resettodefaults)) { if (!(reset_to_defaults($currentpage))) { error("Editor settings could not be restored!"); } } else { if (!(editor_update_config($data, $currentpage))) { error("Editor settings could not be updated!"); } } redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/editor.php?tab=$currentpage", get_string("changessaved"), 1); } else { // Generate edit form $inactive = NULL; switch ( $currentpage ) { case 1: $currenttab = 'htmlarea'; $inactive = array(); break; case 2: $currenttab = 'tinymce'; $inactive = array(); break; } $url = 'editor.php?tab='; $tabrow = array(); $tabrow[] = new tabobject('htmlarea',$url . '1', 'HTMLArea'); $tabrow[] = new tabobject('tinymce',$url . '2', 'TinyMCE'); $tabs = array($tabrow); $fontlist = editor_convert_to_array($CFG->editorfontlist); $dicts = editor_get_dictionaries(); $stradmin = get_string("administration"); $strconfiguration = get_string("configuration"); $streditorsettings = get_string("editorsettings"); $streditorsettingshelp = get_string("adminhelpeditorsettings"); print_header("Editor settings","Editor settings", "$stradmin -> ". "$strconfiguration -> $streditorsettings"); print_heading($streditorsettings); print_simple_box("
","center","50%"); print("
\n"); print_tabs($tabs, $currenttab, $inactive); print_simple_box_start("center"); include("editor.html"); print_simple_box_end(); print_footer(); } /// FUNCTIONS function editor_convert_to_array ($string) { /// Converts $CFG->editorfontlist to array if (empty($string) || !is_string($string)) { return false; } $fonts = array(); $lines = explode(";", $string); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (!empty($line)) { list($fontkey, $fontvalue) = explode(":", $line); $fonts[$fontkey] = $fontvalue; } } return $fonts; } function editor_update_config ($data, $editor) { /// Updates the editor config values. if (!is_object($data)) { return false; } switch($editor) { case 1: // HTMLArea. // Make array for unwanted characters. $nochars = array(chr(33),chr(34),chr(35),chr(36),chr(37), chr(38),chr(39),chr(40),chr(41),chr(42), chr(43),chr(46),chr(47),chr(58),chr(59), chr(60),chr(61),chr(62),chr(63),chr(64), chr(91),chr(92),chr(93),chr(94),chr(95), chr(96),chr(123),chr(124),chr(125),chr(126)); $fontlist = ''; // make font string $cnt = count($data->fontname); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (!empty($data->fontname[$i])) { $fontlist .= str_replace($nochars, "", $data->fontname[$i]) .":"; $fontlist .= str_replace($nochars, "", $data->fontnamevalue[$i]) .";"; } } // strip last semicolon $fontlist = substr($fontlist, 0, strlen($fontlist) - 1); // make array of values to update $updatedata = array(); $updatedata['htmleditor'] = !empty($data->htmleditor) ? $data->htmleditor : 0; $updatedata['editorbackgroundcolor'] = !empty($data->backgroundcolor) ? $data->backgroundcolor : "#ffffff"; $updatedata['editorfontfamily'] = !empty($data->fontfamily) ? str_replace($nochars,"",$data->fontfamily) : "Times New Roman, Times"; $updatedata['editorfontsize'] = !empty($data->fontsize) ? $data->fontsize : ""; $updatedata['editorkillword'] = !empty($data->killword) ? $data->killword : 0; $updatedata['editorspelling'] = !empty($data->spelling) ? $data->spelling : 0; $updatedata['editorfontlist'] = $fontlist; $updatedata['editordictionary'] = !empty($data->dictionary) ? $data->dictionary : ''; $updatedata['aspellpath'] = !empty($data->aspellpath) ? $data->aspellpath : ''; $hidebuttons = ''; if (!empty($data->buttons) && is_array($data->buttons)) { foreach ($data->buttons as $key => $value) { $hidebuttons .= $key . " "; } } $updatedata['editorhidebuttons'] = trim($hidebuttons); break; case 2: // TinyMCE. $updatedata = array(); $updatedata['htmleditor'] = !empty($data->htmleditor) ? $data->htmleditor : 0; // Process plugins if ( !empty($data->tinymceplugins) ) { foreach ( $data->tinymceplugins as $key => $value ) { $value = stripslashes(clean_param($value, PARAM_ALPHA)); $data->tinymceplugins[$key] = addslashes($value); } } $updatedata['tinymceplugins'] = !empty($data->tinymceplugins) ? implode(",", $data->tinymceplugins) : ''; $updatedata['tinymcetheme'] = !empty($data->tinymcetheme) ? clean_param($data->tinymcetheme, PARAM_ALPHA) : ''; $updatedata['tinymcecontentcss'] = !empty($data->tinymcecontentcss) ? clean_param($data->tinymcecontentcss, PARAM_URL) : ''; $updatedata['tinymcepopupcss'] = !empty($data->tinymcepopupcss) ? clean_param($data->tinymcepopupcss, PARAM_URL) : ''; $updatedata['tinymceeditorcss'] = !empty($data->tinymceeditorcss) ? clean_param($data->tinymceeditorcss, PARAM_URL) : ''; break; } foreach ($updatedata as $name => $value) { if (!(set_config($name, $value))) { return false; } } return true; } function reset_to_defaults ($editor) { /// Reset the values to default global $CFG; include_once($CFG->dirroot .'/lib/defaults.php'); $updatedata = array(); switch ( $editor ) { case 1: // HTMLArea. $updatedata['editorbackgroundcolor'] = $defaults['editorbackgroundcolor']; $updatedata['editorfontfamily'] = $defaults['editorfontfamily']; $updatedata['editorfontsize'] = $defaults['editorfontsize']; $updatedata['editorkillword'] = $defaults['editorkillword']; $updatedata['editorspelling'] = $defaults['editorspelling']; $updatedata['editorfontlist'] = $defaults['editorfontlist']; $updatedata['editorhidebuttons'] = $defaults['editorhidebuttons']; $updatedata['editordictionary'] = ''; break; case 2: // TinyMCE. $updatedata['tinymceplugins'] = $defaults['tinymceplugins']; $updatedata['tinymcetheme'] = $defaults['tinymcetheme']; $updatedata['tinymcecontentcss'] = $defaults['tinymcecontentcss']; $updatedata['tinymcepopupcss'] = $defaults['tinymcepopupcss']; $updatedata['tinymceeditorcss'] = $defaults['tinymceeditorcss']; break; } foreach ($updatedata as $name => $value) { if (!(set_config($name, $value))) { return false; } } return true; } function editor_get_dictionaries () { /// Get all installed dictionaries in the system global $CFG; error_reporting(E_ALL); // for debug, final version shouldn't have this... clearstatcache(); $strerror = ''; // If aspellpath isn't set don't even bother ;-) if (empty($CFG->aspellpath)) { return $strerror = 'Empty aspell path!'; } // Do we have access to popen function? if (!function_exists('popen')) { return $strerror = "Popen function disabled!"; exit; } global $CFG; $cmd = $CFG->aspellpath; $output = ''; $dictionaries = array(); $dicts = array(); if(!($handle = @popen(escapeshellarg($cmd) .' dump dicts', 'r'))) { return $strerror = "Couldn't create handle!"; exit; } while(!feof($handle)) { $output .= fread($handle, 1024); } @pclose($handle); $dictionaries = explode(chr(10), $output); // Get rid of possible empty values if (is_array($dictionaries)) { $cnt = count($dictionaries); for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (!empty($dictionaries[$i])) { $dicts[] = $dictionaries[$i]; } } } if (count($dicts) >= 1) { return $dicts; } $strerror = "Error! Check your aspell installation!"; return $strerror; } function editor_get_tiny_plugins() { global $CFG; $plugins = array(); $plugindir = $CFG->libdir .'/editor/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins'; if ( !$fp = opendir($plugindir) ) { return $plugins; exit; } while ( ($file = readdir($fp)) !== false ) { if ( preg_match("/^\.+/", $file) ) { continue; } if ( is_dir($plugindir .'/'. $file) ) { array_push($plugins, $file); } } if ( $fp ) { closedir($fp); } return $plugins; } ?>