dbfamily)=='postgres') { $index = "{$CFG->prefix}{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } else { $index = "{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}$table", $index); // add new hotpot_questions.md5key field (and index) $table = 'hotpot_questions'; $field = 'md5key'; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', $field, 'VARCHAR', 32, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index($table, $field); // add new values hotpot_questions.md5key $table = 'hotpot_questions'; if ($records = get_records($table)) { foreach ($records as $record) { $ok = $ok && set_field($table, 'md5key', md5($record->name), 'id', $record->id); } } // remove the index on hotpot_strings.string $table = 'hotpot_strings'; $field = 'string'; if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='postgres') { $index = "{$CFG->prefix}{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } else { $index = "{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}$table", $index); // add new hotpot_strings.md5key field (and index) $table = 'hotpot_strings'; $field = 'md5key'; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', $field, 'VARCHAR', 32, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index($table, $field); // add new values hotpot_strings.md5key $table = 'hotpot_strings'; if ($records = get_records($table)) { foreach ($records as $record) { $ok = $ok && set_field($table, 'md5key', md5($record->string), 'id', $record->id); } } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_21() { global $CFG; $ok = true; if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='postgres') { // ensure setting of default values on certain fields // this was originally done in postgres7.php, but was found to be incompatible with PG7 :-( $table="hotpot"; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'studentfeedbackurl', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'studentfeedback', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'clickreporting', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $table="hotpot_attempts"; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'score', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'penalties', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'status', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 1); $table="hotpot_questions"; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'type', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $table="hotpot_responses"; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'score', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'weighting', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'correct', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'wrong', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'ignored', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'hints', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'clues', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'checks', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $table="hotpot_strings"; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'string', 'TEXT', '', '', 'NOT NULL', ''); } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_18() { $ok = true; // remove all orphan records (there shouldn't be any, but if there are they can mess up the utfdbmigrate) $ok = $ok && hotpot_remove_orphans('hotpot_attempts', 'hotpot', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_remove_orphans('hotpot_questions', 'hotpot', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_remove_orphans('hotpot_responses', 'attempt', 'hotpot_attempts'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_remove_orphans('hotpot_responses', 'question', 'hotpot_questions'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_remove_orphans('hotpot_details', 'attempt', 'hotpot_attempts'); // allow negative weighting and scores $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'weighting', '6', false); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'score', '6', false); return $ok; } function hotpot_remove_orphans($secondarytable, $secondarykeyfield, $primarytable, $primarykeyfield='id') { global $CFG,$db; $ok = true; // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = false; $records = get_records_sql(" SELECT t2.$secondarykeyfield, t2.$secondarykeyfield FROM {$CFG->prefix}$secondarytable t2 LEFT JOIN {$CFG->prefix}$primarytable t1 ON (t2.$secondarykeyfield = t1.id) WHERE t1.$primarykeyfield IS NULL "); // restore SQL message echo setting $db->debug = $debug; if ($records) { $keys = implode(',', array_keys($records)); print "removing orphan record(s) from {$CFG->prefix}$secondarytable
"; $ok = $ok && execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}$secondarytable WHERE $secondarykeyfield IN ($keys)"); } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_17() { global $CFG; $ok = true; // convert and disable null values on certain numeric fields $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'starttime', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'endtime', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'score', '6'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'penalties', '6'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'timestart', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'timefinish', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_attempts', 'clickreportid', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_questions', 'type', '4'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_questions', 'text', '10'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'weighting', '6', false); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'score', '6', false); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'hints', '6'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'clues', '6'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_denull_int_field('hotpot_responses', 'checks', '6'); return $ok; } function hotpot_denull_int_field($table, $field, $size, $unsigned=true) { global $CFG; $ok = true; $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}$table SET $field=0 WHERE $field IS NULL", false); if ($unsigned) { $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}$table SET $field=0 WHERE $field<0", false); } $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, $field, $field, 'INTEGER', $size, $unsigned, 'NOT NULL', 0); return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_16() { global $CFG; $ok = true; // remove the questions name index hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions", "hotpot_questions_name_idx"); hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions", "{$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions_name_idx"); // make sure type of 'name' is a text field (not varchar 255) $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_questions', 'name', 'name', 'TEXT', '', '', 'NOT NULL', ''); if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='mysql') { // set default values on certain VARCHAR(255) fields $fields = array( 'hotpot' => 'studentfeedbackurl', 'hotpot_responses' => 'correct', 'hotpot_responses' => 'wrong', 'hotpot_responses' => 'ignored' ); foreach ($fields as $table=>$field) { execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}$table SET $field='' WHERE $field IS NULL"); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, $field, $field, 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); } // remove $CFG->prefix from all index names $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_attempts', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_attempts', 'userid'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_details', 'attempt'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_questions', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_responses', 'attempt'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_index_remove_prefix('hotpot_responses', 'question'); } return $ok; } function hotpot_index_remove_prefix($table, $field) { global $CFG; hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}$table", "{$CFG->prefix}{$table}_{$field}_idx"); hotpot_db_delete_index("{$CFG->prefix}$table", "{$table}_{$field}_idx"); return hotpot_db_add_index($table, $field); } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_8() { global $CFG; $ok = true; if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='postgres') { // add, delete and rename certain fields and indexes // that were not correctly setup by postgres7.sql // hotpot $table = 'hotpot'; if (hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'microreporting')) { $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'microreporting', 'clickreporting', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', '0'); } } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_6() { global $CFG; $ok = true; if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='postgres') { // add, delete and rename certain fields and indexes // that were not correctly setup by postgres7.sql // hotpot $table = 'hotpot'; if (hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'studentfeedback') && !hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'studentfeedbackurl')) { $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'studentfeedback', 'studentfeedbackurl', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NULL'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'studentfeedback', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', '0'); } // hotpot_attempts $table = 'hotpot_attempts'; $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'groupid'); if (hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'microreportid') && !hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'clickreportid')) { $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'microreportid', 'clickreportid', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); } } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1_2() { global $CFG, $db; $ok = true; // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = false; // extract info about attempts by each user on each hotpot (cases where // the user has only one attempt, or no "in progess" attempt are ignored) $rs = $db->Execute(" SELECT userid, hotpot, COUNT(*), MIN(status) FROM {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts GROUP BY userid, hotpot HAVING COUNT(*)>1 AND MIN(status)=1 "); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()) { $records = $rs->GetArray(); // start message to browser print "adjusting status of ".count($records)." "in progress" attempts ... "; // loop through records foreach ($records as $record) { // get all attempts by this user at this hotpot $attempts = get_records_sql(" SELECT id, userid, hotpot, score, timestart, timefinish, status FROM {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts WHERE userid = ".$record['userid']." AND hotpot=".$record['hotpot']." ORDER BY timestart DESC, id DESC "); unset($previous_timestart); foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { // if this attempt has a status of "in progress" and is not // the most recent one in the group, set the status to "abandoned" if ($attempt->status==1 && isset($previous_timestart)) { $values = 'status=3'; if (empty($attempt->score)) { $values .= ',score=0'; } if (empty($attempt->timefinish)) { $values .= ",timefinish=$previous_timestart"; } execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts SET $values WHERE id=$attempt->id", false); print "."; hotpot_flush(300); } $previous_timestart = $attempt->timestart; } // end foreach $attempts } // end foreach $records // finish message to browser print $ok ? get_string('success') : 'failed'; print "
\n"; } // restore SQL message echo setting $db->debug = $debug; return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_1() { global $CFG, $db; $ok = true; // hotpot_questions: reduce size of "type" field to "4" $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_questions', 'type', 'type', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); // hotpot_questions: change type of "name" field to "text" $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_questions', 'name', 'name', 'TEXT', '', '', 'NOT NULL', ''); // hotpot_questions: nullify empty and non-numeric (shouldn't be any) values in "text" field switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : $NOT_REGEXP = 'NOT REGEXP'; break; case 'postgres' : $NOT_REGEXP = '!~'; break; default: $NOT_REGEXP = ''; break; } if ($NOT_REGEXP) { $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions SET text=NULL WHERE text $NOT_REGEXP '^[0-9]+$'"); } // hotpot_questions: change type of "text" field to "INT(10)" $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_questions', 'text', 'text', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); // hotpot_attempts // hotpot_attempts: move "details" to separate table $table = 'hotpot_details'; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { // do nothing } else { $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table($table); switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : case 'postgres' : $sql = " INSERT INTO {$CFG->prefix}$table (attempt, details) SELECT a.id AS attempt, a.details AS details FROM {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts a WHERE a.details IS NOT NULL AND a.details <> '' AND a.details LIKE '' "; break; default: $sql = ''; break; } if ($sql) { $ok = $ok && execute_sql($sql); } } // hotpot_attempts: remove the "details" field $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_remove_field('hotpot_attempts', 'details'); // hotpot_attempts: create and set status field (1=in-progress, 2=timed-out, 3=abandoned, 4=completed) $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_attempts', '', 'status', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 1); $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts SET status=1 WHERE timefinish=0 AND SCORE IS NULL"); $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts SET status=3 WHERE timefinish>0 AND SCORE IS NULL"); $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts SET status=4 WHERE timefinish>0 AND SCORE IS NOT NULL"); // hotpot_attempts: create and set clickreport fields $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot', '', 'clickreporting', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot_attempts', '', 'clickreportid', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); $ok = $ok && execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_attempts SET clickreportid=id WHERE clickreportid IS NULL"); // hotpot_attempts: create and set studentfeedback field (0=none, 1=formmail, 2=moodleforum, 3=moodlemessaging) $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot', '', 'studentfeedback', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', '0'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_update_field_type('hotpot', '', 'studentfeedbackurl', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NULL'); // add indexes $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_attempts', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_attempts', 'userid'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_details', 'attempt'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_questions', 'hotpot'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_responses', 'attempt'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_add_index('hotpot_responses', 'question'); // hotpot_string: correct double-encoded HTML entities $ok = $ok && execute_sql(" UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_strings SET string = REPLACE(string, '&','&') WHERE string LIKE '%&#%' AND (string LIKE '<' OR string LIKE '>') "); // hotpot_question: remove questions which refer to deleted hotpots if ($ok) { // try and get all hotpot records if ($records = get_records('hotpot')) { $ids = implode(',', array_keys($records)); $sql = "DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions WHERE hotpot NOT IN ($ids)"; } else { // remove all question records (because there are no valid hotpot ids) $sql = "TRUNCATE {$CFG->prefix}hotpot_questions"; } print "Removing unused question records ..."; execute_sql($sql); } if ($ok) { // remove old 'v6' templates folder (replaced by 'template' folder) $ds = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $dir = "mod{$ds}hotpot{$ds}v6"; print "removing old templates ($dir) ... "; if (hotpot_rm("$CFG->dirroot{$ds}$dir", false)) { print get_string('success'); } else { print "failed
Please remove '$CFG->dirroot{$ds}$dir' manually"; } print "
\n"; } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_from_v1() { global $CFG; $ok = true; // remove, alter and add fields in database $table = 'hotpot'; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { $ok = $ok && hotpot_update_fields($table); } else { $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table($table); } $table = 'hotpot_attempts'; $oldtable = 'hotpot_events'; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($oldtable)) { $ok = $ok && hotpot_update_fields($oldtable); $ok = $ok && hotpot_db_append_table($oldtable, $table); } else { $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table($table); } // create new tables (from mysql.sql) $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table('hotpot_questions'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table('hotpot_responses'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_create_table('hotpot_strings'); // remove redundant scripts $files = array('coursefiles.php', 'details.php', 'dummy.html', 'hotpot.php', 'hotpot2db.php'); foreach ($files as $file) { $filepath = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot/$file"; if (file_exists($filepath)) { @unlink($filepath); // don't worry about errors } } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_to_v2_from_hotpotatoes() { global $CFG; $ok = true; // hope for the best! // check we have the minimum required hotpot module $minimum = 2005031400; $module = get_record("modules", "name", "hotpot"); if (empty($module) || $module->version<$minimum) { if ($module) { print ("

The update to the HotPotatoes module requires at least version $minimum of the HotPot module.

"); print ("

The current version of the HotPot module on this site is $module->version.

"); } print ("

Please install the latest version of the HotPot module and then try the update again.

"); $ok = false; } else { // arrays to map foreign keys $new = array(); $new['hotpot'] = array(); $new['attempt'] = array(); $new['question'] = array(); $new['string'] = array(); // save and switch off SQL message echo global $db; $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = false; // import hotpotatoes (and save old ids) $ok = $ok && hotpot_update_fields('hotpotatoes'); $ok = $ok && hotpot_transfer_records('hotpotatoes', 'hotpot', array(), 'hotpot', $new); // update course modules and logs $ok = $ok && hotpot_update_course_modules('hotpotatoes', 'hotpot', $new); // import hotpotatoes_strings (and save old ids) $ok = $ok && hotpot_transfer_records('hotpotatoes_strings', 'hotpot_strings', array(), 'string', $new); // import hotpotatoes_attempts (and save old ids) $ok = $ok && hotpot_transfer_records('hotpotatoes_attempts', 'hotpot_attempts', array('hotpotatoes'=>'hotpot'), 'attempt', $new); // import hotpotatoes_questions (and save old ids) $ok = $ok && hotpot_transfer_records('hotpotatoes_questions', 'hotpot_questions', array('hotpotatoes'=>'hotpot'), 'question', $new); // import hotpotatoes_responses $ok = $ok && hotpot_transfer_records('hotpotatoes_responses', 'hotpot_responses', array('attempt'=>'attempt', 'question'=>'question'), 'response', $new); // restore SQL message echo setting $db->debug = $debug; // remove the hotpotatoes tables, if the update went ok if ($ok) { // hotpot_db_remove_table('hotpotatoes'); // hotpot_db_remove_table('hotpotatoes_attempts'); // hotpot_db_remove_table('hotpotatoes_questions'); // hotpot_db_remove_table('hotpotatoes_responses'); // hotpot_db_remove_table('hotpotatoes_strings'); } // hide the hotpotatoes module (see admin/modules.php)) if ($ok && ($module = get_record("modules", "name", "hotpotatoes"))) { set_field("modules", "visible", "0", "id", $module->id); print '

All HotPotatoes activities have been imported to the HotPot module.
'."\n"; print 'The HotPotatoes module has been hidden and can safely be deleted from this Moodle site.
'."\n"; print '     Configuration -> Modules, then click "Delete" for "Hot Potatoes XML Quiz"

'."\n"; } } if ($ok) { print '

Thank you for using the HotPotatoes module.
'; print 'The HotPotatoes module has been replaced by
version 2 of the HotPot module. Enjoy!

'; } return $ok; } function hotpot_create_table($table) { global $CFG; $ok = true; static $sql; if (empty($sql)) { // first time only $filepath = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot/db/$CFG->dbtype.sql"; if (function_exists('file_get_contents')) { $sql = file_get_contents($filepath); } else { // PHP < 4.3 $sql = file($filepath); if (is_array($sql)) { $sql = implode('', $sql); } } if(empty($sql)) { // $sql==false $sql = ''; } } // check table does not already exist if (!hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { // extract and execute all CREATE statements relating to this table if (preg_match_all("/CREATE (TABLE|INDEX)(\s[^;]*)? prefix_{$table}(\s[^;]*)?;/s", $sql, $strings)) { foreach ($strings[0] as $string) { $ok = $ok && modify_database('', $string); } } else { // no CREATE statements found for this $table $ok = false; } } return $ok; } function hotpot_transfer_records($oldtable, $table, $foreignkeys, $primarykey, &$new) { global $db; $ok = true; // get the records, if any if (hotpot_db_table_exists($oldtable) && ($records = get_records($oldtable))) { // start progress report $i = 0; $count = count($records); hotpot_update_print("Transferring $count records from "$oldtable" to "$table" ... "); // transfer all $records foreach ($records as $record) { switch ($table) { case 'hotpot' : $record->summary = addslashes($record->summary); break; case 'hotpot_attempts' : $record->details = addslashes($record->details); break; case 'hotpot_questions' : $record->name = addslashes($record->name); hotpot_update_string_id_list($table, $record, 'TEXT', $new); break; case 'hotpot_responses' : hotpot_update_string_id_list($table, $record, 'correct', $new); hotpot_update_string_id_list($table, $record, 'ignored', $new); hotpot_update_string_id_list($table, $record, 'wrong', $new); break; case 'hotpot_strings' : $record->string = addslashes($record->string); break; } // update foreign keys, if any foreach ($foreignkeys as $oldkey=>$key) { // transfer (and update) key $value = $record->$oldkey; if (isset($new[$key][$value])) { $record->$key = $new[$key][$value]; } else { // foreign key could not be updated $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning($key, $value, $oldtable, $record->id) && $ok; unset($record->id); } } if ($ok && isset($record->id)) { // store and remove old primary key $id = $record->id; unset($record->id); // add the updated record and store the new id $new[$primarykey][$id] = insert_record($table, $record, true); // check id is numeric if (!is_numeric($new[$primarykey][$id])) { hotpot_update_print("
  • Record could not added to $table table ($oldtable id=$id)
  • \n"); //$ok = false; } } $i++; hotpot_update_print_progress($i); } // finish progress report hotpot_update_print_ok($ok); } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_course_modules($oldmodulename, $modulename, &$new) { $ok = true; $oldmoduleid = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', $oldmodulename); $moduleid = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', $modulename); if (is_numeric($oldmoduleid) && is_numeric($moduleid)) { // get module records if ($records = get_records('course_modules', 'module', $oldmoduleid)) { // start progress report $count = count($records); hotpot_update_print("Updating $count course modules from "$oldmodulename" to "$modulename" ... "); // update foreign keys in all $records foreach ($records as $record) { // update instance $instance = $record->instance; if (isset($new[$modulename][$instance])) { $record->instance = $new[$modulename][$instance]; } else if ($record->deleted) { unset($record->id); } else { // could not find new id of course module $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning("$modulename instance", $instance, 'course_modules', $record->id) && $ok; unset($record->id); } // update module id if ($ok && isset($record->id)) { $record->module = $moduleid; $ok = update_record('course_modules', $record); } } // finish progress report hotpot_update_print_ok($ok); } // update logs $ok = $ok && hotpot_update_logs($oldmodulename, $modulename, $moduleid, $new); } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_logs($oldmodulename, $modulename, $moduleid, &$new) { $table = 'log'; $ok = true; // get log records for the oldmodule if ($records = get_records($table, 'module', $oldmodulename)) { // start progress report $i = 0; $count = count($records); hotpot_update_print("Updating $count log records ... "); // update foreign keys in all $records foreach ($records as $record) { // update course module name $record->module = $modulename; // check if module id was given (usually it is) if ($record->cmid) { // update course module id, if necessary if (isset($new[$modulename][$record->cmid])) { $record->cmid = $new[$modulename][$record->cmid]; } else { // could not update course module id $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning('cmid', $record->cmid, 'log', $record->id) && $ok; unset($record->id); } // update url and info switch ($record->action) { case "add": case "update": case "view": $record->url = "view.php?id=".$record->cmid; $record->info = $moduleid; break; case "view all": // do nothing break; case "report": $record->url = "report.php?id=".$record->cmid; $record->info = $moduleid; break; case "attempt": case "submit": case "review": $id = substr(strrchr($record->url,"="),1); if (isset($new->attempt[$id])) { $id = $new->attempt[$id]; } $record->url = "review.php?id=".$record->cmid."&attempt=$id"; $record->info = $moduleid; break; default: // unknown log action $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning('action', $record->action, 'log', $record->id) && $ok; unset($record->id); } // end switch } if (isset($record->id)) { $ok = $ok && update_record($table, $record); } $i++; hotpot_update_print_progress($i); } // end foreach // finish progress report hotpot_update_print_ok($ok); } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_fields($table, $feedback=false) { global $CFG, $db; $ok = true; // check the table exists if (hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { switch ($table) { case 'hotpot' : // == ADD == hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'location', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'navigation', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 1); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'outputformat', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 1); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'shownextquiz', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'forceplugins', 'INTEGER', 4, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'password', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'subnet', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); // == ALTER == hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'summary', 'summary', 'TEXT', '', '', 'NOT NULL', ''); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'reference', 'reference', 'VARCHAR', 255, '', 'NOT NULL', ''); // == REMOVE == hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'intro'); hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'attemptonlast'); hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'sumgrades'); hotpot_db_set_table_comment($table, 'details about Hot Potatoes quizzes'); break; case 'hotpot_events' : // == ADD == hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'hotpot', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL'); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'attempt', 'INTEGER', 6, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL'); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'details', 'TEXT', '', '', '', ''); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'timestart', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, '', 'timefinish', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NOT NULL', 0); // == ALTER == hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'score', 'score', 'INTEGER', 6, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'wrong', 'penalties', 'INTEGER', 6, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'starttime', 'starttime', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'endtime', 'endtime', 'INTEGER', 10, 'UNSIGNED', 'NULL'); // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = $feedback; // get array mapping course module ids to hotpot ids $hotpotmoduleid = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'hotpot'); $coursemodules = get_records('course_modules', 'module', $hotpotmoduleid, 'id', 'id, instance'); // get all event records if (hotpot_db_field_exists($table, 'hotpotid')) { $records = get_records($table, '', '', 'userid,hotpotid,time'); } else { $records = false; // table has already been updated } if ($records) { $count = count($records); hotpot_update_print("Updating $count records in $table ... "); $ids = array_keys($records); foreach ($ids as $i=>$id) { // reference to current record $record = &$records[$id]; // set timestart and timefinish (the times recorded by Moodle) if (empty($record->timestart) && $record->time) { $record->timestart = $record->time; } if (empty($record->timefinish) && $record->timestart) { if ($record->starttime && $record->endtime) { $duration = ($record->endtime - $record->starttime); } else { if (($i+1)>=$count) { $nextrecord = NULL; } else { $nextrecord = &$records[$ids[$i+1]]; } if (isset($nextrecord) && $nextrecord->userid==$record->userid && $nextrecord->hotpotid==$record->hotpotid) { $duration = $nextrecord->time - $record->time; } else { $duration = NULL; } } if (isset($duration)) { $record->timefinish = $record->timestart + $duration; } } // unset score and penalties, if quiz was abandoned if (empty($record->endtime) || (empty($record->penalties) && empty($record->score))) { unset($record->score); unset($record->penalties); } // get last (=previous) record if ($i==0) { $lastrecord = NULL; } else { $lastrecord = &$records[$ids[$i-1]]; } // increment or reset $attempt number if (isset($lastrecord) && $lastrecord->userid==$record->userid && $lastrecord->hotpotid==$record->hotpotid) { $attempt++; } else { $attempt = 1; } // set $record->$attempt, if necessary if (empty($record->attempt) || $record->attempt<$attempt) { $record->attempt = $attempt; } else { $attempt = $record->attempt; } // set hotpot id and update record if (isset($record->hotpotid) && isset($record->id)) { if (isset($coursemodules[$record->hotpotid])) { $record->hotpot = $coursemodules[$record->hotpotid]->instance; hotpot_db_update_record($table, $record, true); } else { // hotpotid is invalid (shouldn't happen) $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning('hotpotid', $record->hotpotid, $table, $record->id) && $ok; delete_records($table, 'id', $record->id); } } else { // empty record (shouldn't happen) } hotpot_update_print_progress($i); } // finish progress report hotpot_update_print_ok($ok); } // restore SQL message echo setting $db->debug = $debug; // == REMOVE == hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'hotpotid'); hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'course'); hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'time'); hotpot_db_remove_field($table, 'event'); hotpot_db_set_table_comment($table, 'details about Hot Potatoes quiz attempts'); break; case 'hotpotatoes' : // == ALTER == hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, 'intro', 'summary', 'TEXT', '', '', '', 'NULL'); break; } } return $ok; } function hotpot_update_string_id_list($table, &$record, $field, &$new) { $ok = true; if (isset($record->$field)) { $oldids = explode(',', $record->$field); $newids = array(); foreach ($oldids as $id) { if (isset($new['string'][$id])) { $newids[] = $new['string'][$id]; } else if (is_numeric($id)) { // string id could not be updated $ok = hotpot_update_print_warning("string id in $field", $id, $table, $record->id) && $ok; } else { // ignore non-numeric ids (e.g. blanks) } } if ($ok) { $record->$field = implode(',', $newids); } } return $ok; } /////////////////////////// // print functions /////////////////////////// function hotpot_update_print($msg=false, $n=300) { // this function prints $msg and flush output buffer if ($msg) { if (is_string($msg)) { print $msg; } else { print strftime("%X", time()); } } // fill output buffer if ($n) { print str_repeat(" ", $n); } // some browser's require newline to flush print "\n"; // flush PHP's output buffer flush(); } function hotpot_update_print_progress($i) { if ($i%10==0) { $msg = '.'; hotpot_update_print($msg); } } function hotpot_update_print_ok($ok) { if ($ok) { hotpot_update_print(''.get_string('success')."
    \n"); } else { hotpot_update_print(''.get_string('error')."
    \n"); } } function hotpot_update_print_warning($field, $value, $table, $id) { hotpot_update_print("
  • Warning: invalid $field field (value=$value) in $table (id=$id)
  • \n"); return true; } /////////////////////////// // database functions /////////////////////////// function hotpot_db_index_exists($table, $index, $feedback=false) { global $CFG, $db; $exists = false; // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = $feedback; switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : $rs = $db->Execute("SHOW INDEX FROM `$table`"); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()>0) { $records = $rs->GetArray(); foreach ($records as $record) { if (isset($record['Key_name']) && $record['Key_name']==$index) { $exists = true; break; } } } break; case 'postgres' : $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$index' AND relkind='i'"); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()>0) { $exists = true; } break; } // restore SQL message echo $db->debug = $debug; return $exists; } function hotpot_db_delete_index($table, $index, $feedback=false) { global $CFG, $db; $ok = true; // check index exists if (hotpot_db_index_exists($table, $index)) { switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : $sql = "ALTER TABLE `$table` DROP INDEX `$index`"; break; case 'postgres' : $sql = "DROP INDEX $index"; break; default: // unknown database type $sql = ''; break; } if ($sql) { // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = $feedback; $ok = $db->Execute($sql) ? true : false; // restore SQL message echo $db->debug = $debug; } else { // unknown database type $ok = false; } } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_add_index($table, $field, $length='') { global $CFG, $db; if (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)=='postgres') { $index = "{$CFG->prefix}{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } else { // mysql (and others) $index = "{$table}_{$field}_idx"; } $table = "{$CFG->prefix}$table"; // delete $index if it already exists $ok = hotpot_db_delete_index($table, $index); switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : $ok = $ok && $db->Execute("ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD INDEX `$index` (`$field`)"); break; case 'postgres' : $ok = $ok && $db->Execute("CREATE INDEX $index ON $table (\"$field\")"); break; default: // unknown database type $ok = false; break; } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_table_exists($table, $feedback=false) { return hotpot_db_object_exists($table, '', $feedback); } function hotpot_db_field_exists($table, $field, $feedback=false) { return hotpot_db_object_exists($table, '', $feedback) && hotpot_db_object_exists($table, $field, $feedback) ; } function hotpot_db_object_exists($table, $field='', $feedback=false) { global $CFG,$db; // expand table name $table = "{$CFG->prefix}$table"; // set $sql switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : if (empty($field)) { $sql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table'"; } else { $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table` LIKE '$field'"; } break; case 'postgres' : if (empty($field)) { $sql = "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$table' AND relkind='r'"; } else { $sql = " SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname = '$field' AND attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$table') "; } break; } // save and switch off SQL message echo $debug = $db->debug; $db->debug = $feedback; // execute sql $rs = $db->Execute($sql); // restore SQL message echo setting $db->debug = $debug; // report error if required if (empty($rs) && debugging()) { notify($db->ErrorMsg()."

    $sql"); } return ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()>0); } function hotpot_db_remove_table($table, $feedback=true) { global $CFG; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { $ok = execute_sql("DROP TABLE {$CFG->prefix}$table", $feedback); } else { $ok = true; } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_rename_table($oldtable, $table, $feedback=true) { global $CFG; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($oldtable)) { $ok = execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}$oldtable RENAME TO {$CFG->prefix}$table", $feedback); } else { $ok = true; } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_append_table($oldtable, $table, $feedback=true) { global $CFG, $db; if (hotpot_db_table_exists($oldtable)) { if (hotpot_db_table_exists($table)) { // expand table names $table = "{$CFG->prefix}$table"; $oldtable = "{$CFG->prefix}$oldtable"; // get field info $fields = $db->MetaColumns($table); $oldfields = $db->MetaColumns($oldtable); $fieldnames = array(); if (!empty($fields) || !empty($oldfields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field->name!='id' && isset($oldfields[strtoupper($field->name)])) { $fieldnames[] = $field->name; } } } $fieldnames = implode(',', $fieldnames); if (empty($fieldnames)) { $ok = false; } else { switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql': $ok = execute_sql("INSERT INTO `$table` ($fieldnames) SELECT $fieldnames FROM `$oldtable` WHERE 1"); break; case 'postgres': $ok = execute_sql("INSERT INTO $table ($fieldnames) SELECT $fieldnames FROM $oldtable"); break; default: $ok = false; break; } } } else { // $table does not exist $ok = hotpot_db_rename_table($oldtable, $table, $feedback); } } else { // $oldtable does not exist $ok = hotpot_db_table_exists($table, $feedback); } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_set_table_comment($table, $comment, $feedback=true) { global $CFG; $ok = true; switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql' : $ok = execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}$table COMMENT='$comment'"); break; case 'postgres' : $ok = execute_sql("COMMENT ON TABLE {$CFG->prefix}$table IS '$comment'"); break; } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_remove_field($table, $field, $feedback=true) { global $CFG; if (hotpot_db_field_exists($table, $field)) { $ok = execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}$table DROP COLUMN $field", $feedback); } else { $ok = true; } return $ok; } function hotpot_db_update_field_type($table, $oldfield, $field, $type, $size, $unsigned, $notnull, $default=NULL, $after=NULL) { $ok = true; global $CFG,$db; // check validity of arguments, and adjust if necessary if ($oldfield && !hotpot_db_field_exists($table, $oldfield)) { $oldfield = ''; } if (empty($oldfield) && hotpot_db_field_exists($table, $field)) { $oldfield = $field; } if (is_string($unsigned)) { $unsigned = (strtoupper($unsigned)=='UNSIGNED'); } if (is_string($notnull)) { $notnull = (strtoupper($notnull)=='NOT NULL'); } if (isset($default)) { if (!is_numeric($default) && strtoupper($default)!='NULL' && !preg_match("|^'.*'$|", $default)) { $default = "'$default'"; } } // set full table name $table = "{$CFG->prefix}$table"; // update the field in the database switch (strtolower($CFG->dbfamily)) { case 'mysql': // optimize integer types switch (strtoupper($type)) { case 'TEXT': $size = ''; $unsigned = false; break; case 'INTEGER' : if (!is_numeric($size)) { $size = ''; } else if ($size <= 4) { $type = "TINYINT"; // 1 byte } else if ($size <= 6) { $type = "SMALLINT"; // 2 bytes } else if ($size <= 8) { $type = "MEDIUMINT"; // 3 bytes } else if ($size <= 10) { $type = "INTEGER"; // 4 bytes (=INT) } else if ($size > 10) { $type = "BIGINT"; // 8 bytes } break; case 'VARCHAR': $unsigned = false; break; } // set action if (empty($oldfield)) { $action = "ADD"; } else { $action = "CHANGE `$oldfield`"; } // set fieldtype $fieldtype = $type; if ($size) { $fieldtype .= "($size)"; } if ($unsigned) { $fieldtype .= ' UNSIGNED'; } if ($notnull) { $fieldtype .= ' NOT NULL'; } if (isset($default)) { $fieldtype .= " DEFAULT $default"; } if (!empty($after)) { $fieldtype .= " AFTER `$after`"; } $ok = $ok && execute_sql("ALTER TABLE `$table` $action `$field` $fieldtype"); break; case 'postgres': // get db version // N.B. $db->ServerInfo() usually returns blank // (except lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-postgre64-inc.php) $dbversion = ''; $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT version()"); if ($rs && $rs->RecordCount()>0) { $records = $rs->GetArray(); if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d+/', $records[0][0], $matches)) { $dbversion = $matches[0]; } } $tmpfield = 'temporary_'.$field.'_'.time(); switch (strtoupper($type)) { case "INTEGER": if (!is_numeric($size)) { $fieldtype = "INTEGER"; } else if ($size <= 4) { $fieldtype = "INT2"; // 2 bytes } else if ($size <= 10) { $fieldtype = "INT4"; // 4 bytes (=INTEGER) } else if ($size > 10) { $fieldtype = "INT8"; // 8 bytes } break; case "VARCHAR": $fieldtype = "VARCHAR($size)"; break; default: $fieldtype = $type; } // start transaction execute_sql('BEGIN'); // create temporary field execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ADD COLUMN "'.$tmpfield.'" '.$fieldtype); // set default if (isset($default)) { execute_sql('UPDATE '.$table.' SET "'.$tmpfield.'" = '.$default); execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ALTER COLUMN "'.$tmpfield.'" SET DEFAULT '.$default); } else { execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ALTER COLUMN "'.$tmpfield.'" DROP DEFAULT'); } // set not null if ($dbversion=='' || $dbversion >= "7.3") { $notnull = ($notnull ? 'SET NOT NULL' : 'DROP NOT NULL'); execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' ALTER COLUMN "'.$tmpfield.'" '.$notnull); } else { execute_sql(" UPDATE pg_attribute SET attnotnull=".($notnull ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE')." WHERE attname = '$tmpfield' AND attrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '$table') "); } // transfer $oldfield values, if necessary if ( $oldfield != '' ) { execute_sql('UPDATE '.$table.' SET "'.$tmpfield.'" = CAST ("'.$oldfield.'" AS '.$fieldtype.')'); execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' DROP COLUMN "'.$oldfield.'"'); } // rename $tmpfield to $field execute_sql('ALTER TABLE '.$table.' RENAME COLUMN "'.$tmpfield.'" TO "'.$field.'"'); // do the transaction execute_sql('COMMIT'); // reclaim disk space (must be done outside transaction) if ($oldfield != '' && $dbversion >= "7.3") { execute_sql('UPDATE '.$table.' SET "'.$field.'" = "'.$field.'"'); execute_sql('VACUUM FULL '.$table); } break; } // end switch $CGF->dbfamily return $ok; } function hotpot_db_update_record($table, $record, $forcenull=false) { global $CFG, $db; $ok = true; // set full table name $table = "{$CFG->prefix}$table"; // get field names $fields = $db->MetaColumns($table); if (empty($fields)) { $ok = false; } else { // get values $values = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldname = $field->name; if ($fieldname!='id' && ($forcenull || isset($record->$fieldname))) { $value = isset($record->$fieldname) ? "'".$record->$fieldname."'" : 'NULL'; $values[] = "$fieldname = $value"; } } $values = implode(',', $values); // update values (if there are any) if ($values) { $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $values WHERE id='$record->id'"; $rs = $db->Execute($sql); if (empty($rs)) { $ok = false; debugging($db->ErrorMsg()."

    $sql"); } } } return $ok; } function hotpot_rm($target, $output=true) { $ok = true; if (!empty($target)) { if (is_file($target)) { if ($output) { print "removing file: $target ... "; } $ok = @unlink($target); } else if (is_dir($target)) { $dir = dir($target); while(false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if ($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') { $ok = $ok && hotpot_rm($target.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry, $output); } } $dir->close(); if ($output) { print "removing folder: $target ... "; } $ok = $ok && @rmdir($target); } else { // not a file or directory (probably doesn't exist) $output = false; } if ($output) { if ($ok) { print 'OK
    '; } else { print 'Failed
    '; } } } return $ok; } function hotpot_flush($n=0, $time=false) { if ($time) { $t = strftime("%X",time()); } else { $t = ""; } echo str_repeat(" ", $n) . $t . "\n"; flush(); } ?>