martinlanghoff 07b76bad6a chat: Prevent user from submitting a 2nd message before his 1st is received.
Some users reported that mod/chat was silently dropping some messages. The
user's browser may not be able to keep up with the rate at which he submits
chat messages. This update keeps things sane.

Merged from MOODLE_16_STABLE

Author: Donal McMullan <>
2006-07-12 02:29:12 +00:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

<?php // $Id$
$chat_sid = required_param('chat_sid', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$chat_message = required_param('chat_message', PARAM_RAW);
if (!$chatuser = get_record('chat_users', 'sid', $chat_sid)) {
error('Not logged in!');
if (!$chat = get_record('chat', 'id', $chatuser->chatid)) {
error('No chat found');
if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $chat->course, '', '', '','', 'id, shortname')) {
error('Could not find the course this belongs to!');
if (isguest()) {
error('Guest does not have access to chat rooms');
/// Delete old users now
/// Clean up the message
$chat_message = addslashes(clean_text(stripslashes($chat_message), FORMAT_MOODLE)); // Strip bad tags
/// Add the message to the database
if (!empty($chat_message)) {
$message->chatid = $chatuser->chatid;
$message->userid = $chatuser->userid;
$message->groupid = $chatuser->groupid;
$message->message = $chat_message;
$message->timestamp = time();
if (!insert_record('chat_messages', $message)) {
error('Could not insert a chat message!');
$chatuser->lastmessageping = time() - 2;
update_record('chat_users', $chatuser);
if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('chat', $chat->id, $course->id)) {
add_to_log($course->id, 'chat', 'talk', "view.php?id=$cm->id", $chat->id, $cm->id);
if ($chatuser->version == 'header_js') {
/// force msg referesh ASAP
echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.jsupdate.location.href = parent.jsupdate.document.anchors[0].href;parent.input.enableForm();</script>';