mirror of
synced 2025-02-13 12:34:28 +01:00
Remove the responsibility for loging the application of the course start date offset, from activity modules to the backup module. Merged from stable branch
453 lines
20 KiB
453 lines
20 KiB
<?php //$Id$
//This php script contains all the stuff to backup/restore
//exercise mods
//This is the "graphical" structure of the exercise mod:
// exercise
// (CL,pk->id)
// |
// |
// |
// |------------------------------|---------------------------------------------|
// | |
// | |
// | exercise_submissions
// | (UL,pk->id,fk->exerciseid,files)
// | |
// | |
// | |
// | |---------------------| |------------------------------| |
// | | | | | |
// exercise_elements exercise_grades exercise_assessments
// (CL,pk->id,fk->exerciseid) (UL,pk->id,fk->assessmentid) (UL,pk->id,fk->submissionid)
// | ( fk->elementno )
// |
// |
// exercise_rubrics
// (CL,pk->id,fk->elementno)
// Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table
// fk->foreign key to link with parent
// nt->nested field (recursive data)
// CL->course level info
// UL->user level info
// files->table may have files)
//This function executes all the restore procedure about this mod
function exercise_restore_mods($mod,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$mod->modtype,$mod->id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
// if necessary, write to restorelog and adjust date/time fields
if ($restore->course_startdateoffset) {
restore_log_date_changes('Exercise', $restore, $info['MOD']['#'], array('DEADLINE'));
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the exercise record structure
$exercise->course = $restore->course_id;
$exercise->name = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$exercise->nelements = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['NELEMENTS']['0']['#']);
$exercise->phase = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['PHASE']['0']['#']);
$exercise->gradingstrategy = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADINGSTRATEGY']['0']['#']);
$exercise->usemaximum = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['USEMAXIMUM']['0']['#']);
$exercise->assessmentcomps = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['ASSESSMENTCOMPS']['0']['#']);
$exercise->anonymous = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['ANONYMOUS']['0']['#']);
$exercise->maxbytes = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['MAXBYTES']['0']['#']);
$exercise->deadline = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['DEADLINE']['0']['#']);
$date = usergetdate($exercise->deadline);
fwrite ($restorelog_file,"<br>The Exercise - ".$exercise->name." <br>");
fwrite ($restorelog_file,"The DEADLINE was " .$date['weekday'].", ".$date['mday']." ".$date['month']." ".$date['year']."");
$exercise->deadline += $restore->course_startdateoffset;
$date = usergetdate($exercise->deadline);
fwrite ($restorelog_file," the DEADLINE is now " .$date['weekday'].", ".$date['mday']." ".$date['month']." ".$date['year']."<br>");
$exercise->timemodified = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
$exercise->grade = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
$exercise->gradinggrade = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['GRADINGGRADE']['0']['#']);
$exercise->showleaguetable = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['SHOWLEAGUETABLE']['0']['#']);
$exercise->usepassword = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['USEPASSWORD']['0']['#']);
$exercise->password = backup_todb($info['MOD']['#']['PASSWORD']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise
$newid = insert_record ("exercise",$exercise);
//Do some output
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("modulename","exercise")." \"".format_string(stripslashes($exercise->name),true)."\"</li>";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$mod->id, $newid);
//We have to restore the exercise_elements table now (course level table)
$status = exercise_elements_restore($newid,$info,$restore);
//restore the teacher submissions and optionally the student submissions
$status = exercise_submissions_restore($mod->id, $newid,$info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the exercise_elements
function exercise_elements_restore($exercise_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the exercise_elements array
$elements = $info['MOD']['#']['ELEMENTS']['0']['#']['ELEMENT'];
//Iterate over exercise_elements
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($elements); $i++) {
$ele_info = $elements[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ele_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the exercise_ELEMENTS record structure
$element->exerciseid = $exercise_id;
$element->elementno = backup_todb($ele_info['#']['ELEMENTNO']['0']['#']);
$element->description = backup_todb($ele_info['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
$element->scale = backup_todb($ele_info['#']['SCALE']['0']['#']);
$element->maxscore = backup_todb($ele_info['#']['MAXSCORE']['0']['#']);
$element->weight = backup_todb($ele_info['#']['WEIGHT']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise_elements
$newid = insert_record ("exercise_elements",$element);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have to restore the exercise_rubrics table now (course level table)
$status = exercise_rubrics_restore($exercise_id,$element->elementno,$ele_info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the exercise_rubrics
function exercise_rubrics_restore($exercise_id,$elementno,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the exercise_rubrics array (optional)
if (isset($info['#']['RUBRICS']['0']['#']['RUBRIC'])) {
$rubrics = $info['#']['RUBRICS']['0']['#']['RUBRIC'];
//Iterate over exercise_rubrics
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rubrics); $i++) {
$rub_info = $rubrics[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($rub_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the exercise_RUBRICS record structure
$rubric->exerciseid = $exercise_id;
$rubric->elementno = $elementno;
$rubric->rubricno = backup_todb($rub_info['#']['RUBRICNO']['0']['#']);
$rubric->description = backup_todb($rub_info['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise_rubrics
$newid = insert_record ("exercise_rubrics",$rubric);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 10 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the submissions
function exercise_submissions_restore($old_exercise_id, $new_exercise_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the submissions array (teacher submissions)
$submissions = $info['MOD']['#']['SUBMISSIONS']['0']['#']['SUBMISSION'];
//Iterate over submissions
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($submissions); $i++) {
$sub_info = $submissions[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($sub_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
$olduserid = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the exercise_SUBMISSIONS record structure
$submission->exerciseid = $new_exercise_id;
$submission->userid = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$submission->title = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['TITLE']['0']['#']);
$submission->timecreated = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$submission->resubmit = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['RESUBMIT']['0']['#']);
$submission->mailed = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['MAILED']['0']['#']);
$submission->isexercise = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['ISEXERCISE']['0']['#']);
$submission->late = backup_todb($sub_info['#']['LATE']['0']['#']);
// always save the exercise descriptions and optionally the student submissions
if ($submission->isexercise or restore_userdata_selected($restore,'exercise',$old_exercise_id)) {
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$olduserid);
if ($user) {
$submission->userid = $user->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise_submission
$newid = insert_record ("exercise_submissions",$submission);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
//Now copy moddata associated files
$status = exercise_restore_files($oldid, $newid,$restore);
//Now we need to restore exercise_assessments (user level table)
if ($status and restore_userdata_selected($restore,'exercise',$old_exercise_id)) {
$status = exercise_assessments_restore($new_exercise_id, $newid,$sub_info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the exercise_assessments
function exercise_assessments_restore($new_exercise_id, $new_submission_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the assessments array (optional)
if (isset($info['#']['ASSESSMENTS']['0']['#']['ASSESSMENT'])) {
$assessments = $info['#']['ASSESSMENTS']['0']['#']['ASSESSMENT'];
//Iterate over assessments
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($assessments); $i++) {
$ass_info = $assessments[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($ass_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//We'll need this later!!
$oldid = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['ID']['0']['#']);
$olduserid = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
//Now, build the exercise_ASSESSMENTS record structure
$assessment->exerciseid = $new_exercise_id;
$assessment->submissionid = $new_submission_id;
$assessment->userid = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$assessment->timecreated = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$assessment->timegraded = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['TIMEGRADED']['0']['#']);
$assessment->grade = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['GRADE']['0']['#']);
$assessment->gradinggrade = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['GRADINGGRADE']['0']['#']);
$assessment->mailed = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['MAILED']['0']['#']);
$assessment->generalcomment = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['GENERALCOMMENT']['0']['#']);
$assessment->teachercomment = backup_todb($ass_info['#']['TEACHERCOMMENT']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$olduserid);
if ($user) {
$assessment->userid = $user->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise_assessment
$newid = insert_record ("exercise_assessments",$assessment);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
//Now we need to restore exercise_grades (user level table)
if ($status) {
$status = exercise_grades_restore_mods ($new_exercise_id, $newid,$ass_info,$restore);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function restores the exercise_grades
function exercise_grades_restore_mods($new_exercise_id, $new_assessment_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the grades array (optional)
if (isset($info['#']['GRADES']['0']['#']['GRADE'])) {
$grades = $info['#']['GRADES']['0']['#']['GRADE'];
//Iterate over grades
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($grades); $i++) {
$gra_info = $grades[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($gra_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the exercise_GRADES record structure
$grade->exerciseid = $new_exercise_id;
$grade->assessmentid = $new_assessment_id;
$grade->elementno = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['ELEMENTNO']['0']['#']);
$grade->feedback = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['FEEDBACK']['0']['#']);
$grade->grade = backup_todb($gra_info['#']['GRADE_VALUE']['0']['#']);
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the exercise_grade
$newid = insert_record ("exercise_grades",$grade);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function copies the exercise related info from backup temp dir to course moddata folder,
//creating it if needed and recoding everything (submission_id)
function exercise_restore_files ($oldsubmiss, $newsubmiss, $restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$todo = false;
$moddata_path = "";
$exercise_path = "";
$temp_path = "";
//First, we check to "course_id" exists and create is as necessary
//in CFG->dataroot
$dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id;
$status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true);
//Now, locate course's moddata directory
$moddata_path = $CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id."/".$CFG->moddata;
//Check it exists and create it
$status = check_dir_exists($moddata_path,true);
//Now, locate exercise directory
if ($status) {
$exercise_path = $moddata_path."/exercise";
//Check it exists and create it
$status = check_dir_exists($exercise_path,true);
//Now locate the temp dir we are gong to restore
if ($status) {
$temp_path = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code.
//Check it exists
if (is_dir($temp_path)) {
$todo = true;
//If todo, we create the neccesary dirs in course moddata/exercise
if ($status and $todo) {
//First this exercise id
$this_exercise_path = $exercise_path."/".$newsubmiss;
$status = check_dir_exists($this_exercise_path,true);
//And now, copy temp_path to this_exercise_path
$status = backup_copy_file($temp_path, $this_exercise_path);
return $status;