tjhunt 05866d85d4 MDL-13806 - Refactor all the code that implements the rules for whether students can attempt the quiz now into some classes.
Here are unit tests for all the access rule classes, and the associated bug fixes.
2008-03-06 15:11:50 +00:00

616 lines
30 KiB

* This class keeps track of the various access rules that apply to a particular
* quiz, with convinient methods for seeing whether access is allowed.
class quiz_access_manager {
private $_quiz;
private $_timenow;
private $_passwordrule = null;
private $_securewindowrule = null;
private $_rules = array();
* Create an instance for a particular quiz.
* @param object $quiz the quiz we will be controlling access to.
* @param integer $timenow the
* @param boolean $canpreview whether the current user has the
* @param boolean $ignoretimelimits
public function __construct($quiz, $timenow, $canignoretimelimits) {
$this->_quiz = $quiz;
$this->_timenow = $timenow;
private function create_standard_rules($canignoretimelimits) {
if ($this->_quiz->attempts > 0) {
$this->_rules[] = new num_attempts_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = new open_close_date_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
if ($this->_quiz->timelimit && !$canignoretimelimits) {
$this->_rules[] = new time_limit_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
if ($this->_quiz->delay1 || $this->_quiz->delay2) {
$this->_rules[] = new inter_attempt_delay_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
if ($this->_quiz->subnet) {
$this->_rules[] = new ipaddress_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
if ($this->_quiz->password) {
$this->_passwordrule = new password_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = $this->_passwordrule;
if ($this->_quiz->popup) {
$this->_securewindowrule = new securewindow_access_rule($this->_quiz, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = $this->_securewindowrule;
private function accumulate_messages(&$messages, $new) {
if (is_array($new)) {
$messages = array_merge($messages, $new);
} else if (is_string($new) && $new) {
$messages[] = $new;
* Print each message in an array, each surrounded by &lt;p>, &lt;/p> tags.
* @param array $messages the array of message strings.
* @param boolean $return if true, return a string, instead of outputting.
* @return mixed, if $return is true, return the string that would have been output, otherwise
* return null.
public function print_messages($messages, $return=false) {
$output = '';
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$output .= '<p>' . $message . "</p>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Provide a description of the rules that apply to this quiz, such
* as is shown at the top of the quiz view page. Note that not all
* rules consider themselves important enough to output a description.
* @return array an array of description messages which may be empty. It
* would be sensible to output each one surrounded by &lt;p> tags.
public function describe_rules() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$this->accumulate_messages($result, $rule->description());
return $result;
* Is it OK to let the current user start a new attempt now? If there are
* any restrictions in force now, return an array of reasons why access
* should be blocked. If access is OK, return false.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return mixed An array of reason why access is not allowed, or an empty array
* (== false) if access should be allowed.
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
$reasons = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$rule->prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt));
return $reasons;
* Is it OK to let the current user start a new attempt now? If there are
* any restrictions in force now, return an array of reasons why access
* should be blocked. If access is OK, return false.
* @return mixed An array of reason why access is not allowed, or an empty array
* (== false) if access should be allowed.
public function prevent_access() {
$reasons = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$this->accumulate_messages($reasons, $rule->prevent_access());
return $reasons;
* Do any of the rules mean that this student will no be allowed any further attempts at this
* quiz. Used, for example, to change the label by the grade displayed on the view page from
* 'your current score is' to 'your final score is'.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return boolean true if there is no way the user will ever be allowed to attempt this quiz again.
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
if ($rule->is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt)) {
return true;
return false;
public function setup_secure_page() {
/// This prevents the message window coming up.
define('MESSAGE_WINDOW', true);
echo "\n\n", '<script type="text/javascript">';
/// This used to be in protect_js.php. I really don't understand this bit.
/// I have just moved it here for cleanliness reasons.
echo "quiz_init_securewindow_protection('", get_string('functiondisabled','quiz'), "');\n";
echo 'document.write(unescape("%3C%53%43%52%49%50%54%20%4C%41%4E%47%55%41%47%45%3D%22%4A%61%76%61%53%63%72%69%70%74%22%3E%3C%21%2D%2D%0D%0A%68%70%5F%6F%6B%3D%74%72%75%65%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%30%30%28%73%29%7B%69%66%28%21%68%70%5F%6F%6B%29%72%65%74%75%72%6E%3B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%73%29%7D%2F%2F%2D%2D%3E%3C%2F%53%43%52%49%50%54%3E"));';
echo 'hp_d00(unescape("%3C%53%43%52%49%50%54%20%4C%41%4E%47%55%41%47%45%3D%22%4A%61%76%61%53%63%72%69%70%74%22%3E%3C%21%2D%2D%0D%0A%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%6E%65%28%29%7B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%74%72%75%65%7D%6F%6E%65%72%72%6F%72%3D%68%70%5F%6E%65%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%6E%28%61%29%7B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%66%61%6C%73%65%7D%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%65%28%65%29%7B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%28%65%2E%74%61%72%67%65%74%2E%74%61%67%4E%61%6D%65%21%3D%6E%75%6C%6C%26%26%65%2E%74%61%72%67%65%74%2E%74%61%67%4E%61%6D%65%2E%73%65%61%72%63%68%28%27%5E%28%49%4E%50%55%54%7C%54%45%58%54%41%52%45%41%7C%42%55%54%54%4F%4E%7C%53%45%4C%45%43%54%29%24%27%29%21%3D%2D%31%29%7D%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%6D%64%28%65%29%7B%69%66%28%65%2E%77%68%69%63%68%3D%3D%31%29%7B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%63%61%70%74%75%72%65%45%76%65%6E%74%73%28%45%76%65%6E%74%2E%4D%4F%55%53%45%4D%4F%56%45%29%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%6D%6F%75%73%65%6D%6F%76%65%3D%68%70%5F%64%6E%7D%7D%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%6D%75%28%65%29%7B%69%66%28%65%2E%77%68%69%63%68%3D%3D%31%29%7B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%72%65%6C%65%61%73%65%45%76%65%6E%74%73%28%45%76%65%6E%74%2E%4D%4F%55%53%45%4D%4F%56%45%29%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%6D%6F%75%73%65%6D%6F%76%65%3D%6E%75%6C%6C%7D%7D%69%66%28%6E%61%76%69%67%61%74%6F%72%2E%61%70%70%4E%61%6D%65%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%27%49%6E%74%65%72%6E%65%74%20%45%78%70%6C%6F%72%65%72%27%29%3D%3D%2D%31%7C%7C%28%6E%61%76%69%67%61%74%6F%72%2E%75%73%65%72%41%67%65%6E%74%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%27%4D%53%49%45%27%29%21%3D%2D%31%26%26%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%21%3D%30%29%29%7B%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%29%7B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%6F%6E%73%65%6C%65%63%74%73%74%61%72%74%3D%68%70%5F%64%6E%7D%65%6C%73%65%20%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%6C%61%79%65%72%73%29%7B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%63%61%70%74%75%72%65%45%76%65%6E%74%73%28%45%76%65%6E%74%2E%4D%4F%55%53%45%55%50%7C%45%76%65%6E%74%2E%4D%4F%55%53%45%44%4F%57%4E%29%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%6D%6F%75%73%65%64%6F%77%6E%3D%68%70%5F%6D%64%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%6D%6F%75%73%65%75%70%3D%68%70%5F%6D%75%7D%65%6C%73%65%20%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%67%65%74%45%6C%65%6D%65%6E%74%42%79%49%64%26%26%21%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%29%7B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%6F%6E%6D%6F%75%73%65%64%6F%77%6E%3D%68%70%5F%64%65%7D%7D%69%66%28%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6C%6F%63%61%74%69%6F%6E%2E%68%72%65%66%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%30%2C%34%29%3D%3D%22%66%69%6C%65%22%29%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6C%6F%63%61%74%69%6F%6E%3D%22%61%62%6F%75%74%3A%62%6C%61%6E%6B%22%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%6E%6C%73%28%29%7B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%73%74%61%74%75%73%3D%22%22%3B%73%65%74%54%69%6D%65%6F%75%74%28%22%68%70%5F%6E%6C%73%28%29%22%2C%31%30%29%7D%68%70%5F%6E%6C%73%28%29%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%70%31%28%29%7B%66%6F%72%28%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%29%7B%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%5B%69%5D%2E%73%74%79%6C%65%2E%76%69%73%69%62%69%6C%69%74%79%21%3D%22%68%69%64%64%65%6E%22%29%7B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%5B%69%5D%2E%73%74%79%6C%65%2E%76%69%73%69%62%69%6C%69%74%79%3D%22%68%69%64%64%65%6E%22%3B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%5B%69%5D%2E%69%64%3D%22%68%70%5F%69%64%22%7D%7D%7D%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%70%32%28%29%7B%66%6F%72%28%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%29%7B%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%5B%69%5D%2E%69%64%3D%3D%22%68%70%5F%69%64%22%29%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%5B%69%5D%2E%73%74%79%6C%65%2E%76%69%73%69%62%69%6C%69%74%79%3D%22%22%7D%7D%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%62%65%66%6F%72%65%70%72%69%6E%74%3D%68%70%5F%64%70%31%3B%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%6E%61%66%74%65%72%70%72%69%6E%74%3D%68%70%5F%64%70%32%3B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%73%74%79%6C%65%20%74%79%70%65%3D%22%74%65%78%74%2F%63%73%73%22%20%6D%65%64%69%61%3D%22%70%72%69%6E%74%22%3E%3C%21%2D%2D%62%6F%64%79%7B%64%69%73%70%6C%61%79%3A%6E%6F%6E%65%7D%2D%2D%3E%3C%2F%73%74%79%6C%65%3E%27%29%3B%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%64%63%28%29%7B%68%70%5F%74%61%2E%63%72%65%61%74%65%54%65%78%74%52%61%6E%67%65%28%29%2E%65%78%65%63%43%6F%6D%6D%61%6E%64%28%22%43%6F%70%79%22%29%3B%73%65%74%54%69%6D%65%6F%75%74%28%22%68%70%5F%64%63%28%29%22%2C%33%30%30%29%7D%69%66%28%6E%61%76%69%67%61%74%6F%72%2E%61%70%70%4E%61%6D%65%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%27%49%6E%74%65%72%6E%65%74%20%45%78%70%6C%6F%72%65%72%27%29%3D%3D%2D%31%7C%7C%28%6E%61%76%69%67%61%74%6F%72%2E%75%73%65%72%41%67%65%6E%74%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%27%4D%53%49%45%27%29%21%3D%2D%31%26%26%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%21%3D%30%29%29%7B%69%66%28%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%61%6C%6C%26%26%6E%61%76%69%67%61%74%6F%72%2E%75%73%65%72%41%67%65%6E%74%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%27%4F%70%65%72%61%27%29%3D%3D%2D%31%29%7B%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%64%69%76%20%73%74%79%6C%65%3D%22%70%6F%73%69%74%69%6F%6E%3A%61%62%73%6F%6C%75%74%65%3B%6C%65%66%74%3A%2D%31%30%30%30%70%78%3B%74%6F%70%3A%2D%31%30%30%30%70%78%22%3E%3C%69%6E%70%75%74%20%74%79%70%65%3D%22%74%65%78%74%61%72%65%61%22%20%6E%61%6D%65%3D%22%68%70%5F%74%61%22%20%76%61%6C%75%65%3D%22%20%22%20%73%74%79%6C%65%3D%22%76%69%73%69%62%69%6C%69%74%79%3A%68%69%64%64%65%6E%22%3E%3C%2F%64%69%76%3E%27%29%3B%68%70%5F%64%63%28%29%7D%7D%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%68%70%5F%6E%64%64%28%29%7B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%66%61%6C%73%65%7D%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%6F%6E%64%72%61%67%73%74%61%72%74%3D%68%70%5F%6E%64%64%3B%2F%2F%2D%2D%3E%3C%2F%53%43%52%49%50%54%3E"));';
echo "</script>\n";
public function show_attempt_timer_if_needed($attempt, $timenow) {
$timeleft = false;
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$ruletimeleft = $rule->time_left($attempt, $timenow);
if ($ruletimeleft !== false && ($timeleft === false || $ruletimeleft < $timeleft)) {
$timeleft = $ruletimeleft;
if ($timeleft !== false) {
/// Make sure the timer starts just above zero. If $timeleft was <= 0, then
/// this will just have the effect of causing the quiz to be submitted immediately.
$timerstartvalue = max($timeleft, 1);
print_box_start('', 'quiz-timer-outer');
print_heading(get_string('timeleft', 'quiz'), '', 3);
echo '<p id="quiz-timer-display"></p>';
echo "\n\n", '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo "quiz_timer.initialise('", get_string('timesup','quiz'), "', ", $timerstartvalue, ");";
echo "</script>\n";
* @return bolean if this quiz should only be shown to students in a secure window.
public function securewindow_required($canpreview) {
return !$canpreview && !is_null($this->_securewindowrule);
* @return object the securewindow_access_rule instance for this quiz,
* or null if securewindow_required returns false.
public function get_securewindow_object() {
return $this->_securewindowrule;
* @return bolean if this quiz is password protected.
public function password_required() {
return !is_null($this->_passwordrule);
* Clear the flag in the session that says that the current user is allowed to do this quiz.
public function clear_password_access() {
if (!is_null($this->_passwordrule)) {
* Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
* This function only returns is access is OK.
public function do_password_check() {
if (!is_null($this->_passwordrule)) {
* @return string if the quiz policies merit it, return a warning string to be displayed
* in a javascript alert on the start attempt button.
public function confirm_start_attempt_message() {
if ($this->_quiz->timelimit && $this->_quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('confirmstartattempttimelimit','quiz', $this->_quiz->attempts);
} else if ($this->_quiz->timelimit) {
return get_string('confirmstarttimelimit','quiz');
} else if ($this->_quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('confirmstartattemptlimit','quiz', $this->_quiz->attempts);
return '';
* Make some text into a link to review the quiz, if that is appropriate.
* @param string $linktext some text.
* @param object $attempt the attempt object
* @return string some HTML, the $linktext either unmodified or wrapped in
public function make_review_link($linktext, $attempt) {
global $CFG;
/// If not even responses are to be shown in review then we don't allow any review
if (!($this->_quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_RESPONSES)) {
return $linktext;
/// If the quiz is still open, are reviews allowed?
if ((!$this->_quiz->timeclose || time() < $this->_quiz->timeclose) &&
!($this->_quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_OPEN)) {
/// If not, don't link.
return $linktext;
/// If the quiz is closed, are reviews allowed?
if (($this->_quiz->timeclose && time() > $this->_quiz->timeclose) &&
!($this->_quiz->review & QUIZ_REVIEW_CLOSED)) {
/// If not, don't link.
return $linktext;
/// If the attempt is still open, don't link.
if (!$attempt->timefinish) {
return $linktext;
/// It is OK to link.
// TODO replace this with logic that matches review.php.
if ($this->securewindow_required(false)) {
return $this->get_securewindow_object()->make_review_link($linktext, $attempt->id);
} else {
return '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/review.php?q=' . $this->_quiz->id .
'&amp;attempt=' . $attempt->id . '">' . $linktext . '</a>';
* A base class that defines the interface for the various quiz access rules.
* Most of the methods are defined in a slightly unnatural way because we either
* want to say that access is allowed, or explain the reason why it is block.
* Therefore instead of is_access_allowed(...) we have prevent_access(...) that
* return false if access is permitted, or a string explanation (which is treated
* as true) if access should be blocked. Slighly unnatural, but acutally the easist
* way to implement this.
abstract class quiz_access_rule_base {
protected $_quiz;
protected $_timenow;
* Create an instance of this rule for a particular quiz.
* @param object $quiz the quiz we will be controlling access to.
public function __construct($quiz, $timenow) {
$this->_quiz = $quiz;
$this->_timenow = $timenow;
* Whether or not a user should be allowed to start a new attempt at this quiz now.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return string false if access should be allowed, a message explaining the reason if access should be prevented.
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return false;
* Whether or not a user should be allowed to start a new attempt at this quiz now.
* @return string false if access should be allowed, a message explaining the reason if access should be prevented.
public function prevent_access() {
return false;
* Information, such as might be shown on the quiz view page, relating to this restriction.
* There is no obligation to return anything. If it is not appropriate to tell students
* about this rule, then just return ''.
* @return mixed a message, or array of messages, explaining the restriction
* (may be '' if no message is appropriate).
public function description() {
return '';
* If this rule can determine that this user will never be allowed another attempt at
* this quiz, then return true. This is used so we can know whether to display a
* final score on the view page. This will only be called if there is not a currently
* active attempt for this user.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return boolean true if this rule means that this user will never be allowed another
* attempt at this quiz.
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return false;
* If, becuase of this rule, the user has to finish their attempt by a certain time,
* you should override this method to return the amount of time left in seconds.
* @param object $attempt the current attempt
* @param integer $timenow the time now. We don't use $this->_timenow, so we can
* give the user a more accurate indication of how much time is left.
* @return mixed false if there is no deadline, of the time left in seconds if there is one.
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
return false;
* A rule controlling the number of attempts allowed.
class num_attempts_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('attemptsallowedn', 'quiz', $this->_quiz->attempts);
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
if ($numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('nomoreattempts', 'quiz');
return false;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return $numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts;
* A rule enforcing open and close dates.
class open_close_date_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
$result = array();
if ($this->_timenow < $this->_quiz->timeopen) {
$result[] = get_string('quiznotavailable', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeopen));
} else if ($this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$result[] = get_string("quizclosed", "quiz", userdate($this->_quiz->timeclose));
} else {
if ($this->_quiz->timeopen) {
$result[] = get_string('quizopenedon', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeopen));
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$result[] = get_string('quizcloseson', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeclose));
return $result;
public function prevent_access() {
if ($this->_timenow < $this->_quiz->timeopen ||
($this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose)) {
return get_string('notavailable', 'quiz');
return false;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return $this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose;
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$timeleft = $this->_quiz->timeclose - $timenow;
return $timeleft;
return false;
* A rule imposing the delay between attemtps settings.
class inter_attempt_delay_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
if ($this->_quiz->attempts > 0 && $numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts) {
/// No more attempts allowed anyway.
return false;
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose != 0 && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
/// No more attempts allowed anyway.
return false;
$nextstarttime = 0;
if ($numprevattempts == 1 && $this->_quiz->delay1) {
$nextstarttime = $lastattempt->timefinish + $this->_quiz->delay1;
} else if ($numprevattempts > 1 && $this->_quiz->delay2) {
$nextstarttime = $lastattempt->timefinish + $this->_quiz->delay2;
if ($this->_timenow < $nextstarttime) {
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose == 0 || $nextstarttime <= $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
return get_string('youmustwait', 'quiz', userdate($nextstarttime));
} else {
return get_string('youcannotwait', 'quiz');
return false;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
$nextstarttime = 0;
if ($numprevattempts == 1 && $this->_quiz->delay1) {
$nextstarttime = $lastattempt->timefinish + $this->_quiz->delay1;
} else if ($numprevattempts > 1 && $this->_quiz->delay2) {
$nextstarttime = $lastattempt->timefinish + $this->_quiz->delay2;
return $this->_timenow <= $nextstarttime &&
$this->_quiz->timeclose != 0 && $nextstarttime >= $this->_quiz->timeclose;
* A rule implementing the ipaddress check against the ->submet setting.
class ipaddress_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function prevent_access() {
if (address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $this->_quiz->subnet)) {
return false;
} else {
return get_string('subnetwrong', 'quiz');
* A rule representing the password check. It does not actually implement the check,
* that has to be done directly in attempt.php, but this facilitates telling users about it.
class password_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz');
* Clear the flag in the session that says that the current user is allowed to do this quiz.
public function clear_access_allowed() {
global $SESSION;
if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {
* Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
* This function only returns is access is OK.
* @param $return if true, return the HTML for the form (if required), instead of outputting
* it at stopping
* @return mixed return null, unless $return is true, and a form needs to be displayed.
public function do_password_check($return = false) {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
/// We have already checked the password for this quiz this session, so don't ask again.
if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {
/// If the user cancelled the password form, send them back to the view page.
if (optional_param('cancelpassword', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
redirect($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/view.php?q=' . $this->_quiz->id);
/// If they entered the right password, let them in.
$enteredpassword = optional_param('quizpassword', '', PARAM_RAW);
if (strcmp($this->_quiz->password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
$SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id] = true;
/// User entered the wrong password, or has not entered one yet, so display the form.
$output = '';
/// Start the page and print the quiz intro, if any.
if (!$return) {
print_header('', '', '', 'quizpassword');
if (trim(strip_tags($this->_quiz->intro))) {
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$output .= print_box(format_text($this->_quiz->intro, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions),
'generalbox', 'intro', true);
$output .= print_box_start('generalbox', 'passwordbox', true);
/// If they have previously tried and failed to enter a password, tell them it was wrong.
if (!empty($enteredpassword)) {
$output .= '<p class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('passworderror', 'quiz') . '</p>';
/// Print the password entry form.
$output .= '<p>' . get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz') . "</p>\n";
$output .= '<form id="passwordform" method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot .
'/mod/quiz/attempt.php?q=' . $this->_quiz->id .
'" onclick="this.autocomplete=\'off\'">' . "\n";
$output .= "<div>\n";
$output .= '<label for="quizpassword">' . get_string('password') . "</label>\n";
$output .= '<input name="quizpassword" id="quizpassword" type="password" value=""/>' . "\n";
$output .= '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
$output .= '<input type="submit" name="cancelpassword" value="' .
get_string('cancel') . '" />' . "\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
$output .= "</form>\n";
/// Finish page.
$output .= print_box_end(true);
/// return or display form.
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* A rule representing the time limit. It does not actually restrict access, but we use this
* class to encapsulate some of the relevant code.
class time_limit_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('quiztimelimit', 'quiz', format_time($this->_quiz->timelimit * 60));
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
return $attempt->timestart + $this->_quiz->timelimit*60 - $timenow;
* A rule implementing the ipaddress check against the ->submet setting.
class securewindow_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
private $windowoptions = "left=0, top=0, height='+window.screen.height+', width='+window.screen.width+', channelmode=yes, fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=yes, resizeable=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, titlebar=no, location=no, status=no, menubar=no";
* Output the start attempt button.
* @param string $buttontext the desired button caption.
* @param string $cmid the quiz cmid.
* @param string $strconfirmstartattempt optional message to diplay in a JavaScript altert
* before the button submits.
public function print_start_attempt_button($buttontext, $cmid, $strconfirmstartattempt) {
global $CFG;
$attempturl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/attempt.php?id=' . $cmid;
$window = 'quizpopup';
if (!empty($CFG->usesid) && !isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
$attempturl = sid_process_url($attempturl);
echo '<input type="button" value="' . s($buttontext) . '" onclick="javascript:';
if ($strconfirmstartattempt) {
echo "if (confirm('" . addslashes_js($strconfirmstartattempt) . "')) ";
echo "'$attempturl', '$window', '$this->windowoptions');", '" />';
* Make a link to the review page for an attempt.
* @param string $linktext the desired link text.
* @param integer $attemptid the attempt id.
* @return string HTML for the link.
public function make_review_link($linktext, $attemptid) {
global $CFG;
return link_to_popup_window($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/review.php?q=' . $this->_quiz->id .
'&amp;attempt=' . $attemptid, 'quizpopup', $linktext, '', '', '', $windowoptions, true);