Petr Škoda d79d5ac276 MDL-31501 rework user session architecture
List of changes:
 * New OOP API using PHP namespace \core\session\.
 * All handlers now update the sessions table consistently.
 * Experimental DB session support in Oracle.
 * Full support for session file handler (filesystem locking required).
 * New option for alternative session directory.
 * Official memcached session handler support.
 * Workaround for memcached version with non-functional gc.
 * Improved security - forced session id regeneration.
 * Improved compatibility with recent PHP releases.
 * Fixed borked CSS during install in debug mode.
 * Switched to file based sessions in new installs.
 * DB session setting disappears if DB does not support sessions.
 * DB session setting disappears if session handler specified in config.php.
 * Fast purging of sessions used in request only.
 * No legacy distinction -  file, database and memcached support the same functionality.
 * Session handler name included in performance info.
 * Fixed user_loggedin and user_loggedout event triggering.
 * Other minor bugfixing and improvements.
 * Fixed database session segfault if MUC disposed before $DB.

 * Session access time is now updated right after session start.
 * Support for $CFG->sessionlockloggedinonly was removed.
 * First request does not update userid in sessions table.
 * The timeouts may break badly if server hosting forces PHP.ini session settings.
 * The session GC is a lot slower, we do not rely on external session timeouts.
 * There cannot be any hooks triggered at the session write time.
 * File and memcached handlers do not support session lock acquire timeouts.
 * Some low level PHP session functions can not be used directly in Moodle code.
2013-09-21 13:11:56 +02:00

PHPUnit testing support in Moodle


Composer installation

Composer is a new dependency manager for PHP projects. It installs PHP libraries into /vendor/ subdirectory inside your moodle dirroot.

  1. install Composer -
  2. go to your moodle dirroot and execute php composer.phar install --dev

PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components. The packages installed via PEAR are available in all PHP projects.

  1. install PEAR package manager - see PEAR Manual
  2. install PHPUnit package and phpunit/DbUnit extension - see PHPUnit installation documentation
  3. edit main config.php - add $CFG->phpunit_prefix and $CFG->phpunit_dataroot - see config-dist.php
  4. execute php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php to initialise the test environment, repeat it after every upgrade or installation of plugins

Test execution

  • execute vendor/bin/phpunit (or phpunit if you use PEAR) from dirroot directory
  • you can execute a single test case class using class name followed by path to test file vendor/bin/phpunit core_phpunit_basic_testcase lib/tests/phpunit_test.php
  • it is also possible to create custom configuration files in xml format and use vendor/bin/phpunit -c mytestsuites.xml

How to add more tests?

  1. create tests directory in your plugin
  2. add local/mytest/tests/my_test.php file with local_my_testcase class that extends basic_testcase or advanced_testcase
  3. add some test_*() methods
  4. execute your new test case phpunit local_my_testcase local/mytest/tests/my_test.php
  5. execute php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php to get the plugin tests included in main phpunit.xml configuration file

How to convert existing tests?

  1. create new test file in xxx/tests/yyy_test.php
  2. copy contents of the old test file
  3. replace extends UnitTestCase with extends basic_testcase
  4. fix setUp(), tearDown(), asserts, etc.