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synced 2025-03-13 04:01:40 +01:00
I've left out stuff that didn't seem necessary ... including a lot of the Wiki plugins which were quote large... I'm not sure if this is currently working ... I'm about to try it out.
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dynamic plugin loading
Will load plugins on demand, so they must not be included() one by one
together with the core script. This is what commonly the "plugin idea"
suggests, and only has minimal disadvantages.
- This loader currently only handles "page" and "action" plugins,
many other extensions must be activated as before (the other ones
are real functionality enhancements and behaviour tweaks, so this
approach really made no sense for them).
- There is no security risk with this plugin loader extension, because
it allows you to set which of the available plugins CAN be loaded
on demand (all others must/can be included() as usual elsewhere).
- This however requires administration of this plugins` configuration
array, but that is not much more effort than maintaining a bunch of
include() statements.
- Is a small degree faster then including multiple plugin script files
one by one. Alternatively you could also merge (cat, mkhuge) all
wanted plugins into one script file so you get a speed improvement
against multiple include() calls.
- Use tools/mkpluginmap to create the initial plugin list.
$ewiki_plugins["dl"]["action"] = array(
"view" => array("", "", 0),
"links" => array("", "", 0),
"info" => array("", "", 0),
# "edit" => array("spellcheck.php", "", 0),
# "calendar" => array("calendar.php", "ewiki_page_calendar", 0),
# "addpost" => array("contrib/aview_posts.php", "ewiki_add_post", 0),
# "imageappend" => array("contrib/aview_imgappend.php", "ewiki_action_image_append", 0),
# "extodo" => array("contrib/action_extracttodo.php", "ewiki_extract_todo", 0),
# "addthread" => array("contrib/aview_threads.php", "ewiki_add_thread", 0),
# "control" => array("admin/control.php", "ewiki_action_control_page", 0),
# "pdf" => array("pdf.php", "ewiki_send_page_as_pdf", 0),
"diff" => array("diff.php", "ewiki_page_stupid_diff", 0),
# "diff" => array("diff_gnu.php", "ewiki_page_gnu_diff", 0),
# "binary" => array("downloads.php", "ewiki_binary", 0),
# "attachments" => array("downloads.php", "ewiki_action_attachments", 0),
"like" => array("like_pages.php", "ewiki_page_like", 0),
# "verdiff" => array("action_verdiff.php", "ewiki_action_verdiff", 0),
$ewiki_plugins["dl"]["page"] = array(
# "PageCalendar" => array("calendar.php", "ewiki_page_calendar", 0),
# "PageYearCalendar" => array("calendar.php", "ewiki_page_year_calendar", 0),
# "WikiNews" => array("contrib/page_wikinews.php", "ewiki_page_wikinews", 0),
# "WikiDump" => array("contrib/page_wikidump.php", "ewiki_page_wiki_dump_tarball", 0),
# "README" => array("contrib/page_README.php", "ewiki_page_README", 0),
# "README.de" => array("contrib/page_README.php", "ewiki_page_README", 0),
# "plugins/auth/README.auth" => array("contrib/page_README.php", "ewiki_page_README", 0),
# "Fortune" => array("contrib/page_fortune.php", "ewiki_page_fortune", 0),
# "ScanDisk" => array("contrib/page_scandisk.php", "ewiki_page_scandisk", 0),
"InterWikiMap" => array("contrib/page_interwikimap.php", "ewiki_page_interwikimap", 0),
# "WikiUserLogin" => array("contrib/page_wikiuserlogin.php", "ewiki_page_wikiuserlogin", 0),
# "PhpInfo" => array("contrib/page_phpinfo.php", "ewiki_page_phpinfo", 0),
# "ImageGallery" => array("contrib/page_imagegallery.php", "ewiki_page_image_gallery", 0),
# "SinceUpdatedPages" => array("contrib/page_since_updates.php", "ewiki_page_since_updates", 0),
# "TextUpload" => array("contrib/page_textupload.php", "ewiki_page_textupload", 0),
"HitCounter" => array("contrib/page_hitcounter.php", "ewiki_page_hitcounter", 0),
# "SearchCache" => array("admin/page_searchcache.php", "ewiki_cache_generated_pages", 0),
# "SearchAndReplace" => array("admin/page_searchandreplace.php", "ewiki_page_searchandreplace", 0),
# "FileUpload" => array("downloads.php", "ewiki_page_fileupload", 0),
# "FileDownload" => array("downloads.php", "ewiki_page_filedownload", 0),
"PowerSearch" => array("page_powersearch.php", "ewiki_page_powersearch", 0),
# "AboutPlugins" => array("page_aboutplugins.php", "ewiki_page_aboutplugins", 0),
"OrphanedPages" => array("page_orphanedpages.php", "ewiki_page_orphanedpages", 0),
"PageIndex" => array("page_pageindex.php", "ewiki_page_index", 0),
"RandomPage" => array("page_randompage.php", "ewiki_page_random", 0),
"WantedPages" => array("page_wantedpages.php", "ewiki_page_wantedpages", 0),
"WordIndex" => array("page_wordindex.php", "ewiki_page_wordindex", 0),
#-- plugin glue
$ewiki_plugins["view_init"][] = "ewiki_dynamic_plugin_loader";
function ewiki_dynamic_plugin_loader(&$id, &$data, &$action) {
global $ewiki_plugins, $ewiki_id, $ewiki_title, $ewiki_t,
$ewiki_ring, $ewiki_author, $ewiki_config, $ewiki_auth_user,
#-- check for entry
if (empty($ewiki_plugins["page"][$id])) {
$load = $ewiki_plugins["dl"]["page"][$id];
elseif (empty($ewiki_plugins["action"][$action])) {
$load = $ewiki_plugins["dl"]["action"][$action];
#-- load plugin
if ($load) {
if (!is_array($load)) {
$load = array($load, "");
if (!($pf=$load[1]) || !function_exists($pf)) {
#-- fake static pages
foreach ($ewiki_plugins["dl"]["page"] as $name) {
if (empty($ewiki_plugins["page"][$name])) {
$ewiki_plugins["page"][$name] = "ewiki_dynamic_plugin_loader";
#-- show action links
foreach ($ewiki_plugins["dl"]["action"] as $action=>$uu) {
foreach ($ewiki_config["dl"]["action_links"] as $where) {
if ($title = $ewiki_config["dl"]["action_links"][$where][$action]) {
$ewiki_config["action_links"][$where][$action] = $title;