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synced 2025-03-13 04:01:40 +01:00
I've left out stuff that didn't seem necessary ... including a lot of the Wiki plugins which were quote large... I'm not sure if this is currently working ... I'm about to try it out.
230 lines
6.2 KiB
230 lines
6.2 KiB
# The otherwise invisible markup [notify:you@there.net] will trigger a
# mail, whenever a page is changed. The TLD decides in which language
# the message will be delivered. One can also append the lang code after
# a comma or semicolon behind the mail address to set it explicitely:
# [notify:me@here.org,de] or [notify:you@there.net;eo]
# Nevertheless English will be used as the default automagically, if
# nothing else was specified, no need to worry about this.
# additional features:
# * diff inclusion
# * [notify:icq:123456789] - suddenly ICQ.com took the pager service down
# To include a diff, just set the following constant. Also use it to
# define the minimum number of changed bytes that are necessary to
# result in a notification mail. Only use it with Linux/UNIX.
define("EWIKI_NOTIFY_WITH_DIFF", 0); #-- set it to 100 or so
#-- glue
$ewiki_plugins["edit_hook"][] = "ewiki_notify_edit_hook";
$ewiki_plugins["format_source"][] = "ewiki_format_remove_notify";
$ewiki_config["interwiki"]["notify"] = "mailto:";
#-- email message text ---------------------------------------------------
$ewiki_t["en"]["NOTIFY_SUBJECT"] = '"$id" was changed [notify:...]';
$ewiki_t["en"]["NOTIFY_BODY"] = <<<_END_OF_STRING
A WikiPage has changed and you requested to be notified when this
happens. The changed page was '\$id' and can be found
at the following URL:
To stop messages like this please strip the [notify:...] with your address
from the page edit box at \$edit_link
(\$wiki_title on http://\$server/)
#-- translation.de
$ewiki_t["de"]["NOTIFY_SUBJECT"] = '"$id" wurde geändert [notify:...]';
$ewiki_t["de"]["NOTIFY_BODY"] = <<<_END_OF_STRING
Eine WikiSeite hat sich geändert, und du wolltest ja unbedingt wissen,
wenn das passiert. Die geänderte Seite war '\$id' und
ist leicht zu finden unter folgender URL:
Wenn du diese Benachrichtigungen nicht mehr bekommen willst, solltest du
deine [notify:...]-Adresse aus der entsprechenden Edit-Box herauslöschen:
(\$wiki_title auf http://\$server/)
#-- implementatition
function ewiki_notify_edit_hook($id, $data, &$hidden_postdata) {
global $ewiki_t, $ewiki_plugins;
$ret_err = 0;
if (!isset($_REQUEST["save"])) {
$mailto = ewiki_notify_links($data["content"], 0);
if (!count($mailto)) {
#-- generate diff
$diff = "";
#-- save page versions temporarily as files
$fn1 = EWIKI_TMP."/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.".md5($data["content"]);
$fn2 = EWIKI_TMP."/ewiki.tmp.notify.diff.".md5($_REQUEST["content"]);
$f = fopen($fn1, "w");
fwrite($f, $data["content"]);
$f = fopen($fn2, "w");
fwrite($f, $_REQUEST["content"]);
#-- set mtime of the old one (GNU diff will report it)
touch($fn1, $data["lastmodified"]);
#-- get diff output, rm temp files
$diff_exe = "diff";
if ($f = popen("$diff_exe --normal --ignore-case --ignore-space-change $fn1 $fn2 2>&1 ", "r")) {
$diff .= fread($f, 16<<10);
$diff_failed = !strlen($diff)
|| (strpos($diff, "Files ") === 0);
#-- do not [notify:] if changes were minimal
if ((!$diff_failed) && (strlen($diff) < EWIKI_NOTIFY_WITH_DIFF)) {
#echo("WikiNotice: no notify, because too few changes (" .strlen($diff)." byte)\n");
$ret_err = 1;
$diff = "\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"
. $diff;
else {
$diff = "";
#echo("WikiWarning: diff failed in notify module\n");
if ($ret_err) {
#-- separate addresses into (TLD) groups
$mailto_lang = array(
foreach ($mailto as $m) {
$lang = "";
#-- remove lang selection trailer
$m = strtok($m, ",");
if ($uu = strtok(",")) {
$lang = $uu;
$m = strtok($m, ";");
if ($uu = strtok(";")) {
$lang = $uu;
#-- else use TLD as language code
if (empty($lang)) {
$r = strrpos($m, ".");
$lang = substr($m, $r+1);
$lang = trim($lang);
#-- address mangling
$m = trim($m);
if (substr($m, 0, 4) == "icq:") {
$m = substr($m, 4) . "@pager.icq.com";
$mailto_lang[$lang][] = $m;
#-- go thru email address groups
foreach ($mailto_lang as $lang=>$a_mailto) {
$pref_langs = array_merge(array(
"$lang", "en"
), $ewiki_t["languages"]);
($server = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) or
($server = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
$s_4 = "http".($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on" ? 's':'')."://" . $server . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$link = str_replace("edit/$id", "$id", $s_4);
$m_text = ewiki_t("NOTIFY_BODY", array(
"id" => $id,
"link" => $link,
"edit_link" => $s_4,
"server_admin" => $_SERVER["SERVER_ADMIN"],
"server" => $server,
"wiki_title" => EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX,
), $pref_langs);
$m_text .= $diff;
$m_from = EWIKI_NOTIFY_SENDER."@$server";
$m_subject = ewiki_t("NOTIFY_SUBJECT", array(
"id" => $id,
), $pref_langs);
$m_to = implode(", ", $a_mailto);
mail($m_to, $m_subject, $m_text, "From: \"$s_2\" <$m_from>\nX-Mailer: ErfurtWiki/".EWIKI_VERSION);
function ewiki_notify_links(&$source, $strip=1) {
$links = array();
$l = 0;
if (strlen($source) > 10)
while (($l = @strpos($source, "[notify:", $l)) !== false) {
$r = strpos($source, "]", $l);
$str = substr($source, $l, $r + 1 - $l);
if (!strpos("\n", $str)) {
$links[] = trim(substr($str, 8, -1));
if ($strip) {
$source = substr($source, 0, $l) . substr($source, $r + 1);
function ewiki_format_remove_notify(&$source) {
ewiki_notify_links($source, 1);