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Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 764167136f MDL-66104 output: HTMLPurifier to allow <nolink> tags everywhere
Before the patch, HTMLPurifier was instructed to handle <nolink>
tags in block mode. That implies that any block tag enclosing it
had to be closed for HTML compliance.

But <noscript> tags are not part of the final output (they are
removed) but just internally used to skip filtering certain areas.

So they can be virtually everywhere, HTMLPurifier just should allow
them without any change, both to parent or children tags.
2019-08-01 17:52:33 +02:00

514 lines
23 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Unit tests for the HTMLPurifier integration
* @package core
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* HTMLPurifier test case
* @package core
* @category phpunit
* @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class core_htmlpurifier_testcase extends basic_testcase {
* Verify _blank target is allowed.
public function test_allow_blank_target() {
// See MDL-52651 for an explanation as to why the rel="noreferrer" attribute is expected here.
// Also note we do not need to test links with an existing rel attribute as the HTML Purifier is configured to remove
// the rel attribute.
$text = '<a href="http://moodle.org" target="_blank">Some link</a>';
$expected = '<a href="http://moodle.org" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Some link</a>';
$result = format_text($text, FORMAT_HTML);
$this->assertSame($expected, $result);
$result = format_text('<a href="http://moodle.org" target="some">Some link</a>', FORMAT_HTML);
$this->assertSame('<a href="http://moodle.org">Some link</a>', $result);
* Verify our nolink tag accepted.
public function test_nolink() {
// We can not use format text because nolink changes result.
$text = '<nolink><div>no filters</div></nolink>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
$text = '<nolink>xxx<em>xx</em><div>xxx</div></nolink>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
// Ensure nolink doesn't force open tags to be closed, so can be virtually everywhere.
$text = '<p><nolink><div>no filters</div></nolink></p>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
* Verify our tex tag accepted.
public function test_tex() {
$text = '<tex>a+b=c</tex>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
* Verify our algebra tag accepted.
public function test_algebra() {
$text = '<algebra>a+b=c</algebra>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
* Verify our hacky multilang works.
public function test_multilang() {
$text = '<lang lang="en">hmmm</lang><lang lang="anything">hm</lang>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
$text = '<span lang="en" class="multilang">hmmm</span><span lang="anything" class="multilang">hm</span>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
$text = '<span lang="en">hmmm</span>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertNotSame($text, $result);
// Keep standard lang tags.
$text = '<span lang="de_DU" class="multilang">asas</span>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
$text = '<lang lang="de_DU">xxxxxx</lang>';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame($text, $result);
* Tests the 'allowid' option for format_text.
public function test_format_text_allowid() {
// Start off by not allowing ids (default).
$options = array(
'nocache' => true
$result = format_text('<div id="example">Frog</div>', FORMAT_HTML, $options);
$this->assertSame('<div>Frog</div>', $result);
// Now allow ids.
$options['allowid'] = true;
$result = format_text('<div id="example">Frog</div>', FORMAT_HTML, $options);
$this->assertSame('<div id="example">Frog</div>', $result);
public function test_allowobjectembed() {
global $CFG;
$this->assertSame('0', $CFG->allowobjectembed);
$text = '<object width="425" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AyPzM5WK8ys" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AyPzM5WK8ys" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame('hmmm', trim($result));
$CFG->allowobjectembed = '1';
$expected = '<object width="425" height="350" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/AyPzM5WK8ys" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />
<param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" />
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AyPzM5WK8ys" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AyPzM5WK8ys" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" />
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame(str_replace("\n", '', $expected), str_replace("\n", '', $result));
$CFG->allowobjectembed = '0';
$result = purify_html($text, array());
$this->assertSame('hmmm', trim($result));
* Test if linebreaks kept unchanged.
public function test_line_breaking() {
$text = "\n\raa\rsss\nsss\r";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
* Test fixing of strict problems.
public function test_tidy() {
$text = "<p>xx";
$this->assertSame('<p>xx</p>', purify_html($text));
$text = "<P>xx</P>";
$this->assertSame('<p>xx</p>', purify_html($text));
$text = "xx<br>";
$this->assertSame('xx<br />', purify_html($text));
* Test nesting - this used to cause problems in earlier versions.
public function test_nested_lists() {
$text = "<ul><li>One<ul><li>Two</li></ul></li><li>Three</li></ul>";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
* Test that XSS protection works, complete smoke tests are in htmlpurifier itself.
public function test_cleaning_nastiness() {
$text = "x<SCRIPT>alert('XSS')</SCRIPT>x";
$this->assertSame('xx', purify_html($text));
$text = '<DIV STYLE="background-image:url(javascript:alert(\'XSS\'))">xx</DIV>';
$this->assertSame('<div>xx</div>', purify_html($text));
$text = '<DIV STYLE="width:expression(alert(\'XSS\'));">xx</DIV>';
$this->assertSame('<div>xx</div>', purify_html($text));
$text = 'x<IFRAME SRC="javascript:alert(\'XSS\');"></IFRAME>x';
$this->assertSame('xx', purify_html($text));
$text = 'x<OBJECT TYPE="text/x-scriptlet" DATA="http://ha.ckers.org/scriptlet.html"></OBJECT>x';
$this->assertSame('xx', purify_html($text));
$text = 'x<EMBED SRC="http://ha.ckers.org/xss.swf" AllowScriptAccess="always"></EMBED>x';
$this->assertSame('xx', purify_html($text));
$text = 'x<form></form>x';
$this->assertSame('xx', purify_html($text));
* Test internal function used for clean_text() speedup.
public function test_is_purify_html_necessary() {
// First our shortcuts.
$text = "";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = "666";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = "abc\ndef \" ' ";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = "abc\n<p>def</p>efg<p>hij</p>";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = "<br />abc\n<p>def<em>efg</em><strong>hi<br />j</strong></p>";
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
// Now failures.
$text = "&nbsp;";
$text = "Gin & Tonic";
$text = "Gin > Tonic";
$text = "Gin < Tonic";
$text = "<div>abc</div>";
$text = "<span>abc</span>";
$text = "<br>abc";
$text = "<p class='xxx'>abc</p>";
$text = "<p>abc<em></p></em>";
$text = "<p>abc";
public function test_allowed_schemes() {
// First standard schemas.
$text = '<a href="http://www.example.com/course/view.php?id=5">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="https://www.example.com/course/view.php?id=5">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="ftp://user@ftp.example.com/some/file.txt">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="nntp://example.com/group/123">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="news:groupname">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="mailto:user@example.com">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
// Extra schemes allowed in moodle.
$text = '<a href="irc://irc.example.com/3213?pass">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="rtsp://www.example.com/movie.mov">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="rtmp://www.example.com/video.f4v">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="teamspeak://speak.example.com/?par=val?par2=val2">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="gopher://gopher.example.com/resource">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="mms://www.example.com/movie.mms">link</a>';
$this->assertSame($text, purify_html($text));
// Now some borked or dangerous schemes.
$text = '<a href="javascript://www.example.com">link</a>';
$this->assertSame('<a>link</a>', purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="hmmm://www.example.com">link</a>';
$this->assertSame('<a>link</a>', purify_html($text));
* Test non-ascii domain names
public function test_idn() {
// Example of domain that gives the same result in IDNA2003 and IDNA2008 .
$text = '<a href="http://правительство.рф">правительство.рф</a>';
$expected = '<a href="http://xn--80aealotwbjpid2k.xn--p1ai">правительство.рф</a>';
$this->assertSame($expected, purify_html($text));
// Examples of deviations from http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr46/#Table_Deviation_Characters .
$text = '<a href="http://teßt.de">teßt.de</a>';
$expected = '<a href="http://xn--tet-6ka.de">teßt.de</a>';
$this->assertSame($expected, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="http://βόλος.com">http://βόλος.com</a>';
$expected = '<a href="http://xn--nxasmm1c.com">http://βόλος.com</a>';
$this->assertSame($expected, purify_html($text));
$text = '<a href="http://نامه‌ای.com">http://نامه‌ای.com</a>';
$expected = '<a href="http://xn--mgba3gch31f060k.com">http://نامه‌ای.com</a>';
$this->assertSame($expected, purify_html($text));
* Tests media tags.
* @dataProvider media_tags_provider
* @param string $mediatag HTML media tag
* @param string $expected expected result
public function test_media_tags($mediatag, $expected) {
$actual = format_text($mediatag, FORMAT_MOODLE, ['filter' => false]);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
* Test cases for the test_media_tags test.
public function media_tags_provider() {
// Takes an array of attributes, then generates a test for each of them.
$generatetestcases = function($prefix, array $attrs, array $templates) {
return array_reduce($attrs, function($carry, $attr) use ($prefix, $templates) {
$testcase = [$prefix . '/' . $attr => [
sprintf($templates[0], $attr),
sprintf($templates[1], $attr)
return empty(array_values($carry)[0]) ? $testcase : $carry + $testcase;
}, [[]]);
$audioattrs = [
'preload="auto"', 'autoplay=""', 'loop=""', 'muted=""', 'controls=""',
'crossorigin="anonymous"', 'crossorigin="use-credentials"'
$videoattrs = [
'crossorigin="anonymous"', 'crossorigin="use-credentials"',
'preload="auto"', 'autoplay=""', 'playsinline=""', 'loop=""', 'muted=""',
'controls=""', 'width="420"', 'height="69"'
return $generatetestcases('Plain audio', $audioattrs + ['src="http://example.com/jam.wav"'], [
'<audio %1$s>Looks like you can\'t slam the jams.</audio>',
'<div class="text_to_html"><audio %1$s>Looks like you can\'t slam the jams.</audio></div>'
]) + $generatetestcases('Audio with one source', $audioattrs, [
'<audio %1$s><source src="http://example.com/getup.wav">No tasty jams for you.</audio>',
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<audio %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" />' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'</audio>' .
]) + $generatetestcases('Audio with multiple sources', $audioattrs, [
'<audio %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.ogg" type="audio/ogg">' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<audio %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav" />' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'</audio>' .
]) + $generatetestcases('Audio with sources and tracks', $audioattrs, [
'<audio %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav">' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" label="English" srclang="en">' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_es.vtt" label="Espanol" srclang="es">' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<audio %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav" />' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" label="English" srclang="en" />' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_es.vtt" label="Espanol" srclang="es" />' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'</audio>' .
]) + $generatetestcases('Plain video', $videoattrs + ['src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4'], [
'<video %1$s>Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦</video>',
'<div class="text_to_html"><video %1$s>Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦</video></div>'
]) + $generatetestcases('Video with illegal subtag', $videoattrs + ['src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4'], [
'<video %1$s><subtag></subtag>Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦</video>',
'<div class="text_to_html"><video %1$s>Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦</video></div>'
]) + $generatetestcases('Video with legal subtag', $videoattrs + ['src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4'], [
'<video %1$s>Did not work <a href="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4">click here to download</a></video>',
'<div class="text_to_html"><video %1$s>Did not work <a href="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4">' .
'click here to download</a></video></div>'
]) + $generatetestcases('Source tag without video or audio', $videoattrs, [
'some text <source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav"> the end',
'<div class="text_to_html">some text the end</div>'
]) + $generatetestcases('Video with one source', $videoattrs, [
'<video %1$s><source src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4">Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦</video>',
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<video %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4" />' .
'Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦' .
'</video>' .
]) + $generatetestcases('Video with multiple sources', $videoattrs, [
'<video %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4" type="video/mp4">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/eljefe.mp4" type="video/mp4">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/turnitup.mov" type="video/mov">' .
'Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<video %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/prettygood.mp4" type="video/mp4" />' .
'<source src="http://example.com/eljefe.mp4" type="video/mp4" />' .
'<source src="http://example.com/turnitup.mov" type="video/mov" />' .
'Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦' .
'</video>' .
]) + $generatetestcases('Video with sources and tracks', $audioattrs, [
'<video %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav">' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" label="English" srclang="en">' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_es.vtt" label="Espanol" srclang="es">' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<video %1$s>' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav" />' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" label="English" srclang="en" />' .
'<track kind="subtitles" src="http://example.com/subtitles_es.vtt" label="Espanol" srclang="es" />' .
'No tasty jams for you.' .
'</video>' .
]) + ['Video with invalid crossorigin' => [
'<video src="http://example.com/turnitup.mov" crossorigin="can i pls hab?">' .
'Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<video src="http://example.com/turnitup.mov">' .
'Oh, that\'s pretty bad 😦' .
'</video>' .
]] + ['Audio with invalid crossorigin' => [
'<audio src="http://example.com/getup.wav" crossorigin="give me. the jams.">' .
'nyemnyemnyem' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<audio src="http://example.com/getup.wav">' .
'nyemnyemnyem' .
'</audio>' .
]] + ['Other attributes' => [
'<video src="http://example.com/turnitdown.mov" class="nofilter" data-something="data attribute" someattribute="somevalue" onclick="boom">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav" class="shouldberemoved" data-sourcedata="source data" onmouseover="kill session" />' .
'<track src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" class="shouldberemoved" data-trackdata="track data" onmouseover="removeme" />' .
'Do not remove attribute class but remove other attributes' .
'<div class="text_to_html">' .
'<video src="http://example.com/turnitdown.mov" class="nofilter">' .
'<source src="http://example.com/getup.wav" type="audio/wav" />' .
'<track src="http://example.com/subtitles_en.vtt" />' .
'Do not remove attribute class but remove other attributes' .
'</video>' .