<?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wiki.php - class for Wiki style formatting // // Transforms input string with Wiki style formatting into HTML // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT // // // // // // Copyright (C) 2003 Howard Miller - GUIDE - University of Glasgow // guide.gla.ac.uk // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details: // // // // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set this to 1 *IF* we are running in Moodle // it enables Moodle specific functions, otherwise 0 define( "IN_MOODLE",1 ); // state defines define( "STATE_NONE",1 ); // blank line has been detected, so looking for first line on next para define( "STATE_PARAGRAPH",2 ); // currently processing vanilla paragraph define( "STATE_BLOCKQUOTE",3 ); // currently processing blockquote section define( "STATE_PREFORM",4 ); // currently processing preformatted text define( "STATE_NOTIKI",5 ); // currently processing preformatted / no formatting // list defines define( "LIST_NONE", 1 ); // no lists active define( "LIST_UNORDERED", 2 ); // unordered list active define( "LIST_ORDERED", 3 ); // ordered list active define( "LIST_DEFINITION", 4 ); // definition list active class Wiki { var $block_state; var $list_state; var $list_depth; var $list_backtrack; var $output; // output buffer function close_block( $state ) { // provide appropriate closure for block according to state // if in list close this first $lclose = ""; if ($this->list_state != LIST_NONE) { $lclose = $this->do_list( " ",true ); } $sclose = ""; switch ($state) { case STATE_PARAGRAPH: $sclose = "</p>\n"; break; case STATE_BLOCKQUOTE: $sclose = "</blockquote>\n"; break; case STATE_PREFORM: $sclose = "</pre>\n"; break; case STATE_NOTIKI: $sclose = "</pre>\n"; break; } return $lclose . $sclose; } function do_replace( $line, $mark, $tag ) { // do the regex thingy for things like bold, italic etc // $mark is the magic character, and $tag the HTML tag to insert // BODGE: replace inline $mark characters in places where we want them ignored // they will be put back after main substitutue, stops problems with eg, and/or $bodge = chr(1); $line = eregi_replace( '([[:alnum:]])'.$mark.'([[:alnum:]])', '\\1'.$bodge.'\\2',$line ); $regex = '(^| |[(.,])'.$mark.'([^'.$mark.']*)'.$mark.'([^[:alnum:]])'; $replace = '\\1<'.$tag.'>\\2</'.$tag.'>\\3'; $line = eregi_replace( $regex, $replace, $line ); // BODGE: back we go $line = eregi_replace( $bodge, $mark, $line ); return $line; } function do_replace_sub( $line, $mark, $tag ) { // do regex for subscript and superscript (slightly different) // $mark is the magic character and $tag the HTML tag to insert $regex = $mark.'([^'.$mark.']*)'.$mark; $replace = '<'.$tag.'>\\1</'.$tag.'>'; return eregi_replace( $regex, $replace, $line ); } function do_list( $line, $blank=false ) { // handle line with list character on it // if blank line implies drop to level 0 // get magic character and then delete it from the line if not blank if ($blank) { $listchar=""; $count = 0; } else { $listchar = $line{0}; $count = strspn( $line, $listchar ); $line = eregi_replace( "^[".$listchar."]+ ", "", $line ); } // find what sort of list this character represents $list_tag = ""; $item_tag = ""; $list_style = LIST_NONE; switch ($listchar) { case '*': $list_tag = "ul"; $item_tag = "li"; $list_style = LIST_UNORDERED; break; case '#': $list_tag = "ol"; $item_tag = "li"; $list_style = LIST_ORDERED; break; case ';': $list_tag = "dl"; $item_tag = "dd"; $list_style = LIST_DEFINITION; break; case ':': $list_tag = "dl"; $item_tag = "dt"; $list_style = LIST_DEFINITION; break; } // tag opening/closing regime now - fun bit :-) $tags = ""; // if depth has reduced do number of closes to restore level for ($i=$this->list_depth; $i>$count; $i-- ) { $close_tag = array_pop( $this->list_backtrack ); $tags = $tags . $close_tag; } // if depth has increased do number of opens to balance for ($i=$this->list_depth; $i<$count; $i++ ) { array_push( $this->list_backtrack, "</$list_tag>" ); $tags = $tags . "<$list_tag>"; } // ok, so list state is now same as style and depth same as count $this->list_state = $list_style; $this->list_depth = $count; // apply formatting to remainder of line $line = $this->line_replace( $line ); if ($blank) { $newline = $tags; } else { $newline = $tags . "<$item_tag>" . $line . "</$item_tag>"; } return $newline; } function line_replace( $line ) { // return line after various formatting replacements // have been made - order is vital to stop them interfering with each other if (IN_MOODLE==1) { global $CFG; } // ---- (at least) means a <HR> $line = eregi_replace( "^-{4}.*", "<div class=\"hr\"><hr /></div>", $line ); // is this a list line (starts with * # ; :) if (eregi( "^([*]+|[#]+|[;]+|[:]+) ", $line )) { $line = $this->do_list( $line ); } // typographic conventions $line = str_replace( "--", "—", $line ); $line = str_replace( " - ", " – ", $line ); $line = str_replace( "...", " … ", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(R)", "®", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(r)", "®", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(TM)", "™", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(tm)", "™", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(C)", "©", $line ); $line = str_replace( "(c)", "©", $line ); $line = str_replace( "1/4", "¼", $line ); $line = str_replace( "1/2", "½", $line ); $line = str_replace( "3/4", "¾", $line ); $line = eregi_replace( "([[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*)x([[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]+)", "\\1×\\2", $line ); // (digits) x (digits) - multiply // do formatting tags // NOTE: The / replacement *has* to be first, or it will screw the // HTML tags that are added by the other ones $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "/", "em" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "\*", "strong" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "\+", "ins" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "-", "del" ); $line = $this->do_replace_sub( $line, "~", "sub" ); $line = $this->do_replace_sub( $line, "\^", "sup" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "\"", "q" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "'", "q" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "%", "code" ); $line = $this->do_replace( $line, "@", "cite" ); // convert urls into proper link with optional link text URL(text) $line = eregi_replace("([[:space:]]|^)([[:alnum:]]+)://([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])\(([^)]+)\)", "\\1<A HREF=\"\\2://\\3\\4\" TARGET=\"newpage\">\\5</A>", $line); $line = eregi_replace("([[:space:]])www\.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])\(([^)]+)\)", "\\1<A HREF=\"http://www.\\2\\3\" TARGET=\"newpage\">\\5</A>", $line); // make urls (with and without httpd) into proper links $line = eregi_replace("([[:space:]]|^)([[:alnum:]]+)://([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])", "\\1<A HREF=\"\\2://\\3\\4\" TARGET=\"newpage\">\\2://\\3\\4</A>", $line); $line = eregi_replace("([[:space:]])www\.([^[:space:]]*)([[:alnum:]#?/&=])", "\\1<A HREF=\"http://www.\\2\\3\" TARGET=\"newpage\">www.\\2\\3</A>", $line); // !# at the beginning of any lines means a heading $line = eregi_replace( "^!([1-6]) (.*)$", "<h\\1>\\2</h\\1>", $line ); // acronym handing, example HTML(Hypertext Markyp Language) $line = ereg_replace( "([A-Z]+)\(([^)]+)\)", "<acronym title=\"\\2\">\\1</acronym>", $line ); // *Moodle Specific* if (IN_MOODLE==1) { // Replace resource link >>##(Description Text) $line = eregi_replace( " ([a-zA-Z]+):([0-9]+)\(([^)]+)\)", " <a href=\"".$CFG->wwwroot."/mod/\\1/view.php?id=\\2\">\\3</a> ", $line ); // Replace picture resource link global $course; // This is a bit risky - it won't work everywhere if ($CFG->slasharguments) { $line = eregi_replace( "/([a-zA-Z./_-]+)(png|gif|jpg)\(([^)]+)\)", "<img src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/file.php/$course->id/\\1\\2\" alt=\"\\3\" />", $line ); } else { $line = eregi_replace( "/([a-zA-Z./_-]+)(png|gif|jpg)\(([^)]+)\)", "<img src=\"$CFG->wwwroot/file.php\?file=$course->id/\\1\\2\" alt=\"\\3\" />", $line ); } replace_smilies( $line ); } return $line; } function format( $content ) { // main entry point for processing TikiText // $content is string containing text with Tiki formatting // return: string containing XHTML formatting // initialisation stuff $this->output = ""; $this->block_state = STATE_NONE; $this->list_state = LIST_NONE; $this->list_depth = 0; $this->list_backtrack = array(); // split content into array of single lines $lines = explode( "\n",$content ); $buffer = ""; // add a wiki div tag for CSS $buffer = $buffer . "<div class=\"wiki\">\n"; // run through lines foreach( $lines as $line ) { // is this a blank line? $blank_line = eregi( "^[[:blank:]\r]*$", $line ); if ($blank_line) { // first end current block according to state $buffer = $buffer . $this->close_block( $this->block_state ); $this->block_state = STATE_NONE; continue; } // act now depending on current block state if ($this->block_state == STATE_NONE) { // first character of line defines block type if (eregi( "^> ",$line )) { // blockquote $buffer = $buffer . "<blockquote>\n"; $buffer = $buffer . $this->line_replace( eregi_replace( "^>","",$line) ). "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_BLOCKQUOTE; } else if (eregi( "^ ",$line) ) { // preformatted text $buffer = $buffer . "<pre>\n"; $buffer = $buffer . $this->line_replace($line) . "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_PREFORM; } else if (eregi("^\% ",$line) ) { // preformatted text - no processing $buffer = $buffer . "<pre>\n"; $buffer = $buffer . eregi_replace( "^\%","",$line) . "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_NOTIKI; } else if (eregi("^Q. ",$line) ) { // Question - para with a question class $buffer = $buffer . "<p class=\"question\">\n"; $buffer = $buffer . eregi_replace( "^Q. ","",$line) . "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_PARAGRAPH; } else if (eregi("^A. ",$line) ) { // Answer - para with an answer class $buffer = $buffer . "<p class=\"answer\">\n"; $buffer = $buffer . eregi_replace( "^A. ","",$line ) . "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_PARAGRAPH; } else { // ordinary paragraph $buffer = $buffer . "<p>\n"; $buffer = $buffer . $this->line_replace($line) . "\n"; $this->block_state = STATE_PARAGRAPH; } continue; } if (($this->block_state == STATE_PARAGRAPH) | ($this->block_state == STATE_BLOCKQUOTE) | ($this->block_state == STATE_PREFORM) ) { $buffer = $buffer . $this->line_replace($line) . "\n"; continue; } elseif ($this->block_state == STATE_NOTIKI) { $buffer = $buffer . $line . "\n"; } } // close off any block level tags $buffer = $buffer . $this->close_block( $this->block_state ); // close off wiki div $buffer = $buffer . "</div>\n"; //return $buffer; return $buffer; } } ?>