libdir/xmlize.php"); class qformat_blackboard extends qformat_default { function provide_import() { return true; } /******************************** function readdata($filename) { /// Returns complete file with an array, one item per line if (is_readable($filename)) { $zip = zip_open($filename); $zip_entry = $zip_read($zip); if (strstr($zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "imsmanifest") == 0) $zip_entry = $zip_read($zip); // skip past manifest file if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { $strbuf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); $buf = explode("\n", $strbuf); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); zip_close($zip); return $buf; } else { zip_close($zip); return false; } } return false; } ********************************/ function readquestions ($lines) { /// Parses an array of lines into an array of questions, /// where each item is a question object as defined by /// readquestion(). $text = implode($lines, " "); $xml = xmlize($text, 0); $questions = array(); process_tf($xml, $questions); process_mc($xml, $questions); process_ma($xml, $questions); process_fib($xml, $questions); process_matching($xml, $questions); return $questions; } } //---------------------------------------- // Process True / False Questions //---------------------------------------- function process_tf($xml, &$questions) { if (isset($xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_TRUEFALSE"])) { $tfquestions = $xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_TRUEFALSE"]; } else { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($tfquestions); $i++) { $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $question->qtype = TRUEFALSE; $question->single = 1; // Only one answer is allowed $thisquestion = $tfquestions[$i]; // put questiontext in question object $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["BODY"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"])); // put name in question object $question->name = $question->questiontext; $choices = $thisquestion["#"]["ANSWER"]; $correct_answer = $thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["CORRECTANSWER"][0]["@"]["answer_id"]; // first choice is true, second is false. $id = $choices[0]["@"]["id"]; if (strcmp($id, $correct_answer) == 0) { // true is correct $question->answer = 1; $question->feedbacktrue = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT"][0]["#"])); $question->feedbackfalse = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT"][0]["#"])); } else { // false is correct $question->answer = 0; $question->feedbacktrue = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT"][0]["#"])); $question->feedbackfalse = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT"][0]["#"])); } $questions[] = $question; } } //---------------------------------------- // Process Multiple Choice Questions //---------------------------------------- function process_mc($xml, &$questions) { if (isset($xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MULTIPLECHOICE"])) { $mcquestions = $xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MULTIPLECHOICE"]; } else { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($mcquestions); $i++) { $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE; $question->single = 1; // Only one answer is allowed $thisquestion = $mcquestions[$i]; // put questiontext in question object $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["BODY"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"])); // put name of question in question object $question->name = $question->questiontext; $choices = $thisquestion["#"]["ANSWER"]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof ($choices); $j++) { $choice = trim($choices[$j]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"]); // put this choice in the question object. $question->answer[$j] = addslashes($choice); $id = $choices[$j]["@"]["id"]; $correct_answer_id = $thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["CORRECTANSWER"][0]["@"]["answer_id"]; // if choice is the answer, give 100%, otherwise give 0% if (strcmp ($id, $correct_answer_id) == 0) { $question->fraction[$j] = 1; $question->feedback[$j] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT"][0]["#"])); } else { $question->fraction[$j] = 0; $question->feedback[$j] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT"][0]["#"])); } } $questions[] = $question; } } //---------------------------------------- // Process Multiple Choice Questions With Multiple Answers //---------------------------------------- function process_ma($xml, &$questions) { if (isset($xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MULTIPLEANSWER"])) { $maquestions = $xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MULTIPLEANSWER"]; } else { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($maquestions); $i++) { $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE; $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->single = 0; // More than one answers allowed $question->image = ""; // No images with this format $thisquestion = $maquestions[$i]; // put questiontext in question object $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["BODY"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"])); // put name of question in question object $question->name = $question->questiontext; $choices = $thisquestion["#"]["ANSWER"]; $correctanswers = $thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["CORRECTANSWER"]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof ($choices); $j++) { $choice = trim($choices[$j]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"]); // put this choice in the question object. $question->answer[$j] = addslashes($choice); $correctanswercount = sizeof($correctanswers); $id = $choices[$j]["@"]["id"]; $iscorrect = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $correctanswercount; $k++) { $correct_answer_id = trim($correctanswers[$k]["@"]["answer_id"]); if (strcmp ($id, $correct_answer_id) == 0) { $iscorrect = 1; } } if ($iscorrect) { $question->fraction[$j] = floor(100000/$correctanswercount)/100000; // strange behavior if we have more than 5 decimal places $question->feedback[$j] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][$j]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT"][0]["#"])); } else { $question->fraction[$j] = 0; $question->feedback[$j] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][$j]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT"][0]["#"])); } } $questions[] = $question; } } //---------------------------------------- // Process Fill in the Blank Questions //---------------------------------------- function process_fib($xml, &$questions) { if (isset($xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_FILLINBLANK"])) { $fibquestions = $xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_FILLINBLANK"]; } else { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($fibquestions); $i++) { $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER; $question->usecase = 0; // Ignore case $thisquestion = $fibquestions[$i]; // put questiontext in question object $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["BODY"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"])); // put name of question in question object $question->name = $question->questiontext; $answer = trim($thisquestion["#"]["ANSWER"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"]); $question->answer[] = addslashes($answer); $question->fraction[] = 1; $question->feedback[0] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT"][0]["#"])); $question->feedback[1] = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT"][0]["#"])); $questions[] = $question; } } //---------------------------------------- // Process Matching Questions //---------------------------------------- function process_matching($xml, &$questions) { if (isset($xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MATCH"])) { $matchquestions = $xml["POOL"]["#"]["QUESTION_MATCH"]; } else { return; } for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($matchquestions); $i++) { $question = $this->defaultquestion(); $question->qtype = MATCH; $thisquestion = $matchquestions[$i]; // put questiontext in question object $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim($thisquestion["#"]["BODY"][0]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"])); // put name of question in question object $question->name = $question->questiontext; $choices = $thisquestion["#"]["CHOICE"]; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof ($choices); $j++) { $subquestion = NULL; $choice = $choices[$j]["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"]; $choice_id = $choices[$j]["@"]["id"]; $question->subanswers[] = addslashes(trim($choice)); $correctanswers = $thisquestion["#"]["GRADABLE"][0]["#"]["CORRECTANSWER"]; for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof ($correctanswers); $k++) { if (strcmp($choice_id, $correctanswers[$k]["@"]["choice_id"]) == 0) { $answer_id = $correctanswers[$k]["@"]["answer_id"]; $answers = $thisquestion["#"]["ANSWER"]; for ($m = 0; $m < sizeof ($answers); $m++) { $answer = $answers[$m]; $current_ans_id = $answer["@"]["id"]; if (strcmp ($current_ans_id, $answer_id) == 0) { $answer = $answer["#"]["TEXT"][0]["#"]; $question->subquestions[] = addslashes(trim($answer)); break; } } break; } } } $questions[] = $question; } } ?>