id) or ($course->showreports and $USER->id == $user->id))) {
error("You are not allowed to look at this page");
add_to_log($course->id, "course", "course report", "course.php?id=$course->id",$course->id);
$stractivityreport = get_string("activityreport");
$strparticipants = get_string("participants");
$stroutline = get_string("outline");
$strcomplete = get_string("complete");
$stralllogs = get_string("alllogs");
$strtodaylogs = get_string("todaylogs");
if ($course->category) {
print_header("$course->shortname: $stractivityreport", "$course->fullname",
"id\">$course->shortname ->
} else {
print_header("$course->shortname: $stractivityreport ($mode)", "$course->fullname",
"id&course=$course->id\">$user->firstname $user->lastname ->
$stractivityreport -> $strmode");
echo "
echo "$stractivityreport: | ";
echo "
get_all_mods($course->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
$sections = get_all_sections($course->id);
for ($i=0; $i<=$course->numsections; $i++) {
if (isset($sections[$i])) { // should always be true
$section = $sections[$i];
if ($section->sequence) {
echo "
echo "";
switch ($course->format) {
case "weeks": print_string("week"); break;
case "topics": print_string("topic"); break;
default: print_string("section"); break;
echo " $i
echo "";
echo "";
$sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sectionmods as $sectionmod) {
if (empty($mods[$sectionmod])) {
$mod = $mods[$sectionmod];
$instance = get_record("$mod->modname", "id", "$mod->instance");
$libfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->modname/lib.php";
$result = null;
if ($logs = get_records_select("log", "module='$mod->modname'
AND action LIKE 'view%' AND info='$mod->instance'", "time ASC")) {
$numviews = count($logs);
$lastlog = array_pop($logs);
$result->info = get_string("numviews", "", $numviews);
$result->time = $lastlog->time;
print_outline_row($mod, $instance, $result);
echo "
echo "
function print_outline_row($mod, $instance, $result) {
$image = "
modname/icon.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"$mod->modfullname\">";
echo "";
echo "$image | ";
echo "";
echo " modfullname\"";
echo " HREF=\"../mod/$mod->modname/view.php?id=$mod->id\">$instance->name | ";
echo " | ";
echo "";
if (isset($result->info)) {
echo "$result->info";
} else {
echo " - ";
echo " | ";
echo " | ";
if (isset($result->time)) {
$timeago = format_time(time() - $result->time);
echo "".userdate($result->time)." ($timeago) | ";
echo "