make it easier for students to find it.';
$string['coursehelpforce'] = 'Force the course group mode to every activity in the course.';
$string['coursehelpformat'] = 'The course main page will be displayed in this format.';
$string['coursehelphiddensections'] = 'How the hidden sections in the course are displayed to students.';
$string['coursehelpmaximumupload'] = 'Define the largest size of file that can be uploaded in this course, limited by the site-wide setting.';
$string['coursehelpnewsitemsnumber'] = 'Number of recent items appearing on the course home page, in a news box down the right-hand side (0 means the news box won\'t appear).';
$string['coursehelpnumberweeks'] = 'Number of weeks/topics displayed on the course main page.';
$string['coursehelpshowgrades'] = 'Enable the display of the gradebook. It does not prevent grades from being displayed within the individual activities.';
$string['coursehidden'] = 'This course is currently unavailable to students';
$string['courseinfo'] = 'Course info';
$string['coursemessage'] = 'Message course users';
$string['coursenotaccessible'] = 'This course does not allow public access';
$string['courselegacyfiles'] = 'Legacy course files';
$string['courselegacyfiles_help'] = 'The course files area provides some backward compatibility with Moodle 1.9 and earlier. All files in this area are always accessible to all participants in the course (whether you link to them or not) and there is no way to know where any of these files are being used in Moodle.
If you use this area to store course files, you can expose yourself to a number of privacy and security issues, as well as experiencing missing files in backups, course imports and any time content is shared or re-used. It is therefore recommended that you do not use this area unless you really know what you are doing.
The link below provides more information about all this and will show you some better ways to manage files in Moodle 2.';
$string['courselegacyfiles_link'] = 'coursefiles2';
$string['courseoverview'] = 'Course overview';
$string['courseoverviewgraph'] = 'Course overview graph';
$string['courseprofiles'] = 'Course profiles';
$string['coursereasonforrejecting'] = 'Your reasons for rejecting this request';
$string['coursereasonforrejectingemail'] = 'This will be emailed to the requester';
$string['coursereject'] = 'Reject a course request';
$string['courserejected'] = 'Course has been rejected and the requester has been notified.';
$string['courserejectemail'] = 'Sorry, but the course you requested has been rejected. Here is the reason provided:
$string['courserejectreason'] = 'Outline your reasons for rejecting this course
(this will be emailed to the requester)';
$string['courserejectsubject'] = 'Your course has been rejected';
$string['coursereport'] = 'Course report';
$string['coursereports'] = 'Course reports';
$string['courserequest'] = 'Course request';
$string['courserequestdetails'] = 'Details of the course you are requesting';
$string['courserequestfailed'] = 'For some reason, your course request could not be saved';
$string['courserequestintro'] = 'Use this form to request a course to be created for you.
Try and fill in as much information as you can to allow
the administrators to understand your reasons for wanting this course.';
$string['courserequestreason'] = 'Reasons for wanting this course';
$string['courserequestsuccess'] = 'Successfully saved your course request. Expect an email within a few days with the outcome';
$string['courserequestsupport'] = 'Supporting information to help the administrator evaluate this request';
$string['courserestore'] = 'Course restore';
$string['courses'] = 'Courses';
$string['coursesectionsummaries'] = 'Course section summaries';
$string['coursesettings'] = 'Course default settings';
$string['coursesmovedout'] = 'Courses moved out from {$a}';
$string['coursespending'] = 'Courses pending approval';
$string['coursestart'] = 'Course start';
$string['coursesummary'] = 'Course summary';
$string['coursesummary_help'] = 'The course summary is displayed in the list of courses. A course search searches course summary text in addition to course names.';
$string['courseupdates'] = 'Course updates';
$string['courseuploadlimit'] = 'Course upload limit';
$string['create'] = 'Create';
$string['createaccount'] = 'Create my new account';
$string['createcategory'] = 'Create category';
$string['createfolder'] = 'Create a folder in {$a}';
$string['createuserandpass'] = 'Choose your username and password';
$string['createuser'] = 'Create user';
$string['createziparchive'] = 'Create zip archive';
$string['creatingblocks'] = 'Creating blocks';
$string['creatingblocksroles'] = 'Creating block level role assignments and overrides';
$string['creatingblogsinfo'] = 'Creating blogs info';
$string['creatingcategoriesandquestions'] = 'Creating categories and questions';
$string['creatingcoursemodules'] = 'Creating course modules';
$string['creatingcourseroles'] = 'Creating course level role assignments and overrides';
$string['creatingevents'] = 'Creating events';
$string['creatinggradebook'] = 'Creating gradebook';
$string['creatinggroupings'] = 'Creating groupings';
$string['creatinggroupingsgroups'] = 'Adding groups into groupings';
$string['creatinggroups'] = 'Creating groups';
$string['creatinglogentries'] = 'Creating log entries';
$string['creatingmessagesinfo'] = 'Creating messages info';
$string['creatingmodroles'] = 'Creating module level role assignments and overrides';
$string['creatingnewcourse'] = 'Creating new course';
$string['creatingrolesdefinitions'] = 'Creating roles definitions';
$string['creatingscales'] = 'Creating scales';
$string['creatingsections'] = 'Creating sections';
$string['creatingtemporarystructures'] = 'Creating temporary structures';
$string['creatinguserroles'] = 'Creating user level role assignments and overrides';
$string['creatingusers'] = 'Creating users';
$string['creatingxmlfile'] = 'Creating XML file';
$string['currency'] = 'Currency';
$string['currentcourse'] = 'Current course';
$string['currentcourseadding'] = 'Current course, adding data to it';
$string['currentcoursedeleting'] = 'Current course, deleting it first';
$string['currentlanguage'] = 'Current language';
$string['currentlocaltime'] = 'your current local time';
$string['currentlyselectedusers'] = 'Currently selected users';
$string['currentpicture'] = 'Current picture';
$string['currentrelease'] = 'Current release information';
$string['currentversion'] = 'Current version';
$string['databasechecking'] = 'Upgrading Moodle database from version {$a->oldversion} to {$a->newversion}';
$string['databaseperformance'] = 'Database performance';
$string['databasesetup'] = 'Setting up database';
$string['databasesuccess'] = 'Database was successfully upgraded';
$string['databaseupgradebackups'] = 'Backup version is now {$a}';
$string['databaseupgradeblocks'] = 'Blocks version is now {$a}';
$string['databaseupgradegroups'] = 'Groups version is now {$a}';
$string['databaseupgradelocal'] = 'Local database customisations version is now {$a}';
$string['databaseupgrades'] = 'Upgrading database';
$string['date'] = 'Date';
$string['datechanged'] = 'Date changed';
$string['datemostrecentfirst'] = 'Date - most recent first';
$string['datemostrecentlast'] = 'Date - most recent last';
$string['day'] = 'day';
$string['days'] = 'days';
$string['decodinginternallinks'] = 'Decoding internal links';
$string['default'] = 'Default';
$string['defaultcoursestudent'] = 'Student';
$string['defaultcoursestudentdescription'] = 'Students generally have fewer privileges within a course.';
$string['defaultcoursestudents'] = 'Students';
$string['defaultcoursesummary'] = 'Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about';
$string['defaultcourseteacher'] = 'Teacher';
$string['defaultcourseteacherdescription'] = 'Teachers can do anything within a course, including changing the activities and grading students.';
$string['defaultcourseteachers'] = 'Teachers';
$string['delete'] = 'Delete';
$string['deleteablock'] = 'Delete a block';
$string['deleteall'] = 'Delete all';
$string['deleteallcannotundo'] = 'Delete all - cannot be undone';
$string['deleteallcomments'] = 'Delete all comments';
$string['deleteallratings'] = 'Delete all ratings';
$string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete category: {$a}';
$string['deletecategoryempty'] = 'This category is empty.';
$string['deletecategorycheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this category \'{$a}\'?
This will move all courses into the parent category if there is one, or into Miscellaneous.';
$string['deletecategorycheck2'] = 'If you delete this category, you need to choose what to do with the courses and subcategories it contains.';
$string['deletecomment'] = 'Delete this comment';
$string['deletecompletely'] = 'Delete completely';
$string['deletecourse'] = 'Delete a course';
$string['deletecoursecheck'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete this course and all the data it contains?';
$string['deleted'] = 'Deleted';
$string['deletedactivity'] = 'Deleted {$a}';
$string['deletedcourse'] = '{$a} has been completely deleted';
$string['deletednot'] = 'Could not delete {$a} !';
$string['deletecheck'] = 'Delete {$a} ?';
$string['deletechecktype'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this {$a->type}?';
$string['deletechecktypename'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete the {$a->type} "{$a->name}"?';
$string['deletecheckfiles'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to delete these files?';
$string['deletecheckfull'] = 'Are you absolutely sure you want to completely delete {$a} ?';
$string['deletecheckwarning'] = 'You are about to delete these files';
$string['deletelogs'] = 'Delete logs';
$string['deleteselected'] = 'Delete selected';
$string['deleteselectedkey'] = 'Delete selected key';
$string['deletingcourse'] = 'Deleting {$a}';
$string['deletingexistingcoursedata'] = 'Deleting existing course data';
$string['deletingolddata'] = 'Deleting old data';
$string['department'] = 'Department';
$string['desc'] = 'Descending';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['deselectall'] = 'Deselect all';
$string['detailedless'] = 'Less detailed';
$string['detailedmore'] = 'More detailed';
$string['directory'] = 'Directory';
$string['disable'] = 'Disable';
$string['disabledcomments'] = 'Comments are disabled';
$string['displayingfirst'] = 'Only the first {$a->count} {$a->things} are displayed';
$string['displayingrecords'] = 'Displaying {$a} records';
$string['displayingusers'] = 'Displaying users {$a->start} to {$a->end}';
$string['displayonpage'] = 'Display on page';
$string['dndenabled'] = 'Drag and drop available';
$string['dndenabled_help'] = 'You can drag one or more files from your desktop and drop them onto the box below to upload them.
Note: this may not work with other web browsers';
$string['dndenabled_insentence'] = 'drag and drop available';
$string['dndenabled_inbox'] = 'You can drag and drop files here to add them.';
$string['dnduploadwithoutcontent'] = 'This upload does not have any content';
$string['dndworkingfiletextlink'] = 'Drag and drop files, text or links onto course sections to upload them';
$string['dndworkingfilelink'] = 'Drag and drop files or links onto course sections to upload them';
$string['dndworkingfiletext'] = 'Drag and drop files or text onto course sections to upload them';
$string['dndworkingfile'] = 'Drag and drop files onto course sections to upload them';
$string['dndworkingtextlink'] = 'Drag and drop text or links onto course sections to upload them';
$string['dndworkingtext'] = 'Drag and drop text onto course sections to upload it';
$string['dndworkinglink'] = 'Drag and drop links onto course sections to upload them';
$string['documentation'] = 'Moodle documentation';
$string['down'] = 'Down';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadall'] = 'Download all';
$string['downloadexcel'] = 'Download in Excel format';
$string['downloadfile'] = 'Download file';
$string['downloadods'] = 'Download in ODS format';
$string['downloadtext'] = 'Download in text format';
$string['doyouagree'] = 'Have you read these conditions and understood them?';
$string['droptoupload'] = 'Drop files here to upload';
$string['duplicate'] = 'Duplicate';
$string['duplicateconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to duplicate {$a->modtype} \'{$a->modname}\' ?';
$string['duplicatecontcourse'] = 'Return to the course';
$string['duplicatecontedit'] = 'Edit the new copy';
$string['duplicatesuccess'] = '{$a->modtype} \'{$a->modname}\' has been duplicated successfully';
$string['duplicatinga'] = 'Duplicating: {$a}';
$string['edhelpaspellpath'] = 'To use spell-checking within the editor, you MUST have aspell 0.50 or later installed on your server, and you must specify the correct path to access the aspell binary. On Unix/Linux systems, this path is usually /usr/bin/aspell, but it might be something else.';
$string['edhelpbgcolor'] = 'Define the edit area\'s background color.
Valid values are, for example: #FFFFFF or white';
$string['edhelpcleanword'] = 'This setting enables or disables Word-specific format filtering.';
$string['edhelpenablespelling'] = 'Enable or disable spell-checking. When enabled, aspell must be installed on the server. The second value is the default dictionary. This value will be used if aspell doesn\'t have dictionary for users own language.';
$string['edhelpfontfamily'] = 'The font-family property is a list of font family names and/or generic family names. Family names must be separated with comma.';
$string['edhelpfontlist'] = 'Define the fonts used on editors dropdown menu.';
$string['edhelpfontsize'] = 'The default font-size sets the size of a font.
Valid values are for example: medium, large, smaller, larger, 10pt, 11px.';
$string['edit'] = 'Edit';
$string['edita'] = 'Edit {$a}';
$string['editcategorysettings'] = 'Edit category settings';
$string['editcategorythis'] = 'Edit this category';
$string['editcoursesettings'] = 'Edit course settings';
$string['editfiles'] = 'Edit files';
$string['editgroupprofile'] = 'Edit group profile';
$string['editinga'] = 'Editing {$a}';
$string['editingteachershort'] = 'Editor';
$string['editlock'] = 'This value cannot be edited!';
$string['editmyprofile'] = 'Edit profile';
$string['editorbgcolor'] = 'Background-color';
$string['editorcleanonpaste'] = 'Clean Word HTML on paste';
$string['editorcommonsettings'] = 'Common settings';
$string['editordefaultfont'] = 'Default font';
$string['editorenablespelling'] = 'Enable spellchecking';
$string['editorfontlist'] = 'Fontlist';
$string['editorfontsize'] = 'Default font-size';
$string['editorresettodefaults'] = 'Reset to default values';
$string['editorsettings'] = 'Editor settings';
$string['editorshortcutkeys'] = 'Editor shortcut keys';
$string['editsettings'] = 'Edit settings';
$string['editsummary'] = 'Edit summary';
$string['edittitle'] = 'Edit title';
$string['edittitleinstructions'] = 'Escape to cancel, Enter when finished';
$string['editthisactivity'] = 'Edit this activity';
$string['editthiscategory'] = 'Edit this category';
$string['edituser'] = 'Edit user accounts';
$string['email'] = 'Email address';
$string['emailactive'] = 'Email activated';
$string['emailagain'] = 'Email (again)';
$string['emailconfirm'] = 'Confirm your account';
$string['emailconfirmation'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
A new account has been requested at \'{$a->sitename}\'
using your email address.
To confirm your new account, please go to this web address:
In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link
which you can just click on. If that doesn\'t work,
then cut and paste the address into the address
line at the top of your web browser window.
If you need help, please contact the site administrator,
$string['emailconfirmationsubject'] = '{$a}: account confirmation';
$string['emailconfirmsent'] = '
An email should have been sent to your address at {$a}
It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.
If you continue to have difficulty, contact the site administrator.
'; $string['emaildigest'] = 'Email digest type'; $string['emaildigestcomplete'] = 'Complete (daily email with full posts)'; $string['emaildigestoff'] = 'No digest (single email per forum post)'; $string['emaildigestsubjects'] = 'Subjects (daily email with subjects only)'; $string['emaildisable'] = 'This email address is disabled'; $string['emaildisableclick'] = 'Click here to disable all email from being sent to this address'; $string['emaildisplay'] = 'Email display'; $string['emaildisplaycourse'] = 'Allow only other course members to see my email address'; $string['emaildisplayhidden'] = 'Email hidden'; $string['emaildisplayno'] = 'Hide my email address from everyone'; $string['emaildisplayyes'] = 'Allow everyone to see my email address'; $string['emailenable'] = 'This email address is enabled'; $string['emailenableclick'] = 'Click here to re-enable all email being sent to this address'; $string['emailexists'] = 'This email address is already registered.'; $string['emailformat'] = 'Email format'; $string['emailcharset'] = 'Email charset'; $string['emailmustbereal'] = 'Note: your email address must be a real one'; $string['emailnotallowed'] = 'Email addresses in these domains are not allowed ({$a})'; $string['emailnotfound'] = 'The email address was not found in the database'; $string['emailonlyallowed'] = 'This email is not one of those that are allowed ({$a})'; $string['emailpasswordconfirmation'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname}, Someone (probably you) has requested a new password for your account on \'{$a->sitename}\'. To confirm this and have a new password sent to you via email, go to the following web address: {$a->link} In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link which you can just click on. If that doesn\'t work, then cut and paste the address into the address line at the top of your web browser window. If you need help, please contact the site administrator, {$a->admin}'; $string['emailpasswordconfirmationsubject'] = '{$a}: Change password confirmation'; $string['emailpasswordconfirmmaybesent'] = 'If you supplied a correct username or email address then an email should have been sent to you.
It contains easy instructions to confirm and complete this password change. If you continue to have difficulty, please contact the site administrator.
'; $string['emailpasswordconfirmsent'] = 'An email should have been sent to your address at {$a}.You must enter the special "loginas password" to use this feature.
If you do not know it, ask your server administrator.
For full access to courses you\'ll need to create yourself an account.
All you need to do is make up a username and password and use it in the form on this page!
If someone else has already chosen your username then you\'ll have to try again using a different username.
'; $string['loginto'] = 'Login to {$a}'; $string['loginusing'] = 'Login here using your username and password'; $string['logout'] = 'Logout'; $string['logoutconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to logout?'; $string['logs'] = 'Logs'; $string['logtoomanycourses'] = '[ more ]'; $string['logtoomanyusers'] = '[ more ]'; $string['lookback'] = 'Look back'; $string['mailadmins'] = 'Inform admins'; $string['mailstudents'] = 'Inform students'; $string['mailteachers'] = 'Inform teachers'; $string['makeafolder'] = 'Create folder'; $string['makeeditable'] = 'If you make \'{$a}\' editable by the web server process (eg apache) then you could edit this file directly from this page'; $string['makethismyhome'] = 'Make this my default home page'; $string['manageblocks'] = 'Blocks'; $string['managecourses'] = 'Manage courses'; $string['managedatabase'] = 'Database'; $string['manageeditorfiles'] = 'Manage files used by editor'; $string['managefilters'] = 'Filters'; $string['managemodules'] = 'Modules'; $string['manageroles'] = 'Roles and permissions'; $string['markedthistopic'] = 'This topic is highlighted as the current topic'; $string['markthistopic'] = 'Highlight this topic as the current topic'; $string['matchingsearchandrole'] = 'Matching \'{$a->search}\' and {$a->role}'; $string['maxsizeandattachments'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a->size}, maximum attachments: {$a->attachments}'; $string['maxsizeandattachmentsandareasize'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a->size}, maximum attachments: {$a->attachments}, overall limit: {$a->areasize}'; $string['maxsizeandareasize'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a->size}, overall limit: {$a->areasize}'; $string['maxfilesreached'] = 'You are allowed to attach a maximum of {$a} file(s) to this item'; $string['maximumgrade'] = 'Maximum grade'; $string['maximumgradex'] = 'Maximum grade: {$a}'; $string['maximumchars'] = 'Maximum of {$a} characters'; $string['maximumshort'] = 'Max'; $string['maximumupload'] = 'Maximum upload size'; $string['maximumupload_help'] = 'This setting determines the largest size of file that can be uploaded to the course, limited by the site-wide setting set by an administrator. Activity modules also include a maximum upload size setting for further restricting the file size.'; $string['maxnumberweeks'] = 'Maximum for number of weeks/topics'; $string['maxnumberweeks_desc'] = 'This controls the maximum options that appears in the "Number of weeks/topics" setting for courses.'; $string['maxsize'] = 'Max size: {$a}'; $string['maxfilesize'] = 'Maximum size for new files: {$a}'; $string['maxnumcoursesincombo'] = 'Browse {$a->numberofcourses} courses.'; $string['memberincourse'] = 'People in the course'; $string['messagebody'] = 'Message body'; $string['messagedselectedusers'] = 'Selected users have been messaged and the recipient list has been reset.'; $string['messagedselectedusersfailed'] = 'Something went wrong while messaging selected users. Some may have received the email.'; $string['messageprovider:availableupdate'] = 'Available update notifications'; $string['messageprovider:backup'] = 'Backup notifications'; $string['messageprovider:courserequestapproved'] = 'Course creation request approval notification'; $string['messageprovider:courserequested'] = 'Course creation request notification'; $string['messageprovider:courserequestrejected'] = 'Course creation request rejection notification'; $string['messageprovider:errors'] = 'Important errors with the site'; $string['messageprovider:errors_help'] = 'These are important errors that an administrator should know about.'; $string['messageprovider:notices'] = 'Notices about minor problems'; $string['messageprovider:notices_help'] = 'These are notices that an administrator might be interested in seeing.'; $string['messageprovider:instantmessage'] = 'Personal messages between users'; $string['messageprovider:instantmessage_help'] = 'This section configures what happens to messages that are sent to you directly from other users on this site.'; $string['messageselect'] = 'Select this user as a message recipient'; $string['messageselectadd'] = 'Send a message'; $string['migratinggrades'] = 'Migrating grades'; $string['min'] = 'min'; $string['mins'] = 'mins'; $string['minute'] = 'minute'; $string['minutes'] = 'minutes'; $string['miscellaneous'] = 'Miscellaneous'; $string['missingcategory'] = 'You need to choose a category'; $string['missingcity'] = 'Missing city/town'; $string['missingcountry'] = 'Missing country'; $string['missingdescription'] = 'Missing description'; $string['missingemail'] = 'Missing email address'; $string['missingfirstname'] = 'Missing given name'; $string['missingfromdisk'] = 'Missing from disk'; $string['missingfullname'] = 'Missing full name'; $string['missinglastname'] = 'Missing surname'; $string['missingname'] = 'Missing name'; $string['missingnewpassword'] = 'Missing new password'; $string['missingpassword'] = 'Missing password'; $string['missingrecaptchachallengefield'] = 'Missing reCAPTCHA challenge field'; $string['missingreqreason'] = 'Missing reason'; $string['missingshortname'] = 'Missing short name'; $string['missingshortsitename'] = 'Missing short site name'; $string['missingsitedescription'] = 'Missing site description'; $string['missingsitename'] = 'Missing site name'; $string['missingstrings'] = 'Check for untranslated words or phrases'; $string['missingstudent'] = 'Must choose something'; $string['missingsummary'] = 'Missing summary'; $string['missingteacher'] = 'Must choose something'; $string['missingurl'] = 'Missing URL'; $string['missingusername'] = 'Missing username'; $string['moddoesnotsupporttype'] = 'Module {$a->modname} does not support uploads of type {$a->type}'; $string['month'] = 'Month'; $string['months'] = 'Months'; $string['modified'] = 'Modified'; $string['modchooserenable'] = 'Activity chooser on'; $string['modchooserdisable'] = 'Activity chooser off'; $string['moduledeleteconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely delete the module \'{$a}\'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this activity module. Are you SURE you want to continue?'; $string['moduledeletefiles'] = 'All data associated with the module \'{$a->module}\' has been deleted from the database. To complete the deletion (and prevent the module re-installing itself), you should now delete this directory from your server: {$a->directory}'; $string['moduleintro'] = 'Description'; $string['modulesetup'] = 'Setting up module tables'; $string['modulesuccess'] = '{$a} tables have been set up correctly'; $string['moodledocs'] = 'Moodle Docs'; $string['moodledocslink'] = 'Moodle Docs for this page'; $string['moodleversion'] = 'Moodle version'; $string['moodlerelease'] = 'Moodle release'; $string['more'] = 'more'; $string['morehelp'] = 'More help'; $string['moreinformation'] = 'More information about this error'; $string['moreprofileinfoneeded'] = 'Please tell us more about yourself'; $string['mostrecently'] = 'most recently'; $string['move'] = 'Move'; $string['movecategorycontentto'] = 'Move into'; $string['movecategoryto'] = 'Move category to:'; $string['movecontentstoanothercategory'] = 'Move contents to another category'; $string['movecourseto'] = 'Move course to:'; $string['movedown'] = 'Move down'; $string['movefilestohere'] = 'Move files to here'; $string['movefull'] = 'Move {$a} to this location'; $string['movehere'] = 'Move to here'; $string['moveleft'] = 'Move left'; $string['moveright'] = 'Move right'; $string['movesection'] = 'Move section {$a}'; $string['moveselectedcoursesto'] = 'Move selected courses to...'; $string['movetoanotherfolder'] = 'Move to another folder'; $string['moveup'] = 'Move up'; $string['msnid'] = 'MSN ID'; $string['mustconfirm'] = 'You need to confirm your login'; $string['mustchangepassword'] = 'The new password must be different than the current one'; $string['mycourses'] = 'My courses'; $string['myfiles'] = 'My private files'; $string['myfilesmanage'] = 'Manage my private files'; $string['myhome'] = 'My home'; $string['mymoodledashboard'] = 'My Moodle dashboard'; $string['myprofile'] = 'My profile'; $string['name'] = 'Name'; $string['nameforlink'] = 'What do you want to call this link?'; $string['nameforpage'] = 'What do you want to call this page?'; $string['navigation'] = 'Navigation'; $string['needed'] = 'Needed'; $string['never'] = 'Never'; $string['neverdeletelogs'] = 'Never delete logs'; $string['new'] = 'New'; $string['newaccount'] = 'New account'; $string['newcourse'] = 'New course'; $string['newpassword'] = 'New password'; $string['newpassword_help'] = 'Enter a new password or leave blank to keep current password.'; $string['newpasswordfromlost'] = 'NOTICE: Your Current password will have been sent to you in the second of the two emails sent as part of the lost password recovery process. Make sure you have received your replacement password before continuing with this screen.'; $string['newpasswordtext'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname}, Your account password at \'{$a->sitename}\' has been reset and you have been issued with a new temporary password. Your current login information is now: username: {$a->username} password: {$a->newpassword} Please go to this page to change your password: {$a->link} In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link which you can just click on. If that doesn\'t work, then cut and paste the address into the address line at the top of your web browser window. Cheers from the \'{$a->sitename}\' administrator, {$a->signoff}'; $string['newpicture'] = 'New picture'; $string['newpicture_help'] = 'To add a new picture, browse and select an image (in JPG or PNG format) then click "Update profile". The image will be cropped to a square and resized to 100x100 pixels.'; $string['newsitem'] = 'news item'; $string['newsitems'] = 'news items'; $string['newsitemsnumber'] = 'News items to show'; $string['newsitemsnumber_help'] = 'This setting determines how many recent items appear in the latest news block on the course page. If set to "0 news items" then the latest news block will not be displayed.'; $string['newuser'] = 'New user'; $string['newusernewpasswordsubj'] = 'New user account'; $string['newusernewpasswordtext'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname}, A new account has been created for you at \'{$a->sitename}\' and you have been issued with a new temporary password. Your current login information is now: username: {$a->username} password: {$a->newpassword} (you will have to change your password when you login for the first time) To start using \'{$a->sitename}\', login at {$a->link} In most mail programs, this should appear as a blue link which you can just click on. If that doesn\'t work, then cut and paste the address into the address line at the top of your web browser window. Cheers from the \'{$a->sitename}\' administrator, {$a->signoff}'; $string['newusers'] = 'New users'; $string['newwindow'] = 'new window'; $string['next'] = 'Next'; $string['nextsection'] = 'Next section'; $string['no'] = 'No'; $string['noblockstoaddhere'] = 'There are no blocks that you can add to this page.'; $string['nobody'] = 'Nobody'; $string['nocourses'] = 'No courses'; $string['nocoursesfound'] = 'No courses were found with the words \'{$a}\''; $string['nocoursesyet'] = 'No courses in this category'; $string['nocomments'] = 'No comments'; $string['nodstpresets'] = 'The administrator has not enabled Daylight Savings Time support.'; $string['nofilesselected'] = 'No files have been selected to restore'; $string['nofilesyet'] = 'No files have been uploaded to your course yet'; $string['nograde'] = 'No grade'; $string['nohelpforactivityorresource'] = 'There is currently no help associated with this resource or activity'; $string['nochange'] = 'No change'; $string['noimagesyet'] = 'No images have been uploaded to your course yet'; $string['nologsfound'] = 'No logs have been found'; $string['nomatchingusers'] = 'No users match \'{$a}\''; $string['nomorecourses'] = 'No more matching courses could be found'; $string['nomoreidnumber'] = 'Not using an idnumber to avoid collisions'; $string['none'] = 'None'; $string['noneditingteacher'] = 'Non-editing teacher'; $string['noneditingteacherdescription'] = 'Non-editing teachers can teach in courses and grade students, but may not alter activities.'; $string['nonstandard'] = 'Non-standard'; $string['nopendingcourses'] = 'There are no courses pending approval'; $string['nopotentialadmins'] = 'No potential admins'; $string['nopotentialcreators'] = 'No potential course creators'; $string['nopotentialstudents'] = 'No potential students'; $string['nopotentialteachers'] = 'No potential teachers'; $string['norecentactivity'] = 'No recent activity'; $string['noreplybouncemessage'] = 'You have replied to a no-reply email address. If you were attempting to reply to a forum post, please instead reply using the {$a} forums. Following is the content of your email:'; $string['noreplybouncesubject'] = '{$a} - bounced email.'; $string['noreplyname'] = 'Do not reply to this email'; $string['noresults'] = 'No results'; $string['normal'] = 'Normal'; $string['normalfilter'] = 'Normal search'; $string['nosite'] = 'Could not find site-level course'; $string['nostudentsfound'] = 'No {$a} found'; $string['nostudentsingroup'] = 'There are no students in this group yet'; $string['nostudentsyet'] = 'No students enrolled in this course yet'; $string['nosuchemail'] = 'No such email address'; $string['notavailable'] = 'Not available'; $string['noteachersyet'] = 'No teachers in this course yet'; $string['notenrolled'] = '{$a} is not enrolled in this course.'; $string['notenrolledprofile'] = 'This profile is not available because this user is not enrolled in this course.'; $string['noteusercannotrolldatesoncontext'] = 'Note: The ability to roll dates when restoring this backup has been disabled because you lack the required permissions.'; $string['noteuserschangednonetocourse'] = 'Note: Course users need to be restored when restoring user data (in activities, files or messages). This setting has been changed for you.'; $string['nothingnew'] = 'Nothing new since your last login'; $string['nothingtodisplay'] = 'Nothing to display'; $string['notice'] = 'Notice'; $string['noticenewerbackup'] = 'This backup file has been created with Moodle {$a->backuprelease} ({$a->backupversion}) and it\'s newer than your currently installed Moodle {$a->serverrelease} ({$a->serverversion}). This could cause some inconsistencies because backwards compatibility of backup files cannot be guaranteed.'; $string['notifications'] = 'Notifications'; $string['notifyloginfailuresmessage'] = '{$a->time}, IP: {$a->ip}, User: {$a->info}'; $string['notifyloginfailuresmessageend'] = 'You can view these logs at {$a}/report/log/index.php?id=1&chooselog=1&modid=site_errors.'; $string['notifyloginfailuresmessagestart'] = 'Here is a list of failed login attempts at {$a} since you were last notified'; $string['notifyloginfailuressubject'] = '{$a} :: Failed logins notification'; $string['notincluded'] = 'Not included'; $string['notingroup'] = 'Sorry, but you need to be part of a group to see this activity.'; $string['notpublic'] = 'Not public!'; $string['nousersfound'] = 'No users found'; $string['nousersmatching'] = 'No users matching \'{$a}\' were found'; $string['nousersyet'] = 'There are no users yet'; $string['novalidcourses'] = 'No valid courses to be shown'; $string['now'] = 'now'; $string['numattempts'] = '{$a} failed login attempt(s)'; $string['numberofcourses'] = 'Number of courses'; $string['numberweeks'] = 'Number of weeks/topics'; $string['numdays'] = '{$a} days'; $string['numhours'] = '{$a} hours'; $string['numletters'] = '{$a} letters'; $string['numminutes'] = '{$a} minutes'; $string['nummonths'] = '{$a} months'; $string['numseconds'] = '{$a} seconds'; $string['numviews'] = '{$a} views'; $string['numweeks'] = '{$a} weeks'; $string['numwords'] = '{$a} words'; $string['numyears'] = '{$a} years'; $string['ok'] = 'OK'; $string['oldpassword'] = 'Current password'; $string['olduserdirectory'] = 'This is the OLD users directory, and is no longer needed. You may safely delete it. The files it contains have been copied to the NEW user directory.'; $string['opentoguests'] = 'Guest access'; $string['optional'] = 'optional'; $string['options'] = 'options'; $string['order'] = 'Order'; $string['originalpath'] = 'Original path'; $string['orphanedactivities'] = 'Orphaned activities'; $string['other'] = 'Other'; $string['outline'] = 'Outline'; $string['outlinereport'] = 'Outline report'; $string['page'] = 'Page'; $string['pageheaderconfigablock'] = 'Configuring a block in %fullname%'; $string['pagepath'] = 'Page path'; $string['pageshouldredirect'] = 'This page should automatically redirect. If nothing is happening please use the continue link below.'; $string['parentcategory'] = 'Parent category'; $string['parentcoursenotfound'] = 'Parent course not found!'; $string['parentfolder'] = 'Parent folder'; $string['participants'] = 'Participants'; $string['participantslist'] = 'Participants list'; $string['participationratio'] = 'Participation ratio'; $string['participationreport'] = 'Participation report'; $string['password'] = 'Password'; $string['passwordconfirmchange'] = 'Confirm password change'; $string['passwordextlink'] = 'The following link has been provided to recover your lost password. This will take you out of Moodle.'; $string['passwordforgotten'] = 'Forgotten password'; $string['passwordforgotteninstructions'] = 'Your details must first be found in the user database. Please enter either your username or your registered email address in the appropriate box. There is no need to enter both.'; $string['passwordforgotteninstructions2'] = 'To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again.'; $string['passwordchanged'] = 'Password has been changed'; $string['passwordnohelp'] = 'No help is available to find your lost password. Please contact your Moodle administrator.'; $string['passwordrecovery'] = 'Yes, help me log in'; $string['passwordsdiffer'] = 'These passwords do not match'; $string['passwordsent'] = 'Password has been sent'; $string['passwordsenttext'] = 'An email has been sent to your address at {$a->email}.
Please check your email for your new password
The new password was automatically generated, so you might like to change it to something easier to remember.
'; $string['path'] = 'Path'; $string['pathnotexists'] = 'Path doesn\'t exist in your server!'; $string['pathslasherror'] = 'Path can\'t end with a slash!!'; $string['paymentinstant'] = 'Use the button below to pay and be enrolled within minutes!'; $string['paymentpending'] = '({$a} pending)'; $string['paymentrequired'] = 'This course requires a payment for entry.'; $string['payments'] = 'Payments'; $string['paymentsorry'] = 'Thank you for your payment! Unfortunately your payment has not yet been fully processed, and you are not yet registered to enter the course "{$a->fullname}". Please try continuing to the course in a few seconds, but if you continue to have trouble then please alert the {$a->teacher} or the site administrator'; $string['paymentthanks'] = 'Thank you for your payment! You are now enrolled in your course:This page allows you to register your Moodle site with moodle.org. Registration is free. The main benefit of registering is that you will be added to a low-volume mailing list for important notifications such as security alerts and new releases of Moodle.
By default, your information will be kept private, and will never be sold or passed on to anyone else. The only reason for collecting this information is for support purposes, and to help build up a statistical picture of the Moodle community as a whole.
If you choose, you can allow your site name, country and URL to be added to the public list of Moodle Sites.
All new registrations are verified manually before they are added to the list, but once you are added you can update your registration (and your entry on the public list) at any time by resubmitting this form.
'; $string['registrationinfotitle'] = 'Registration information'; $string['registrationno'] = 'No, I do not want to receive email'; $string['registrationsend'] = 'Send registration information to moodle.org'; $string['registrationyes'] = 'Yes, please notify me about important issues'; $string['reject'] = 'Reject'; $string['rejectdots'] = 'Reject...'; $string['reload'] = 'Reload'; $string['remoteappuser'] = 'Remote {$a} User'; $string['remove'] = 'Remove'; $string['removeadmin'] = 'Remove admin'; $string['removecreator'] = 'Remove course creator'; $string['removestudent'] = 'Remove student'; $string['removeteacher'] = 'Remove teacher'; $string['rename'] = 'Rename'; $string['renamefileto'] = 'Rename {$a} to'; $string['report'] = 'Report'; $string['reports'] = 'Reports'; $string['repositories'] = 'Repositories'; $string['requestcourse'] = 'Request a course'; $string['requestedby'] = 'Requested by'; $string['requestedcourses'] = 'Requested courses'; $string['requestreason'] = 'Reason for course request'; $string['required'] = 'Required'; $string['requirespayment'] = 'This course requires payment for access'; $string['reset'] = 'Reset'; $string['resetcomponent'] = 'Component'; $string['resetcourse'] = 'Reset course'; $string['resetinfo'] = 'This page allows you to empty a course of user data, while retaining the activities and other settings. Please be warned that by choosing items below and submitting this page you will delete your chosen user data from this course forever!'; $string['resetnotimplemented'] = 'Reset not implemented'; $string['resetstartdate'] = 'Reset start date'; $string['resetstatus'] = 'Status'; $string['resettask'] = 'Task'; $string['resettodefaults'] = 'Reset to defaults'; $string['resortcoursesbyname'] = 'Re-sort courses by name'; $string['resource'] = 'Resource'; $string['resourcedisplayauto'] = 'Automatic'; $string['resourcedisplaydownload'] = 'Force download'; $string['resourcedisplayembed'] = 'Embed'; $string['resourcedisplayframe'] = 'In frame'; $string['resourcedisplaynew'] = 'New window'; $string['resourcedisplayopen'] = 'Open'; $string['resourcedisplaypopup'] = 'In pop-up'; $string['resources'] = 'Resources'; $string['resources_help'] = 'Resource types enable almost any kind of web content to be inserted into the course.'; $string['restore'] = 'Restore'; $string['restorecancelled'] = 'Restore cancelled'; $string['restorecannotassignroles'] = 'Restore needs to assign roles and you do not have permission to do so'; $string['restorecannotcreateorassignroles'] = 'Restore needs to create or assign roles and you do not have permission to do so'; $string['restorecannotcreateuser'] = 'Restore needs to create user \'{$a}\' from backup file and you do not have permission to do so'; $string['restorecannotoverrideperms'] = 'Restore needs to override permissions and you do not have permission to do so'; $string['restorecoursenow'] = 'Restore this course now!'; $string['restoredaccount'] = 'Restored account'; $string['restoredaccountinfo'] = 'This account was imported from another server and the password has been lost. To set a new password by email, please click "Continue"'; $string['restorefinished'] = 'Restore completed successfully'; $string['restoreto'] = 'Restore to'; $string['restoretositeadding'] = 'Warning: You are about to restore to the site front page, adding data to it!'; $string['restoretositedeleting'] = 'Warning: You are about to restore to the site front page, deleting data from it first!'; $string['restoreuserconflict'] = 'Trying to restore user \'{$a}\' from backup file will cause conflict'; $string['restoreuserinfofailed'] = 'The restore process has stopped because you don\'t have permission to restore user data.'; $string['restoreusersprecheck'] = 'Checking user data'; $string['restoreusersprecheckerror'] = 'Some problems were detected when checking user data'; $string['restricted'] = 'Restricted'; $string['returningtosite'] = 'Returning to this web site?'; $string['returntomaincoursepage'] = 'Return to main course page'; $string['returntooriginaluser'] = 'Return to {$a}'; $string['revert'] = 'Revert'; $string['role'] = 'Role'; $string['rolemappings'] = 'Role mappings'; $string['rolerenaming'] = 'Role renaming'; $string['rolerenaming_help'] = 'This setting allows the displayed names for roles used in the course to be changed. Only the displayed name is changed - role permissions are not affected. New role names will appear on the course participants page and elsewhere within the course. If the renamed role is one that the administrator has selected as a course manager role, then the new role name will also appear as part of the course listings.'; $string['roles'] = 'Roles'; $string['rss'] = 'RSS'; $string['rssarticles'] = 'Number of RSS recent articles'; $string['rsserror'] = 'Error reading RSS data'; $string['rsserrorauth'] = 'Your RSS link does not contain a valid authentication token.'; $string['rsserrorguest'] = 'This feed uses guest access to access the data, but guest does not have permission to read the data. Visit the original location that this feed comes from (URL) as a valid user and get a new RSS link from there.'; $string['rsskeyshelp'] = 'To ensure security and privacy, RSS feed URLs contain a special token that identifies the user they are for. This prevents other users from accessing areas of Moodle they shouldn\'t have access to via RSS feeds.This token is automatically created the first time you access an area of Moodle that produces an RSS feed. If you feel that your RSS feed token has been compromised in some way you can request a new one by clicking the Reset link here. Please note that your current RSS feed URLs will then become invalid.';
$string['rsstype'] = 'RSS feed for this activity';
$string['saveandnext'] = 'Save and show next';
$string['savedat'] = 'Saved at:';
$string['savechanges'] = 'Save changes';
$string['savechangesanddisplay'] = 'Save and display';
$string['savechangesandreturntocourse'] = 'Save and return to course';
$string['savecomment'] = 'Save comment';
$string['savepreferences'] = 'Save preferences';
$string['saveto'] = 'Save to';
$string['scale'] = 'Scale';
$string['scale_help'] = 'A scale provides a way of evaluating or grading performance in an activity. It is defined by an ordered list of values, ranging from negative to positive, separated by commas, for example "Disappointing, Not good enough, Average, Good, Very good, Excellent!"';
$string['scale_link'] = 'grade/scale';
$string['scales'] = 'Scales';
$string['scalescustom'] = 'Custom scales';
$string['scalescustomcreate'] = 'Add a new scale';
$string['scalescustomno'] = 'No custom scales have been created yet';
$string['scalesstandard'] = 'Standard scales';
$string['scalestandard'] = 'Standard scale';
$string['scalestandard_help'] = 'A standard scale is available site-wide, for all courses.';
$string['scalestandard_link'] = 'grade/scale';
$string['scalestip'] = 'To create custom scales, use the \'Scales...\' link in your course administration menu.';
$string['scalestip2'] = 'To create custom scales, click the Grades link in the course administration menu, then choose Edit, Scales.';
$string['screenshot'] = 'Screenshot';
$string['search'] = 'Search'; // TODO MDL-34652 rename to searchforums and move to mod_forum
$string['search_help'] = 'For basic searching of one or more words anywhere in the text, just type them separated by spaces. All words longer than two characters are used.
For advanced searching, press the search button without typing anything in the search box to access the advanced search form.';
$string['searchagain'] = 'Search again';
$string['searchbyemail'] = 'Search by email address';
$string['searchbyusername'] = 'Search by username';
$string['searchcourses'] = 'Search courses';
$string['searchhelp'] = 'You can search for multiple words at once.
word : find any match of this word within the text.
+word : only exact matching words will be found.
-word : don\'t include results containing this word.';
$string['searchoptions'] = 'Search options';
$string['searchresults'] = 'Search results';
$string['sec'] = 'sec';
$string['seconds'] = 'seconds';
$string['secondstotime172800'] = '2 days';
$string['secondstotime259200'] = '3 days';
$string['secondstotime345600'] = '4 days';
$string['secondstotime432000'] = '5 days';
$string['secondstotime518400'] = '6 days';
$string['secondstotime604800'] = '1 Week';
$string['secondstotime86400'] = '1 day';
$string['secretalreadyused'] = 'Change password confirmation link was already used, password was not changed.';
$string['secs'] = 'secs';
$string['section'] = 'Section';
$string['sectionname'] = 'Section name';
$string['sections'] = 'Sections';
$string['sectionusedefaultname'] = 'Use default section name';
$string['seealsostats'] = 'See also: stats';
$string['select'] = 'Select';
$string['selectacountry'] = 'Select a country';
$string['selectacourse'] = 'Select a course';
$string['selectacoursesite'] = 'Select a course or site';
$string['selectanaction'] = 'Select an action';
$string['selectagroup'] = 'Select a group';
$string['selectaregion'] = 'Select a region';
$string['selctauser'] = 'Select a user';
$string['selectall'] = 'Select all';
$string['selectamodule'] = 'Please select an activity module';
$string['selectanoptions'] = 'Select an options';
$string['selectdefault'] = 'Select default';
$string['selectedfile'] = 'Selected file';
$string['selectednowmove'] = '{$a} files selected for moving. Now go into the destination folder and press \'Move files to here\'';
$string['selectfiles'] = 'Select files';
$string['selectmoduletoviewhelp'] = 'Select a module to view its help.';
$string['selectnos'] = 'Select all \'no\'';
$string['selectperiod'] = 'Select period';
$string['senddetails'] = 'Send my details via email';
$string['separate'] = 'Separate';
$string['separateandconnected'] = 'Separate and Connected ways of knowing';
$string['separateandconnectedinfo'] = 'The scale based on the theory of separate and connected knowing. This theory describes two different ways that we can evaluate and learn about the things we see and hear.